Nathan Jahnke Participatory Design, Week II Scandinavian Design In his two-part book chapter, Pelle Ehn first offers a retrospective on 20 years of developments in participatory design from a Scandinavian perspective. He then applies the concept of the "language-game" of the 20th century philosopher Wittgenstein to his experiences with PD to try to explain why we fail to design useful tools for people. Though this article, especially the second half, is fairly thick, I found that it ultimately helped explain why the software development process is often so ridiculously hard. Hen’s argument hinges on the proposition that a given skill cannot be exhaustively characterized by a purely formal description (2), as is often done in the process of systems development (e.g. requirements lists). Since language is the tool we use to make formal descriptions, Ehn is saying that language alone (as in, what users are telling us) is not enough to help us understand what users need. This is fairly obvious, I think, when we consider that the users themselves do not know what they need, so they could never hope to tell us that outright. We have to get in there and become a user to learn how we can help them. Only then can we hope to speak the same language. Ehn concludes that "participatory design means not only users participating in design but also designers participating in use" (18). Is it realistic to expect designers to learn to do the jobs of users? On the other hand, is it realistic to expect designers to come up with something useful when they don't understand the task whose efficiency they are trying to improve? Ehn also concludes that "the design work should be playful" in order to keep users from becoming bored and ending their participation (18). I sure hope management doesn't learn about this - they could disenfranchise workers everywhere simply by boring them out of important meetings! But seriously: not only do we have to get in there and learn the jobs of users, but now we have to entertain them as we redesign their tools, as well? This sounds Sisyphean. Have all of our great tools been designed purely on accident, then? Or are there actually people out there who can live up to this challenge? Ehn suggests prototyping early and often - can anyone think of any other good examples? Incidentally, if you're interested in getting a better picture of what the Scandinavians were doing in the 1970s with the early forms of participatory design, you should check out these links:,9171,908715-1,00.html I love Pehr Gyllenhammar, the Volvo manager's, quote in this Time article: "As people became more educated--and Sweden spends perhaps more money per capita for education than any other country--their jobs have become less complex," he says. "That does not make sense." More on the Kalmar plant: 1 Nathan Jahnke /stat/resources/applications/app22_3.doc+volvo+kalmar+plant&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl =us&client=firefox-a More on sociotechnical systems theory, which asks us to consider how to "optimize" both the people's lives and the machines' functions inside an organization (instead of one or the other): Achieving Cooperative System Design The Grønbæk et al. article argues for a focus on process, not product, when it comes to software development. The authors offer two "case studies" for our examination: the first is something of a disaster, with the project being canceled after three years without the release of the product, while the second was more successful, perhaps in spite of itself. Even in the second case, though, there was a substantial cost overrun due to changing requirements brought on by actually testing prototypes with real users. This article echoes the thesis of the previous one but in a more applied way. We can see the fallout when two different, large-scale projects attempted to produce products based solely on requirements lists. This was true even for the second project, whose requirements lists came from real users! The shift to iterative design was especially difficult in the second case because the contract binding the various interested parties together had to be renegotiated every time changes to the system were made. I am reasonably sure that this is where most of the cost overrun came from. Having previously read Kuniavsky, I'm sure we're all already familiar with what happens when products are developed without real users both in mind and invested in the process. The question this article brings to the fore is, then, how we can help with user-centered design when lawyers demand that we state in advance the work we are going to do? Ideas? Anyone? Besides stating the obvious (that "contracts between development and user organizations could also provide explicitly for the use of certain cooperative design techniques" (9)), the authors of the article don't offer many suggestions, so I'm curious to hear what yall think. Cooperative Prototyping Bødker and Grønbæk report on a series of participatory design sessions they carried out utilizing a complex computer-based prototyping system based on HyperCard (sort of a precursor to HTML). In particular, I thought that how they helped users integrate hypertext into their workflows was way ahead of its time. 2 Nathan Jahnke The authors use activity theory to explain why they have to observe users using the prototype tools they create in order to improve them. They also use activity theory to explain why user-centered design is necessarily iterative: because users will inevitably come up with new uses for technology when confronted with the possibilities it affords (467). Thus, testing a prototype and brainstorming new uses of technology often occur simultaneously in PD. The authors report that they experienced some limitations doing design work with users employing prototypes, for example when the prototype breaks down and the user becomes bored as the designer tries to fix it (470-471), or when the user becomes so engrossed in the prototype that he or she is no longer teaching the designers anything about his or her work (471-472). It is important to model work in sufficient detail and to come to the design session prepared to augment the prototype on the fly (473). How might we use contextual inquiry to prepare ourselves for participatory design sessions? 3