1 HILLS BOWLING ASSOCIATION HBA EXECUTIVE MEETING – 1.6.15 HELD AT TERRY STEPHEN’S HOUSE, LOBETHAL Present: Terry Stephen, Graham Weyland, Fred Dorr, Wayne Lee, Beth Young, Roger Faehrmann, and Alex Reynolds. Meeting commenced 7.25 pm. FD congratulated all present on their appointment or re-appointment to the Executive Committee, and welcomed AR to her first meeting. TS circulates draft HBA Events Calendar (along with copies of Bowls SA Country and Metro Calendars, draft schedule re various alternative formats, and refers to Regional AGM minutes. All agreed to do away with shield matches – other than the Thursday Ladies Patron’s Shield and the Harrison Shield. All agreed to start pennant matches on the following dates – Sat. 10.10.15, Wed. 14.10.15, and Thurs. 15.10.15. All agreed to schedule regular rounds of Saturday pennant matches on Sat. 12.12.15 (despite clash with Prestige Medley) and Sat. 19.12.15 (despite clash with State Mixed Pairs). General consensus that both events likely to involve no more than 6-10 players in total (male and female) – and unfair to call off bowls for the other 370 HBA players. Provided however that we will draw this clash to everyone’s attention from the outset. All agreed to leave no spare make up days. Given that Easter is a week earlier this year, and given the general complaint that the season finishes too early – all agreed to extend the season beyond Easter – with the Wed. GF on 30.3.16, the Thurs. GF on 31.3.16, and the Saturday semis and prelim finals on the weekend of 2.4 and 3.4. This would see the Sat. GF scheduled on 9.4.15 – which clashes with Women’s Country Carnival finals. However, given that we play normal pennants on Men’s Country Carnival – and again the event is unlikely at best to occupy more than a few players – agreed to leave it there. Is always the possibility to reschedule Div. I for the following Saturday if there is some major issue. TS circulates copy of current HBA website home page – along with suggested amendment. Aim marketing at the Adelaide Hills wine/dining/tourism attractions – change cover picture, and 2 change “tag” words to include “wine”, “food”, “dining”, “Adelaide Hills”, and “cellar door” in addition to existing sports and bowls related tags. Hope to attract “hits” from non bowlers. All agreed. General discussion re amended heat rule currently before club delegates. General concern expressed by TS, GW, WL, and BY that (a) rule not supported by our respective clubs, and (b) concern that it has potential to negatively impact on any Champ of Champ events because our perception is that members generally reluctant to be involved in Saturday night fixtures. Option suggested by FD to the effect that any Div I and II matches be rescheduled to the next available Friday night – which would mean Jan/Feb matches being held over to 4th, 11th, or 18th March 2016. Had general support – committee to consider either a further amendment to the existing motion, or withdraw existing motion and submit new motion. General discussion re potential alternative formats for Saturday pennants. FD proposal involves: o A four/three/two format in Div I and possibly Div II. o Match split into two halves. o Capacity to change/transfer/replace players etc after first half. o Trial this for first four weeks of season – then revert to normal format for remaining 18 rounds. Major problem arises from incapacity of IMG Online recording system to allow for exchange of players during a match. May be alleviated by making each match two separate matches – but defeats the purpose of being able to restructure teams during play. If we introduce a new format to run for the entire season – there are programming problems associated with reduced numbers being used in higher grades (refer to the schedule prepared by TS). Some discussion re possibility of making the trial period a full round of half matches (but TS realised after meeting that this would require five weekends 9 matches per weekend, leaving 17 rounds (not two full rounds). Will need to be given further consideration. Champ of Champ triples and fours. TS maintains that the amended EOA does not permit gender segregation in triples or fours as they do not lead to a national competition – regardless of what Regional elect to do. Propose that HBA Champ of Champs be run as single gender singles and pairs, and open gender triples and fours. General discussion. TS agreed to provide all committee members with a summary/synopsis of the legislation – so that the matter can be further addressed at the next exec meeting. 3 Thursday Ladies pennant format. General consensus that the competition remains in jeopardy if current format maintained. Teams currently require a minimum of 6 women – some clubs down to only about 7-8 women, and virtually every side fielded during the past season used at least two male fill ins. A format which requires fewer players is more likely to increase the longevity of the competition. TS formulates a proposal re 9 players (4/3/2 – with the fours to be comprised entirely women, remaining 5 can be either gender at complete discretion of club). BY promotes continuation of fours format – but perhaps two rinks of four (with same rule as present re at least half the side comprising women, and opposite gender players only once available women used up). Some committee members suggest just leaving as is – and when the competition dies off, so be it. Further consideration deferred to next exec meeting. Website Poll. TS advises that the HBA website has a facility to enable a poll to be conducted of members as to preferences for various issues – such as alternative pennant formats, heat rule etc. TS has experimented with some test polls – but would need to do a “bland” test run to check accuracy and validity of results. There are still some shortcomings however associated with online based polls and surveys. Scheduling of Finals Venues. Some clubs (in particular Lobethal) have expressed some disquiet with the existing rule regarding scheduling of finals at the “best available neutral green” – essentially because this resulted in Lenswood hosting most of the finals in each competition. Exec members would also like a rule which enables us to (a) exclude venues not up to standard for finals, and (b) share finals amongst neutral clubs are of adequate standard. Draft suggestion proffered by FD: o The Executive Committee will determine the venue for finals using the following criteria: i. It will remove from consideration any club whose green is determined to be unacceptable. ii. Thereafter finals will be rotated through the remaining greens alphabetically, subject to (a) the game being played at a neutral venue, and (b) the club having suitable facilities for the final The committee to give this further consideration prior to the next meeting. 4 GW raises concern re disparate number of sides in Wed. Div. I and II – some efforts to be made to invoke some form of promotion/relegation to bring a minimum of 8 sides into Div I. – based on ladder position the preceding season. BY is keen to clarify the number of qualified umpires at each club as BSA database not up to date. GW believes that he has that information – and will send it to TS. Thereafter TS will send this to clubs to seek confirmation that it is accurate. WL addresses various issues from Regional AGM. Region will now pay for CRR and Prestige Medley lunches, NW shield still precedes Schroeder Shield, State Open singles and City v Country shield now gone. Congratulations to WL on election as Regional Councillor to replace Lyn Walker – WL now away from 3.6 – 1.8 (but contactable by email). Meeting closed 10.25pm Next meeting: Executive – Monday 6th July 2015 at 7.30pm at TS’ house. Delegates– Monday 20th July 2015 at 7.30pm at Lobethal BC.