CURRICULUM VITAE GEORGE ACHEAMPONG PERSONAL DETAILS: George Acheampong Born: July 5, 1984 Address: P.O. Box LG 75, Legon, Accra, Ghana RT 5, University of Ghana Business School, Legon, Accra, Ghana Institute of Food & Resource Economics, Rolighedsvej 25, DK - 1958 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen Phone: +233 26 7071793 (Ghana) +45 50 120536 (Denmark) Email: EDUCATION: Pursuing PhD (University of Ghana/University of Copenhagen) 2011 MPhil (University of Ghana) 2008 BSc (University of Ghana) PUBLICATIONS: Acheampong, G. (2013). Fortress Ghana? Exploring Marginality and Enterprising Behaviour among Migrants in Kumasi Zongos. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(3), 108-117. Buame, S. C., Asempa, N. A., & Acheampong, G. Exploring the skills, knowledge and attitudes of successful female entrepreneurs in Ghana. Management Science Letters, 3 (2013) 395-404 Kudonoo, E. C., Buame, S. C., & Acheampong, G. (2012). Managing Human Resources for Competitive Entrepreneurial Advantage in Ghana: A Resource-Based View. School of Doctoral Studies European Union Journal, No. 4 pp 71-83 (2012). Acheampong, G., & Kumah, B. Impact of firm-level factors and market entry mode on performance: A study of service MNCs in an emerging economy. Management Science Letters, 2 (2) pp 631-646 CONFERENCE PAPERS: The challenge of measuring the social license to operate: Comparing narrations and scales collected from African mining stakeholders (IAIA 2013, Calgary) Network Perspectives of Organisational Innovation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (INSNA 2013, Hamburg) 1 CURRICULUM VITAE GEORGE ACHEAMPONG Fortress Ghana? Exploring Marginality and Enterprising Behaviour among Migrants in Kumasi Zongos (UG-IAS, 2012, Accra-Legon) The nature of entrepreneurship in bottom of the pyramid markets (ISBE 2011, Sheffield) TEACHING EXPERIENCE: May 2010 –June 2011 Academy of Business Administration (ICM) Lecturer (Marketing Management and Customer Service) August 2010-July 2012 University of Ghana Business School Teaching Assistant Duties: I. Assisting faculty of marketing department in their research II. Assisting in the teaching of entrepreneurship, integrated marketing, international marketing and marketing research August 2010-May 2012 Ashesi University College Faculty Intern Duty: Assisting in the teaching of social research methods, entrepreneurship and supply chain management PROJECT EXPERIENCES: 2007-2009: Monitor and Service Provider for Business Sector Advocacy (BUSAC) Fund initiatives in northern Ghana and some parts of rural Greater Accra Region. I monitored, built capacity and helped business sector associations implement advocacies to remove institutional bottlenecks hampering their growth. 2010: Provided pro bono business development services for pepper farmers in the Tano South of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana organized by the Care Nehemiah International (farmer-based NGO) 2012: Undertook stakeholder mapping exercises for Anglogold Ashanti Ghana in Accra, Tarkwa and Obuasi. The exercise mapped key stakeholders, their expectations and the role of the mine and other stakeholders in the development of mining communities. 2