Interviewing 101

Job Interview Techniques
Mary Jaeger
Michele Biddison
Presentation to the Public Works Institute of the Kansas City Metro Chapter of the APWA
Job Interview Techniques
Why interviews are important
Types of interviews
How to prepare an effective interview strategy
Key interview questions to ask
Lawful & Unlawful interview questions
Behavior based interview questions
Conducting the interview
Concluding the Interview
Evaluating candidates
Job Offer/Post-Job Offer
Key points to remember
Job Interview Techniques
Why Interviews Are Important
• Gives you an opportunity to meet candidates face to
• Helps you assess a candidate’s strengths,
weaknesses and fit for the job.
• Allows you to ask what you don’t know and want to
know about the candidate.
• Provides you with the information you need for
making the best hiring decisions.
Job Interview Techniques
Types of Interviews
• Phone interviews
• One on one interviews
• Panel interviews
• Peer interviews (lunch)
• Realistic job preview (tours)
• Sr. management interviews
Job Interview Techniques
How to Prepare an Effective Interview Strategy
• Individual interview?
• Team interview (panel)?
• Identify your interview team (if applicable)
• Schedule dates/times/location
• Allow enough time for each Interview
• Allow sufficient time between Interviews
Job Interview Techniques
How to Prepare an Effective Interview Strategy
Review job description
Prepare interview questions relevant to the position,
experience, skills, competencies and qualifications you are
Consider working with peers, staff and HR to assist
Develop questions related to specific expectations (OT,
night/weekend shift work, on-call, CDL, certifications, snow
plow duty, etc.)
Screen applicants (determine who)
Determine additional testing for compatibility if applicable
(i.e., Kolbe, SDI, Strengths Finder, Myers-Briggs, etc.)
Determine key candidate selection criteria (weighted)
Job Interview Techniques
Key Interview Questions to Ask
Work experience
Knowledge/skills relevant to the position
Major accomplishments
Teamwork experience
Why leaving current job
Why do you want to work for… (name of your municipality)
Job Interview Techniques
Interview Do’s and Don’ts
Lawful interview Questions (Can ask)
Unlawful interview Questions (Don’t ask)
Address or duration of residence
• Pregnancy
Age or date of birth
• Disability
Alcohol or Drug Use
• Arrest records
• Personal life such as married or
Names of relatives working for the
• Religion or creed
• Military status
Job Interview Techniques
Behavior Based Interview Questions
Which one of these questions is the better interview question to ask?
Attention to Detail
1. How would you handle working
with a team on a daily basis?
1. Describe what you do to control
mistakes in your work?
2. Describe a time that you
demonstrated the ability to be an
effective team member.
2. Do you ever make mistakes?
1. What do you think about working
with others?
3. Do you own up to your mistakes, or
do you blame others?
Job Interview Techniques
Conducting the Interview
Greet applicants
Introduce yourself and others on the panel committee
Talk about the job and the organization
Provide a copy of the job description
Focus on qualifications for the job
Take notes (relevant -job information only)
Allow silence
Courtesy to have a glass of water for the candidate
Job Interview Techniques
Conducting the Interview
• Explain how the position fits into the organization
• Talk about key responsibilities of the position
• Review company perks and benefits
• Describe the culture
Job Interview Techniques
Concluding the Interview
• Ask candidate if he/she has any questions
• Explain notification procedure
• Give an expected start date
• Describe the next steps
• Thank candidates for interviewing
• Show them to the exit
Job Interview Techniques
Evaluating Candidates
• Review your notes
• Discuss each candidate with panel (if applicable)
• Evaluate each candidate using your rating comparison
• Summary/justification for selection
• Make sure ratings and remarks are job related
• Reference checks
Job Interview Techniques
Job Offer/Post-Job Offer
Job Offer
Conditional job offer (typically done
by phone or in-person)
Offer letter:
• Start date
• Hourly rate if non-exempt
• Salary if exempt
• Other conditions of employment
• Pre-employment requirements
• Benefits start date and/or other
Notify candidates not selected –
protect your brand
Retain applications for 2-years
Post-Job Offer
• HR conducts pre-employment
Background check
Schedules physical & drug
Schedules other job specific
screenings (if applicable)
Initiates compatibility testing
(if applicable)
Job Interview Techniques
Onboarding – Now What???
New hire paperwork
New hire orientation
Orientation check-list
Assign a buddy (if applicable)
Consider a team lunch and/or department food day
Develop performance planning document (typically within first 30days)
Schedule routine follow-up
Job Interview Techniques
Key Points to Remember
• Interviews are an essential part in the hiring process
• You need to be a skilled interviewer
• You must be able to plan, conduct, and evaluate
interviews with job candidates effectively
• Avoid potentially discriminatory questions and
• Keep calm and call HR if any questions or to ask for
Job Interview Techniques
Questions and Contact Information
• Mary Jaeger –
• Michele Biddison –