
Supervise Supply Activities
a. AR 700-84
i. Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing
1. Prescribes policies, procedures, and responsibilities for issue and sale of
personal clothing to members of army activities and DA civilians.
2. Describes systems for maintenance, replacement, and disposition of
3. Designed for enlisted but may apply to officers and warrant officers.
b. AR 735-5
i. Policies and Procedures For Property Accountability
1. Prescribes basic policies and procedures to account for property.
2. Prescribes procedures to be used when property is lost, damaged, or
3. Provides authorized methods to obtain relief from property
4. Defines the Command Supply Discipline Program
c. AR 710-2
i. Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level
1. Provides specific policy for the accountability and assignment of
responsibility for property issued to a using unit.
2. Provides specific policy for the accountability and management of
stocks stored at direct, general, or installation supply support activities
for issue to a customer.
d. DA PAM 710-2-1
i. Using Unit Supply System Manual Procedures
1. Provides unit and organizational manual supply procedures
a. Requesting, receiving, accounting for, issuing, and the turn-in of
supplies and equipment.
e. DA PAM 710-2-2
i. Supply Support Activity System Manual Procedures
1. Provides manual procedures to manage and operate a uniform supply
system for support units below the wholesale level.
f. FM 10-27-3
i. Tactics, Techniques, and procedures for Quartermaster Headquarters
g. TC 3-34.489
i. The Soldier and the Environment
Two types of Army units with regard to Supply
a. Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE)
i. Doctrinally defined operational Army field units
b. Table of distribution and allowances (TDA)
i. TDA units are organized to perform specific missions for which there are no
appropriate TOEs and are discontinued as soon as their assigned mission have
been accomplished.
ii. Non-tactical, non-doctrinal units such as
1. Fixed facilities
2. Command and control headquarters
3. Army/Joint organizations
c. “Go to war” units
i. Modification Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE)
1. Units can be Combat, Combat Support, or Combat Service Support
Classes of Supply
a. Class (I) – Subsistence (includes bottle water and ice)
b. Class(II) - Clothing and equipment
c. Class(III) – Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants
d. Class(IV)- Construction and barrier material
e. Class(V)- Ammunition
f. Class(VI)-Personal convenience items
g. Class(VII)-Major end items( tanks, trunk, etc.)
h. Class(VIII)-Medical Supply
i. Class(IX) – Repair parts
j. Class(X) – Nonmilitary material
Types of Supply Systems
a. Wholesale
i. Purchases supplies from commercial sources or from government plants
ii. Consists of national inventory control points, depots, terminals, arsenals and
government plants which mainly exist in the continental U.S.
b. Retail
i. Receives the supplies from the wholesale level and distributes these supplies to
the users.
ii. Consists of supply units and installation supply activities
Definition of Accountability
a. Accountability is the obligation of a person to keep records of property, documents, or
funds. These records show identification data, gains, losses, dues-in, dues-out, and
balances on hand or in use (Para 2-7, AR 735-5).
Definition of Responsibility
a. Responsibility is the obligation of an individual to ensure government property and
funds entrusted to his or her possession, command, or supervision are properly used
and cared for, and that proper custody, safekeeping, and disposition are provided (Para
2-8, AR 735-5).
b. Type of Responsibility
i. Command Responsibility
1. Para 2-8a(1), AR 735-5
2. It is the responsibility of the commander to ensure all government
property within his or her command is properly used and cared for, and
that proper custody, safekeeping, and disposition are provided.
a. Ensure the security of all property of the command (in use and
b. Observing subordinates to ensure their activities contribute to
proper custody, care, use, safekeeping, and disposition of all
property within the command.
c. Enforcing all security, safety, and accounting requirements
d. Taking administrative or disciplinary measures when necessary
3. Is inherent
4. Cannot be delegated
5. Evidenced by assignment to command post
ii. Supervisory Responsibility
1. Para 2-8a(2) AR 735-5
2. Ensure all government property issued to, or used by his or her
subordinates is properly used and cared for, and that proper custody,
safekeeping, and disposition are provided.
a. Inherent in all supervisory positions
b. Is not contingent on receipts or signed responsibility statements
c. Cannot be delegated
d. Arises because of assignment to a specific post
3. Provide the proper guidance
4. Enforce all security, safety, and accountability requirements
5. Maintaining a supervisory climate that will facilitate and ensure the
proper care and use of Government property.
iii. Direct Responsibility
1. Para 2-8(3) AR 735-5
2. The obligation of a person to ensure all Government property for which
he or she has receipted, is properly used and cared for, and that proper
custody, safekeeping, and disposition are provided.
3. Results from
a. assignment as an accountable officer
b. receipt of formal written delegation
c. acceptance of property on hand receipt from an accountable
4. Commanders and/or directors of separate Table of Distribution and
Allowances (TDA) activities will determine and assign in writing those
individuals who will have direct responsibility for property.
iv. Custodial Responsibility
1. The obligation of an individual for property in storage awaiting issue or
turn in to exercise reasonable and prudent actions to properly care for,
and ensure proper custody, safekeeping, and disposition of the property
2. Results from assignment as
a. Supply Sergeant
b. Supply Custodian
c. Supply Clerk
d. Warehouse person
3. Position is rated by and answerable to accountable office or individual
having direct responsibility for the property.
4. Responsibilities
a. Security of all property stored is adequate
b. Observing subordinates to ensure proper custody, care,
safekeeping and disposition.
c. Enforcing all security, safety, and accountability requirements
d. When unable to enforce report problem to supervisor
v. Personal Responsibility
1. Para 2-8a(5), AR 735-5
2. The obligation of a person to exercise reasonable and prudent actions
to properly use, care for, safeguard and dispose of all Government
property issued for, acquired for, or converted to a person’s exclusive
use, with or without a receipt (e.g. personal weapon)
c. Relationships in Responsibility
i. Para 2-8b, AR 735-5
ii. Command and supervisory responsibility depend on the location of the property
within the chain of command. This responsibility is a part of a job or a position
and is incurred by assuming that command or supervisory position.
