
Santa versus the Aliens!
Primary 5/6 and Mr Adams©
Own song-rap
Narrator- Once upon a time in a workshop many miles deep inside the North pole, an army of
elves were busy working away at getting Santa’s toy list ready for his deliveries on Christmas Eve.
Eemia- How’s the toy soldier list looking, Elliot?
Elliot- Nearly finished, just waiting on the Head Elf to give the order the go ahead and wrap them
Eemia- So do I, OOOOOhhhhh, Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way………
EFX-WHOLE CLASS-Jingle Bells 1st verse
Santa- Ho Ho Ho, hello my lovely elf army, how are you all on this wonderful day??
All Elves- We love you Santa! We’re nearly finished the toy list we are just waiting on a delivery
from the South Pole..
Santa- Really? I wonder what’s holding things up? Head Elf!!
Head Elf- Yes sir!
Santa- Get on it, Trixie!
Head Elf- Rodger that, Santa! Over and Out!
Head Elf- Do we have a code word for this operation, Santa?
Santa- Yes, the mission is code named, operation…………. cookies and milk!
Head Elf- You’re all about the cookies and milk, sir!
Santa, I know, they’re just so crunchy and sweet and chewy, then the milk with it’s fresh cold…..
Head Elf- Sir! You’re dribbling all over your new red jumper!
Santa, Eh, ok! Off you go Trixie!
Narrator- So, there seems to be a problem with Santa’s supply chain from the South Pole. Santa
has sent his Head Elf, Trixie off to investigate the problem. Little did the North Polites know, but
eyes from a distant planet had been watching them for a long long long long long long long long…
You get the point, ages!!
Vector the baddie- HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, , cough, cough, OOH! I shouldn’t have eaten
that final swamp slug pie! Curse you intergalactic weight watchers!!
E.T- Sir! I’ve just had a communication from our spy in the north pole
Vector- Go on…
E.T- He’s reporting a loss in production..
Vector- Go on…
E.T-Santa’s sending his head elf to investigate.
Vector- Go on…
E.T-Our spy is awaiting instructions from you..
Vector- Go on…
E.T- What is your command, Sir!?
Vector- Ehm, Go on?
E.T- I’m afraid that doesn’t make any sense, Sir!
Vector- You’re right! Tell our operative we’re moving to stage 2 of the plan, operation ‘Go On’ is
on the go! Wha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, cough cough cough!
Gooptupus- Bob! Have you any idea what’s going on here?!
Bob- None whatsoever!
Gooptupus- Fancy a swamp slug pie and let these 2 get on with it?
Bob- Do swaggle backed tree fish have 3 eyes?
Gooptupus, Let’s go….
E.T/Vector arguing-No it’s called operation ‘Go On’ but I also want you to go on, but that doesn’t
make sense….
Narrator- Santa’s head elf set off for the South pole, flying through the sky on Santa’s fastest
reindeer, Rudolph! The journey would take 60 minutes flying at 10,000 feet, but little did Rudolph
and Trixie know, Vector the baddies spy was also travelling with them in Rudolph’s side bag.
Trixie- How long until we land Rudolph?
Rudolph- Ro Ro the rattling bog, the bog down in the ……….
Trixie- Rudolph!! When will we be landing?
Rudolph- Why are you asking me!? I can’t speak..
Trixie- Eh?
Rudolph- Oh! Apparently I CAN speak, well there you go now. I’ll put away my ipod, what’s up
Trixie- When are we landing..
Rudolph- NOW!!!!!!
Both- AAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Narrator- Meanwhile, in the den of the evil South Pole pixies. Vectoria, One eye, Clia, Icey, Stormy
and Alex the pixies are busy building toys and then wrecking them with a big hammer!
Vectoria- Did you 5 hear that?
One-eye- Hear what, Vectoria
Stormy- Yeah, it sounded like an explosion, it came from just outside the secret bunker..
Icey- I like tomatoes!!!
All- ehm…….Ok, Icey- we know!
Clia- Let’s get our combat gear on and investigate that noise, are you sure the shipment of parts
for the North Pole has been sent Vectoria?
Vectoria- It’ll be sent tomorrow, just waiting on fur for the furbies.
Icey- Tomatoes!!
All- Ok Icey!
Narrator- The crew of evil pixies set off towards the secret bunker through the wind and the snow
towards were the sound came from.. Here they find Rudolph and Trixie wrapped around a candy
cane tree……
Alex- Oh no! It’s Trixie and Rudolph from up North, lets’ get them inside..
Narrator- Meanwhile 1000, 000 miles away orbiting a small rock beyond the earth. Vector and his
alien army of ships and clones are watching developments closely..
Vector- Right guys, get me a link to our spy..
All- Yes sir!
E.T- Establishing link, sir
Goop- Uploading communication link, sir
E.T- That’s us connected to the secret spy, whose identity we all know therefore not making him
‘secret’ if you want to adhere to the precise definition of the word secret, Sir!
Vector, Ehmmmm, good (I think)- Ok spy what’s your status?
