Origin of Craniates & Vertebrates


The Phylum Chordata

This phylum has 3 subphyla

- Urochordata

- Cephalochordata


Chordates are deuterostomes

(sensu strictu)

Possess four unique characteristics

1) Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord

Forms from a dorsal ectoderm tube

Forms the CNS (brain & spinal cord)

Other animal phyla have ventral solid nerve cord(s)

2) Notochord

Longitudinal, flexible cartilagenous rod

Located between nerve cord and gut

2) Notochord

Extends most of the length of the organism


For some chordates this is all they have (thus

‘invertebrate’ chordates)

VERTEBRATE chordates develop a more complex jointed skeleton

BUT vertebrates still have vestiges of the notochord (intervertebral discs !)

3) Pharyngeal Slits

Early chordates

– these connected to the digestive tract; used for FILTER FEEDING

Later became modified for gas exchange

Present (vestigial) in our early embryo stage

4) Postanal Tail

4) Postanal Tail

Digestive tract extends most of the body length in the majority of non-chordates

Tail extends beyond the anus in chordates

Contains skeletal elements

Contains muscles

Major propulsive force in many aquatic chordates

Other uses for the tail ?????

Subphylum Urochordata

Invertebrate chordates

Called Tunicates (some called sea squirts)

Tunic is made of a cellulose-like carbohydrate called tunicin

Filter Feeders

Free swimming as larvae

• Sessile as adults (adhere by ‘head’ region to objects)

Subphylum Urochordata

Highly modified as adults

Scarcely resemble other chordates

During metamorphosis they lose the tail, notochord & nerve cord (‘brain’ atrophies)

Retain pharyngeal slits

Closed circulatory system

Possess heart & blood cells (no hemoglobin)

Most primitive of the chordates (?????)

Subphylum Urochordata (larva)

Subphylum Urochordata (adult)

Subphylum Cephalochordata


Laterally compressed

Subphylum Cephalochordata

Adults somewhat resemble urochordate larvae

All 4 chordate traits persist

Filter feeders; tentacles around mouth

Marine; burrow tail first

Feeble swimmers; fish-like movements


Serially arranged muscle segments

Origin of Craniates & Vertebrates

• Fossils – resembling Cephalochordates – Burgess

Shale of British Columbia ~550mya

Craniates and Vertebrates first appear during the

Cambrian “explosion” ~ 530mya

Early Craniates and Vertebrates possessed all four chordate characteristics and were filter feeders

• Probably derived from a Urochordate-like ancestor similar to a tunicate larva

• Paedogenesis resulted in a larva achieving sexual maturity and it did not undergo metamorphosis


Precocious attainment of sexual maturity in a morphologically juvenile organism

If successful, natural selection would have reinforced the absence of metamorphosis

These larvae were active and natural selection would favor the most active

Actively foraging organisms benefit from good sense organs

Cephalization is a benefit

Craniate / Vertebrate Characteristics

• All possess the four basic chordate traits (at least at some stage)

Cephalization with a highly specialized brain

The brain is covered by or enclosed by a skull

MOST Craniates possess a vertebral column that encloses the nerve cord

MOST possess jaws

Skeleton is an endoskeleton

The Endoskeleton

Composed of cartilage, bone or both

Grows with the organism

Cells secrete and rearrange the matrix

AXIAL SKELETON - skull plus vertebral column (plus ribs & breastbone, if present)

APPENDICULAR SKELETON may be present (supports fins or limbs)

Additional Traits (I)

Closed circulatory system

Heart with 2, 3 or 4 chambers

Arteries, capillaries, veins

Red blood cells (with hemoglobin) for O

2 transport

Blood oxygenated through skin or more commonly via gills or lungs

Additional Traits (II)

Possess kidneys ( compact excretory structures )

Reproduction usually sexual

Dioecious (= unisexual)

Gender control variable (XY, WZ, environmental)

Some can change gender

Parthenogenesis found in most classes (but not common)

Subphylum Craniata

• Nine or ten extant classes


• Petromyzontidae


• Antinopterygii, Actinistia, Dipnoi



Aves (?)

• Mammalia

The Agnathan Classes (I)

Oldest fossilized craniates were agnathans

Mud-suckers/filter feeders

Living forms lack paired appendages and external armor

No covers for gill slits

Two-chambered heart

Class Mixini (hagfishes)

Class Petromyzontida (lampreys)

The Agnathan Classes (II)

Hagfishes (30 species) are eel shaped

Lack rasping mouthparts

Some feed on sick or dead fish or on worms


Skull of cartilage

• No vertebrae (are “craniate invertebrates”)


The Agnathan Classes (III)

• Lampreys (about 35 species) are eel shaped

Young are usually suspension (filter) feeders

• Young live in freshwater

Adults usually marine but some stay in freshwater

• Adults have rasping mouth parts

Attach to live fish and are parasitic

Possess a cartilaginous tube around the notochord with pairs of projections (Vertebrae); thus a

“craniate vertebrate”)

Lamprey (I)

Lamprey (II)

Lamprey (III)

The First Gnathans

• Classes Placodermi and Acanthodii (extinct)

• Possessed hinged jaws and paired fins

Jaws developed from skeletal rods supporting some of the more anterior pharyngeal slits

Jaws allow for more varied feeding habits

• Vertebrate jaws work UP and DOWN

(arthropod jaws work Side to Side)

• Remaining slits functioned as major gas exchange sites

Basic Craniate (from text)

Development of Jaws

(from arch supports 3 & 4)

Jaws and Supports



Class Chondrichthyes (I)

The cartilaginous fishes (about 750 species)

Lack of bone in skeleton is considered a derived condition

Sharks, rays, skates, and more

No swim bladder

Must swim to stay up in the water column

Some have added buoyancy due to large amounts of oil stored in the liver

Class Chondrichthyes (II)

Marine animals – evolved in the sea

Paired fins, well-developed jaws; most are carnivores (a few filter feeders)

No opercula (external gill covers)

Scaled; Teeth evolved from modified scales

Reproduce sexually; fertilization internal; dioecious

Oviparous, Ovoviviparous or Viviparous

• Claspers on male’s pectoral fins transfer sperm into the female’s reproductive tract

Class Chondrichthyes (III)

Cloaca present

Heart two-chambered

Short digestive tract; spiral valve present

Good vision but no color vision

Sharks have a fusiform body

Rays and skates are dorsoventrally flattened

Black Tipped Reef Shark


The “Bony” Fishes

• Formerly in one class (Osteichthyes) but now divided into three classes

Cloaca absent in all three classes; dioecious; heart is 2-chambered

Class Actinistia – coelacanths (believed to have been extinct for 65 million years) – Two (?) extant species; a lobe-fin group that evolved in freshwater and then moved to the ocean

• Class Dipnoi – lungfishes – another lobe-fin group;

3 genera and 7 species; Freshwater; use lungs for respiration; Gave rise to tetrapods


Dipnoi (Australian Lungfish)

Class Antinopterygii

Largest group of vertebrates (~30,000 spp)

Most of our familiar fish species

Body covered by flattened bony scales

Evolved in freshwater; many moved to the ocean; some have returned to freshwater

A few species spend a portion of their lives in freshwater and in saltwater

Possess a swim bladder for buoyancy – it developed from lungs

Rainbow Trout

Evolution of lungs & Swim Bladder

Gas Exchange in Fishes

Chondrichthyes – swimming important – forces water into mouth and out over gills

Bony Fish – water drawn into mouth and forced out over gills by movement of the

OPERCULUM and contraction of muscles within the gill chambers
