National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Master Education Program 080200.68 “Marketing”
Prof. Yulia Pirogova email:
, tel. +7(495)772-95-90*5015
Ass. Prof. Ekaterina Dvornikova email:
tel. +7(495)772-95-90*5015
Approved by the meeting of the Department «___»____________
Head of the Department ___________________[signature]
Moscow, 2012
This document may not be reproduced or redistributed by other Departments of the University without permission of the Authors.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Brand strategy is one of the fundamental elements of competitive marketing strategy.
Brands are managed by modern companies as their strategic assets.
The course “Brand strategies and brand management” is focused on developing students’ professional knowledge, conceptual, analytical and decision-making skills and their ability to manage situations and challengers frequently encountered by brand managers in a company as well as in a SME and by strategic planners and account managers in a communication agency. The course is intended to be balanced in theoretical and practical aspects. It is worked out for master degree students of the department of management pursuing career in marketing and marketing communications.
In this course, the emphasis is placed upon how companies introduce, manage and evaluate individual brands and brand portfolios so as to meet the needs of consumers and the strategic goals of the organization. The course considers the theories and concepts of branding in b-to-c and b-to-b areas and the implications of this for marketing managers, brand managers and managers in integrated marketing communications.
Topics include creating brand identity, elaborating brand positioning, analyzing brand portfolio and evaluating brand extensions, building strong brands via marketing communications, and assessing brand performance and profitability. The course
provides students with insights into the actual brand management theory and the use of branding strategies through a consideration of the relevant literature and marketing research data.
It uses an analytical homework, a project and cases to expose students to the challenges commonly faced by brand managers and strategic IMC- planners.
This Course Program establishes minimum requirements for skills and knowledge of the student and determines the content and the forms of educational activities and reporting.
The Course Program is designed for lectures, teaching assistants and undergraduate students
080200.68 “Marketing” Master Program students within the Course “Brand strategies and brand management”.
The Course Program has been developed in accordance with:
NRU-HSE Curriculum;
Education Program 080200.68 Management;
University Academic Plan of the Education Program (approved in year 2011)
Goals of “Brand strategies and brand management” course are as follows:
To outline classical and modern brand management theories and key concepts associated with them;
To provide understanding how organizations and communication agencies perform, manage and evaluate brands and brand portfolios;
To provide managerial approach to brand strategies and brand building practices and expertise;
To present brand management in a wider context of marketing environment.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
The student is supposed to:
Distinctions between product and brand;
The role of brands in organizations and its effects on the marketing;
Basic theories and concepts in branding and brand management
The use of branding and different brand strategies on products/services, companies, events, technologies, persons etc.
Advantages and disadvantages of different brand strategies;
The brand development process, the consequence of new brand development phases, brand life cycle and brand performance;
Key concepts of brand architecture and its role,
Brand equity and brand value evaluation methodologies and key measures.
Be able
To apply concepts and theories to cases that simulate real-world brand management situations;
To recognize problems and challenges in the management of brands and brand portfolios;
To describe and critically evaluate brand portfolios and brand architectures;
To appraise brand strategies and make suggestions for improvement;
To critically evaluate the brand identity, brand positioning and image descriptions and make suggestions for improvement;
To create new brand positioning and image and make recommendations to specific brand development problems.
Gain skills (experience) in
Identifying the marketing, sociological and communicational data needed to make decisions for elaboration and developing brands as well as evaluating them as companies’ assets;
Discovering the ways to generate new ideas for elaboration and developing brands and to argue them;
Putting ideas in product branding in accordance with the organization marketing and communication objectives;
Expertise in analysis of brand architectures from a standpoint of key marketing and brand strategy parameters.
The Course develops the following competencies:
Ability to identify and formulate tasks rising out of the necessity to provide successful distribution of goods and services of the firm in various markets and for
Descriptors - the learning outcomes
(the indicators of achievement)
A student provides definitions for basic concepts of branding theories; recognizes types of brands, brand portfolio structures and brand roles, shows the understanding of company brand strategies and tasks; uses
Teaching forms and methods contributing to development of a competence
Analysis of case studies, brand descriptions and brand portfolios, other research materials in discussion groups.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management” different client segments; summarize and critically evaluate statistical data about firm’s own sales, as well as the results of commissioned market research data
Ability to present results of a study of sales dynamics, changes of client mix, results of marketing campaigns and or introduction of new product to the market, in a report, article, or presentation
Ability to manage departments, projects, groups of specialists in the field of marketing, and individual employees, formulating the range of their duties and responsibilities and establishing the system of checks and balances ensuring fulfillment of such duties by subordinates
Ability to find and evaluate new market possibilities, formulate and evaluate ideas for new products and services and develop plans for their distribution to the target market.
Ability to identify the economical, marketing and sociological data needed to make decisions about taking to market new products, entering new markets, developing brands and forming effective programmes of marketing communication
PC-17 proper terms to describe and formulate company brand strategies, objectives and tasks; applies analytical methods corresponding to the tasks assigned; provides a critical analysis of primary and secondary data sources; possesses ability to conduct and complete analytical projects with minimal supervision.
Interprets marketing and analytical data; possesses ability to translate from the original language of the research and data sources into marketing and business language; shows skills to write formal marketing reports by using marketing data; justifies one’s point of view by using research material; presents the research and ideas in formal settings effectively by using computer programs, visual aids and presentation techniques
Organizes small teams (groups of students) for project, coordinates the activity of the team members and develops with the other group members a joint solution in the field of branding.
Providing presentations and organizing debates related to the subject matter
Fulfillment of tasks concerning team work in the field of branding.
Possesses practices to conduct effectively analytical process for carrying out and completing the objectives related to the branding project; demonstrates a clear understanding of the connection between empirical data and marketing decision-making; justifies recommendation based on the results of the marketing project; applies insight elaboration techniques to give an account of new market opportunities.
Possesses an expertise in searching for primary and secondary data sources which are vital for marketing analysis (industrial data bases, reports, online materials, etc.); provides the critical evaluation of different types of primary and secondary data sources; shows how to formulate the foundation of the
Fulfillment of tasks dealing with foundation and outline of the marketing and branding analysis project.