Spy- Santa’s head elf and Rudolph are meeting with the evil pixies in the south pole to try and
figure out why the supplies aren’t reaching santa’s workshop in time..
Vector- And do the earth dwellers know of our existence?
Spy- No, sir!
Vector -and do they know what we feed on?
Spy- No Sir, the pixies, elves and Santa don’t know that your species feed on children’s sorrow..
Vector- Good, good. We only have enough sorrow in the tanks to last 1 more week. We need to
join forces with the evil pixies and give operation ‘Go On’ its final push onto the final phase,
operation……………. ‘Go on a wee bit longer’…
Spy- I’ll set up the meeting sir!
Vector- Good, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, cough cough!!
Narrator- The spy manages to sneak into the evil pixies HQ along with Rudolph and Trixie and
hopes to entice the evil pixies, who are only evil in the sense that they are anti-christmas, and are
actually loving creatures during the rest of the year…..Oh, except for Frogs bottom Monday, they
absolutely hate Frogs bottom Monday and have actually removed it from their calendar, don’t
ever mention it around them, they hate it. In fact….. Oh sorry, back to the story!
Spy- OK, evil pixies. I am the secret spy for Vector and I have a deal for you from our Alien
Pixies- Go on…
Spy- Vector the magnificent will give you ownership of ALL of the south and ALL of the North
Pixies- Go on……
Spy- He will remove Christmas from the calendar…
Pixies- Go on…..
Spy- And he will create an anti-santa to help keep Christmas off the calendar therefore ensuring a
steady supply of sorrow for Vector and his species to feed on and giving you everything you have
Pixies- Go on….
Spy- all he asks for in return is that you FORGET to send vital supplies to Santa’s workshop in the
that’s it, very straight forward…
Pixies- Go on…
Spy- well… that’s everything to be honest..
Pixies- We see, we’ll need to have an evil pixie meeting. Come back in 1 hour.
Spy- Very well, but remember, this could be your chance to make evil pixie history and rule the
Narrator- In the medical recovery room of evil pixie HQ- Rudolph and Trixie have woken up from
their crash…..
Trixie- Rudolph! Are you alright?
Rudolph- Let me check, 1, 2, 3,4 hooves and 1, 2 antlers, is my nose still big and red Trixie?
Trixie- Certainly is, Rudolph. I don’t remember it being quite as red or as BIG as it is at the moment
but I’m sure that will fix itself with time..
Rudolph- Great, let’s get going…
Narrator- But Rudolph and Trixie find the door to the recovery room locked, it looks like the evil
pixies have made their minds up about Vector and the spys deal. What will happen, will Vecor get
to feed on the sorrow of the world’s children? Will the pixies and Vector join forces? Can Santa
and his elf army be warned in time? Tune in next year for the final chapter of SANTA VERSUS THE
ALIENS!!....Only kidding, here’s the next scene..
Santa- I’ve got a bad feeling about Trixie and Rudolph Mrs Claus..
Mrs Claus- What do you mean dear?
Santa- I should of heard from them by now, Trixie always checks in every hour on the hour when
she’s on a mission, operation cookies and milk isn’t looking like succeeding at the moment..
Mrs Claus- Is there any way of finding out what’s happening down in the South Pole?
Santa- The elves have tried establishing communication with the evil pixies but the signal’s been
Mrs Claus- Who do we have that can track down Rudolph and Trixe and find out just what’s going
Both- Jack frost- licence to chill!
Santa- eemia!
eemia- Sir, Yes Sir!
Santa- Make contact with Jack Frost, get him up to speed with operation Cookies and Milk, tell
him we need eyes in the South Pole and our communications have been jammed… strawberry
eemia- On it Sir!
Narrator- In a secluded bunker at evil pixie HQ, a meeting is underway between Vector the alien,
Vectoria the evil pixie leader and thesecret spy…
Vector- So we’re agreed then, you’ll stop supplying the North with toy parts and I will give you the
North and South Pole when I conquer this puny planet?
Vectoria- Yes, we evil pixies have decided to join forces with you and rid this planet of the stench
of Christmas once and for all!
Both- ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, cough cough cough!!
Both- Swamp slug pie!!
Vector- So that’s settled then, I will remove Christmas from the calendar and replace it with the
biggest celebration in the galaxy……… Frog’s bottom Monday!!
Vectoria- What!!!
Vector- Frogs Bottom Monday, the whole galaxy loves it!
Vectoria- Ehm, yeeeeesss… Excuse me a moment please your royal alienness..
Narrator- Vectoria rushes out of the meeting room to summon her evil pixie army, but is
immediately frozen solid by an icy blast from Jack frosts ice ray. The frozen evil pixie leader is
placed carefully in a side bag with Rudolph raring to go and Trixie at the reins having been freed by
Jack Frost moments earlier…
Jack Frost- I’ll see you back at Santa HQ guys, it’s been a blast, an icy blast!! Oh and tell Santa I’ve
unjammed his communications, it was Robinsons strawberry jam that was used, very cunning…
Rudolph- Please, no more rubbish jokes!!!
