Hospitality Suite Monday Dolphin Beach Area - Swan & Dolphin Hotel 6:00 to 8:00 Fluke Sponsored Presidents Reception 5:45 for Met-Support-Gold members Don’t forget Morning Agenda Introductions & your goals for today? New Products, Promotions, Procedures, etc… MET/CAL Version 7.2 Service Pack 1 What is available in SP1? Using the List Box Math Function Reading and Writing to a INI file Building Perfect reports A Basic SQL Tutorial Utility Afternoon Agenda MET/CAL and Z540.3 – Risk Assessment User Forum – Tony Giannasca – Analog Devices Drawing & Prizes Introductions… Name… Company… What you do… What version of MET/CAL… What you hope to learn today… Anything you want to share… Training Training Classroom Training: New New New MET-101 Basic Hands-on Metrology MET-301 Advanced Hands-on Metrology MET-302 Hands-on Metrology Statistics Cal Lab Management for the 21st Century MET/CAL Database and Reports MET/CAL Procedure Writing MET/CAL Advanced Programming Techniques Metrology for Laboratory Personnel (CCT Exam Preparation) Product Specific Training On-Site Training is available for most of the above classes Training Classroom Training: Principles of Temperature Metrology Advanced Topics in Temperature Metrology Infrared Temperature Metrology Precision Pressure Calibration Setting Up and Using COMPASS Pressure Software Gas Flow Calibration Using MOLBLOC/MOLBOX Training Web-Based Training: Self-Paced Web-Based Training: New MET/CAL Database & Reports MET/CAL Procedure Development Introduction to Measurement and Calibration Precision Electrical Measurement Measurement Uncertainty AC/DC Calibration and Metrology Metrology for Laboratory Personnel (CCT Exam Preparation) Training New MET-302 Basic Hands-on Metrology Uncertainty • • • • • • • Three Days with Hands-on Labs Reviews Basic Elements of Uncertainty Methods of Calculating Measurement Uncertainty How to Create an Uncertainty Budget Guardbanding and Risk Analysis Techniques A discussion of Z540.3 Uncertainty in Temperature Measurement Uncertainty in Pressure & Flow Measurement Only Given in Everett WA Instructor - Led Metrology for Laboratory Personnel (CCT Preparation Course) Created with permission of ASQ Six sections based on CCT Primer by QCI Includes CCT Primer Includes ASQ’s “The Metrology Handbook” 5 Days US – Canada only Also available As Self-Paced Web Course Questions… Priority Gold Care Plan Features… Available on all FPM instruments Includes one, three or 5 annual calibrations Free repairs complete with calibration 3 day in-house turnaround for calibration Priority turnaround for repairs Discounts on upgrades -10% Discounts on training -20% Free two-day return freight on calibrations and repairs Gold Procedures… Questions… Metrology Users Community The User Community Web Site Total registered users: 610 Total forum subscribers: 224 Total forum messages: 136 Unique visitors per month (addresses): 1,100 Unique visits per month (sessions): 2,000 Page views (humans): 8,000 Hits (humans): 31,000 Total number of FAQ's: 160 Total downloads: 852 Total MET/CAL procedures: 837 Total related links (URLs): 16 Questions… Fluke Papers… Session/Date Author Paper Title 2E Mon, Aug 4 2:30-4:00 pm Paul Roberts Understanding Phase Noise in Calibration Applications 4C Tues, Aug 5 10:45-12:15 pm Rick Walker Evaluation of Out-of-Tolerance Risk in Measuring and Test Equipment 4E Tues, Aug 5 10:45-12:15 pm Michael Bair, Martin Girard and Pierre Delajoud The Design And Implementation Of A Fully Automated Crossfloat System For The Comparison Of Piston Gauges In Both Gauge And Absolute Measurement Modes 6E Wed, Aug 6 8:30-10:00 am Mingjian Zhao How Does Temperature Non-uniformity of an Annealing Furnace Affect SPRT Stability? 