
2015-2016 Band Booster Board
Director of Bands: Mr. Jermaine Reynolds
President: John Murphy
VP of Concession: Jim Saltmarsh
VP of Volunteers: Donna Dolan
Secretary: Barbara Champion
Treasurer: Pam Klitzka
Assistant Treasurer: Janice Saltmarsh
Fall Semester/Marching Band
 Perform at Football Games
 Compete at several regional competitions throughout
October 3rd: Leesburg HS
October 17th: Nease HS
October 24th: Santa Fe HS
November 7th: MPA at Leesburg HS
November 21st: State in Tampa/St. Pete
 Perform at all Parades (Homecoming, Veteran’s Day,
Christmas, St. Patrick’s, and maybe more)
 Perform at various special events in the community
Attend all rehearsals and performance
Be prepared for rehearsals and performances.
Be on time for all classes, rehearsals, and performances.
Keep instrument and equipment in performance condition.
Understand the duties of the Officers so that you may work
with them and not against them.
Practice regularly at home (3 hours per week minimum) and
study privately if at all possible.
Keep the band facility neat, clean, and free of litter.
Keep up with and be responsible for the music and equipment
issued to you.
Fulfill Fair Share obligation. Fundraising activities provided.
Demonstrate “PRIDE”
Basic Rules
 Students must abide by Citrus County Schools Code of Student
Conduct, Citrus High School Student Rules, and the CHS Band
 Any extreme disciplinary infraction may result in suspension
from the Band activities or removal from the program.
 Any instrument or equipment not belonging to or specifically
assigned to you is strictly off limits.
 During the regular school day, the facility is to be used for
regular classes, rehearsals, sectionals, and pre-arranged help
sessions only.
 No gum is allowed at any performance or rehearsal; while in
uniform or under uniform.
 For security reasons, the band room is off limits to non-band
Strict Rules
 Rules are followed very strictly.
 Students know the consequences before the
 Teaching students to make the right choices!!!!
Why be in the Marching
Teaches time management
Social skills
Team Building
Music students have higher GPA
Have 80 friends at all times
Teaches responsibility
Psychologically challenging
Teaches etiquette……….
Pre-Requisite for Extra-Curricular
Freshman Transition
Very big change in High School
Upperclassmen in the band help
with this
Responsibility level is increased
Upperclassmen in the band help
with this
Multiple schedules to juggle
Upperclassmen in the band help
with this
Little Fish in the big pond….
Upperclassmen in the band help
with this
Marching Season
Practice Schedule
 Monday:
 Tuesday:
 Wednesday:
 Thursday:
 Friday:
 Saturday:
5pm-8pm (3pm-6pm Daylight
Savings End)
Free Day
Football Games
* After Marching Season, the schedule eases up quite a bit.
Summer Schedule
 Practice Tuesday, July 7th and 14th 5:00-8:00
 Students need attend if they are in town, but are encouraged to
go on vacation and take their “break”.
 Band Camp WEEK 1--July 20th – 24th: 8am-3pm
 Band Camp WEEK 2--July 27th – July 31st: 8am-6pm
*Band camp is mandatory. If you do not attend band camp, you will not
have a spot on the field, however, you may be placed in the front ensemble
 Learning new drill moves
 We will practice when it rains(inside)
 We run
 We do push ups
 We do push ups
 We run…
 Rehearse music as a full ensemble
 Parents are encouraged to come and watch
Marching Rehearsals
 ½ gallon cooler filled with ice water is required.
 “Dressing out” (wearing appropriate clothing and sneakers, no beanie
hats, no black t-shirts, NO JEANS!) is required.
 Go directly to the practice area. To be early is to be on time and to be on time is
late. BE EARLY!
 The Staff, Band Captain, and Drum Major(s) have authority until Mr.
Reynolds reaches the field.
 Marching band shoes or sneakers must be worn at all times. No sandals,
flats, pumps, boots, etc. are allowed. Shoes must be tight with no loose
 Alertness is required, and everyone should react immediately to all
commands and instructions.
