Gymnázium, Obchodní akademie a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Hodonín William Shakespeare – život a dílo Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0266 Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_RoI_AJ_4OAEL_16 Autor Mgr. Ivana Rosmanová Tematický celek Anglický jazyk – využívání on-line slovníků a testů Ročník 4. Datum tvorby 15. 12. 2012 Anotace Tento anglický DUM slouží k seznámení se s životem a dílem W. Shakespeara. Metodický pokyn DUM si klade za cíl seznámit studenty především 4. ročníků SŠ s životem a dílem anglického dramatika Williama Shakespeara. Materiál je vhodný jako příprava pro 3. část ústní MZ. K prezentaci je nutný data projektor. Who is the man? 1 • The greatest playwright of all times • Dramatist and poet of Elizabethan England • Author of a lot of well-known plays, e. g. love tragedy Romeo and Juliet • Person who spent his life in London and Stratford-upon-Avon • Author associated with the Globe Theatre in London • Playwright followed by many other dramatists William Shakespeare His time Elisabeth I on the throne (for 44 years) • daughter of Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn (executed when Elisabeth was only 2 years old) – Tudor dynasty • Executed her rival cousin – Mary, Queen of Scots • Virgin Queen – never married • Defensive policy, stability • Supported English drama – W. Shakespeare + Christopher Marlowe • buried at Westminster Abbey, London 2 His life 3 on 23rd April 1564 in Stratford-uponAvon in the family of glove-maker • born 4 • native house inside • grammar school in Stratford where W. S. used to go • grammar school inside – classroom of Shakespeare´s day 5 •1582 - married Anne Hathaway (8 years older than him) from nearby Shottery • 3 children (Susanna, twins Hamnet –died in childhood and Judith) 6 • 1593 - Christopher Marlowe killed – Shakespeare´s rival – dramatist, poet • 1594 - Sh. joins the Lord Chamberlain´s company, later King´s Men – playing company in London, Sh. = actor, playwright, part owner of the company • 1599 - Globe Theatre opened, London, on the south bank of the Thames • Globe Theatre after reconstruction in 1997 7 • 1603 – death of Elizabeth I King James I • 1605 – gunpowder plot – Guy Fawkes • 1610 – Shakespeare retired to New Place = his house in Stratford, Sh. rich person • 1616 - death of Shakespeare on 23rd April (on his birthday) in Stratford-uponAvon 8 • buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford- upon-Avon Stratford today • Royal Shakespeare Theatre - owned by the Royal Shakespeare Company • plays only Sh.´s plays 9 • memorial to Sh., Stratford • Sh. sitting on the top, surrounded by 4 his characters – Hamlet, Falstaff, Lady Macbeth, Prince Hal 10 Shakespeare´s works • Poetry – sonnets • Plays – comedies – tragedies – histories = historical plays Poetry • Sonnets = 14 lines in a poem • 154 sonnets, themes – love, beauty, time, etc. • 1609 – first published collection of his sonnets Plays - comedies • A Midsummer Night´s Dream (Sen noci svatojánské) • • • • As You Like It (Jak se vám líbí) Twelfth Night (Večer tříkrálový) Much Ado About Nothing (Mnoho povyku pro nic) The Merry Wives of Windsor (Veselé paničky windsorské) • The Merchant of Venice (Kupec benátský) • The Taming of the Shrew (Zkrocení zlé ženy) • The Comedy of Errors (Komedie plná omylů) etc. Plays - tragedies • Romeo and Juliet • Macbeth • Hamlet • Othello • King Lear • Julius Caesar etc. Historical plays • • • • • • Richard II Richard III Henry IV Henry V Henry VI Henry VIII etc. “To be or not to be, that is the question.“ Who said that? Hamlet (Sh.´s tragedy) Použité zdroje 1. William Shakespeare [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 2. Elisabeth I, Darnley. [cit. 15. 12. 2012]. Dostupné na: 3. Shakespeare´s Birthplace from the garden, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 4. FOX, L. The Shakespeare Anniversary Book. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons Limited, 1964. s. 8. 5. FOX, L. The Shakespeare Anniversary Book. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons Limited, 1964. s. 10. 6. Anne Hathaway´s Cottage, Shottery, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 7. Southwark reconstructed globe. [cit. 15. 12. 2012]. Dostupné na: 8. STEWARDSON, M. Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Worcester: Lithographics Ltd, 1989. 9. River Avon and Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.] 10. The Gower Memorial to Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon [Pohlednice]. Sevenoaks, Kent: J. Salmon Ltd. [nedat.]