Written Lesson Plan - Kendall Loyd's Technology Portfolio

Design for Learning
Instructor: Kendall Loyd
Lesson Title: India Vocabulary
Curriculum Area: Reading
Grade Level: 5th grade
Estimated Time: 2 class periods
Date: November 28, 2012
State Standard and IEP goal(s)
English Language Arts (5th grade)
1.) Demonstrate reading vocabulary knowledge, including recognition of multiplemeaning words.
4.) Use a wide range of strategies and skills, including using text features to gain
meaning, summarizing passages, and drawing conclusions, to comprehend fifth-grade
informational and functional reading materials.
• Using sentence structure and context to determine word meaning
*IEP Goals: D, K, M, D, and A will use context clues to define new vocabulary words.
Technology (5th grade)
12.) Create a product using digital tools.
Examples: products-digital story, podcast, digital artwork
Lesson Objectives
The students will be able to:
1. Define 5 new vocabulary words related to non-fiction text.
2. Use 5 vocabulary words in context.
Evaluation of Learning Objectives
1. The students will correctly define 4/5 vocabulary words on a matching activity
2. The students will use technology to create a travel ad using 5 vocabulary words
appropriately and in context.
Technology Integration
 For this lesson, students will gain exposure to vocabulary words through videos and
pictures, and then create a final project assessment using the Voki avatar-creator.
 If the technology fails to work, the teacher will use the pictures in the book and
more verbal explanations to teach each vocabulary word. For the final assessment,
students would write a travel agency commercial and simply read it to the class
without using the Voki creative system. This back-up plan would allow the teacher
to aim for and measure the same objectives.
All students will have access to laptops that will be checked out before this class
period from the school computer lap. All laptops have internet access, allowing for
access to the voki program.
Pre-requisite skills needed to complete this technology assessment:
o Basic computer functions – turn on, access Internet, log on/off, etc.
o Typing experience
o Website navigation
 “Namaste” boys and girls! I just greeted you in Hindi, the official language of India.
On Monday, you read a story in your workbooks about India, and I couldn’t help but
notice that you all seemed interested in the topic. I know you “took a trip” to India
on Monday, but today I would like to go back there!
 (Show map of India) First, let’s take a look at the country of India. We are here in
Birmingham, AL (point on a map) and this is the country of India (point on a map).
India is on the continent of Asia.
 I think it is good to always be prepared when you travel, so let’s watch a video first
to show us what we can expect!
 (Play video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2njLfnebpWk&feature=fvwrel
 (Begin to pass out Vocabulary Passports) Right now I am passing out your
vocabulary passports. When you go on a trip, your passport gets stamped at each
airport you go through as you travel. Today, your passport will get punched for each
vocabulary word you learn about! Let’s begin our journey!
Learning Design
 We are going to travel to 5 locations in the country of India. At each location we will
learn a new vocabulary word. At each location we will read a selection about the
new location. Here is an example selection. (Show example) The vocabulary word is
in bold print. We are going to use context clues to help us make a good guess about
he definition of each word.
 Sometimes when we read, we come to a word that we do not know. If the definition
of the word is not clearly stated in the text, how can we find out what the word
means? (Call on students to response). We use context clues! Context clues are clues
that the text gives us about the meaning of the word. Let’s look at my example.
(Read example; Highlight “context clues”) Now I am going to look at my passport,
find the word, and write out what I think the meaning of this word is. (Write out
example). Does anyone have any questions?
 We are going to go through this process for 5 new vocabulary words that relate to
India. As we travel, we will just fill out the “what I think this word means” section.
Which section are we going to fill out? (Students repeat directions back to you).
 Thank you all for listening to directions. We have been sitting still long enough! Let’s
go to our first destination!
We learned on Monday that a bazaar is a large outdoor market place.
o Welcome to the Bazaar! Look on your passport at “Destination 1.” What word
are we looking for? (Currency). Let’s first watch this video about the Indian
o (Play short video)
o Call on student to read aloud (A different student will read a destination’s
o Based on this passage, I would like to write what your guess is about the
meaning of the word “currency.”
o (Stamp passport.)
Now I would like everyone to follow me to the coastlands of India for our next
o What word are we looking for at destination 2? (Monsoon.)
o (Play video).
o Call on student to read destination 2 passage.
o Now, using the context clues, make a good guess as to the meaning of that
o (Stamp passport)
Time to go to Destination 3 – the Taj Mahal!
o A, yesterday you said you wish you could tour it! As much as I would love to
actually take you there! I would love to show you what the inside looks like!