1. It cannot be delegated.
iii. Direct Responsibility is a formal assignment of property responsibility to a
person within the supply chain who has the property within his or her custody,
but not necessarily in their possession or for their use.
1. Accountable officers always have direct responsibility unless it has been
specifically assigned to another person.
2. Accountable officers may delegate such responsibility by written
designation or by issue of the property on a hand receipt.
iv. Personal responsibility always accompanies the physical possession of property.
Accounting for Lost, Damaged, or destroyed property
a. DD Form 200
i. Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL)
ii. No one admits financial responsibility
iii. Monetary value of the loss exceeds his/her monthly basic pay
b. DD Form 362
i. Statement of Charges/Cash collection Voucher
ii. Someone admits financial responsibility
iii. Less than monthly pay
iv. Wants to pay cash – X in cash collection
v. Does not want to pay cash – X in statement of charges
Obtaining relief from lost, damaged, or destroyed property
a. DD Form 200 – Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss)
b. Damage Statement
c. Memorandum to adjust losses
d. DD Form 362 (Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher)
e. AR 735-5 provides other actions to obtain relief from responsibility/accountability
Army supply management functions
a. Request
i. Supplies are requested at all levels
ii. The critical task is to requisition the correct item
iii. Four forms used to request supplies (Tables 2-3 DA PAM 710-2-1)
1. DA Form 2765 (series)
a. Used to request expendable, durable, or nonexpendable single
line item with National Stock Number (NSN) listed in the Army
Data File (AMDF).
2. DA Form 3161
a. Used to request 10 or more line items of supplies normally
provided by a Self-service Supply Center (SSSC) when SSSCs are
not available.
b. Used to request five or more line items of packaged class 3
c. Used to request expendable medical items within a medical
d. Used to request five or more line items of supplies normally
ordered on a recurring basis (e.g. insignia, badges, and
individual awards).
3. DA Form 1348-6
a. Used to request non-NSN single line items.
b. NSN single line items when the NSN is not listed in the AMDF
c. Modification Work Order (MWO) and modification kits
d. Classified items
e. All exception data requests
4. DA Form 581
a. Used to request ammunition and explosives
b. Receive
i. The authority to receive supplies is carefully monitored by commanders and
accountable officers. The primary documents used to delegate that authority
1. DA Form 1687
a. Notice of delegation of authority to receipt of supplies
2. DA Form 5977
a. Authorization card
c. Issue
i. Forms used to issue supplies
1. DD Form 1348-1A or DA Form 2765-1
a. If issued from an Supply Support Activity (SSA)
2. DA Form 3161
a. If the request was made on a DA Form 3161 then issue is on
same form.
3. DD Form 250 or DD Form 1155
a. If issued from a contractor or vendor
d. Store
i. Two types (Inside and outside)
e. Disposition/turn in
i. Forms
1. DA Form 581
2. DA Form 2765-1
3. DA Form 3161
f. Receipt
i. Items can be receipted to individuals using the following three forms
1. DA Form 2062 – hand receipt holders and items longer than 30 days.
2. DA Form 3161 – Temporary hand receipt for less than 30 days
3. DA Form 3749 – Equipment receipt to assign responsibility for property
that is issued to the same person for brief recurring periods.
Automated Supply Systems
a. Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUS-E)
i. Functions
1. Property accountability
2. Asset visibility
ii. Description
1. Online interactive system that provides a centralized property book
2. Provides asset visibility and automated organizational property book
3. Used in a division it is centralized in the DMMC
4. Used in a non-division decentralized to the battalion level
5. Interfaces with ULLS and SARSS
b. Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS)
i. Automated System that performs all the supply management functions
(request, receive, issue, store, turn-in of government property).
ii. Operates above unit level from direct support unit/general support units
throughout the army.
iii. Online, transaction oriented supply management system.
1. Users enter data and can query the system
iv. Interfaces with SPBS-R and ULLS
c. Unit Level Logistics System (ULLS)
i. ULLS-S4 replaced by PBUS-E, ULLS-G still used but will be replaced by PBUS-E
ii. Automated system that provides near real time logistics management and
decision support information for the battalion S4, unit supply, and motor pool.
iii. Interfaces with SPBS-R and SARSS
d. Training Ammunition Management Information System-Redesigned (TAMIS-R)
i. Used to account for all ammunition at all levels to include the user, using
Types of Property
a. Non-expendable Property
i. Property that is not consumed in use and that retains its original identity during
the period of use (E.G. vehicles, weapons, and radios).
ii. Accounting requirement code (ARC) - N
b. Expendable Property
i. Property that is consumed in use, or that loses its identity in use. Includes items
not consumed in use with a unit cost of less than $300 and having a controlled
inventory code of “U” or “7” (e.g. Repair parts, training aids, and office supplies)
ii. Accounting requirement code (ARC) - X
c. Durable Property
i. Personal property that is not consumed in use, does not require property book
accountability, but because of its unique characteristics requires control when
issued to the user (e.g. hand tools and desks)
ii. Accounting requirements code (ARC) – D
iii. Commanders are authorized to adjust up to $100 for damage or loss of durable
hand tools per incident (Para 14-19, AR 735-5)
d. Real Property
i. Lands, improvements to lands, buildings, facilities, improvements and additions
to buildings and facilities, and utility systems.
e. Installation Property
i. Nondeployable property issued to a unit under the authority of a CTA or other
HQDA-approved or NGB authorization documents, except expendable items and
personal clothing.