7E Wed, Aug 6 10:45-12:15 pm Thomas Wiandt Low Voltage Traceability and Uncertainty Evaluation for High Accuracy Thermocouple Calibration Utilizing a Modern Automated Potentiometer 7E Wed, Aug 6 10:45-12:15 pm Frank Liebmann Infrared Uncertainty Budget Determination in an Industrial Application TBD (Reserve) Dave Deaver Characterizing the Power Coefficient of Current Shunts TBD (Reserve) Rong Ding Quality Control of Fixed-Point Cells During Manufacturing Fluke Tutorials… Session/Date Author Tutorial Title T13 Sun, Aug 3 8 am – 12 noon Tom Wiandt and Mike Coleman Fundamentals of Temperature Calibration T14 Sun, Aug 3 8 am – 12 noon Michael Bair and Karl Kurtz Very Low Pressure Calibrations T18 Sun, Aug 3 8 am – 12 noon Dave Deaver Good, Bad or Indeterminate: Who Makes the Call? T19 Sun, Aug 3 1:00-5:00 pm Tom Wiandt and Mike Coleman Temperature Calibration Uncertainty Analysis T20 Sun, Aug 3 1:00-5:00 pm Michael Bair and Karl Kurtz Very Low Pressure Applications New MATH Functions List Box Window Functions lbAdd add item to list box lbAddList add list of items to list box lbAddV add item to list box, with associated variable lbButton add button to list box window lbButtonFocus set default button (with keyboard focus) lbClose close list box window lbConf configure list box window lbGetSel get name of n-th selected list box item lbGetSelX get index of n-th selected list box item New MATH Functions List Box Window Functions lbNew lbResp lbSel lbSelCount lbSelX lbShow lbText lbUnSel lbUnSelX create new list box window get user's text response initially select list box item (by name) get count of selected list box items initially select list box item (by index) display list box window add text line to list box window remove initial selection of item (by name) remove initial selection of item (by index) New MATH Functions CRND Purpose: Rounds a number to the closest multiple of a specified increment. Example 1: MATH MEM = CRND(1.234, 0.01) DISP [MEM] CRND rounds 1.234 to 1.23. Example 2: MATH MEM = CRND(94.0, 10) DISP [MEM] CRND rounds 94.0 to 90. New MATH Functions NUM Purpose: NUM extract the 1st numeric value from a string. Example: MATH v = NUM("abc1.2def") The call to NUM above assigns the value 1.2 to the variable "v". New MATH Functions NUMN Purpose: NUMN extracts the n-th embedded numeric value from a string. Examples: MATH v = NUMN("abc1.2def3.4ghi5.6jkl", 2) The call to NUMN above assigns the value 3.4 to the variable "v" because 3.4 is the 2nd embedded numeric value in the string. MATH v = NUMN("abc1.2def3.4ghi5.6jkl", 0) The call to NUMN above assigns the value 3 to the variable "v" because the string contains 3 embedded numeric values (namely 1.2, 3.4, and 5.6). Using the List Box Functions Creates a New List Box 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH Window andtext names it list box Add line to +Sel initially selects the first window Add item to in listthe box, item listwith it’s Id = lbNew("8508A SPRT/PRT") associated variable. lbText(Id, "Select operation to be performed.") LbConf(Id, “+Sel") Displays the a list box lbAddV(Id, "Review", "@Review") window and waits for the lbAddV(Id, "Delete", "@Delete") user's response lbAddV(Id, "Insert", "@Insert") lbShow(Id) Using the List Box Functions 1.003 MATH 1.006 MATH 1.007 MATH 1.008 MATH 1.005 1.004 MATH Id = lbNew("8508A SPRT/PRT") lbAddV(Id, "Review", "@Review") lbAddV(Id, "Delete", "@Delete") lbAddV(Id,LbConf(Id, "Insert", "@Insert") MATH “+Sel") lbText(Id, "Select operation to be performed.") 1.009 MATH lbShow(Id) Using the List Box Functions 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.028 1.029 MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH WHILE MATH DISP MATH ENDW id = lbNew("lbSelCount Example") lbConf(id, "+multi") lbAddList(id, "A,B,C,D,E,F,G") lbShow(id) SelCount = lbSelCount(id i=1 (i <= SelCount) str = lbGetSel(id, i) Selected String #[v i] = [v str] i=i+1 Using the List Box Functions #Conversion Example MATH Id = LBNEW("Conversions") MATH LBTEXT(Id, "Select conversion:") MATH LBCONF(Id, "+Multi,+SelReq") MATH LBADDV(Id, "dBm to volts", "dBmVolts") MATH LBADDV(Id, "volts to dBm", "VoltsdBm") MATH LBADDV(Id, "dBm to watts", "dBmWatts") MATH LBADDV(Id, "watts to dBm", "WattsdBm") MATH LBBUTTON(Id, "Ok") MATH LBBUTTON(Id, "Exit") Using the List Box Functions # Edit box 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH DISP MATH id = lbNew("Error") lbconf(id, "+Edit") lbbutton(id, "OK") lbtext(id, "Enter the error code...") op = lbShow(id) Text = lbresp(id) You entered "[v Text]" lbclose(id) The VISA FSC The VISA FSC provides direct access to instruments using the National Instruments VISA library (NI-VISA). To enable the "VISA" FSC in MET/CAL V7.20 SP1 it is necessary to add the following line to the [Startup] section