Fulfillment of tasks concerning creation of new brand ideas and new brand identity concepts and development of a plan for their implementation.
(Part of the project «New
Brand Idea and Positioning
Homework related to the analysis of industrial data and interpretation of research material; preparation of reports (in presentation formats)
(Part of the project «New
Brand Idea and Positioning
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative methods for analyzing and modeling, theoretical and experimental research, aimed at deciphering the trends of changing consumer preferences and increase in potential sales as a foundation for formation of consulting recommendations relative to the future marketing strategy of the client company, and instruments. implementation
Ability to present results of research in a report on the consulting project in the area of marketing .
PC-22 research and incorporate data effectively into data analysis process
Applies relevant methods for analyzing and modeling brands, explains a company brand strategy solutions.
Elaborates consulting recommendations relative to the future brand strategy on the basis of quantitative and qualitative research data, methods for analyzing
(concerning companies and their brands, markets, consumers, competitors). Justifies new recommendations.
Fulfillment of tasks dealing with elaboration of recommendations for a company (Case. Part of the project «New Brand Idea and
Positioning Proposal»)
Presents recommendations and inferences on the basis of brandfocused research.
Providing presentations and organizing debates related to the subject matter.
For Specialization “Marketing Communications”, Educational Master Program
“Marketing” the present Course is Obligatory.
For Specialization “Strategic Marketing” and “Company Marketing” the present Course is Optional, the quantity of the credits is less.
The Course requires the basic knowledge of in Economics, Marketing, Sociology and
Psychology. It presupposes that students possess the fundamentals of communication theory, key principles of marketing expertise in statistics and data analysis.
Classical and modern theories of brand management: key concepts.
Brand strategies: branded objects and types of brands, brand portfolio and brand architecture.
Creation of brand identity. Brand platform elaboration.
Creating brand attributes and brand language elements as the outward expression of a brand.
Brand equity management tools over the brand life cycle. Managing brand extensions and expansions.
Total amount of hours
Classroom Activities Self-
Stud y
52 10 8 34
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Marketing communication tools and their role in building brands
Approaches to brand evaluation. Brand equity and brand value
Type of testing
Form of testing Parameters
Current Homework
Homework 1 (1 st semester) Work in group: analytical work
“Brand Portfolio and Brand Architecture”. Presentation, argumentation and discussion in group.
Homework 2 (2nd semester) Work in group: analytical, creative and consulting work. P roject «New Brand Idea and Positioning
Proposal». Presentation, argumentation and discussion in group.
Individual oral answers to questions related to the subject matter.
Written solution of a case tasks (in group)
Final (1 st semester)
Final (2 nd semester)
Intermediate examination
Quiz. Individual oral answers to questions related to the subject of the topics 1-4 and the analytical homework
Format: Written solution of a mini case task (individual) and written test (individual)
Results of analytical work in group “Brand Portfolio and Brand Architecture” prove students’ ability to recognizes types of brands, brand portfolio structures and brand roles, understand company’s brand strategies and tasks; describe and formulate company’s brand strategies in correct terms; give a clear outline of the objectives and tasks; apply analytical methods corresponding to the tasks assigned; provide a critical analysis of primary and secondary data sources; and, finally, confirm their ability to conduct and complete analytical projects with minimal supervision.
Individual oral answers to questions related to the subject of the topics and analytical homework help to identify students’ personal contribution to the work, verify their knowledge and understanding of key concepts and theories of branding and the ability to apply them to the analyzed data and interpret and explain or justify company solutions.
Results of Homework 2: analytical, creative and consulting p roject «New Brand Idea and
Positioning Proposal». Project focuses on creation of a new brand idea and elaboration of core identity of a new brand and its attributes as well as recommendations for company IMCprogram. The fulfillment of the project should show students’ ability to identify the economical, marketing and sociological data needed for brand management process, as well as their ability to find new market possibilities, formulate ideas for new brands, develop brand identity and elaborate consulting recommendations for implementations. The well fulfilled work shows that student uses relevant methods for analyzing and modeling brands, explains solutions and j ustifies new recommendations.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Both Homework 1 and Homework 2 develop the student's ability to work without assistance
( with minimal supervision) and verify their skills to organize small teams (groups of students) for project, coordinate the activity of team members and develop a joint solution in the field of branding.
The written case is a form of students intermediate examination. Its results should verify students’ ability to understand the marketing tasks facing the company and to apply analytical methods corresponding to the tasks assigned; their ability to provide a critical analysis of marketing data; and their practical skills needed to elaborate consulting recommendations relative to the future brand strategy on the basis of research data and analytical methods .
The final tests and the mini cases on exam (2 nd semester) verify student knowledge and understanding of key concepts of branding and the ability to apply them to real-life data. The exam cases focus on students’ ability to deal with key metrics used in evaluation of brand assets and use marketing data regarding the area of brand valuation (Interbrand method, Brand Finance method).
Topic 1.
Classical and modern theories of brand management: key concepts
The changes in marketing and branding and its role for companies in 21 century. The advantages of brand as an asset of company. Brand-focused company: core principles.
The concepts ‘brand’ and ‘branding’: new approaches to the definition of brand and branding .
Relationship between brand, trademark and registered trademark. Brand identity.
Brand strategy defined. Relationship between business strategy, marketing strategy, brand strategy. Branding as effective strategy for highly competitive markets.
Traditional and new approaches to branding. Theories developed by D. Aaker, J. Kapferer, M.
Lindstrom, K. Roberts, J. Grant and others.
Basic reading:
Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E. (2000) Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an
Information Economy . NY: Free Press. - Chapters 1-2. (in Russian –
Аакер Д.А.,
Йохимштайлер Э. Бренд-лидерство: новая концепция брендинга. М.: Издательский дом Гребенникова, 2003.
Keller, K.L. (2008)
Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition).
Prentice Hall Inc. (in
Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Глава 1.)