Let’s take a picture tour!
o Call on student to read passage. Remember we are looking for our
Destination 3 word “Emperor.”
o Use context clues to write the definition of this word of this passport.
o (Stamp passport)
Destination 4 – Now we are going into a traditional Indian home! What word are we
looking to define? (Chai) Very good! This family likes to listen to traditional Indian
music. Let’s play some while we read about this home.
o (Allow students to text chai)
o Call on student to read passage. Thank you, M!
o Now fill out this section of your passport! We only have one destination left!
o (Stamp passport)
Destination 5 – Now lets take a trip to an Indian clothes shop. What word are we
looking to define in Destination 5 (Sari).
o (Show pictures of Indian garments) Call on student to read passage.
o Great reading! Now let’s use the context clues to make our last good guess
about he meaning of this vocabulary word.
I’m said to say that our trip is over! Let’s fly back to our seats to check and see if you
came up with a good definition of the vocabulary words using context clues.
(Wait for students to be seated) Let’s review the words. (Call on students to share
their definition of the vocabulary words – Have students give a thumbs up if they
wrote a similar definition – Write vocabulary words on the board as you discuss
each word, then write the formal definition.)
Let’s review the definitions one more time before playing a matching game.
(Collect papers; Leave definitions written on the board).
(Pass out a vocabulary card to each student with a piece of tape on it).
I am giving you a card with a vocabulary word on it. One at a time, you are going to
come up and tape your word to the board where it belongs! (Call students to match
words to definitions)
Great job matching! If we ever got to take a real trip to India, all of you would fit
right in!
Before your enter back into your own country on an international trip, you have to
fill out immigration papers on the plane. Now I am passing out your re-entry papers.
You must show that you have learned our new vocabulary words using context
(Pass out papers).
In the top section, you will match the word its definition. In the bottom section you
will use context clues to fill in the blank with the word that fits best!
 Now that we have learned our 5 new vocabulary words on our trip to India, it is
time to tell the people of America about what you have learned. We are going to
use the Voki program to create a commercial to inform people about the country
of India.
 Pull up Voki on Interwrite board to demonstrate.
 You will create a travel agent avatar. You can create any kind of character you
want, but you must use the 5 vocabulary words that we learned today.
 Before we begin, let’s go over our rules for using technology:
o No food or drinks near the computers.
o Only use the websites determined by Miss Loyd for this assignment.
o Ask permission before printing or giving any identifying information to
any online program.
o Get the OK from Miss Loyd for the finished project.
 We will complete and present your Voki during our next class!
Closure, review, and assess progress
 Thank you all for traveling with me today! I liked how everyone read and searched
for context clues to help you learn our new vocabulary words.
 Before you leave, we are going to enjoy some more Indian Chai and mangos, the
national food of India.
Content and Resources
 Technology access – ELMO, projector, laptops for each student
 Worksheets – “Passport”
 Pens/pencils
 Whiteboard and markers
 Indian Chai tea and Mangos
Plans for Individual Learners
This lesson was designed with these 5 specific learners in mind. All instruction will
be given with the students’ needs and interests in mind. All students will be sitting in a
close proximity to the board and myself. M will sit in a seat at a small distance away from
the table with the rest of the students to help him stay on task and avoid distractions. D will
receive more prompting (direct questions rather than waiting for him to volunteer)
throughout the lesson to keep him engaged and motivated.
Extensions, Accommodations and Modifications: These students will be given
shorter passages to read while looking for context clues than would their peers in
the general education classroom. Any students who show interest in learning more
about India or have specific questions will be allowed to research their questions
using technology with Miss Loyd’s supervision to share with the class.
Reflection on Instructional Design
 This group of students showed great interest in the lesson topic of India. One
student even said “I wish I could go there!” when we previewed the topic on
Monday. The students also receive vocabulary instruction with each week’s
“Voyager” reading program lesson, but I have not observed any instruction about
the use of context clues. I think that practicing that specific skill will help them
succeed in weekly vocabulary lessons.
 I used a variety of videos, music, food, etc. to help the students make a connection to
each word in a way that is meaningful and applicable to real life situations.
 The use of technology for the Voki assessment is a practical way for students to
apply their vocabulary knowledge while gaining experience creating using
technology. This will serve as a great alternative form of assessment.