of the MET/CAL initialization file ("metcal.ini"): NI-VISA = Yes The "VISA" FSC may currently be used with instruments on the following interface types: Ethernet IEEE-488 RS232 USB The VISA FSC Licensing Requirements: MET/CAL users must comply with National Instruments' NI-VISA licensing requirements. There are two types of National Instruments NI-VISA licenses, a "Deployment License" and a "Development License. To use the VISA FSC in MET/CAL you must have a Development License. If you own a National Instruments IEEE-488 interface, you automatically have the right to use NI-VISA at no additional cost. The VISA FSC Installation: Before using a MET/CAL procedure that contains VISA statements it is necessary to install the NI-VISA library. The library is not distributed with MET/CAL. You must obtain the library from National Instruments and follow National Instruments' instructions. If you have not already installed NI-VISA, go to "" to download the library. The VISA FSC When the procedure runs the first VISA FSC line it will prompt for An example of how to use the VISA FSC with a SCPI compliant DMM on type of interface and address of any of the interfaces: the UUT. 2.001 2.002 2.003 2.004 2.005 2.006 2.007 2.008 2.009 2.010 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 LABEL VISA RSLT RSLT RSLT HEAD TARGET VISA VISA 5520 TARGET VISA MATH MEMCX DC_VOLTAGE *RST = =DC VOLTAGE = DC VOLTAGE:{ 100 mV Range} -p FUNC "VOLT:DC";:VOLT:DC:RANG 0.1;NPLC 1 FUNC "VOLT:DC";:VOLT:RES MIN 100.0000mV S 2W -m INIT;FETCH?[I] MEM = MEM / 1e-3 100 100.0000mV 55P% 40P/ Features Available in SP2 • VSET/TSET sets Default UUT COM Port • MATH Function Generates List of COM Ports on PC • The PICE FSC now allows "-s <expr> :<results text>“ • The PICE FSC now allows “-s <results text> : <prompt>” • Functions to Convert Numeric Registers to CSV Lists New MATH Functions – SP2 DELETE Purpose: Deletes a specified line in a specified file. Example: DELETE("c:/file.txt", 4) The call to DELETE above deletes line 4 in the file "c:/file.txt". New MATH Functions – SP2 APPEND Purpose: Appends a line to a file. If the file does not exist, it is first created. The line is automatically CRLF-terminated. Example: APPEND("c:/file.txt", "abc") The call to APPEND above appends the line "abc" to the file "file.txt" on the "C:" drive. New MATH Functions – SP2 INSERT Purpose: Inserts a line in a file before a specified line number. Example: INSERT("c:/file.txt", "abc", 4) The call to INSERT above inserts the line "abc" into the file "c:/file.txt" before line 4. New MATH Functions – SP2 READ Purpose: Reads a specified line from a file. Example: line = READ("c:/file.txt", 4) The call to READ above reads line 4 from the file "c:/file.txt". New MATH Functions – SP2 WRITE Purpose: Writes a line to a file after a specified line number. Example: WRITE("c:/file.txt", "abc", 4) The call to WRITE above writes the line "abc" to the file "c:/file.txt" after line 4. New MATH Functions – SP2 REPLACE Purpose: Replaces a specified line in a specified file. Example: REPLACE("c:/file.txt", "def", 4) The call to REPLACE above replace line 4 in the file "c:/file.txt" with the new line “def". New MATH Functions – SP2 CLOSE Purpose: Replaces a specified line in a specified file. Forces the closing of a file before procedure termination New MATH Functions – SP2 LINECOUNT Purpose: Example: Count lines of file. n = LineCount("c:/file.txt") Will put the line count into variable n New MATH Functions – SP2 STRIP Purpose: STRIP strips leading and trailing spaces from a string. Example: MATH s = STRIP(" a b c ") The call to STRIP above assigns the value "a b c" to the variable "s". The 3 leading spaces and the 3 trailing spaces have been removed. The embedded spaces (between 'a' and 'b', and between 'b' and 'c') are still there. New MATH Functions – SP2 STRIPT Purpose: STRIPT strips trailing spaces from a string. Example: MATH s = STRIPT(" a b c ") The call to STRIPT above assigns the value " a b c" to the variable "s". The 3 trailing spaces have been removed. The leading spaces, and the embedded spaces (between 'a' and 'b', and between 'b' and 'c'), are still there. New MATH Functions – SP2 STRIPL Purpose: STRIPL strips leading spaces from a string. Example: