NEBRASKA Sydnee scovill NEBRASKA’S FLAG AND NICKNAME Nebraska’s nickname the Tree planter state because The name refers to the Millions by Nebraska’s settlers as windbreaks, Orchards and fuel woodlots. Also Another nickname the Cornhusker state the nickname Refers to the corn that supports Nebraska beef cattle. Another nickname is the beef state the nickname is in reference to one of Nebraska’s main industries beef . With about 2 million head of beef cows , it is easy to understand why Nebraska is referred to the beef state. The antelope state is another one of Nebraska’s nickname, the nickname was given to Nebraska around 1870 , to honor the abundant antelope that graced the state prairies. Also the bug- eating state it’s said that this reference is to the abundance of the bull bats that gobble up insects in the state. These bat are called bug-eaters by some Nebraskans. The blackwater state: Nebraska was sometimes called the blackwater state because the rich black Nebraska soil that darkens the stream. NEBRASKA’S STATE TREE, INSECT, FLOWER, FISH, BIRD AND MAMMAL, AND THE YEAR IT WAS ENTERED IN THE UNION Nebraska’s state bird is the western meadowlark. Nebraska’s state tree is the eastern cottonwood. Nebraska’s state mammal is the white tailed deer. Nebraska’s state insect is the honey bee. Nebraska’s state fish is the channel catfish. Nebraska’s state flower is the goldenrod And the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln. The year it was entered in the union was March 1, 1867 FAMOUS NEBRASKANS Harold Edgerton- inventor Jay W. Forrester - inventor Malcolm x. - civil rights advocate. Leland Hayland – producer. Red Cloud - Indian rights advocate, leader. George Beadle –geneticist. d=271914 MY BROCHURE ..\..\My Documents\sydnee scovill for power PROBLEMS AND EVENTS IN NEBRASKA events 1. Lincoln county fair. A problem in Nebraska is wildlife damage 2. Fall fun fest. Another problem in Nebraska is winter storms 3. Autumn fest. 4. Sherman county fair. 5. Heritage days celebration. 6. Nebraska state fair craft show. 7. Annual capital city ribfest. 8. Craft show. 9. Festival of colors/ gardener’s Gala. 10. Concert for Hunger. 11. Columbus days. 12. Nebraska state fair. 13. Nebraska senior games Increasing. ..\..\My Documents\Sydnee Scovill.doc NEBRASKA COMPARED TO FLORIDA The driving distance for Dunedin to Lincoln, Nebraska is 1473.64 miles. The median age of the in Nebraska population is 35.3 the median age in Florida of the population is 38.7 the difference is 3.4. The current state population of Nebraska compared to Florida is 14,271,115. The population in the largest city in Nebraska is Omaha and it’s population is 427,872 compared to Florida’s largest city is Jacksonville 736,000 the difference between them is 308,128. The highest elevation is 5,424 feet the lowest elevation point is 840 feet the difference is 4,580 feet. Florida economies are tourism, amusement parks, Orlando, Walt Disney World Resort, theme parks, Lake Buena Vista, Universal Orlando resort, Busch gardens, Sea world, Agriculture, Citrus fruit, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges juice, citrus canker , sugarcane, celery, water pollution , phosphate mining, bone valley, fertilizer, livestock, Merritt island launch sites, aerospace industry, minimum wage, citrus, tomatoes, strawberries, Henry plant, Henry Flagler, railroad, income tax , sales tax, use tax, documentary stamps. Nebraska economies are beef, corn, pork, soybeans, Agriculture, freight transport rail or truck, manufacturing, telecommunications, information technology, insurance, income tax, sales tax, Dakota county, real property, inheritance tax, kool-aid, Edwin Perkins, Hastings, Cliffs Notes, rising city, Clifton hillegrass, Canadian, Coles notes, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet , infoUSA, td Ameritrade, west corporation, Valmont industries, woodmen of the world, union pacific railroad, UNIFI companies, Sandhills publishing company, the buckle, Cabela’s , union pacific bailey yard, north Platte, vise-grip, De Witt, memorial stadium, University of Nebraska, Powerball food, ConAgra, BIOMES IN NEBRASKA One biome in Nebraska is temperate grasslands temperate grassland is dominated