Grant Resource Portfolio

Grant Resource Portfolio
Kristyn Budds
Freely available searchable databases offering lists of grants
Source #1-
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- is managed by the Department of Health and Human
Services and was established in 2002. This website allows “one-stop shopping” to grantees
wishing to apply for federal funding. Their mission statement is to “provide a common website
for federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to find and apply
for them”. There are many benefits to utilizing such as, providing an uncomplicated
way to find and apply for federal funding, assisting the grant community to become more
knowledgeable about what funds are available, and it ensures every grant is a secure and
dependable source.
3. Eligibility/Target Populations- There are no specific restrictions to access this website; however,
some RFP’s do have populations they typically target and restrictions to be eligible for funding.
4. Contact information200 Independence Avenue, S.W. HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
5. Any other relevant information- allows you to track the processing of your grant.
Simply enter the tracking number you received after submitting your application. Also, you can
subscribe for a Newsletter to receive notifications for new funding opportunities.
Source #2- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
1. The complete web address
2. A description of the source- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) is a free database
providing federal and private funding to support education to help students succeed. They
also offer educational solutions to 50 million students in 150 countries from pre-K- 12th
grade children, focusing on dynamic learning material for kids, parents, teachers, and
students. By combining research and technological change they are able to ensure every
person receives an effective learning experience. HMH's mission is “changing people's
lives by fostering passionate, curious learners”. This organization is strongly driven by
their goal to constantly change education through knowledge.
3. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no specific restrictions to access this site.
However, most of the RFP's are mainly funds given to support elementary, secondary, and
higher education and some are limited to the metropolitan area of Chicago, Illinois, and St.
Louis, Missouri.
4. Contact information- HMH has various addresses at multiple offices but the contact
information for their corporate headquarters is:
222 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 351-5000
5. Any other relevant information- This source offers professional grant review before
proposal submission. This review includes partnering with a professional grant writer
who will assist in offering recommendations on ways to improve proposals to ensure the
application will be successful.
Source #3- The Foundation Center
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The Foundation Center was established in 1956 and is the largest
comprehensive database to find information about philanthropy in the U.S. This website serves as
a “middle man” between people who seek to improve the world and the appropriate resources to
make those changes. It also provides free public access to education, research, and training
programs created to increase the knowledge of philanthropy. The Foundation Center’s mission is
to “strengthen the social sector by advancing knowledge about philanthropy in the U.S. and
around the world”. Their vision is a “world enriched by the effective allocation of
philanthropic resources, informed public discourse about philanthropy, and broad
understanding of the contributions of non-profit activity to increasing opportunity and
transforming lives".
3. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website; however,
there may be specific requirements in order to be eligible for funding within the RFP
4. Contact information3
For general information about products and services:
The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue/16th Street
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 620-4230
For questions about electronic grant reporting and classification issues contact:
Jeannine Corey, Director of Grants Information Management
Phone: (212) 807-2535
5. Any other relevant information- Philanthropy News Digest is a free service provided
for organizations and nonprofits wishing to publish RFPs and award announcements to
the public.
Source #4- The Grantsmanship Center
1. Web address-
2. Description of the source- The Grantsmanship Center was founded in 1972 by Norton J.
Kiritz. They try to help private and public nonprofits make better communities. They help
organizations plan programs, write, compelling grant proposals, and create earned income
opportunities. This source offers grant searching state-by-state for easy access.
3. Eligibility- Anyone has access to this website and is free of cost.
4. Contact informationPhone: 800-421-9512
350 South Bixel St., Suite 110
Los Angeles, CA 90017
5. Other relevant information- This website contains blogs and podcasts offering general
information on grants. Funding is also provided in Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada,
Europe, Mexico, South America, and the Middle East.
Source #5- Rural Assistance Center
Web address:
Description of source: The Rural Assistance Center’s goal is to “help rural communities and other
rural stakeholders access the full range of programs, funding, and research that can enable them to
provide quality health and human services to rural residents.” It was established in 2002.
Health-related programs: Missouri Family Planning Services, Missouri Affordable Housing
Assistance Program, and Missouri Foundation for Health Special Projects Grants.
Eligibility/target population: Any public or non-profit located in Missouri or any of the other
listed states such as Indiana or Wisconsin. Faith-based organizations are also eligible. Rural
communities are typically targeted in these grants. Anyone can use this website and it is free of
Contact information:
Phone: 1-800-270-1898
Other relevant information: The Rural Assistance Center is supported by funding from the Health
Resources and Services Administration’s Office of Rural Health Policy. The Rural Policy
Research Institute is a multi-state association sponsored by the University of Missouri as well as
the University of Nebraska and Iowa State University.