MATH s = STRIPL(" a b c ") The call to STRIPL above assigns the value "a b c " to the variable "s". The 3 leading spaces have been removed. The embedded spaces (between 'a' and 'b', and between 'b' and 'c'), and the trailing spaces, are still there. New MATH Functions – SP2 LINREG Purpose: calculates the linear regression from a set of (X,Y) data points. Example: MATH x = "1, 2, 3" MATH y = "1.3, 1.9, 3.1" MATH LinReg(x, y, "SlopeVar", "InterceptVar") The call to "LinReg" performs a least-squares fit to determine the line that best fits the specified data points ((1,1.3), (2,1.9), and (3,3.1)). New MATH Functions – SP2 FindCSV - find line matching specified comma-separated values FindCSVi - case-insensitive version of FindCSV FindCSVn - find line matching specified commaseparated values at specified indices FindCSVni - case-insensitive version of FindCSVn New MATH Functions – SP2 File-Based Accuracy Lookup Functions ACCF - 1-param accuracy spec lookup ACCF2 - 2-param accuracy spec lookup ACCFF - 1-param accuracy floor spec lookup ACCFF2 - 2-param accuracy floor spec lookup ACCFG - 1-param accuracy gain spec lookup ACCFG2 - 2-param accuracy gain spec lookup Uses the accuracy file name, rather than the name of a configured instrument, as the first argument. First Create an INI File [Sample-742A-1] Nominal_Value = 1 Certified_Value = 1.0000118 Cal_Date = 03-Nov-07 [Sample-742A-10] Nominal_Value = 10 Certified_Value = 9.999998 Cal_Date = 03-Nov-07 [Sample-742A-100] Nominal_Value = 100 Certified_Value = 100.00044 Cal_Date = 03-Nov-07 Read from your ini file Example: MATH S[1] = “C:\\METCAL\\STATION\\742-X.INI” MATH M[1] = RIF(S[1], “Sample-742A-1”, “Certified_Value”) WILL RETURN THE VALUE: 1.0000118 Write to your ini file Example: MATH S[1] = “C:\\METCAL\\STATION\\742-X.INI” MATH S[2] = 1.0000121 MATH M[1] = WIF(S[1], “Sample-742A-1”, “Certified_Value”,S[2] ) WILL WRITE THE VALUE OF S[2] INTO THE INI SECTION [Sample-742A-1] TO LINE Certified_Value Write to your ini file Example: MATH S[1] = “C:\\METCAL\\STATION\\742-X.INI” MATH S[2] = 1000.0012 MATH M[1] = WIF(S[1], “Sample-742A-1K”, “Certified_Value”,S[3] ) WILL CREATE A NEW SECTION CALLED [Sample-742A-1K] AND PUT THE VALUE IN S[3] INTO THE Certified_Value LINE. Questions… MET/CAL and Z540.3 Risk Assessment ANSI/NCSL Z540.3, sub-clause 3.11 defines TUR as: “Test uncertainty ratio” “The ratio of the span of the tolerance of a measurement quantity subject to calibration, to twice the 95% expanded uncertainty of the measurement process used for calibration.” T oleranceof UUT TUR 2 x 2 ExpandedUncertain ty of theCalibration Process MET/CAL and Z540.3 Risk Assessment ANSI/NCSL Z540.3, sub-clause 5.3 b): “Where calibrations provide for verification that measurement quantities are within specified tolerances, the probability that Incorrect acceptance decisions (false accept) will result from calibration tests shall not exceed 2% and shall be documented. Where it is not practicable to estimate this probability, the test uncertainty ratio shall be equal to or greater than 4:1.” “NOTE: Achieving these requirements may involve adjustment and management of calibration system parameters such as: measurement reliability, calibration intervals, measurement uncertainty, calibration tolerances, and/or guard bands.” A Little History • A number of years ago, standards were required to be at least ten times better than the products being compared to them; a test uncertainty ratio (TUR) of 10:1. • Increased performance in the products being tested has resulted in a reduction of acceptable TURs to 4:1 with some arguing that 3:1 is sufficient. A Little History • At a minimum, the points less than a certain TUR (usually 4:1) must be noted on the calibration report. • At the other extreme, a detailed statistical uncertainty analysis must be undertaken to establish the uncertainty of the calibration. A Little History • Guardbanding has been used by some to provide some middle ground. • However, there are many guardband strategies that become calibration lab policy with little understanding of their effect on false test decisions. Why Worry About Risks? • There always is a possibility that equipment parameters tested as ‘in-tolerance’ in a calibration laboratory are