PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN KARANGANYAR DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA DAN OLAH RAGA SMA NEGERI 1 KARANGANYAR Jl. AW. Monginsidi No. 03 Telp/Fax. (0271) 495068 Karanganyar 57714 Website: Email: KARANGANYAR SOAL TES POTENSI AKADEMIK (TPA) PENERIMAAN PESERTA DIDIK BARU (PPDB) TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011/2012 KELOMPOK MATA PELAJARAN : BHS. INGGRIS, BHS. INDONESIA DAN MATEMATIKA KODE PAKET SOAL : A-1 Pukul : 08.00 – 09.30 WIB Hari/Tanggal : Senin/9 Mei 2011 Petunjuk : Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menyilang (X) pada lembar jawab yang disediakan! This reading text is for number 1 to 3: The BBC is reporting that Harry Potter is responsible for the dwindling number of wild owls in India. One of the reasons that owls are being trapped and sold as pets is that parents’ are buying them as gifts for their kids who are fans of the fictional wizard. As you may already know, Harry has own pet owl, Hedwig. 1. Many children in India want owls _____. a. as a special food item b. to become extinct c. to use their feathers in hats d. as pets 2. What does “dwindling” mean? a. flying b. having feathers c. becoming less d. appearing in movies 3. From the above selection, we can see that _____ a. being popular can be harmful b. everyone love Harry Potter movies c. owls don’t taste as good as chickens d. People want to wipe out owls Text for number 4: Leslie’s main playlist has forty rock songs, fifteen rap songs, and one country song. It also contains twelve classical instrumentals. 4. Which statement is probably NOT true. a. Leslie likes rock better than rap b. Leslie’s favorite music is country c. Leslie listens to a wide range of music d. Leslie likes music Text for number 5: Brad put a load of clothes into the washing machine. An hour later, he unloaded the damp clothes and put them into the dryer. Later he the clothes and carrid them upstairs in a basket. To his dismay, Brad noticed that the load of laundry just didn’t smell nearly as fresh as usual. 5. One of the following is the reason why. Which one is it? a. The radio didn’t work. b. Brad had forgotten to put detergent into the machine. c. Brad wasn’t paid to do the laundry. d. Brad forgot to turn on the washing machine. Text for number 6: Emir rarely rides to school each morning. He could take the school bus but prefers to walk the two miles from his home to school. He believes that the walk wakes him up and improves his leaning throughout the day. 6. Read the text above and then choose the statement below that is most likely true! a. Emir values learning. b. Emir never rides the bus to school. c. Emir is usually late for school. d. Emir always rides the bus home at the end of the school day. Text for number 7: Every time I give my cat a plate of tuna, he ignores it. Every time I give him a plate of salmon, he quickly eats it all. When I feed him beef, he eats a little bit of it, but doesn’t seem to love it. 7. Read the text above and then choose the statement below that is most likely true! Tes Potensi Akademik PPDB SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Page 1 a. b. c. d. My cat likes tuna better than beef. My cat won’t eat fish. I give my cat more than one kind of food. Cats prefer salmon over tuna. Text for number 8: In another week, we’ll be turning our clocks back one hour. Then it will be almost dark by the time most of us get home from school. It will seem as if we suddenly have less daylight each day. Of course, people aren’t actually changing the behavior of the sun or the earth by messing with their clocks. 