Trixie- Go on……
Rudolph- Noooo!!! Let’s goooooooooooo!!!
eemia- Santa- It seem sour communications be been unjammed, we have incoming traffic in the
form of Rudolph and passengers..
Santa- Prepare the milk
All elves- Preparing milk, sir!
Santa- Prepare the cookies!
All elves- Preparing cookies, Sir!
Narrator- So, Santa, Trixie, Vectoria the evil pixie leader, Jack Frost and Mrs Claus all catch up on
the alien leader Vector’s plan to banish Christmas and feed of the sorrow of the world’s children
and how Vector promised the North and South poles to the evil elves, who aren’t really evil at all,
in exchange for stopping the supply of toys to the North pole.
Santa- Well, well, well! What a mess we seem to be in!
Vectoria- But we have the element of surprise now with Vector
Jack- Yes, I agree but I think you may have a spy problem…
Santa- What do you mean Jack?
Mrs Claus- I think Jack is saying that someone in our elf army is working for Vector too dear..
Santa- Oh my, who would do such a low down trick as to have a spy in someone else’s army!!??
Icy- I like tomoatoes!!
All- eh, what was that?
Icy- Tomatoes are red and shiny!!!
Santa- Oh, sorry everyone. Let me introduce my friend and SPY on Vector’s army, Icy the alien.
He’s been on our side all along.. Say hello to everyone Icy!
Narrator- So icy gave the team full details of Vectors ship and army, his plans and MOST
IMPORTANTLY how to defeat him…
Santa- Ok team, operation Cookies and milk, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cookiessssssssss…
All- Santa!!
Santa- Yes, sorry.. Operation cookies and milk is back on, team north and south poles are go!
Jack- So, the more joy we bring the children of the world, the harder it will be for Vector to take
over the planet??
Vectoria and Icy- That’s correct, tomatoes..
Santa- Let’s get cracking Vectoria, get those toy parts up here right away and let’s get building!!
Narrator- Meanwhile back at Evil elf HQ Vector had realised that something was wrong when
Vectoria didn’t return and fled back to his command ship to plan his next move. But all the while
santas elf army were getting closer to completing the construction of the toys. We arrive at
Vectors spaceship at 5 minutes to midnight on Christmas eve and Vector has just realised that his
plan is foiled!
Vector- It would seem that the evil pixies have double crossed me as well as that tomato loving
mutant, Icy! Well I’ll show them, I’ll show them all ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, cough cough
cough!! Oh forget about intergalactic weight watchers, more swamp slug pies E.T!!
E.T- What are your orders Sir?
Vector- Invade the planet! Tell all the ships and clones to attack!!!! Lazers and phasers to full
blast… Ataaaaaaaaack!!!
Narrator- So with an intergalactic push, Vectors spaceships entered warp speed towards earth
with lazers and phasers at full power, using the last of their sorrow supplies to mount the attack
was a big risk for Vector, but his anger had gotten the better of him. If Santa delivered presents to
more than half of the children in the world then Vector wouldn’t stand a chance..
E.T- 30 minutes to attack impact sir!
Vector- Go on…
E.T This is not the time for that sir! I’m picking up activity at both the North and South poles, it
seems that presents are being delivered………………………… from both poles!!
Vector- What, that’s impossible!! Two santa’s delivering at the same time. How can this be??? Get
the spy on the comms right away!
E.t- we’re through to the spy Sir!
Spy- how can I help you Sir?
Vector- What’s going on, 2 santas???!!
Spy- Yes sir, you see. The evil pixies have an anti santa spy in the elf army of the North Pole,
ATNAS is her name. They intended to replace the real santa with her when the evil pixies finally
rules the poles, but now that the north and south poles have joined forces, ATNAS is helping
deliver presents for the south pole..
Vector- How do you know this to be true!?
Spy- Because… I’m the anti-santa ATNAS and I’m helping Santa beat the Aliens!! Yes I’m a double
agent, Vector! Over and out loser!!
E.T – Sir we’re almost out of sorrow power and the 2 santa’s have just delivered to half the
children on earth and are still going, we haven’t a chance!
Vector-Noooooooooooooooooooooooo breath ooooooooooooooooooooo cough, cough, cough
Narrator- so as the shift in power between sorrow and joy increased with every present delivered,
Vectors aircraft ran out of sorrow power and burned up in the earths atmosphere, a few ships
managed to turn around and disappear back into space, Vectors was not one of these ships.. Back
in Santa’s workshop, Santa has just arrived back from his Christmas eve deliveries…..
Santa- Ho Ho Ho everybody we made it!!!! Joy beat sorrow and Christmas has been saved..
All elves- Huraayyy- Ho Ho the rattling bog..
Santa- Thank you to our friends in the south the evil pixies, ATNAS, Jack Frost my elf army and of
course someone that we all underestimated, out very own secret spy in the alien army…
Icy- Tomatoes’!!!!!
All- Hurray for icy!!
ALL- Happy Christmas everybody, and remember a little bit of JOY BEATS SORROW EVERY TIME!!
Own song-Guitar- Santa versus the Aliens..