2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area


The evidence given below covers Teaching Standards 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area.

2.2 Content selection and organisation

Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence.

2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting

Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans.

Whilst on practicum at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School I was given the scope of sequence for Literacy, mathematics and science and asked to plan a teaching sequence for the six week period that I would be teaching.

I used these documents to develop an effective learning and teaching sequence to cover the learning intentions outlined for students to achieve.

Mentor feedback: “Lisa’s planning documents are very thourough and well sequenced”

The planning document below was written to cover the learning intentions outlined in the scope and sequence for mathematics in Transition. This was a working document and had been changed throughout the weeks to cater for the student’s needs and abilities.

When designing lesson sequences and plans, the first step I take is to look at the curriculum document applicable to the setting I am working in. For a 0-5 setting I would use the Early Years Learning Framework (2009) and for a school based setting I would use the Australian Curriculum (2013) document to guide my planning. I read these documents and work out the best way to assess the students on the learning outcome intended to achieve. My assessment and reporting practices will look very different for both settings. The curriculum documents give suggestions on how to assess students achievements. I use these suggestions to guide the way I design my lessons.

The below example shows how I have used my curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design my lesson plans and sequences. For more examples of my Lesson plans, please see the tab on the left hand side labelled : Unit/lesson plans.

Multiple Year Level Unit Plan

Patterns and Algebra, Data


Key Focus Year Level Transition

Unit 3 Duration 5 weeks (Term 2 Weeks 1-5)

Unit Outline

Students apply a variety of mathematical concepts in real-life, life-like and purely mathematical situations. Through the sub-strands Patterns and algebra, and

Data representation and interpretation, teachers will explicitly teach and students, depending on year level, will have opportunities to develop understandings of:

Copying, creating, continuing, investigating and describing patterns made with objects and drawings

Investigating and describing number patterns, and identifying missing elements

Choosing questions and collecting data through responses

Collecting, checking and classifying data

Recording and organising data

Representing data in a variety of forms

Students have opportunities, depending on year level, to consolidate knowledge in the following sub-strands:

Number and place value

Using units of measurement

As part of their ongoing program, teachers will revisit previous concepts; for example through warm-up activities, maths games, basic fact recall, capitalising on incidental learning opportunities, problem solving and revision tasks. Teachers will spend some time consolidating knowledge from Unit 2. Teachers need to ensure that the learning intentions and success criteria are made explicit to their students and that there is regular opportunity for feedback. Teachers will embed the four Proficiency Strands throughout their teaching of mathematics .

It is expected that students will have access to a range of ICTs at whole class, small group and individual levels.

Content Descriptions


Number and Algebra

Patterns and algebra

Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings ACMNA005

First Steps Measurement Bk 1 Understand Units – KU 1 We can compare things by how much of a particular attribute each has. Different attributes may result in different orders.

First Steps Number Bk 2 – Reason about Number Patterns – KU 1 We use regularity or pattern to infer one thing from another thing to make predictions.

KU 4 There are strategies that help us become better at recognising common types of patterns.

Statistics and Probability

Data representation and interpretation

Answer yes/no questions to collect information ACMSP011

Achievement Standards


By the end of the Foundation year, students make connections between number names, numerals and quantities up to 10. They compare objects using mass, length and capacity. Students connect events and the days of the week. They explain the order and duration of events. They use appropriate language to describe location.

Students count to and from 20 and order small collections. They group objects based on common characteristics and sort shapes and objects. Students answer simple questions to collect information.

First Steps – Collect and Organise Data KU 1 We can answer some questions (and test some predictions using data).

Summarise and Represent Data- KU 6 We can use words and numbers to summarise features of a set of data.

Interpret Data – KU 3We need to evaluate the data we are using in order to be confident about the conclusions we have drawn.

Key Mathematical Terms

TRANSITION pattern, information, data, collect, sort, group, how many, question, answer, sort, copy, continue, repeat, explain

Assessment Tasks

Year Level Assessment Tasks


Sorting shapes and objects

Students group a bundle of shapes and objects in various ways.


Yes! No!

Students participate in a class activity to determine who is wearing socks and then comment on the resultant display.

Common Assessment Task


Do you have a dog?

Students are asked the question “Do you have a dog?” Students collect class responses and display data. This open ended task is designed to allow students to demonstrate what they understand about data collection and display.

Teaching and Learning Sequence


Patterns and algebra

Identify and describe the meaning of sort

As a class, sort everyday items into groups, e.g. sports equipment, toys, lost property

Discuss decisions made when sorting, e.g. size, colour, type

Re-sort same items using different classifications

Sort animal or vehicle counters in different ways, explaining reasoning, e.g. colour, size, number of legs

Cut out pictures and sort, gluing groups onto paper and explaining classification

Explore the meaning of pattern

Identify natural and man-made patterns in the school environment

Copy and continue clapping and sound patterns, e.g. “moo, moo, baa, moo, moo, baa”, then create own patterns

Copy and continue patterns with shapes or pictures, then create own patterns

Describe patterns and explain own patterns

Identify errors in patterns and show the correct alternative

Data representation and interpretation

Explore what constitutes a question

Answer simple yes/no questions

Ask and answer simple yes/no questions using everyday language, e.g. Do you have a brother?