8. Read the text above and choose the statement below that is most likely true! a. The earth will actually rotate at a slower rate when we turn back the clocks. b. If according to our clocks, the sun sets an hour earlier, it will also rise an hour earlier. c. It’s clear that turning our clocks back will help prevent global warming. d. Our planet has to spin faster when we reset our clocks. Text for number 9: “Remember, Maria,” Mrs. Russo said, “you’re very allergic to chocolate. Please don’t eat any chocolate candy at the Halloween party!” Three hours later, Maria was home from the party with a terrible stomach ache. “I promise you, Mom,” Maria groaned, “I’ll always do what you say from now on.” 9. Read the text above and then choose the statement below that is most likely true! a. Maria ate chocolate at the party. b. Maria ate chocolate at the party by accident. c. Maria got into a fight at the party. d. Maria embarrassed herself by singing at the party. c. have strong disagreements over d. need to pay for a visit to a doctor Text following text is for questions 11 to 13. To : Ricky From : Ben Cartwright Please go to the airport to meet Mr. Kobayashi. He is a businessman from Japan. He will be arriving on flight JAL 354. It gets in at 1:15. There is an airport bus ‘DAMRI’ from the bus station at 12:30. It arrives at the airport at 1 PM, so you will have plenty of time. Please take Mr. Kobayashi to the Hilton Hotel. He will stay for 2 days, so will leave on Wednesday, 24 December. 11. What is the memo above about? a. A businessman from Japan. b. The arrival of Mr. Kobayashi. c. “Hilton Hotel”, where Mr. Kobayashi will stay, is a hotel for businessmen. d. A request to meet Mr. Kobayashi at the airport. 12. “It arrives at the airport at 1 PM, …” The underlined word refers to the … a. Bus b. Taxi c. Plane d. Hotel 13. “Please go to the airport to meet Mr. Kobayashi.” The underlined word can be best replaced by … a. get b. bring c. carry d. pick up Text 2. The following text is for questions 4 and 5. IMPORTANT! Text for number 10: Some people are sure that the new health care law will mean better care for everyone. Others argue that the law will mean less care and longer waiting lines for lines for those who need to see doctors. It’s a controversy that will not go away soon. 10. A controversy is something that people ____. a. blow their noses into b. eat with sweet candy Due to the recent incident that has caused several computers to break down, any food or drink is strictly prohibited to be brought into the computer room. For your information, three mouse devices have been replaced recently because some reckless students had spilled their drinks on them. In addition, washing your hands before using a computer facility is strongly recommended. Finally keep the door closed and the fan on at all times. Tes Potensi Akademik PPDB SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Page 2 14. The announcement is about … a. instruction to keep the room clean b. regulations before using computers c. mouse that were trapped by some students d. prohibitions to brings food and drink to the computer room 15. The following are mentioned in the announcement above, EXCEPT … a. do not eat in the computer room b. keep the door closed and the fan on at all times c. don’t bring food or drink into the computer room d. take off your shoes before entering the computer room Text 3 The following text is for question number 16: The tree trunk conducts water and dissolved materials from the root to the leaves, flowers, and fruits of the plant. It also supports the branches and the twigs. The leaves, flowers and fruits grow along the twigs. The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil to feed all parts of the tree. They also anchor a tree in the soil to hold the tree upright against the force of strong winds. 16. The roots have … functions. a. two b. three c. four d. five 1. One day, three was a big battle in that kingdom 2. The Queen was lucky because she could save her life by changing herself into a golden snail. 3. Another day an old woman saw a snail and took it home. 4. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Java. 5. The king asked his queen to save her life. 6. Then she looked after it. 7. In the middle of the jungle the enemies killed her guards. 