How to write a thesis statement

Alexander College Writing & Learning Centre
What is a thesis statement?
What is a thesis statement?
A condensation of your argument into a
single sentence.
The answer to the main question you are
Thesis statements should:
Be direct (focused): it should tell the
readers exactly what your paper is
about in 1 or 2 sentences.
Thesis statements should:
Be direct (focused): it should tell the
readers exactly what your paper is about
in 1 or 2 sentences.
Be limited in scope: You should be able
to make your case within the limits of your
Thesis statements should:
Be direct (focused): it should tell the
readers exactly what your paper is about
in 1 or 2 sentences.
Be limited in scope: You should be able
to make your case within the limits of your
Be arguable: express a position that
readers may agree or disagree with.
Thesis statements should:
Be direct (focused): it should tell the readers
exactly what your paper is about in 1 or 2
Be limited in scope: You should be able to
make your case within the limits of your paper.
Be arguable – express a position that is readers
may agree or disagree with.
Be supportable – there is evidence that
supports your claims
Thesis statements should not:
 Be just an observation – “There is a lot of traffic in
Thesis statements should not:
 Be simply an observation – “There is a lot of traffic in
 Be the title – “Vancouver traffic problems.”
Thesis statements should not:
 Be simply an observation – “There is a lot of traffic in
 Be the title – “Vancouver traffic problems”
 Ask a question – “What do you think about
Vancouver’s traffic?”
Let’s look at one example, using the topic:
Vancouver traffic.
Vancouver is beautiful, but there are too many
cars, and it’s expensive.
Is this a good thesis statement?
Vancouver is beautiful, but there are too many
cars, and it’s expensive.
 Direct (focused)?
Is this paper arguing Vancouver
is beautiful, there are too many cars here, or is it a
paper about Vancouver’s cost of living?
 Limited? What is this paper arguing?
 Arguable? Does this thesis indicate an essay that
presents a view the readers may agree or disagree
 Supportable? Parts of this may be supportable, but
not until the thesis is narrowed down.
Let’s use the same topic and see if we can
come up with a better thesis statement:
The high volume of traffic in Vancouver has a
negative impact on air quality in the region,
therefore rapid transit service in the region
should be increased in order to reduce traffic
volume and improve air quality.
Is this a good thesis statement?
The high volume of traffic in Vancouver has a negative
impact on air quality in the region, therefore rapid
transit service in the region should be increased in
order to reduce traffic volume and improve air
 Is it Direct? 
Improving air quality is the main focus
of this essay.
 Limited?  This paper is limited to the air quality in the
Greater Vancouver region, as it is affected by traffic
 Arguable?  There is a great deal of debate about how
to improve air quality in high traffic regions.
 Supportable?  This thesis argues that improving rapid
transit will contribute to improving air quality & there are
studies to support this claim.
 Now you have some idea of what a thesis
statement should look like ...
 How do you write a thesis statement for
your paper?
Step ONE:
Think of a question you want to answer about
your topic
Be specific
Don’t ask a question that is too general or
too broad
This will help you narrow the focus of your
thesis statement
It will also help you to write a paper that is
not too general.
Avoid Broad Questions
 Should euthanasia be made legal?
 “Euthanasia” can be a very broad term, so you
would need to define what you mean by
Under what circumstances it should be legal?
Who it would be legal for?
Where are you talking about? Canada? China?
U.S.A? The Netherlands? Belgium?
What is the best argument for/against this?
Step ONE: Sample Questions
o How does the author use foreshadowing in this novel?
o What affect does a high value Canadian dollar have on
our economy? (Economics)
o What is the chief weakness of Act Utilitarianism as a
normative moral theory? (Philosophy)
Step TWO:
Brainstorm some general points that express
possible ways to answer your question
 This is where your research can help you
 Use reliable sources of information to help you come
up with the best answer to your question.
 Note: use English sources from the College’s data
base and libraries.
Step TWO: Sample Answers
How does the author use foreshadowing in this
novel? (English)
Foreshadowing creates suspense
It keeps readers interested in the story
It gives readers clues about what might happen
Step TWO: Sample Answers
What affect does a high value Canadian dollar
have on our economy? (Economics)
 Some claim the higher petro-dollar value makes it difficult for
Canadian manufacturers to compete in world markets.
 Manufacturers responded to economic downturn by reducing
their dependence on exports
 They have used the higher dollar to purchase more foreign
inputs for their businesses
 Manufacturers have led the recovering since 2008-09
 There have been winners and losers
Step TWO: Sample Answers
What is the chief weakness of Act Utilitarianism
as a normative moral theory? (Philosophy)
Utilitarianism identifies happiness as the only
intrinsic good
Happiness cannot be objectively valued
This makes morality subjective rather than
Take the question and your best answer(s) [up to
3 points] and write a combination sentence that
tells the reader what your paper is about.
Note that how you answer your question will also
depend on what type of paper you are writing.
If you are writing a position/argument paper, then
your thesis statement will identify what position
you are taking.
If you are analyzing or explaining research, then
your thesis statement will identify the main
conclusion of your analysis or research.
Sample Thesis Statements:
o This is a sample of an English essay
assignment that asks for a Critical Analysis
of a novel:
o The author uses foreshadowing as an effective
tool to keep readers interested by creating
suspense that keeps them guessing until the
very end of the story.
Sample Thesis Statements:
o This thesis statement is for an Expository
essay – an essay that explains something or
presents facts to readers:
o While there have been winners and losers in
Canada’s economy, manufacturers have led the
economic recovery since 2008 by reducing their
dependence on exports and taking advantage of
Canada’s higher dollar value to purchase more
foreign inputs for their businesses.
Sample Thesis Statements:
This thesis statement is for an
Argumentative or Position essay
o Act Utilitarianism chief weakness as a
normative moral theory lies in its reliance on
happiness as the only intrinsic good. Since
happiness cannot be objectively evaluated, this
would make act utilitarianism a subjective moral
Important Things to Remember
Think of your thesis statement as the
“Organizing Idea” for your entire essay.
As you are writing, keep checking that your
essay is including information and arguments
that are supporting your thesis.
This will help you keep your essay focussed.
Important Things to Remember
Your thesis statement creates “Reader
 If your thesis says that the author uses
foreshadowing to create suspense, then
your readers are going to expect an essay
that demonstrates how the author does
that and why it’s an effective way of writing.
Important Things to Remember
Thesis statements are not “cast in
If you change your mind about your
position or you discover there isn’t any
reliable research that supports your thesis,
it is okay to change your thesis statement.