Schultz D. and Barnes B. (1999) Strategic Brand Communication Campaigns . NTC
Business books (McGraw-Hill). – Introduction, Chapter 1 (in Russian –
Шультц Д.,
Барнс Б. Стратегические бренд-коммуникационные кампании. М.: Изд. Дом
Гребенникова, 2004)
Dunn, D. and Anderson, F. (2010) Jump-start your brand. //
Further reading:
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Gad, Th. (2000) 4D Branding: Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network
Economy . BookHouse Publishing. (In Russian - Гэд Т. 4D брендинг: взламывая корпоративный код сетевой экономики. – СПб.: Стокгольмская школа экономики в Санкт-Петербурге, 2005. – Главы 1-2 (стр. 18-79).
Gobe, M. (2008) Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to
Allworth Press.
Grant , J .
(2006). The brand innovation manifesto. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Heding T, Knudtzen Ch. F., Bjerre M. (2009) Brand Management: Research,
Theory and Practice. London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Know thy changing consumer (editorial). (2008) The Journal of Brand Management
Volume 15, pp.227-231.
Lindstrom, M. (2005) BRAND sense. Building Powerful Brands Through Touch,
Taste, Smell, Sight & Sound.
NY: Free Press
(In Russian - Линдстром М. BRAND
Sense .
Чувство бренда. Воздействие на пять органов чувств для создания выдающихся брэндов. М.: Эксмо, 2006.)
Roberts, Kevin (2005). Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands (Expanded edition ed.). NY: powerHouse Books. (In Russian – Робертс К. Lovemarks. Бренды будущего. М.: ЭКСМО, 2009)
Walvis, Tjaco H (2008) Three laws of branding. // The Journal of Brand
Management, Volume 16, Number 3, 29 December 2008 , pp. 176-194(19)
Бренд-менеджмент: Harvard Business Review on Brand Management . – М.:
Альпина Бизнес букс, 2007. (Brand management: Harvard Business Review on
Brand Management, 2007).
Домнин В.Н. Брендинг: новые технологии в России. 2-ое издание. СПб.:
ПИТЕР, 2004. – Главы 1, 2, 3. (Domnin V.N. Branding: new technologies in Russia.
PITER, 2004)
Topic 2. Brand strategies: branded objects and types of brands, brand portfolio and brand architecture.
Branded objects and their branding peculiarities: companies, products/services, ingredients and components, technologies, events, ideas, persons, places etc. The matrix “Product/object -
Brand portfolio and brand architecture defined. How brand portfolio strategy supports a company's business strategy. Types of brand portfolio strategies, their advantages and disadvantages. House of brands, Branded house and mixed structures.
Master brands, subbrands, endorser and endorsed brands, co-brands, and brand extensions.
The roles of the portfolio brands. The product-market context roles of brands. Portfolio and architecture graphics.
B-to-b vs. b-to-c brand portfolio management.
Branding at retail. Private label phenomenon in modern markets.
Types of private label brand strategies: historical perspective and current state.
The brand portfolio management tools, brand portfolio audit . BCG portfolio matrix,
GE/McKinsey portfolio matrix, Shell matrix, MCC matrix and their applications. The theory
BASE by A. Strebinger and its applications.
Kill or keep a brand: brand audit sheet by N. Kumar. How to remove brand from portfolio structure.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Basic reading:
Aaker, D. (2009) Brand portfolio strategy.
New York: The Free Press.(In Russian -
Аакер Д. Стратегия управления портфелем брендов. – М.: «Эксмо», 2008.)
Kumar, N. (2003), Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer, Harvard Business Review, 81.
(December), 86-95.
Strebinger A. (2004) Strategic Brand Concept and Brand Architecture Strategy – A
Proposed Model // Advances in consumer research , 31, 656-661.
Chub B.A. (2008) The concept of strategic management GE/M
(In Russian - (Чуб Б.А.
Концепция стратегического управления GE/M
Further reading:
Aaker, D. (1996) Building Strong Brands , New York: The Free Press.
GE/McKinsey Matrix //
Heding T, Knudtzen Ch. F., Bjerre M. (2009) Brand Management: Research, Theory and Practice. London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Hichens, R.E., Robinson, S.J.Q, and Wade, D.P. (1978) The directional policy matrix: tool for strategic planning // Long Range Planning, Vol. 11 (June 1978), pp. 8-15.
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Keller, K.L. (2008) Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall Inc. (in
Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Глава 11.)
Nicholls J. The MCC decision matrix: a tool for applying strategic logic to everyday activity - Management decision 33,6, USA 1996.
Taylor D. (2004) Brand Stretch:
Why 1 in 2 Extensions fail, and how to beat the odds. J.
Wiley & Sons.
Korzun A.V. (2006) Brand Architecture as strategic approach to formation of company value // Brand management , 3(28), pp. 24-35 (In Russian - Корзун А.В. (2006)
Архитектура брендов как стратегический подход к формированию стоимости компании. // Бренд-менеджмент, 3 (28), c. 24-35.
Topic 3. Creation of brand identity. Brand platform elaboration
Understanding consumer motivations and consumer behavior. Characteristics, benefits and values of a brand. Brand-consumer relationship. Brand and its competitive brands. Point of parity, points of difference.
Brand identity: Brand pyramids as classical forms of brand identity models. Aaker’s Brand
Identity Planning Model. Strategic Brand Analysis: customer analyses, competitors analysis, self-analysis. Brand Identity system. Brand essence. Core and extended brand identity. Brand image. Brand positioning. Brand as product, brand as organization, brand as person, brand as symbol. Brand identity implementation system, execution and tracking.
J. Grant model of brand identity: brand molecule. Energized brand differentiation (Y&R).
Brand platform, its elements and elaboration process.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Basic reading:
Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E. (2000) Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an
Information Economy . NY: Free Press. - Chapters 2-3. (in Russian –
Аакер Д.А.,
Йохимштайлер Э. Бренд-лидерство: новая концепция брендинга. М.: Издательский дом Гребенникова, 2003.
Keller, K.L. (2008)
Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition).
Prentice Hall Inc. Ch. 2-
3. (in Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Главы 2-3.)
Further reading:
Aaker, D. (1996) Building Strong Brands , New York: The Free Press.