Resources for effective grant preparation
Source #1
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the resource- Techniques for Effective Grantwriting is a very helpful resource
when needing strategies on how to develop a successful grant proposal. The first step is to
brainstorm a program idea and research appropriate funding sources. Next, conduct a need
statement while defining goals, objectives and outlining when projected activities should be
completed. Also, it is important to thoroughly evaluate the proposal and describe what is going to
be done after the program has been implemented. Finally, it is essential to include materials that
support the program in the appendix section and to make the proposal meets every aspect of the
funder's qualifications for funding.
3. Contact InformationSuicide Prevention Resource Center
Education Development Center, Inc.
55 Chapel Street
Newton, MA 02458
(877) 438-7772
4. Any other relevant information- At the end of this resource there is a chart that provides several
useful online websites for government and foundation funding opportunities. As well as websites
to assist in finding research for the needs statement.
Source #2
1. The complete web address
2. A description of the resource- Key Strategies for Effective Educational Grant Writing
focuses on methods that will ensure a well written proposal, the main points to effectively
clarifying the problem/issue, and how to identify a good proposal from a bad one. This
resource helps a grant writer figure out where to begin in the writing process. It also correctly
defines the aspects of a good grant proposal, statement of need, difference between goals and
objectives, methodology, evaluation plan, and budget. The main components of a grant
proposal are thoroughly explained including specific strategies for each one. It also provides a
list of content information that grant reviewers commonly look for in a proposal that receives
3. Contact informationThomas Jefferson University
School of Population Health and Jefferson Medical College
Neil Goldfarb
Phone: (215) 955-0427
Erin E. Whitesell, MPH
Phone: (215) 955-3888
Jeanne G. Cole, MS
Phone: (215) 955-8411
4. Any other relevant information- The source also includes a link to other helpful resources
to use when writing grants. These resources include:
Source #3- Community Toolbox
Web address:
Description of source: This part of the website, Writing a Grant, provides everything on grants.
From the definition of a grant, to who can write a grant proposal, and the standard components of
a grant, this website has it all. There are other sections on this website such as how to apply for a
grant and creating a business plan.
Eligibility/target populations: Anyone can use this website and it is free of cost.
Contact information:
Phone: 785-864-0533
Work Group for Community Health and Development
4082 Dole Human Development Center
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-7555
Other relevant information: There is an option of viewing a PowerPoint on how to write a grant as
well as just reading it off of the website. An example timeline is also included on the website.
They provide a checklist on how ready you are to write a successful grant proposal.
Federal governmental agencies offering health related grants
Source #1
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The Catalog for Domestic Assistance (CFDA) is a government
collection of Federal services, activities, and programs that aids to benefit the American public.
CFDA's primary purpose is to help grantees to focus on programs that meet the funders'
objectives and to increase the knowledge of Federal asssitance programs. Their goal is to
"improve coordination and communication between the Federal and State and local
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Environmental health, chronic
diseases, prevention on HIV/AIDS and obesity, and Affordable Care Act.
4. Eligibility/Target Populations- There are no specific restrictions to access this site, however,
each RFP has different eligilibility requirements and target populations.
5. Contact information and phone numbers- For questions about the CFDA contact the Federal
Service Desk by clickinbg on the For Help: Federal Service Desk link on the bottom left of every
page or by visiting the Federal Service Desk at Users may call the Federal Service
Desk by dialing 1-866-606-8220 from 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
6. Any other relevant information- The CFDA categorizes their programs into 15 different types
of assistance. These categories include: formuala grants, project grants, direct payments or
specified use, direct payments with unrestricted use, direct loans, guranteed/insured loans,
insurance, sale, exchange, or donation of property or goods, use of property, facilities, and
equipment, provision of specialized services, advisory services and counseling, dissemination of
technical information, training, investigation of complaints and federal employment. For an
explanation of the different types of assistance please go to:
Source #2
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
provides fund to multiple organizations for a variety of different needs/problems. HUD's mission
is to "create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality, affordable home for all" and
their vision is to "improve lives and strengthen communities to deliver on America's dreams".
The Office of Departmental Grants Management and Oversight (ODGMO) is the HUD's grant
office, which was created to expand the outlook on grants management.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Commonly funds housing for
households that fall within low-income guidelines.