actually ‘out-oftolerance’. • The probability of this out of tolerance condition being tested as in-tolerance, is called false accept risk or consumer’s risk. • The probability of the in-tolerance condition being tested as out-of-tolerance is called false reject or producer’s risk. Why Worry About Risks? • The consumer’s risk is aimed at the point of view of the end user and is the probability that he/she will accept out-of-tolerance items • While the producer’s risk is aimed at the point of view of the calibration laboratory and is the probability that the lab will reject intolerance items. Why Worry About Risks? The producer (calibration lab) will feel the impact of rejecting intolerance items through the cost of adjusting and re-verifying the item, not to mention the perceived view of quality. The calibration interval for the instrument may be unnecessarily shortened, causing more work for the lab. The consumer’s risk is much greater. The item that was verified to be in-tolerance is actually out-of-tolerance and perhaps will affect an entire production line run, causing a massive recall, or worse, cause a failure that results in death! Product Uncertainty The output of many manufacturing processes can be described with a normal probability distribution. The probability distribution about the mean is shown below. -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 The probability that the performance of the unit under test (UUT) is within its specifications is the area under the curve between the specification limits (SL), assumed to be centered about the mean. Product Uncertainty Specification Limits Probability Unit Conforms (%) Probability Unit Does Not Conform (%) ±1.0s 68.3 31.7 ±1.5s 86.6 13.4 ±2.0s 95.4 4.6 ±2.5s 98.8 1.2 ±3.0s 99.7 0.3 The Measurement Problem UUT Measured Value Non Conformance -3 Non Conformance Conformance Zone -2 Lower Spec Limit -1 1 2 3 Upper Spec Limit If we naively assume the test standard measures a true value, we will make a pass/fail decision based solely on the UUT test limits. The Measurement Problem Producer Risk Consumer Risk The Measurement Problem Note that decreasing the TUR increases the risk for both consumer and producer. The risk is also sensitive to the specifications of the UUT. The Measurement Problem 4:1 TUR,toand limits set Even if the TURWith werea reduced 1:1,specification the With a more conservatively specified unit at at 2s, consumer consumer risk would bethe only 0.5 %. risk is 0.8 %. SL=2.5s, the chance of accepting defective units would be 0.25 %. Guardbanding Uncertain Zone UUT Measured Value Non-Conformance Zone Non-Conformance Zone Calibrator Uncertainty at Nominal Output Conformance Zone -3 -2 Lower Spec Limit -1 1 2 3 Upper Spec Limit When the UUT measurement reading is close to the test limits, the uncertainty of the calibrator must be considered. Guardbanding What happens when you can not meet the 4:1 requirement? Your choices are: choose to lower the level of confidence in the measurement, invest in more precise standards, or undergo an analysis of the uncertainties and document the deviations from the required TUR set test limits different from specification limits (Guardband) Guardbanding Guardband limits cannot be used to reduce both false accept risk and false reject risk. The reduction of one increases the other. The price to be paid for controlling the consumer The probability of making increases with riskfaulty is thattest the decisions producer risk can be much decreasing TURs higher than for a 4:1 TUR When the TUR is less than 4:1 the test limits can be placed to set the desired level of consumer risk or producer risk. For example, it is possible, with a 2:1 TUR, to keep the same risk of accepting defective units as a 4:1 TUR by setting the test limits (TL) inside the specification limits. Guardbanding Strategies CR = CR4:1 The guardband factor (k) which is defined as a multiplier of the specification limit (SL) to produce the test limit (TL): TL = k * SL The usual factor is 0.8 or 80 % of the specification limit. In this strategy, the test limit is set to maintain the same risk of false accepts as a 4:1 TUR would produce. Guardbanding Strategies CR = CR4:1 MET/CAL Example: 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 