Aaker, J.L. (1997), Dimensions of brand personality. // Journal of Marketing
Research, 34 (August), 347-356.
Gad, Th. (2000) 4D Branding: Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network
Economy . BookHouse Publishing. (In Russian - Гэд Т. 4D брендинг: взламывая корпоративный код сетевой экономики. – СПб.: Стокгольмская школа экономики в Санкт-Петербурге, 2005. – Главы 1-2 (стр. 18-79).
Gobe, M. (2008) Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People.
Allworth Press.
Grant , J .
(2006). The brand innovation manifesto. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Heding T, Knudtzen Ch. F., Bjerre M. (2009) Brand Management: Research,
Theory and Practice. London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Knox, S. (2004) Positioning and branding your organization. // Journal of product and brand management, Volume 13, № 2. PP. 105-115.
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Lindstrom, M. (2005) BRAND sense. Building Powerful Brands Through Touch,
Taste, Smell, Sight & Sound.
NY: Free Press (In Russian - Линдстром М.
BRAND Sense .
Чувство бренда. Воздействие на пять органов чувств для создания выдающихся брэндов. М.: Эксмо, 2006.)
Mark, M and Pearson, C (2004) The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary
Brands Through the Power of Archetypes (In Russian -
Марк М., Пирсон К.
Герой и бунтарь. Создание бренда с помощью архетипов. – Спб.: Питер,
Ries, A. and Trout,J. (1981) Positioning, The battle for your mind , Warner Books -
McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1981. (In Russian – Райс Э., Траут Дж.
Позиционирование: битва за умы. – Спб: ПИТЕР, 2009)
Ries, A. and Trout, J. (1986) Marketing Warfare. McGraw Hill.
(In Russian – Райс
Э., Траут Дж. Маркетинговые войны. – СПб: ПИТЕР, 2000)
Roberts, Kevin (2005). Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands (Expanded edition ed.). NY: powerHouse Books. (In Russian – Робертс К. Lovemarks. Бренды будущего. М.: ЭКСМО, 2009)
Домнин В.Н. Брендинг: новые технологии в России. 2-ое издание. СПб.:
ПИТЕР, 2004. – Глава 6. (Domnin V.N. Branding: new technologies in Russia.
PITER, 2004)
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Topic 4. Creating brand attributes and brand language elements as the outward expression of a brand
P hysical and personality aspects of a brand, b rand attributes and their role in creating brand identity.
Visual and verbal corporate and product identity. Verbal and nonverbal brand language elements: correlations, synergy effect. Verbal brand language elements. Brand name types.
Marketing, psychological and linguistic features of a strong brand name. Naming as a process: stages, managerial tools, evaluations. Corporate and product slogans. Marketing, psychological and linguistic features of a strong brand slogan.
Visual brand language elements. Types of Logos. Marketing, psychological and linguistic features of a strong brand logo. Visual corporate and product identity elaboration: stages, managerial tools, evaluations.
Basic reading:
Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E. (2000) Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an
Information Economy . NY: Free Press. – Chapter 3. (in Russian –
Аакер Д.А.,
Йохимштайлер Э. Бренд-лидерство: новая концепция брендинга. М.: Издательский дом Гребенникова, 2003.
Keller, K.L. (2008)
Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition).
Prentice Hall Inc. (in
Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Глава 4.)
Charmasson, H. (1998) The name’s the thing: creating the perfect name for your company or product. Amacom. (In Russian - Чармэссон Г. Торговая марка. Как создать имя, которое принесет миллионы. – СПб.: Питер, 1999.)
Further reading:
Aaker, D. (1996) Building Strong Brands , New York: The Free Press.
Aaker, J.L. (1997), Dimensions of brand personality. // Journal of Marketing
Research, 34
(August), 347-356.
Gad, Th. (2000) 4D Branding: Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network
Economy . BookHouse Publishing. (In Russian - Гэд Т. 4D брендинг: взламывая корпоративный код сетевой экономики. – СПб.: Стокгольмская школа экономики в Санкт-Петербурге, 2005. – Главы 1-2 (стр. 18-79).
Brunner, R.; Emery, S., Do you matter? How great design will make people love your company ., (2009), Upper Saddle River: FT Press.
Gobe, M. (2008) Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People.
Allworth Press.
Grant , J .
(2006). The brand innovation manifesto. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Heding T, Knudtzen Ch. F., Bjerre M. (2009) Brand Management: Research,
Theory and Practice. London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Lindstrom, M. (2005) BRAND sense. Building Powerful Brands Through Touch,
Taste, Smell, Sight & Sound.
NY: Free Press (In Russian - Линдстром М.
BRAND Sense .
Чувство бренда. Воздействие на пять органов чувств для
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management” создания выдающихся брэндов. М.: Эксмо, 2006.)
Mark, M and Pearson, C (2004) The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary
Brands Through the Power of Archetypes (In Russian - Марк М., Пирсон К.
Герой и бунтарь. Создание бренда с помощью архетипов. – Спб.: Питер,
Muzellec, L. What is in a name change? Re-joycing corporate names to create corporate brands. // Corporate reputation review, Vol. 8, № 4. PP. 305-321.
Ries, A. and Trout,J. (1981) Positioning, The battle for your mind , Warner Books -
McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1981. (In Russian – Райс Э., Траут Дж.
Позиционирование: битва за умы. – Спб: ПИТЕР, 2009)
Roberts, Kevin (2005). Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands (Expanded edition ed.). NY: powerHouse Books. (In Russian – Робертс К. Lovemarks. Бренды будущего. М.: ЭКСМО, 2009)
Домнин В.Н. Брендинг: новые технологии в России. 2-ое издание. СПб.:
ПИТЕР, 2004. – Глава 6. (Domnin V.N. Branding: new technologies in Russia.
PITER, 2004)
Гали Б. (2007) Brand. Рождение имени. Энциклопедия. – Этерна, Палимпсест,
2007. (Gali, B (2007) Brand. The birth of name. Eterna: Palimpest.)