Use double-sided Yes/No cards to answer questions as a class

Collect information from simple yes/no questions

Visually represent data, e.g. line up all students who have brothers, put all red blocks in a row

Answer questions from visual displays, e.g. how many people have blue eyes


TRANSITION Patterns and Algebra

Patterns and Algebra


Resources for ACMNA005

Maths 300

Playing with patterns

New Zealand Maths

Pattern makers

Data Representation and



Resources for ACMSP011

Data Representation and


Maths 300

Potato Olympics

First Steps in Mathematics – Number. Willis, S et al. Steps Professional Development, 2004.

First Steps in Mathematics – Chance and Data. Willis, S et al. Steps Professional Development, 2005.

New Zealand Maths – www.nzmaths.co.nz

Prioritising Literacy and Numeracy: Diagnostic Net for Transition to Year 9. NT Department of Education and Training, 2011 www.improve.edu.au

Scootle. http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/p/home

Maths 300, Education Services Australia


Australian Curriculum Version 3.0 dated 23 January 2012 - http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/

EALD Teacher Resource – Annotated Content Descriptions Mathematics. ACARA, 2012 - http://www.acara.edu.au/verve/_resources/EALD_Learning_Area_Annotations_Maths_Revised_06_05_12.pdf

NSW Draft Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum - http://draftsyllabuses.bos.nsw.edu.au/

New Zealand Maths – www.nzmaths.co.nz

First Steps in Mathematics – Number. Willis, S et al. Steps Professional Development, 2004.

First Steps in Mathematics – Chance and Data. Willis, S et al. Steps Professional Development, 2005.

Prioritising Literacy and Numeracy: Diagnostic Net for Transition to Year 9. NT Department of Education & Training, 2011


Curriculum into the Classroom - http://ed.ntschools.net/curric/ll/acnt/c2c/SitePages/Home.aspx





Lisa Emery - Transition Level Unit Plan





I am learning to recognise and write numbers 0-


I am learning to sort up to 2 items

Explicit Teaching and Learning Activities

Number recognition – expose students to numbers from 1-20 through the use of flash cards, smart board activities, puzzles

Number formation – air writing, handwriting sheet, smart board, blackboard writing

Sorting – Discuss decisions made when sort e.g.: size, colour, feel, etc.


Flashcards, sticky notes, number puzzle, math seeds, blackboard

Bingo – number boards

Items to sort e.g.: counters, seeds, shapes, pencils etc.

Sorting worksheet

Pg86 Worksheet

– Fun and Creative book.

Days of the week - Ordering

I am learning to count to and from


I am learning to identify a pattern

I am learning to count to and from


Counting – Various items forwards and backwards to and from 0-20

Patterns – Explore the meaning of pattern.

Teacher to model a two part pattern, Students create 2 part patterns using a variety of resources.

Assessment: Students sort objects by size, colour

Counting – Various items forwards and backwards to and from 0-20 – as a group and individual.

Flashcards, sticky notes, number puzzle, math seeds,


Patterns – Seeds, coloured paper, blocks, coloured pasta, stickers, natural resources

Pattern worksheet – pg10 The fun and creative Maths

Classroom book.

Flashcards, sticky notes, number puzzle, math seeds, blackboard



I am learning to describe, create and explain own patterns.

I am learning to count and recognize numbers 0-20.

I am able to ask and answer simple yes/no questions using everyday language.

I am learning to count and recognize numbers 0-20.

I am able to ask and answer simple yes/no questions using everyday language.

Patterns –.Create patterns out of a variety of materials. Observe and describe patterns around the school environment.

Assessment: Students create patterns out of seeds – 1-3 sequence – paste on cardboard

Counting – Various items forwards and backwards to and from 0-20 – as a group and individual.

Explore what constitutes a question. Have students answer yes/no questions and show data on a class chart.

Counting – Various items forwards and backwards to and from 0-20 – as a group and individual. -Match the amount of counters to the numeral

Answer questions from visual displays, collect information from simple yes/no questions

Patterns – Seeds, coloured paper, blocks, coloured pasta, stickers, natural resources

Clapping patterns – repeating

Flashcards, sticky notes, number puzzle, math seeds, blackboard

Data Representation – Seeds, coloured paper, blocks, coloured pasta, stickers, natural resources, shoes, students etc

Flashcards, sticky notes, number puzzle, math seeds, blackboard

Data Representation – Seeds, coloured paper, blocks, coloured pasta, stickers, natural resources, shoes, students etc.

Ask students questions – Do you have a dog – record on chart.