4. Eligibility/Target Populations- There are no restrictions to access this website, however, there
may be additional requirements and specific populations targeted listed in the RFP
5. Contact informationU.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410
Telephone: (202) 708-112
6. Any other relevant information- Before utilizing the HUD's grant program, you must first be
registered with and receive a Data Universal Numbers System (DUNS) number.
Source #3
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established on
December 2,1970 to mission is to combine in one agency research, monitoring and activities to
enforce the protection of the environment. The agencies mission is to "protect human health and
the environment". EPA's purpose is to ensure that- all Americans are protected from factors that
may contribute to their health, enforce federal laws, everyone has easy access to reliable health
information, communities and ecosystems are strong and productive, the United States is
collaborating with other nations to gurantee the global environment is safe.
3. A description of the health-related related topics typically funded- Improving air quality,
greenhouse gases and climate impacts, reducing public exposure to indoor pollutants, pollution
prevention, clean water, water pollution, and safe drinking water.
4. Eligibility/Target Populations- There are no restrictions to access this webstie, however, this
website does go through so there may be specific requirements in order to be eligible
for funding within the RFP announcements. Overall, the EPA does not limit their to a particular
target population but the RFP may require the grant seeker to be providing services within a
specific area.
5. Contact informationSend grant applications to:
Office of Grants and Debarment
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Room 51288
Washington, D.C. 20460
US EPA Region 5
Ralph Metcalfe Federal Building
77 West Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (800) 621-8431 available 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
6. Any other relevant information- This website offers a grant 101 tutorial that teaches how to
easily apply for an EPA grant, effective grant writing tips, how to receive grant management
training, and online grant application kits. Contact the Office in Region 5, which is listed above
for questions.
Source #4
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the U.S.
government’s main agency for ensuring all Americans are protected by providing human services,
particularly individuals who have difficulty helping themselves. The mission is to “help provide
the building blocks that Americans need to live healthy, successful lives”
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Child abuse prevention with a
community, child focused adoptive parent recruitment, abstinence education, health promotion
among refugees, access to health care services, teen pregnancy, and risk for STDs/STIs among
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website or on specific
target populations. Applicants eligible for funding include: government and nonprofit
organizations, Native American/Tribal organizations, educational organizations and small
businesses. However, there may also be additional requirements or target populations listed
within a specific funding announcement.
5. Contact informationU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave. S. W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
6. Any other relevant information- Offers grant information for current and prospective HHS
IL State/Regional/Local governmental agencies offering health related grants
Source #1
1. The complete web address:
2. A description of the source- The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is one of the
state's oldest agencies, the Department was established in 1877 to monitor medical practitioners
and to increase public awareness for sanitation. IDPH has six different offices with over 200
programs that each focus on a specific area of public health. Their mission is to “promote the
health of people of Illinois through prevention and control of disease and injury”.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- HIV/AIDS, Increasing Access to
Health Care Services for Medically Underserved Minority Populations through Mobile Health
Care, Stand Against Cancer Initiative, Breast, Cervical, and Ovarian Cancer Research
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are not restrictions to access this website, however, only
organizations based in Illinois are eligible to apply for funding. Most RFP's do not have
restrictions on target populations.
5. Contact information and phone numbers535 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, IL 62761
Phone: (217) 782-4977
6. Any other relevant information- IDPH has just recently switched over to an electronic way to
submit applications called Electronic Grants Administration and Management System (EgrAMS).
Over time, they hope to offer all grants through this system, however, during the first year
transition period some grants may still be a paper-based application.
Source #2
1. The complete web address:
2. A description of the source- The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) highly
influences the resources that are available in the State of Illinois. IDNR strongly promotes the
priorities set by the state government through their functions and activities. Other than provinding
a list of available grants, this website offers information on natural resources, parks/recreation,
hunting/trapping, fishing, outreach/education for kids and volunteers, as well as safety and rules
for a variety of topics. Their mission is to "manage, conserve and protect Illinos' natural,
recreational and cultural resources, further the publics understanding and appreciation of those
resources, and promote the education, science and public safety of Illinois' natural resources for
present and future generations".
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Primarily environmental health
some of which include, forest protection and health management, urban and community Forestry,
and land and water conservation programs.
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website, however, only
federal, state, and local governments, not for profit organizations, private operators of
recreational facilities open to the public, and in a few cases teachers in Illinois are eligibile to
apply for funding assistance. RFP's do not specify a commonly targeted population.