Ткачев О. (2009)
Visual бренд : Притягивая взгляды потребителей. —. М.:
Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2009. (Tkachev, O. (2009) Visual brand: drawing views of consumers. Moscow: Alpina Business Books)
Уиллер А. (2004) Индивидуальность бренда. Руководство по созданию, продвижению и поддержке сильных брендов. – М.: Альпина Бизнес букс,
2004. (Wheeler, A. (2004) Designing Brand Identity: A Complete Guide to
Creating, Building, and Maintaining Strong Brands. John Wiley and Sons)
Чуа П., Илисик Д. (2008) Лого Логика. Лучшие брендинговые агентства рассказывают о стратегиях нейминга и брендинга. – М.: РИП-холдинг. (Chua,
P. and Ilisik D. (2008) Logo logic. – Moscow: RIP holding)
Topic 5. Brand equity management tools over the brand life cycle. Managing brand extensions and expansions.
Product and brand life cycles: basic stages, similarities and distinctions. Brand equity defined. Brand performance metrics. Brand awareness (levels of brand awareness), interest, brand preference, purchase, experience, retention, brand loyalty (types and levels of brand loyalty), affinity, advocacy etc. Brand equity management tools. Changes over time: revitalizing, redesign, repositioning, rebranding. Levers of brand strengthening.
Transfer of Brand Equity in Brand Extensions. Brand extensions and expansions. Cobranding. How to avoid brand dilutions.
Basic reading:
Keller, K.L. (2008)
Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition).
Prentice Hall Inc. (in
Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Главы 8-9, 12-
Luck, K. (2012) The delicate art of rebranding. // Journal of brand strategy, 2012, Vol. 1,
№ 1.
Tauber E. Brand extension research //
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Further reading:
Aaker, D.A., and Keller, K.L. (1990), Consumer evaluations of brand extensions. //
Journal of Marketing , 54 (January), 27-41.
Brunner, R.; Emery, S., Do you matter? How great design will make people love your company ., (2009), Upper Saddle River: FT Press.
Gerzema, J. and Lebar, E. (2008) The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It.
Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons).
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Mooney, K and Rollins, N. (2008)
The Open Brand: When Push Comes to Pull in a Web-
Made World.
Peachpit Press
(In Russian - Муни К., Роллинс Н. Открытый бренд в мире, который построил Веб. – М.: Символ-Плюс, 2009.)
Nadeau, R. (2006) Living brands. McGraw-Hill. (In Russian - Надо Р. Живые бренды.
Новый подход к созданию и продвижению брендов. – М.: ИД Гребенникова, 2009).
Raggio, R and Leone, R. (2006) The theoretical separation of brand equity and brand value. // The Journal of Brand Management, Volume 14, № 5. PP. 380-395.
Taylor D. (2004) Brand Stretch:
Why 1 in 2 Extensions fail, and how to beat the odds. J.
Wiley & Sons.
Topic 6. Marketing communication tools and their role in building brands
Marketing funnel defined. Marketing communication tools (advertising, PR, SP, DM, event-marketing, personal sale, direct marketing, sponsorship, product and brand placement) and their role in marketing funnel. ATL, BTL, TTL.
Concepts of integrated marketing communications and brand-communications (D.Schultz).
Principles of brand-communication planning. Building strong brands via IMC or brand communications. Synergy effects on various levels of communication.
Communication campaigns for b-to-b and b-to-c brands, FMCG and luxury brands: differences and peculiarities.
Basic reading:
Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E. (2000) Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an
Information Economy . NY: Free Press. - Chapters 7-9. (in Russian – Аакер Д.А.,
Йохимштайлер Э. Бренд-лидерство: новая концепция брендинга. М.: Издательский дом Гребенникова, 2003.
Keller, K.L. (2008)
Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition).
Prentice Hall Inc. (in
Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Глава 6.)
Schultz D. and Barnes B. (1999) Strategic Brand Communication Campaigns . NTC
Business books (McGraw-Hill). – Chapter 9-13 (in Russian – Шультц Д., Барнс Б.
Стратегические бренд-коммуникационные кампании. М.: Изд. Дом Гребенникова,
Further reading:
Brunner, R.; Emery, S., Do you matter? How great design will make people love your company ., (2009), Upper Saddle River: FT Press.
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management” brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Kliatchko J. Revisiting the IMC construct: A revised definition and four pillars //
International Journal of Advertising , Vol. 27, No. 1, 2008
Lee D.H., Park C.W. Conceptualization and Measurement of Multidimensionality of
Integrated Marketing // Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 47, No. 3, 2007
Mooney, K and Rollins, N. (2008)
The Open Brand: When Push Comes to Pull in a
Web-Made World.
Peachpit Press
(In Russian - Муни К., Роллинс Н. Открытый бренд в мире, который построил Веб. – М.: Символ-Плюс, 2009.)
Nadeau, R. (2006) Living brands. McGraw-Hill. (In Russian - Надо Р. Живые бренды. Новый подход к созданию и продвижению брендов. – М.: ИД
Гребенникова, 2009).
Percy. L., аnd Elliot, R. (2001) Strategic Advertising Management , Oxford University
Press, 2001. Chapters 3-9 (In Russian – Перси Л., Элиотт Р. Стратегическое планирование рекламых кампаний. – М.: ИД Гребенникова, 2006)
Pirogova Y. (2011) Levels of brand communication impact and synergy effect. //
Efficiency of communication. Moscow (In Russian – Пирогова Ю.К. Уровни воздействия бренд-коммуникаций и эффект синергии. // Эффективность коммуникации. М., 2011)
Romanov A.A., Panko A.V. Marketing Communications . M. 2008. Chapter 2. (In
Russian – Романов А.А., Панко А.В. Маркетинговые коммуникации. М., 2008)
Schultz D.E., Schultz H (2003), IMC, The Next Generation : Five Steps For
Delivering Value and Measuring Financial Returns. McGraw-Hill.
Schultz, D.E. (2006) Media synergy: the next frontier in a multimedia marketplace. //
Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol.8, No 1. PP. 13-29.
Topic 7. Approaches to a brand evaluation. Brand equity and brand value.