by several grass. It also has some of the richest soil on Earth. In temperate grasslands the temperatures vary greatly between seasons. In winter it is very cold. In the summer temperature can reach up to and over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This large range is caused mostly by the latitude of temperate grasslands which is about 30 degrees north or south of the equator. The yearly range of perception is 15-25 inches, much of which comes from snow in the winter but also comes as the late spring and early summer and is used as water to help start the growing season. Temperate grasslands are home to some of the richest and darkest soil in the world. This perception, temperature, soil make temperate grasslands one of the best biomes for farming. The are fires in temperate grasslands started often by lighting and sometimes by human activity. These grasses are known as perrenial grasses because with underground stems and buds these grasses are not easily destroyed by wild fires. When these grasses are eaten the are healthy because they grow so low in the ground. Also in temperate grasslands there are many wildflowers and very, very little amount of trees and shrubs. There are not many trees and shrubs in temperate grasslands but the few there are, are destroyed easily by fires, unlike the grasses. Some wildflowers you might see in temperate grasslands are Goldenrods, sunflowers, and wild indigos. Temperate grasslands lack diversity in animal life especially compared to Savannahs because they are so alike. Temperate grassland’s animal life is mostly herbivorous, vertebrates ungulates [ex. Antelope]. Ungulates are animals with hoofs, and long legs for escaping predators. Some animals located in the north America temperate grasslands are bison, antelope, birds, gophers, prairie dogs , coyotes, and insects. Using this biome as farmland is producing a lot of food such as wheat. Also temperate grasslands are becoming feeding groups for cattle which can be turned into food. This food is important to America but this disturption may cause the plants and animals that live in this biome to loose their homes and maybe loose their lives. The food chain in temperate grasslands is sun, grass, mouse , snake hawk. MORE ABOUT NEBRASKA’S BIOME One organisms in temperate grassland is a tree. A tree has adapted to survive in many fires by growing thick bark. Another organisms in temperate grassland is a prairie dog. A prairie dog has adapted to survive in the temperate grasslands by it has large feet and well developed claws and his eyes are fairly large for him to see well, and he has it’s body is a tan to pale brown so it can blend in with the tan pale grass in the temperate grasslands. A third organisms that lives in temperate grassland is the black footed ferret. A black footed ferret has adapted to survive in the temperate grasslands. black footed ferret are closely associated with prairie dogs, their streamlined bodies allowing them to use the prairie dog burrows for shelter and travel. Primarily nocturnal, they have keen senses hearing, sight and smell. Mammals that live in the temperate grassland are the African elephant, bison, black rhinoceros, the black footed ferret, hyena, giraffe, greater prairie chicken, lion, ostrich, prairie dog, pronghorn, warthog and a zebra. INTERESTING FACT ABOUT NEBRASKA Humans are taking use of the rich soil in temperate grasslands to their advantage and making it farmland. Nebraska’s state grass is the little bluestem. Nebraska’s state fossil is the mammoth. Nebraska’s state rock is the prairie agate. Nebraska’s state gemstone is the blue chalcedony. Nebraska’s state soil is Holdrege. Nebraska’s state beverage is milk. Nebraska’s state soft drink is kool- aid. Nebraska’s state river is Platte river. Nebraska’s state American folk dance is the square dance. Nebraska’s state song is beautiful Nebraska. Nebraska’s motto is equality before law. REFERENCES THAT I USED ton.html on west/schimmel/Nebraska/neplaces.html ska/ MORE REFERENCES I USED braska/neland.htm;_ylt=AtfvzH MifvBNevkRjvvKxPcjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=100603310679 8 abitat MORE REVERENCES I USED braska/ ml ationD.jsp?publicationId=162