17. The best arrangement is … a. 4-5-2-6-1-7-3 b. 4-5-7-2-3-1-6 c. 4-1-5-7-2-3-6 d. 4-3-5-1-6-2-7 For questions 18 to 20, choose the most suitable to complete the passage! Mount Galunggung is an active volcano. It …(18) several times. First, mount Galunggung …(19) in 1889. Hundreds of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people …(20) to avoid the calamity. 18. a. b. c. d. erupts is erupting was erupted has erupted 19. a. has erupted b. erupted c. is erupting d. erupts 20. a. b. c. d. were evacuating are evacuated were evacuated evacuated 21. (1) Pemerintah menyediakan anggaran beasiswa sebesar Rp 200 miliar bagi lulusan SMA sederajat yang akan melanjutkan keperguruan tinggi. (2) Beasiswa ini diberikan mulai diberikan mulai 2010 kepada 20.000 lulusan SMA sederajat yang berprestasi, tetapi kesulitan biaya untuk kuliah. (3) Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Depdiknas di Jakarta, Jum’at (13/11), menjelaskan, lulusan SMA berprestasi tersebut mendapat beasiswa Rp 10 juta per tahun untuk membiayai pendidikan dan bantuan hidup sehari-hari, (4) Beasiswa itu dilanjutkan hingga mahasiswa lulus. (5) Dari hasil penelitian Bappenas, semakin tinggi jenjang pendidikan, semakin rendah tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dari golongan miskin untuk melanjutkan pendidikan. Ide pokok paragraf di atas yang tepat adalah … a. Persyaratan untuk memperoleh beasiswa b. Sulitnya memperoleh dana beasiswa c. Pembiayaan hidup sehari-hari dari dana beasiswa d. Pemberian beasiswa kepada lulusan SMA 22. Kalimat utama paragraf di atas terdapat pada kalimat nomor … Tes Potensi Akademik PPDB SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Page 3 a. b. c. d. (1) (2) (4) (5) 23. Tema karya ilmiah: mengembangkan sekolah hijau berwawasan lingkungan. Rumusan masalah yang tepat dari tema tersebut adalah … a. Siapakah yang akan mengembangkan sekolah hijau berwawasan lingkungan? b. Bagaimanakah cara mengembangkan sekolah hijau yang berwawasan lingkungan? c. Mengapa sekolah hijau selalu berhubungan dengan wawasan lingkungan? d. Apakah ada hubungan antara wawasan lingkungan dengan sekolah hijau? 24. Mulai minggu depan kami sudah menggunakan … baru, tepatnya … besok. Jadwal tersebut tersusun … karena tidak ada lagi yang bentrok. Kami diajar oleh guru-guru baru. Kata baku yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf tersebut adalah … a. Jadual, jumat, rapi b. Jadual, jum’at, rapih c. Jadwal, jumat, rapi d. Jadwal, jumat, rapih 25. Topik : Upaya meningkatkan pemanfaatan media internet dalam pembelajaran oleh guru. Kalimat latar belakang masalah sesuai topik tersebut adalah … a. Internet saat ini masih dianggap sebagai suatu media untuk orang-orang belajar. b. Masih sedikit guru di sekolah memanfaatkan media internet dalam pembelajaran. c. Belum banyak guru di sekolah yang mampu memanfaatkan media komputer. d. Saat ini masih banyak ditemukan orang yang tidak mampu membuka internet. 26. Perhatikan kutipan alamat surat berikut! Kepada Yth. Bpk. Kepala SMP Neg 2 Jl. Kalimantan No. 10 Klaten Perbaikan penulisan alamat surat yang tepat adalah … a. Kepada Yth. Bapak Kepala SMP N 2 Jl. Kalimantan 10 Klaten b. Yth. Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Jalan Kalimantan 10 Klaten c. Yth. Bapak Kepala SMP 2 Jalan Kalimantan 10 Klaten d. Kepada Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Jalan Kalimantan Nomor 10 Klaten 27. Saya dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu … kamu membantu … pekerjaan itu cepat selesai. Konjungsi yang tepat untuk mengisi yang rumpang dalam kalimat diatas adalah … a. supaya, dan b. dan, asalkan c. kalau, sehingga d. agar, supaya 28. Penulis mengakui bahwa masih terdapat kekurangan. Oleh karena itu, demi perbaikan karya tulis ini, penulis akan menerima segala kritikan dari semua pihak. Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih atas kritik dan saran yang diberikan. Kutipan tersebut merupakan bagian karya tulis yang terdapat pada … a. Kata pengantar b. Pendahuluan c. Latar belakang d. Kesimpulan 29. Cermatilah penggalan puisi berikut! Ombak memecah di tepi pantai Angin berhembus lemah lembut Puncak kelapa melambai-lambai Di ruang angkasa awan bergelut Puisi diatas menggunakan majas … a. Personifikasi b. Litotes c. Paradok d. Metonimia 30. Karena Kasihmu Karena kasihmu Engkau tentukan waktu Sehari lima kali kita bertemu Aku inginkan rupamu Ku lebihi sekali Sebelum cuaca menali sutra Tes Potensi Akademik PPDB SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Page 4 (Nyanyi Sunyi, Amir Hamzah) Tema puisi tersebut adalah … a. Cinta remaja b. Keadilan c. Kasih Sayang d. Ketuhanan 1 7 1 2 31. The result of : 4 5 ∶ 25 + 1,5 (1 3 − 3) = …… a. 16 b. 8 c. 4 d. 1 3𝑥−2 𝑥−2 32. The value of x satisfies equation 5 = 3 , is…… a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. -1 33. If the series : 36, 22, 14, 8, 6, x, then the value of x = ….. a. 4 b. 2 c. 0 d. -2 b. x + 2y + 4 = 0 c. 2x + y – 4 = 0 d. 2x + y + 4 = 0 38. The area of right triangle ABC, if B is right angle, AC = 40 cm, and < ACB= 600, is…. a. 200√3 𝑐𝑚2 b. 400√3 𝑐𝑚2 c. 200√5 𝑐𝑚2 d. 400√5 𝑐𝑚2 39. Jika O pusat lingkaran. P, Q, R pada lingkaran dan <RPO = 150 dan <OQR=250, maka besar sudut x = ….. R 400 a. b. 600 c. 800 d. 1000 O x0 Q P 40. Diketahui <PQT = <TSR, RT=12 cm, TS =5cm dan RP =24 cm, maka panjang QT =….. a. 10 cm P S b. 12 cm c. 14 cm d. 16 cm Q R T 34. Jika < EOB = 560, maka besar < BCD =….. D a. 280 E b. 340 c. 620 d. 720 O A B C 35. Kelas x terdiri dari 40 siswa, diketahui 24 siswa suka fisika, 18 siswa suka matematika dan 6 siswa suka keduanya, banyaknya siswa yang tidak suka keduanya dari seluruh siswa, adalah….. a. 6% b. 8% c. 10% d. 20% 36. Given f(x) = ax+b, if f(2) = 11 and f(-2) = -1, then the value f(5) is ….. a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20 37. Straight line equation, that pases through the point A(2,-3) and parallel x+2y+3=0 is….. a. x + 2y – 4 = 0 41. Volume of prisma below, is…… 13 cm D a. 240 cm3 b. 480 cm3 c. 520 cm3 5 cm F E 12 cm 8 cm d. 840 cm3 A C B 42. The value of angle of BOC = ……. B a. 300 b. 400 c. 500 (3x+10)0 (2x-30)0 d. 1100 A O C 43. Di bawah ini menunjukkan kegemaran mata pelajaran siswa SMA N 1 Karanganyar. Jika banyaknya siswa yang gemar matematika 150 siswa, maka jumlah siswa yang gemar Fisika …. Mat a. 120 siswa Fis b. 130 siswa 40400 c. 135 siswa b. ing Kom 65 d. 150 siswa 70 Kim Tes Potensi Akademik PPDB SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 0 0 0 450 Page 5 44. The value of : a. 40,12 b. 40,21 c. 20,12 d. 20,21 20112 −20102 132 −78+32 = …… 45. Diketahui 3 garis : 3x + 2y – 16 =0, x - 3y + 13 =0 dan 5x+by = 15, Nilai b agar ketiga garis berpotongan di satu titik adalah…… a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1 46. Tiga bilangan terdiri dari : a, b dan 5. Mempunyai rata-rata 5, jika 3 bilangan tersebut ditambah 2 bilangan baru, rataratanya menjadi 7, maka jumlah dua bilangan baru tersebut adalah…. a. 8 b. 10 c. 20 d. 26 47. Luas permukaan kerucut yang berdiameter 28 cm dan tingginya 48 cm adalah…. a. 2.816 cm2 b. 2.200 cm2 c. 2.100 cm2 d. 616 cm2 48. Ali mempunyai uang Rp 250.000,- sebagian dari uang itu ditabung di bank A dengan bunga 5% per tahun dan sisanya ditabung di bank B dengan bunga 6% pertahun. Bunga yang diterima selama setahun dari bank B adalah Rp 6.200,-, lebihnya dari bunga yang diperoleh di bank A, maka besar uang Ali yang ditabung di bank A adalah…. a. Rp 170.000,b. Rp 80.000,c. Rp 70.000,d. Rp 66.000,- 49. Segitiga ABC kongruen dengan segitiga BDE, pangjang sisi BC=15 cm dan BC : BE = 5 :4, maka keliling bangun ABDEC = …… a. 24 cm b. 36 cm c. 48 cm d. 72 cm 50. Sepuluh tahun yang lalu umur Ita dua kali umur TIka dan lima tahun kemudian umur Ita satu setengah kali umur TIka. Umur Ita sekarang .........tahun. a. 7 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20 ***** selamat mengerjakan ***** Tes Potensi Akademik PPDB SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Page 6