Brands as intangible assets of a company
. Brand building as investment project. Brand value defined.
The theoretical separation of brand equity and brand value. Brand equity and brand value evaluation tools. Brand evaluation methods and metrics: FCA-method, Interbrand
Valuation Model) , BrandZ, BAV Y&R, BrandFinance, Brand Dynamics (Millward Broun),
Prophet, Brand Potential and Vitality etc.
World's Most Valuable Brand's and their changes over time.
Basic reading:
Keller, K.L. (2008) Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall Inc. Ch. 10.
(in Russian - Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005. – Глава 10.)
Чернозуб О.Л. Стоимость бренда: реальность превосходит мифы // Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования. – 2003. № 1-2. (Chenrozub O. The reality surpasses myths. // Marketing and marketing research. 2003, №№ 1-2)
Further reading:
Doyle, P. (2008) Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and
Shareholder Value. John Wiley & Sons (in Russian, previous -
Дойль П. Маркетинг, ориентированный на стоимость. – СПб.: ПИТЕР, 2001).
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Gerzema, J. and Lebar, E. (2008) The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It. Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons).
Tollington, T.
(2002) Brand Assets. Wiley finance.
Schultz D.E., Schultz H (2003), IMC, The Next Generation : Five Steps For Delivering
Value and Measuring Financial Returns. McGraw-Hill.
Sinclair, R. How Prophet think about brand valuation. //
Домнин В.Н. Брендинг: новые технологии в России. 2-ое издание. СПб.: ПИТЕР,
2004. – Глава 9. (Domnin V.N. Branding: new technologies in Russia. PITER, 2004 – Сh.
Третьяк О.А. Бренд-капитал: содержание, денежная оценка и управление // Брендменеджмент. – 2001.- № 2. – С. 2-11. (Tretyak O. Brand management. 2001, № 2. PP. 2-
Чернозуб О.Л. Новый взгляд на стоимость бренда // Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования. – 2002. – № 1. – С. 32-38. ( Chenrozub O. New view on brand value //
Marketing and marketing research. 2002, № 1. PP.
Y&R’s Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) //
BrandZ - Brand equity management tool //
Brand finance //
Interbrand World's Most Valuable Brand's. Methodology.
The course is based on lectures that are mainly about learning theoretical basics, familiarizing the student with various theories, concepts, methods and techniques of solving practical problems in the fields of brand research, analysis and creation.
The course structure is based on learning-by-doing type of approach and contains also workshops-seminars, as well as the off-class home assignments for students in order to develop the necessary skills and competences. A crucial part of the program workshops is the discussion of students’ results of 2 independent group works and cases.
Students’ skills and competences are examined during the seminar classes and by the final oral (1 st semester) and written (2 nd semester) quiz.
Course lecture material and practical exercises have a content related to classical and modern theories in branding and business cases taken from the practice of brand building and brand management in Russian and international companies.
Current Testing Assignments
Homework 1. Analysis and comparison of brand strategies, brand portfolios and brand architectures of 2-3 companies. Work focuses on students’ knowledge and understanding of key
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management” concepts of branding strategies, their ability to identify marketing data needed to make decisions concerning brands and brand strategies, as well as their ability to conduct and complete analytical projects. It also verifies students’ aptitude to apply theoretical concepts of branding to real-life data, draw inferences about companies’ branding decisions and justify the solutions. The homework is intended to assimilate of knowledge and develop analytical skills relevant to topics
1, and 2.
Homework 2. P roject «New Brand Idea and Positioning Proposal». The p roject focuses on creation of a new brand idea and elaboration of core identity of a new brand and its attributes as well as recommendations for company IMC-program. The fulfillment of the project should prove students’ ability to identify the economical, marketing and sociological data necessary for brand management process, and demonstrate the students’ ability to find new market possibilities, formulate ideas for new brands, develop brand identity, and elaborate consulting recommendations for implementations. The homework is aimed to develop managerial and creative skills relevant to topics 3, 4 and 6.
Both Homework 1 and Homework 2 develop students’ ability to perform their tasks without assistance ( with minimal supervision) and should verify their abilities to organize small teams
(groups of students) for project, coordinate the activity of team members and develop a joint solution in the field of branding.
The case “ArtVisage” (Russian brand) is aimed to fix knowledge and develop analytical and managerial skills relevant to the topic 3.
The written case “AIWA” (International brand) is a form of students intermediate examination.
Its results should verify students’ ability to understand marketing tasks facing the company and apply analytical methods corresponding to the tasks assigned. Students’ proficiency in conducting a critical analysis of marketing data and their practical consulting skills necessary to elaborate recommendations on a future brand strategy of a client on the basis of empirical data and analytical methods are also tested . The case is intended to develop analytical and managerial skills relevant to topics 3, 4 and 5.
Questions for Assessment of Quality of the Course Acquisition
A sample list of questions as the basis of the Test (Exam):
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
What is brand and what is branding in classical and modern theories?
What roles does brand play for companies in 21 century?
Enumerate the advantages of brand as an asset of company.
What are the core principles of a brand-focused company?
Explain in brief relationship between brand and product, between brand and trademark, between trademark and registered trademark.
Brand strategy defined. Relationship between business strategy, marketing strategy, brand strategy. Branding as effective strategy for highly competitive markets.
Outline and compare the approaches to branding developed by D. Aaker, J. Kapferer, M.
Lindstrom, K. Roberts, J. Grant.
What types of objects may become brands. For what reasons they are branded by companies?
Explain the usage and possibilities of the matrix “Product/object - Brand”.
Brand portfolio and brand architecture: give definitions.
What is brand portfolio strategy? How can brand portfolio strategy support a company's business strategy?
Enumerate types of brand portfolio strategies, their advantages and disadvantages.
Name the roles of the portfolio brands. Give examples of master brands, subbrands, strategic brands, silver bullets, endorser and endorsed brands, co-brands.
Demonstrate and compare different types of portfolio and architecture graphics.
What are the differences between b-to-b and b-to-c branding.
What are the features of branding at retail. Can private labels become brands in modern markets? Types of private label brand strategies: historical perspective and current state.