5. Contact information- IDNR has multiple offices throughout the state but thet one closest to the
St. Louis area is:
Region IV Office- West Central Illinios
4521 Alton Commerce Parkway
Alton, IL 62002
Phone: (618) 462-1181
6. Any other relevant information- Most of the IDNR’s RFP's only accept applications during a
2-4 month time frame.
Source #3
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) mission statement
is to “provide leadership, assistance, resources and advocacy so that every student is prepared
to succeed in careers and post-secondary education, and share accountability for doing so
with districts and schools”. ISBE has three goals which include; every student will
demonstrate academic achievement and be prepared for success after high school, every
student will be supported by highly prepared and effective teachers and school leaders, and
every school will offer a safe and healthy learning environment for all students”. This website
provides information to the public that can be easily navigated in order to quickly find the
appropriate resource. The Search Engine allows you to browse data by topics rather than
Departments. It is also a great resource for grant seekers who want a visual of current funding
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- nutrition education and
healthy school environments.
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website. They
typically target school systems for funding and only Illinois organizations that are approved
to participate in the USDA's Child and Adult Care Program (CACFP), and that sponsor
multiple CACFP sites at which 90 percent or more of the enrolled children are eligible for free
or reduced-price meals are eligible to apply.
5. Contact information1001 North 1st Street
Springfield, IL 62777
Phone: (866) 262-6663
For specific question about the current RFP contact Robin Desai
Phone: (217) 782-2491 or Email:
6. Any other relevant information- This website provides information on available funding
for competitive grants, contracts, and formula grants. Also, for organizations that have been
previously funded there is a link for continuation applications.
Source #4- The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Web address:
Description of source: The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity has a list
of searchable grants including categories such as business, community, energy, government,
technology, and tourism. The grants are searchable statewide or by region. This website is
designed for quick and easy access to this information.
Health-related programs: Some topics typically funded include: Disaster Recovery, economic
development and recycling.
Eligibility/target audience: The populations typically targeted include those at high risk for
disasters or cities with smaller populations. For example Lawrenceville, IL received a grant to
build a surgical suite onto the hospital because they had a population of less than 50,000.
Contact information:
Phone: 217-782-7500
500 E. Monroe
Springfield, IL 62701
Other relevant information: This website has a grant locator map where you can scroll over the
state of Illinois to find grant opportunities close to you.
Foundations offering health related grants
Source #1
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation is one the
world's largest independent foundations. The foundation strongly encourages creative minds and
organizations to be committed to establishing a tranquil world. They also work to protect human
rights, increase awareness to the public and to help better their current policies.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- violence prevention, sexual and
reproductive health.
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website/apply for grants;
however, the populations typically targeted are Chicago, India, Mexico, Nigeria, and Russia.
5. Contact informationOffice of Grants Management
140 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: (312) 726-8000
6. Any other relevant information- This foundation provides a majority of its funds to
organizations that are determined by their employees. This website allows you to filter grant
proposals by location, year, amount and program.
Source #2
1. The complete web address
2. A description of the source- Ascension Health is the nation’s largest Catholic and nonprofit
health system. This foundation focuses primarily on providing high quality healthcare to poor and
vulnerable individuals. Ascension's mission “is dedicated to spiritually centered, holistic care,
which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities”. Their vision is a “strong,
vibrant Catholic health ministry in the United States which will lead to the transformation of
healthcare, service that is committed to the health and well-being for our communities and that
responds to the needs of individuals throughout the life cycle”. Their vision is shaped by the
following values: service of the poor, reverence, integrity, wisdom, creativity, and dedication.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- chronic diseases, mental health,
social factors that lead to health disparities, health literacy, access to health care services, and oral
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website, however, to be
eligible to apply for funding you must be from a Health Ministry or service organization formally
associated with one of the following healthcare ministries: Daughters of Charity, The
Congregation of Saint Joseph, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Alexian Brothers, and
the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. This foundation does not typically target a specific
5. Contact information4600 Edmundson Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63134
Phone: (314) 733-8000
6. Any other relevant information- After you receive a major grant, you will not be eligible to
apply for funding for four years. Grant seekers wishing to apply for funding must submit
applications before March 19, 2014.