 Marching rehearsals will be most efficient if all members are diligent in
correcting mistakes quickly and thinking ahead to the next move. Above
all, take pride in every minute of rehearsal so that we can all take pride in
the final product – our performance.
Pick-Up Times
 All Students need to be picked
up promptly after each
 After 30 minutes of waiting after
a rehearsal ends, Mr. Reynolds is
NO LONGER responsible for
your child.
Absence Form
 If you know you will be missing a rehearsal, fill out an
absence form at least 2 weeks before the absence.
 This is a courtesy to Mr. Reynolds and to your peers.
 Absence Forms will be in the tray next to Mr. Reynolds’
 Complete the form and give it to your captain.
 Your captain will give the absence form to Mr. Reynolds.
 Mr. Reynolds determines if the absence is “excused” or
 Mr. Reynolds will return the absence form to you.
If Absent…
 If you are absent from a
rehearsal, you will not
march at the next
 This is for excused and
unexcused absences.
Director of Bands:
Jon Otero:
Lorraine Hill:
Ryan Lastrapes:
Brian Bissonnette:
Jermaine Reynolds
Percussion Caption Head
Color Guard Caption Head
Visual/Music Instructor
Percussion Instructor
Visual/Music Instructor
“Chain of Command”
Captains: (Percussion, Guard, Brass, Woodwind)
Drum Major(s)
Band Captain
Band Director
Booster Club
 Banquet
 Chaperones
 Fundraising----Dinners-Concessions
 Uniforms
See handbook for more details!!
FB Games (Home)
FB Games (Away)
Number of
1 per 10 members
1 per 10 members
1 per 10 members plus
Equipment Crew
All other parents are welcome to come but must pay
their own admission fee.
 Buses are assigned by
 Boys sit with boys, girls
with girls.
 Students must ride the bus
to and from unless
arrangements are made
ahead of time….
Hand Book
 The handbook can answer most of your questions
throughout the season.
 Changes do occur within the handbook…such as
 Don’t hesitate to email and ask!!!
Cost of having fun
 Examples of cost …..
What is Fair Share?
 Each band member is expected to do his/her “Fair Share” of
the fundraising. In lieu, or in addition to, fundraising
participation, donations are always welcome.
 The Fair Share will cover the band’s planned operating
expenses for the entire year. Budgeted items include
instruments, music, repairs, travel, MPA entry fees, uniform
purchases, guard equipment, marching equipment, school bus
transportation, charter bus transportation, student awards, etc.
 Ample fundraising opportunities are provided for students and
their families to earn the fair share. Virtually all fundraising
profits will be applied to the student’s individual account.
Those who prefer to pay the Fair Share instead of fundraising
may do so; but will follow the scheduled deadlines.
One tour bus…
One Tuba
Baritone Horn
Baritone Saxophone
One Uniform
One STATE Championship PRICELESS
 Students must have fair share paid on time to continue
 Various fundraisers are set aside for student accounts.
 You can make arrangements with executive board…but
you must maintain that agreement.
 There are fundraisers set up for the student to make over
$275 in the Fall.
 Once you make the arrangements they do not need to be
broken….we will not turn anyone away but we must also
have everyone pay their part!!!!
July 20th: $100 (Band Camp fee)
August 15th: $75
September 15th: $50
October 15th: $50
November 15th: $50
December 15th: $50
Band Camp Fee: $100
Fair Share: $275
Total: $375
 Concert Band
 Jazz Band
 Winter Guard
 Percussion Ensemble
 Marching Band
 Solo & Ensemble
 Pit Orchestra
 Brass/WW Choirs
All Students NEED….
 Black socks
 White tux shirt (Guys)
 Black Patent Leather
dress shoes
 Solid Color Button-Up
Long Sleeve dress shirt
 Marching Dinkles
 Black Gloves
 To be kept nice at all
 Never crumbled on the
 Students who fail to meet
the uniform
requirements will not
Instrument Rental
 There is NO instrument rental fee
 Must read and sign the instrumental agreement
 The following instruments are available for rental:
 Contra (tuba), Baritone, Trombone (concert band),
Euphonium (concert band), Trumpet, Mellophone,
Clarinets, Flutes, Saxes
Questions & Answers