Outline the process of a brand portfolio management and the relevant tools.
How to conduct a brand portfolio audit?
Compare: BCG portfolio matrix, GE/McKinsey portfolio matrix, Shell matrix, MCC matrix.
Outline the theory BASE by A. Strebinger.
How consumer motivations and behavioral patterns influence the process and solutions of brand building?
What is the differences between characteristics, benefits and values of a brand?
Characterize brand-consumer relationship on an example.
What are the points of parity and the points of difference of a brand? How to choose them in optimum way?
What is brand identity?
What kinds of classical forms of brand identity models do you know?
What kinds of modern forms of brand identity models do you know?
Describe Aaker’s Brand Identity Planning Model and its features.
Explain the stages and the process of the Strategic Brand Analysis.
Outline a brand identity system.
Explain the relations between terms: brand essence, core and extended brand identity.
Brand personality and consumer self-concept: how do they correlate to each other?
Is the term “brand identity” synonymous to the term “brand image”?
What is brand positioning and how does it refer to a brand identity?
Outline a brand identity implementation system, execution and tracking.
How to present a brand platform? Give an example.
What types of brand attributes exist? Explain b rand attributes role in creating brand identities.
What are verbal and visual Identity system elements?
Enumerate marketing, psychological and linguistic features of a strong brand name and logo.
Naming as a process: stages, managerial tools, evaluations.
Visual corporate and product identity elaboration: stages, managerial tools, evaluations.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Product and brand life cycles: what are the differences and similarities?
What is brand equity and how it correlate to the brand value?
Enumerate brand performance metrics and relevant methods of research?
Brand equity management tools: give characteristics.
What are the reasons for brand revitalizing, redesign, repositioning, rebranding? How these processes are managed?
Managerial solutions for brand strengthening.
Brand extensions and expansions: types, risks, new possibilities.
How to avoid risks of brand dilutions?
What is a marketing funnel?
How marketing communication tools influence decision making process and brand purchase?
What is ATL and BTL communications, how they work for a brand?
Prove the topicality of the concepts “integrated marketing communications” and “brandcommunications”.
Characterize the principles of brand-communication planning.
Give examples of synergy effects on different levels of communication.
Communication campaigns for b-to-b and b-to-c brands: what are the differences in communication mix?
Explain the term “intangible asset” of a company.
What are world's Most Valuable Brand's?
What are brand equity and brand value evaluation tools?
Outline and compare brand evaluation methods and metrics: FCA-method, Interbrand (Brand
Valuation Model), BrandZ, BAV Y&R, BrandFinance, Brand Dynamics (Millward Broun),
Prophet, Brand Potential and Vitality etc.
The discipline score is integral, being compounded of scores for current activity and for examination. Final a ssessment of this course is through an exam (weighted 50%), previous current activity – homework, and case solution (weighted 50% in aggregate):
First Semester: Analytical
homework in groups and individual oral answers to questions brings in 10 ranks. If a student is certified for the first semester, he or she is allowed to train at this course in the second semester.
Second Semester:
Current group work: Group project «New Brand Idea and Positioning Proposal».
and individual oral answers to questions relevant to the project brings 10 ranks.
Intermediate type of written testing: Case “AIWA”.
Exam: Written solution of a case task brings 10 ranks. Final testing grading brings 10 ranks.
The grade scale for single assessment as well as for the final grade complies with regular
Higher School of Economics grade system.
The students' independent homeworks are evaluated in terms of analytical depth of theoretical and practical material, logic and consistency of conclusions, accuracy of formulations, the extent to which the proposed solution is adequate to the problem, creativity of approach, and excellence of topic presentation during discussions. The merits of creative part of the project are evaluated according to the quality of prepared material, depth and advances of proposed ideas, and expected applicability of solutions and recommendations in practice.
The resulting score takes into account the student's current testing:
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
First semester: О current
= 0.80•Оgr-work + 0.20•О classroom activity ;
Oexam = 1.0•Oindividual-quiz
The resulting score is exposed by the following formula:
O total
= 0.70•Oexam+ 0.30• Ocurrent
Second semester:
О current
= 0.70•Оgr-project + 0.30•Оgr-case
Oexam = 0.70•Oind-test+ 0.30• Oind-case
The resulting score is exposed by the following formula:
O total
= 0.50•Oexam+ 0.50• Ocurrent
Student’s knowledge is assessed on the following scale:
10 Excellent
Grades are not negotiable according to the teaching standards and policies imposed by
Higher School of Economics
The Diploma Certificate contains the Course final grade (2nd semester), which is the
Course resulting score.
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Core Textbook
Aaker, D.A. and Joachimstahler, E. (2000) Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an Information
Economy . NY: Free Press. (in Russian – Аакер Д.А., Йохимштайлер Э. Брендлидерство: новая концепция брендинга. М.: Издательский дом Гребенникова, 2003.)
Aaker, D. (2009) Brand portfolio strategy.
New York: The Free Press.(In Russian - Аакер Д.
Стратегия управления портфелем брендов. – М.: «Эксмо», 2008.)
Keller, K.L. (2008) Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall Inc. (in Russian -
Келлер К.Л. Стратегический бренд-менеджмент: создание, оценка и управление марочным капиталом. Изд- 2-е. - М.: Вильямс, 2005.)
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Required reading
Gad, Th. (2000) 4D Branding: Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network Economy .
BookHouse Publishing. (In Russian - Гэд Т. 4D брендинг: взламывая корпоративный код сетевой экономики. – СПб.: Стокгольмская школа экономики в Санкт-
Петербурге, 2005.)
Charmasson, H. (1998)
The name’s the thing: creating the perfect name for your company or product.
Amacom. (In Russian - Чармэссон Г. Торговая марка. Как создать имя, которое принесет миллионы. – СПб.: Питер, 1999.)
Chub B.A. (2008) The concept of strategic management GE/M C K INSEY
(In Russian - Чуб Б.А.
