Marine Corps Systems Command PM Communication Systems CONDOR 1 CONDOR “Gateway” The CONDOR Gateway: Purpose: Connects EPLRS Communities over distance. -EPLRS Node -C2PC Gateway -Over-the-Horizon connection (INMARSAT, Iridium, TACSAT) Beyond Line of Sight EPLRS Community 2 EPLRS Community CONDOR “PoP-V” INMARSAT or TACSAT Gateway The CONDOR Point of Presence Vehicle: Purpose: Connects Users without EPLRS to the TDN -SINCGARS -HaveQuick II -TACSAT DAMA -HF -HF ALE -EPLRS -Iridium - ETCS -… Beyond Line of Sight PoP-V EPLRS Community 3 Cell phone CONDOR “Jump C2” INMARSAT INMARSAT The CONDOR Jump C2 Vehicle: Purpose: Maintains COP/SA during Displacement -Downsized JECCS Capability -SIPRNet -NIPRNet -Telephone Wireless Technology -VTC Up to 2 miles Jump Command Vehicle UOC MAIN Beyond Line of Sight 4 US Army & CONDOR • 9 June USMC CONDOR Team met with US Army Central Technical Support Facility (CTSF) Staff, Fort Hood, Texas • Two US Army FBCB2 HMMWVS have been shipped to SPAWAR, Charleston for CONDOR Gateway Integration • US Army, USMC, and CenGen will cooperate on US Army to USMC EPLRS issues concerning interoperability to include COP-B 5 US Army CONDOR GW 6 US Army CONDOR GW Nomenclature Model/Part No. Transit Case Mounted Components 7815.6602.02XX EDAK Inc. (US) NCGL1.5k-2U-24-115-R-7647 Nova Electric TT-3082A LandSea Systems, Inc. In-Line Network Encryptor Power Supply, DC (KG-235) Sectéra, KG-235 General Dynamics C4 Systems Ethernet Router (Red) Ethernet Router (Black) Radio Set, EPLRS USB to 8-Port w/RS232 Adapter CISCO2621XM CISCO3725 AN/VSQ2C (V) 2 Cisco Systems Corp. Cisco Systems Corp. Government Furnished Equipment 2801 Sealink GPS76 Garmin International Inc. IBM Corporation MILEX Transit Case PDU DC to AC Inverter INMARSAT M4 Mobile ISDN Global Positioning System Power Supply, DC (T-40) Source General Dynamics C4 Systems Internal Components T-40 01008B2230 03005J8100 AN/MRC-145A External Components IBM Corporation Diversified Metal Technologies Laurentide Inc. Government Furnished Equipment Helmet Hard Top 8557-4D-C AMTECH Corp. Antenna, VHF Antenna, EPLRS Antenna, INMARSAT Antenna, GPS AS-3900 AS-3449 TT-3008E GA-29F Government Furnished Equipment Government Furnished Equipment LandSea Systems, Inc. 7 Garmin International Inc. Laptop Computer Laptop Mount Equipment Mounting Skid Radio Set, FY05 Events •Development Test and Evaluation: •System of Systems Tests •USMC Limited User Evaluation/Subject Matter Expert Demonstration •USMC/US ARMY Limited User Evaluation/Subject Matter Expert Demonstration •Possible Sea Viking ‘05 Integration •Possible Trident Warrior ’05 Integration 8 Questions 9 Army CONDOR GW Two CONDOR Gateways to be built, delivered, and integrated at Central Technical Support Facility(CTSF), Fort Hood, Texas •SSCC built CONDOR GW minus Marine Corps EPLRS Transmitter •Army Provided HMMWVs •Army Provided EPLRS Transmitter •Army Provided FBCB2 Terminal 10 Army Configuration Gateway Transit Case SPAWAR will provide GW with all equipment depicted in green, Army will equip with gear depicted in blue Cisco 3725 Cisco 2600 KG-235 EPLRS Bay “Hardhat” INMARSAT Power Module FBCB2 EPLRS C2PC GPS 11 Army Integration Effort Phase 1: Integrate existing GW configuration with Army EPLRS and FBCB2. Intent is to provide a viable “solution” to address US Army’s EPLRS/FBCB2 extended range requirement. Beyond Line of Sight US Army EPLRS Community US Army EPLRS Community 12 Army Integration Effort Phase 2: Integrate existing GW configuration with Army EPLRS and extend “data pipe” from USMC Battalion EPLRS community to US Army Brigade EPLRS community. Intent is to create network extensions to allow TCP/IP communications between two units in a joint environment. Beyond Line of Sight USMC EPLRS Community 13 US Army EPLRS Community Army Integration Effort Phase 3: Utilize “data pipe” from USMC Battalion EPLRS community to US Army Brigade EPLRS community to enable passing of Situational Awareness (SA) and Position Location Information (PLI) utilizing each service’s C2 system. Intent is to utilize network extensions to enable C2PC and FBCB2 interoperability. C2PC FBCB2 Beyond Line of Sight US Army EPLRS Community USMC EPLRS Community 14 Army Integration Effort Phase 4: Integration of different EPLRS communities into one GW that accomplishes interoperability piece and allows two units to work side by side with common GW. C2PC or FBCB2 Task Force CP FBCB2 C2PC 15 US Army Brigade EPLRS Community USMC Battalion EPLRS Community Assumptions for Phase 1 • FBCB2 3.6x with EPLRS 11.3 • Planned EPLRS fragmentation – not automatically “self-healing” capability • Only two fragments, and both fragments share the same Bde-wide SA and C2 needlines • If time permits, will relax some of these 16 Scenarios for Phase 1 • 1-10 Cav unit is well forward of DTAC/4th Brigade, so that it has lost Bde-wide EPLRS connectivity • A company of 1BN22 is well forward of 1BDE and 1BN22, so that it has lost Btnlocal and Bde-wide EPLRS connectivity 17