VSET VSET VSET VSET Allows the procedure to Set the test spec limits. tighten the Test specSummary limits by Sets the Post In this case it is set to a to specified factor Window only show after a PASS, 80% PASS INDETERMINATE, or FAIL INDETERMINATE result. NMEAS = 5 GB = DIRECT GBF = .8 GB_PTS = P Guardbanding Strategies k 1- 1 TUR When the TUR is less than 4:1, this strategy subtracts the uncertainty of the UUT from the specification limit to obtain the test limit. This method suffers from being quite conservative from a false accept perspective at the expense of rejecting a high number of conforming units. This method has a large discontinuity at 4:1 TUR. At 4:1, the UUT may be tested at the specification limit; however, at a TUR of 3.999, the test limit must be reduced to 75 % of the specification limit. Guardbanding Strategies k 1.25 - 1 TUR When the TUR is less than 4, the test limit is set to 1.25 times the specification limit minus the uncertainty of the standard. NCSL’s Recommended Practice RP-10 recommends this method, which improves on some of the limitations of the last method. It is continuous at 4:1 TUR and does not require near the producer risk penalty, especially for the higher TURs. For Example at 2:1 k 1.25 - 1 .75 2 Guardbanding Strategies k 1.25 - 1 TUR MET/CAL Example: 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 VSET VSET VSET VSET NMEAS = 5 GB = DIRECT GBF = .75 GB_PTS = P Guardbanding Strategies k 1- 1 TUR 2 This is the RSS strategy, the test limit is determined by taking the square root of the specification limit squared less the square of the uncertainty of the standard. Used by the Fluke Corporation and others for a number of years, this strategy has only a slight false reject penalty over the constant risk strategy. For a confidence interval of ±2.0, it has a false accept risk of about 0.6 % as compared to the 0.8 % risk for the first strategy of maintaining the same risk as 4:1. For Example at 2:1 k 1- 1 .87 4 Guardbanding Strategies k 1- 1 TUR 2 MET/CAL Example: 1.001 VSET 1.002 VSET 1.003 VSET NMEAS = 5 GB = RDS GB_PTS = P Guardbanding Strategies Measurement Uncertainty Method MET/CAL Example: 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 VSET VSET VSET VSET NMEAS = 5 GB = MU GB_PTS = P GBF = .8 The guardband limits are determined by tightening the specification limits by the expanded measurement uncertainty (or a % of the MU). – Method used in Europe Guardbanding Strategies CR = CR3:1 This strategy is the same as the first strategy except that guardband factors are selected to maintain the risk the same as for a TUR of 3:1. Guardbanding Strategies Strategy K TUR = 4 CR PR K TUR = 2 CR PR 1) CR=CR4:1 1.0 0.8 % 1.5 % 0.91 0.8 % 6.6 % 2) 1-1/TUR 0.75 0.02 % 10 % 0.5 0.03 % 33 % 3) 1.25-1/TUR 1.0 0.8 % 1.5 % 0.75 0.3 % 14 % 4) RSS 0.97 0.6 % 2% 0.86 0.63 % 8.2 % 5) CR=CR3:1 --- --- --- 0.95 1.0 % 5.4 % If you are going to be compliant with Z540.3, you must keep the consumer risk to less than 2 % while minimizing the producer risk or maintain a TUR greater than 4:1. Note: The 2 % false accept applies to individual measurement points, not to the whole instrument. This is not a SQL class There are lots of good SQL books available. Search your hard disk for… ASA SQL Reference Manual.pdf Read about the “Select” statement What is SQL and why should I care about it? SQL = Structured Query Language SQL is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases. Met/Track Uses it. Crystal Reports uses it, Bar Code Magician uses it. Seen the Questions-Answers utility program? It uses it Any program that gets data from Met/Track uses it. You too can put it to good use. And I’m here to show you how. Things that can be done with SQL statements… View hard to get information Export information to data files Import into Word® & Excel® Quickly create new reports What tools are available? Sybase ISQL This is the “Interactive SQL” editor Filename = dbisql.exe "C:\sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbisql.exe" Enter The Query View The data The Official way Is there an easier way… Use Steve’s quick & dirty ISQL It understands the Met/Track database Helps build and test SQL statements Use the sample queries to learn It’s on your