Концепция стратегического управления GE/M
Dunn, D. and Anderson, F. (2010) Jump-start your brand. //
Ries, A. and Trout,J. (1981) Positioning, The battle for your mind , Warner Books - McGraw-Hill
Inc., New York.. (In Russian – Райс Э., Траут Дж. Позиционирование: битва за умы. –
Спб: ПИТЕР, 2009)
Knox, S. (2004) Positioning and branding your organization. Journal of product and brand management , Volume 13, № 2. PP. 105-115.
Kumar , N. (2003), Kill a Brand , Keep a Customer, Harvard Business Review , 81. (December),
Luck, K. (2012) The delicate art of rebranding. Journal of brand strategy
, 2012, Vol. 1, № 1.
Tauber E. Brand extension research //
Strebinger A. (2004) Strategic Brand Concept and Brand Architecture Strategy – A Proposed
Model // Advances in consumer research , 31, 656-661.
Schultz D. and Barnes B. (1999) Strategic Brand Communication Campaigns . NTC Business books (McGraw-Hill). – Chapter 9-13 (in Russian – Шультц Д., Барнс Б.
Стратегические бренд-коммуникационные кампании. М.: Изд. Дом Гребенникова,
Schultz , D.E.
(2006) Media synergy: the next frontier in a multimedia marketplace. Journal of
Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol.8, No 1. PP. 13-29.
Chenrozub O. (2003) The reality surpasses myths. Marketing and marketing research . 2003,
№№ 1-2 (Чернозуб О.Л. Стоимость бренда: реальность превосходит мифы //
Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования. – 2003. № 1-2.)
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Supplementary reading
Aaker, D. (1996) Building Strong Brands , New York: The Free Press.
Aaker, D.A., and Keller, K.L. (1990), Consumer evaluations of brand extensions. Journal of
Marketing , 54 (January), 27-41.
Aaker, J.L. (1997), Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, 34
(August), 347-356.
Brand management: Harvard Business Review on Brand Management, 2007 (In Russian - Брендменеджмент: Harvard Business Review on Brand Management . – М.: Альпина Бизнес букс, 2007)
Brand finance //
BrandZ - Brand equity management tool //
Brunner, R.; Emery, S., Do you matter? How great design will make people love your company .,
(2009), Upper Saddle River: FT Press.
Chenrozub O. (2002) New view on brand value // Marketing and marketing research., № 1. PP.
(In Russian - Чернозуб О.Л. Новый взгляд на стоимость бренда // Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования. – 2002. – № 1. – С. 32-38 )
Chua, P. and Ilisik D. (2008) Logo logic. – Moscow: RIP holding (In Russian -
Чуа П., Илисик Д. Лого Логика. Лучшие брендинговые агентства рассказывают о стратегиях нейминга и брендинга. – М.: РИП-холдинг, 2008)
Domnin, V.N.(2004) Branding: new technologies in Russia . PITER, 2004 (In Russian - Домнин
В.Н. Брендинг: новые технологии в России. 2-ое издание. СПб.: ПИТЕР, 2004)
Doyle, P. (2008) Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and
Shareholder Value . John Wiley & Sons (in Russian, previous -
Дойль П. Маркетинг, ориентированный на стоимость. – СПб.: ПИТЕР, 2001).
Gali, B (2007) Brand. The birth of name . Eterna: Palimpest. (In Russian - Гали Б. (2007) Brand.
Рождение имени. Энциклопедия. – Этерна, Палимпсест, 2007)
GE/McKinsey Matrix //
Gerzema, J. and Lebar, E. (2008) The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and
How to Avoid It.
Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons).
Gobe, M. (2008) Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People.
Allworth Press.
Grant , J .
(2006). The brand innovation manifesto. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Heding T, Knudtzen Ch. F., Bjerre M. (2009) Brand Management: Research, Theory and
Practice. London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Hichens, R.E., Robinson, S.J.Q, and Wade, D.P. (1978) The directional policy matrix: tool for strategic planning. Long Range Planning , Vol. 11 (June 1978), pp. 8-15.
Interbrand World's Most Valuable Brand's. Methodology.
Kapferer, J. N.
(2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term.
Kogan Page Publishers.
Know thy changing consumer (editorial). (2008) The Journal of Brand Management . Volume 15, pp.227-231.
Korzun A.V. (2006) Brand Architecture as strategic approach to formation of company value.
Brand management , 3(28), pp. 24-35 (In Russian - Корзун А.В. (2006) Архитектура брендов как стратегический подход к формированию стоимости компании. // Брендменеджмент, 3 (28), c. 24-35.
Lindstrom, M. (2005) BRAND sense. Building Powerful Brands Through Touch, Taste, Smell,
Sight & Sound.
NY: Free Press
(In Russian - Линдстром М. BRAND Sense .
Чувство бренда. Воздействие на пять органов чувств для создания выдающихся брэндов. М.:
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Эксмо, 2006.)
M ark, M and Pearson, C (2004) The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands
Through the Power of Archetypes (In Russian - Марк М., Пирсон К. Герой и бунтарь.
Создание бренда с помощью архетипов. – Спб.: Питер, 2005.)
Mooney, K and Rollins, N. (2008)
The Open Brand: When Push Comes to Pull in a Web-Made
Peachpit Press
(In Russian - Муни К., Роллинс Н. Открытый бренд в мире, который построил Веб. – М.: Символ-Плюс, 2009.)
Muzellec, L. What is in a name change? Re-joycing corporate names to create corporate brands.
Corporate reputation review , Vol. 8, № 4. PP. 305-321.
Nadeau, R. (2006) Living brands. McGraw-Hill. (In Russian - Надо Р. Живые бренды. Новый подход к созданию и продвижению брендов. – М.: ИД Гребенникова, 2009).
Nicholls J. The MCC decision matrix: a tool for applying strategic logic to everyday activity -
Management decision 33,6, USA 1996.
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National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Master Program “Brand strategies and brand management”
Computer equipment and projection are employed in seminars and workshops.
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Penalty for violation of this Policy can also be extended to include failure of the course and
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During examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the examinations, nor may you compare papers, copy from others, or collaborate in any way. Any collaborative behavior during the examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to failure of the course and University disciplinary action.
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