Source #3
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- Since 1974, the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) has
provided a “home-away-from-home” for families to be together while their child is being treated
for a medical illness. Their mission is to “create, find and support programs that directly improve
the health and well-being of children”. RMHC works collaborative with non-profit organizations
that provide instant support to children. At every house families are given home-cooked meals,
private bedrooms, and playrooms for children. Also some houses may offer special suites for
children with suppressed immune systems, non-clinical support services, accredited education
programs, sibling support services, and recreational activities. RMHC's goal is to improve
children's happiness and health. Their programs are located in 58 countries across the world, each
one specifically customized to meet the problem within the community. Their world-wide policy
is that families are never turned down to stay; if they are unable to pay, the fee is waived.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- access to healthcare, reducing
child mortality, dental services and oral health education
4. Eligibility/Target population- There are no restrictions to access this website, however, only
non-profit organizations are eligible for funding. Organizations must meet the following
requirements; be stable, efficient U.S based organizations, have proven outcomes and strong
partnerships with key stakeholders, take an innovative approach to addressing the health needs of
the population, evaluate their programs, and if an academic institution, they must be accredited.
Also grant seekers cannot; advocate for any political campaign, support confrontational topics,
promote a specific religious program, discriminate to be the use of services or facilities, be under
investigation by any state, federal, or foreign governmental authority, or request funding for
fundraising or capital investment costs. RMHC does not focus on a specific target population.
5. Contact information1 Kroc Drive
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: (630) 623-7048
Email for general questions:
Email for grant questions:
6. Any other relevant information- RMHC will not be accepting applications until July 1st.
Organizations that have previously received funding have to wait one year from the time you
were given the grant to reapply. First-time applicants have priority over people who have already
received funding.
Corporations/Corporate foundations offering health related grants
Source #1
1. The complete web address
2. A description of the source- Walgreen's was first established in 1901 and their motto is “the
Pharmacy America Trusts”. This reflects their strong views of always maintaining ethical
business practices and dedication to better the overall quality of life in their communities.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Organizations applying for grants
should have a particular interest in improving; access to health and wellness in their community,
emergency and disaster relief, pharmacy education programs and mentoring initiatives, civic and
community outreach or medical research, treatment, and services for diseases such as heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.
4. Eligibility/Target population- There are no restrictions to access this website, however, only
non-profit organizations are eligible for funding. Walgreen’s charitable funds will not be used to
support; United Way agencies, groups seeking educational or travel grants, advertising or
sponsorship of athletic teams, lobbying, endowment campaigns, capital campaigns, sponsorship
for people involved in cause-related events, or sponsorships submitted by a third party on behalf
of an organization. Walgreen's does not have restrictions on providing funds for only specific
target populations.
5. Contact informationWalgreen Co.
200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
Phone: 1-877-250-5823
6. Any other relevant information- Grant applications are only accepted online; telephone
inquiries and fax requests are not accepted. Expect a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks for a response.
Organizations seeking merchandise, auction items or gift cards (not exceeding $20) should
directly contact their Walgreen's district office.
Source #2
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is the largest health
insurance company in the state, roughly covering 7.3 million people. “Promoting health and
wellness” is their main business goal; this drives their support for strong non-profit organizations
within their communities. They provide two different types of funding opportunities for
organizations throughout the state, this includes grants and sponsorships. In an effort to promote
health and wellness, BCBSIL implements the Childhood Health and Wellness Initiative and the
CareVan Program outreach programs.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Nutrition education, disease
prevention and management, physical activity, access to health care, physical activity, health
system reform, care coordination, behavioral and social determinants of health and health
disparities, and health literacy.
4. Eligibility/Target population- There are no restrictions to access this website, however, only
non-profit organizations encouraging health and wellness and work services for Illinois residents
are eligible to apply for funding. BCBSIL does not limit their funding opportunities to a specific
target population.
5. Contact information300 East Randolph Street
Chicago, IL 60601
For questions about grant applications email:
6. Any other relevant information- BCBSIL grants are identified by two separate categories:
Healthy Kids Healthy Families Grant and Community Partners Grant, both of which are for one
year only. Organizations are only allowed to apply for one grant category. The award range is
$20,000 to $100,000.
Drug and Substance Abuse Grant Sources
Source #1
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) was established by Congress in 1992 in an effort to improve the nation's behavioral
health by increasing the accessibility of mental disorder services, information and research.
SAMHSA's mission is to “reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's
communities”. Their strategic initiatives were created to provide support to individuals with
mental and substance abuse disorders as well as their family members and community, prevent
financial burdens due to behavioral health problems, and encourage improvement of health for
every American.
3. A description of health-related topics typically funded- Substance abuse, mental health
illnesses, disaster distress, HIV/AIDS prevention, and suicide prevention.