Memory Stick Sample Queries They’re on your Memory Stick Questions - Answers It’s on your Memory Stick Sample Queries They’re on your Memory Stick Use Queries to build Crystal Reports Watch me do it Use Queries to populate MS Excel & Word Watch me do it Use Queries to create data files Watch me do it This is not a presentation on procedure writing or report writing… It is assumed that you are reasonably skilled in both Making Procedures & Reports Work Together for the Perfect Report Creating comprehensive, easy to read calibration reports Making Procedures & Reports Work Together for the Perfect Report Creating comprehensive, easy to read calibration reports Knowing what data is available and how it got there Focus on Calibration reports Calibration reports Reports you run after a calibration Reports that prompt for asset number and cal date Reports that have names like “rt_report_of_cal_ver_7.rpt” Calibration reports Complex Least understood Use a stored procedure Little understanding of what data is available Cannot modify without knowing the “CTAG” 1. 2. 3. 4. Run a procedure Run a report View data in the Met/Track results viewer Understand what is there Experiment, Experiment, Experiment Write Special Test Procedures… Only used to generate data Force tests to… Pass Fail Be marginal TUR > 4 TUR < 4 Be Indeterminate Use {Brace} statements Use OBPR statements Have different procedures for Meters Scopes Counters Generators Etc… # Measurement Uncertainty # ----------------------1.001 VSET nmeas = 1 1.002 VSET gb = mu 1.003 VSET ufmt = prefix # DC Voltage Tests 1.006 RSLT 1.007 HEAD 1.008 5500 2.001 HEAD 2.002 5500 3.001 HEAD 3.002 5500 4.001 HEAD 4.002 5500 =DC Volts Enter 1.0022 1.0000A Enter 1.0048 1.0000A Enter 1.0052 1.0000A Enter 1.0055 1.0000A # Blank Line 5.001 RSLT = # AC Voltage Tests 5.002 RSLT 5.003 HEAD 5.004 5500 =AC Volts 1.0000v Test 1.0000V # Blank Line 6.001 RSLT = # Frequency Accuracy 6.002 RSLT 6.003 HEAD 6.004 5500 =Frequency Accuracy Freq = 1.000 Mhz 1.000MH 0.3% 0.5% 2W 0.5% 2W 0.5% 2W 0.5% 2W 0.3% 10kH SI 2W 500mV SI 2W Write Special Test Reports… Run reports… Build reports that show available data What information is in the database & where do I find it? Met/Track Results Viewer Thou shall consider your reports when developing procedures Line spacing Section Headers & Labels Formatted numerics Doug Hot Buttons 1. Not upper casing key words Wrong: rslt =text Right: RSLT =This is my text 2. Not entering the number of decimal places in the nominal Wrong: nominal = 5 Right: Nominal = 5.000 3. Not using comments in a procedure to explain what a test is doing 4. Not spacing procedure rows for readability – or report rows 5. No references to the UUT serial number, version, Manual date, etc 6. Not using the key word colors for readability 7. Ramming together MATH expressions Wrong: 1.058 MATH MEM=MEM+MarkCorr Right: 1.058 MATH MEM = MEM + MarkCorr 8. Using lower-case names for specified MET/CAL variables. Notice how easy it is to confuse a lower-case "L" with the number "1"! Wrong: 1.001 MATH l[1] = mem / m[1] Right: 1.001 MATH L[1] = MEM / M[1] Use RSLT = to create blank lines Use RSLT =xx or HEAD {xx} statements to label tests Use “VSET UFMT = prefix” to format uncertainty Remember, there is no MU with Slew or Go-No-Go Remember to put all the Zero’s in the nominal Use report formulas to combine data fields - 1.234 mV Use report formulas to control color – Pass, Fail, Marginal It is better to modify than create a new report Build a template for future needs Results Fields: System_Actual is always the value of the source UUT_Indicated is always the reading of the UUT What do all those database fields mean? ResultsTable7.pdf Manual Met/Cal 2.0 New look & feel New design tools New run-time tools New creature comforts Manual Met/Cal 2.0 Simpler user interface Datasheet Designer New Wizards New Test Types Approval Set # Places Enter TUR Enter MU Calibration Run-Time Hibernation Batch reporting Add notes Set Actual Averaging Resume Calibration Hibernation Batch reporting Add notes Set Actual Averaging Manual Met/Cal 2.0 Hibernation Batch reporting Add notes Set Actual Averaging Questions?… Oops… One more Question… External Services Module Monitors Controls Reports Who is using?