Name _______________________________ Period ______ Date ____________________ Frog Dissection Lab Highlight the main points (5pts) Background: Frogs are small animals belonging to a group called vertebrates (animals with backbones) known as amphibians. They live part of their life in water and the other part of it on land. Amphibians are cold blooded animals. Their skin absorbs water into their body so they do not have to drink water to survive. Frogs have strong hind legs to enable them to leap forward at great distances. The front legs are short. They are used to prop the frog up when its sits. The largest frog is the giant Goliath frog of West Central Africa. It can grow up to more than 30 centimeters. The largest frog in our country is the bullfrog and it can grow up to more than 5 inches long. The smallest frog found so far is the size of a pea in Southeast Asian island of Borneo. Frogs are special; they can breathe by means of the lungs and also through their skin. Frogs are important to humans. They are also a source of food in some countries. They eat pests and are a big part of the food chains. We use them in medical research and for dissection in schools to learn about their anatomy. Purpose: To be able to learn the external and internal parts of a frog. To investigate the different body systems and to learn about proper dissecting techniques. Materials: leopard frogs (Rana pipiens), frog dissection guide, scissors, dissecting tray, probe, forceps, dissecting teasing needle, dissecting pins, map pencils and clean up supplies. Procedure: Part 1: External Anatomy 1. Obtain a dissecting tray, a frog and a set of dissecting instruments. 2. Lay the frog dorsal surface up in the dissecting tray. 3. Notice the thinness of the frog’s skin. Note the absence of scales, hair, or any other protective covering. Begin with the questions. PART I: Questions and Drawings: 1. Draw a section of skin in the circle below. Make a colored detailed drawing. Label skin. (4 pts.) _________________ 1 2. Measure your frog. Measure in centimeters. (2pts.) a. Length _____ cm b. Width _____ cm (Measure from the tip of the head (Measure at the widest part) to the hind legs) 3. Describe the frog’s skin. Be specific. (2 pts.) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Locate the external nares, which are also called the nostrils. How many are there and what do they look like? (2 pts.) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. The eyes are easy to find. Examine each eye closely and locate the nictitating membrane, a third eyelid. In a living frog, the nictitating membranes are transparent and cover the eyes when the frog is underwater. Why is this structure beneficial to the frog? (2 pts.) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Procedure: Locate the shoulder joints, elbow joints, and wrist joints of the forelimbs. Count the digits on each forelimb. The innermost digit of male frogs has a swollen pad during the breeding season. 6. Near the end of the body is the opening of the cloaca. Feces, urine, and reproductive cells are expelled through the cloaca. How is this different from the human? (2 pts.) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Examine the muscular hind limbs. Locate the hip joints, knee joint, and ankle joints. Examine the webs of each foot. Count the digits on each hind limb. (2 pts.) How many are there? ___________ X 2 = ___________ Questions and Drawings: 8. How many digits are on the front legs and hind legs? (2 pts.) Front Legs ______ Hind Legs ______ 2 9. Draw a forelimb and hind leg in the space below. Make sure you draw a detailed drawing. Color the leg as it appears. Label the left circle forelimb and right hind leg. (4 pts. each – 8 total) ___________________________ ___________________________ 10. Gently pry the mouth open and use scissors to cut the jaws at the joints. Examine the inside of the mouth. Refer to the Frog Dissection Guide at your lab station for help. Find two bony knob-like bumps projecting from the upper surface of the mouth. These are the vomerine teeth. If you rub your finger along the inside of the jaw, you will feel the maxillary teeth. What is the difference between the vomerine teeth and maxillary teeth? (2 pts.) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 11. Find the tongue. What do you notice about it that is unusual? Draw and describe the tongue, its shape and color below. Label tongue. (4 pts.) Describe the tongue ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _____________________ 12. Directly behind the tongue, locate a raised structure with a slit in it. This is called the glottis, the opening of the air passageway that leads from the mouth to the lungs. Behind the glottis is the opening of the esophagus. Draw and label the tongue, vomerine teeth, and maxillary teeth. Include the vocal sacs if you have a male frog. Label inside of frog mouth below. (4 pts.) 3 ____________________ 13. The openings of the Eustachian tubes are located near the corners of the mouth. Insert a dissecting needle into one opening and push carefully. Observe where the needle comes out. What do you notice? (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 14. Two large, muscular pads are found in the roof of the mouth. The frog retracts its eyes into these pads when it blinks. Why is this good? (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Frog Diagrams Directions: Label and COLOR the following diagram. (Eye, tongue, nares or nostrils, maxillary teeth, vomerine teeth, glottis, tympanum, Eustachian tubes, and esophagus.) (9 points total) Frog Mouth 4 For the diagram below, label, COLOR the following parts: eye, tympanum, digits on the forelegs and hind legs, and cloaca. External Anatomy of the Frog Part II: STOP! Internal Dissection tomorrow… Clean up your lab station. Wipe down the table with cleaner and paper towels. Make sure to put your specimen in a baggie that the teacher will provide for you. Don’t start the internal dissection until tomorrow. Procedure: Part 2 Internal Anatomy 15. Lay the frog ventral (stomach) surface side up on the dissection tray. With forceps, lift the skin over the frog’s abdomen, insert the point of a pair of scissors, and make the cuts shown in the Frog Dissection Guide at your lab station. With forceps, lift the skin over the frog’s abdomen, inset the point of a pair of scissors, and make the cuts. After cutting, lift one corner of the skin with forceps and use the scissors to separate the skin from the underlying muscles. Completely cut away the skin from the abdomen and throat. 