4. Eligibility/Target population- There are not restrictions to access this website, however, only
domestic public and private non-profit organizations are eligible for funding and additional
requirements may be in the specific RFP. SAMHSA does not have restrictions on providing funds
for only specific target populations.
5. Contact informationSAMHSA's Headquarters
1 Choke Cherry Road
Rockville, MD 20857
Phone number: (877) 726-4727
For general grant questions call: (240) 276-1400 or email:
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6. Any other relevant information- In order to apply for funding through SAMSHA, you must
first register on SAMSHA only accepts electronic submission of applications except
under very rare circumstances. If a grantee wishes to submit a paper application they must mail in
a written request for a waiver at least 15 calendar days in advance to the applications' due date.
There are also additional forms that may need to be submitted in order to be eligible for funds
such as, HHS 690 form and in some cases a Charitable Choice form.
Source #2
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- The National Institute of Health (NIH) was established in 1887 and
is currently the world's largest source of funding for medical research. Their mission is to “seek
fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of
that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability”. NIH has 27
Institutes and Centers; every facility has a specific focus on a targeted disease or body system. For
over 100 years, NIH has been working hard to better health and save lives. Their studies have
resulted in understanding what causes cancer, knowledge of how the brain is able to process what
we see, the evolution of MRI's and perception of how to control cholesterol. The NIH website
allows the public to easily access information on clinical studies, grant funding, health and
wellness and research and library resources.
3. A description of the health-related topics typically funded- Research on cancer and behavior
change in the treatment of alcohol use disorders and drug abuse aspects of HIV/AIDS
4. Eligibility/Target populations- There are no restrictions to access this website or on specific
target populations, however, there may be additional requirements in the specific RFP.
5. Contact informationNational Institutes of Health
Building 1
1 Center Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Phone: (301) 496-4000
6. Any other relevant information- For help with grant application procedures and process or how
to research grant information contact the Grants Information Office at (301) 435-0714 or email
Current RFP for Drug and Substance Abuse
Source #1
1. The complete web address-
2. A description of the source- This RFP focuses on using the drug court model to expand
Substance Abuse Treatment in Adult Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts and Juvenile
Treatment Drug Courts. Grantees are required to establish a program that merges the
effectiveness of treatment drug courts with the services offered to stop alcohol and/or drug
abuse, criminal behavior, or incarceration. Funds must be allocated for programs focusing on
individuals who need substance abuse treatment and/or have co-existing substance abuse
3. Eligibility/Target populations- Applicants that may qualify for funding include: state and
local government entities, the designated State Drug Coordinator, city or county agencies
directly associated with drug courts, federally recognized American Indian/ Alaska Native
tribes and tribal organizations, Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts and juvenile treatment drug
courts. Also, applicants must be wishing to serve high risk/high need populations diagnosed
with substance dependence or addiction to alcohol/drugs and recognized to need immediate
4. Contact informationFor program issues:
Kenneth W. Robertson
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 5-1001
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: (240) 276-1621
For grants management and budget issues:
Eileen Bermudez
Office of Financial Resources, Division of Grants Management
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1091
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: (240) 276-1412
5. Any other relevant information- If awarded funding you must submit three letters of
commitment from each drug court judge in Attachment 5 of the application or it will not be
considered for funding. Eligible drug courts must be operational on or before September 1,
2014. The anticipated total available funding is $4,550,000 and there are fourteen awards for
up to three years.
Source #2
1. The complete web address A description of the source- The purpose of this RFP is to encourage and promote
research assignments that focus on studying how social media is correlated to risk
behaviors associated with the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Proposed research assignments must focus all of their efforts on one of two specific areas:
1) surveillance research on interactions through social media to better understand the risk
factors, behaviors, epidemiology, and attitudes linked to the addiction of alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs, or 2) intervention research evaluating the engagement, reach, and
behavioral and health impact of interventions through social media for the prevention,
screening, and treatment the addiction and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
3. Eligibility/Target populations- Applicants that may qualify for funding include:
nonprofits that do or do not have a 501c3 status with the IRS, other than institutions of
higher education, small businesses, for profit organizations other than small businesses,
public and state controlled institutions of higher education, state governments, and private
institutions of higher education.
4. Contact informationIf you have difficulty retrieving an electronic announcement contact:
NIH OER Webmaster at FBOWebmaster@OD.NIH.GOV
5. Any other relevant information- You must have Adobe Reader installed on your
computer before you will be able to view and complete the RFP.