16. With forceps or probe lift and make an incision through the muscles of the abdomen. Use the point of a pair of scissors to make the cuts shown in the Frog Dissection Guide at your lab station. It will be necessary to cut the bones of the pectoral girdle with scissors. Make the cuts carefully to avoid damaging the internal organs. 17. Cut off the body wall flaps of skin. This will expose the internal organs. 5 18. If your frog is a female, the oviduct may be enlarged with eggs and may partially cover the digestive organs. If this is the case, carefully cut away the oviduct and remove enough of the eggs to clearly see the internal organs. 19. At the anterior of the abdominal cavity is the liver, a large, brown gland of three lobes. Lift the lobes of the liver and search for a dark, greenish sac. This sac is called the gall bladder. The green color results from a pigment in the bile. Bile is a secretion of the liver that is stored in the gall bladder. Draw the liver below. Color the liver as it appears. Label liver below. (4 pts.) _________________ 20. Describe the shape and size of the liver. (2 pts.) ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 21. The J-shaped, muscular sac partially beneath the liver on the left side of the frog’s body is the stomach (left and right refer to the frog’s left and right – anatomical). The lower end of the stomach attaches to the small intestine. Two divisions make up the small intestine: the duodenum is the less folded portion that attaches to the lower end of the stomach and the ileum is the highly folded portion. The small intestine and the other internal organs are held in place by membranes called the mesenteries. Notice that the digestive organs are attached to numerous blood vessels. Draw the stomach below. Make sure to color it as it appears. Label stomach below. (4 pts.) _________________ 6 22. Open up the stomach. Look inside. What do you see? If you find anything interesting make sure to let the teacher know. If you find nothing state why it is empty. (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________ 23. Now look for the small intestines. They are beige colored small tubes held up by a thin skin called the mesentery. Draw and label the small intestines and mesentery below. Color these organs as they appear. (4 pts.) ______________________ 24. Look between the stomach and the duodenum to find the pancreas, a long and thin mass of tissue in the mesentery between the two organs. Lift the ileum and find the spleen, a somewhat round organ that is brown in color. The spleen is actually part of the circulatory system. Follow the ileum until it runs into a much wider part of the digestive tract, the large intestine. Refer to the Frog Dissection Guide or your textbook for the function of each of the organs below. (6 pts. total) Structure System and its Function Liver Gall Bladder Stomach Pancreas Small Intestine Large Intestine 7 Shape and Color 25. The heart is located just anterior to the liver. A touch membrane called the pericardium covers the heart. Lift the pericardium with forceps and begin cutting it away. The large, lower chamber of the heart is the ventricle. Draw the heart and label the different chambers and heart below. Remember the frog has 2 atria and 1 ventricle. Color this drawing as it appears. (4 pts.) ________________ Cut the digestive organs out of your frog. Against the back wall are the two flattened, oblong kidneys. If your frog is female, the ovaries might be filled with eggs. If so, remove them. Attached just anterior to each kidney is a structure with long, finger-like projections. These are the fat bodies. The fat bodies are usually yellow or a beige color. Draw a set of fat bodies in the space below. Color as they appear. Label fat bodies. If you have a male frog you get to draw a picture on the right side. If your frog is male an oval testis is attached ventrally to each kidney by a membrane. It may be possible to see small tubes called the vasa efferentia, in the membrane. A ridge along the ventral surface of the kidney is the adrenal gland. Beside the kidney is a long coiled tube called the oviduct. The oviduct is vestigial in the male. The lower end of the oviduct s expanded and is called an ovisac. The ovisac attaches to the urinary bladder. Lift the urinary bladder and gently pull away the membrane between it and the kidney. You may be able to find the ureter, a colorless tube that drains urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. Draw the 2 kidneys and spinal cord in the space below. Color it as it appears. Refer to the Frog Dissection Guide for help. The fat bodies on the left and kidneys on the right circle. (4 pts. each – 8 total) _________________ ___________________ 8 Summary: Write about amphibians and what you have learned about frogs. Include information about this group of animals and their specific parts both internal and external. Write a minimum of six complete sentences. (12pts.) 9 Label any 6 parts of the frog. (6 pts.) Internal Anatomy of the Frog Label only 6 below. A - ________________________ B - ________________________ C - ________________________ D - ________________________ E - ________________________ F - ________________________ G - ________________________ H - ________________________ I- ___________________________ J - __________________________ K - __________________________ L - __________________________ M - __________________________ N - __________________________ NO “O” P - __________________________ 10 11