Confirmed Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee 3:00pm on 15th



Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

3:00pm on 15 th January 2014 in the Boardroom

Meeting Minutes and Action Points

Members present: Dave Russell (DOSPSS)

Frances Bosley (HSS)

Sam Broadhead (ASR)

Graham Curling (HHR)


Barbara Mulroy (AR)

Ibrahim Pandor (SS)

Kelly Cumberland

In attendance: Anne Peden


1 Action Notes of previous meeting.

The minutes and actions from the meeting held on 2 nd October 2013 were received and agreed by the committee. DOSPSS reported that the SMT had concurred with the strategy for using Staff briefing slots to promote EDI and he thanked WPM for her presentation at the event in December. They had determined that it would be best to delay the idea of a national/international competition.

2 Widening Participation Strategic Statement Monitoring 2012-13

The OFFA agreement is resubmitted each year for the following year and the College states what it intends to achieve.

In considering the report members noted that targets in the OFFA agreement were on track for achievement with the exception of participation from low socio-economic groups. It was acknowledged that this followed a national trend.

AR reported that the College now reimburses travel costs for eligible students to encourage attendance at interview, a key part of the College’s fair access approach to recruitment and selection.

3 Widening Participation Evaluation Plan

PM presented a draft of the 20213-14 evaluation plan. The plan had been developed to include an element which involved further student consultation to inform College decision making. This will be in the form of focus groups and a survey which will target Level

5 students in the second semester. Members also noted the inclusion of a series of evaluative questions in the plan that improved its structure and would assist the evaluation when it was carried out at the end of the year.

It was noted that the College had reduced its award for the

National Scholarship Programme in line with the reduction applied by government. This retained the number of awards but at the reduced rate, this had been approved by OFFA. It was also noted that it was intended that NSP provision would be re-aligned towards postgraduate provision and that guidance on this would be forthcoming.

Chloe Ackroyd (MM)

David Braham (HoI)

Martell Baines (PM)

Chris Graham (L)

Mia Allonby (SR)

Marianne Springham (ASR)

Who By when

HHR stated that the OFFA return and the evaluation plan could be considered under the Public Sector Equality Duty as analysis of statistics and should therefore be published externally. It was agreed that this should be determined outside of the meeting and action taken as appropriate by the chair.

4 HESA staff and student return diversity data


HHR stated the data provided was for information and had been provided to conform to the committee schedule of business.

However he advised the committee that the data had already been provided as part of the Equality and Diversity report considered at the previous meeting. It was therefore recommended that this be considered with the schedule of business for 2014/15 is drawn up, this would be taken up by the chair. DOSPSS.


AR presented the information which is part of the formal HESA return. Members discussed the possibilities of examining the data in order to target under-represented groups. Figures on the numbers of students living at home compared to those in College organised accommodation and private rented accommodation had been included. Figures also show that a very high proportion of students at College have some form of disability and the number in receipt of Disabled Student Allowance is rising. ASR(SB) requested information regarding the numbers of students aged 30+ to determine if there have been an increase or decrease as it had been noted that participation of mature students was falling nationally. AR will forward information.

5 Application data

The data supplied covers both FE courses and HE programmes. It was noted that some students will apply for both Foundation and

HE Level 4 programmes.

10% of students declare a disability at application stage however it was recognised that this number increases significantly at enrolment. It is felt that disabilities are not declared initially as the student perceive this may disadvantage them at interview.

More detailed information regarding ethnic minority groups is available however it had been agreed at a previous meeting we would aggregate data due to the small numbers involved. It was agreed that the category ‘non-white’ be changed to ‘BME’.

Statistics are currently being prepared for programme APE’s as under agenda item 7 which show the difference between the proportions applying to those enrolled for this year. It was agreed that these be received at the next meeting. It was acknowledged however that UCAS do not provide data of offers versus acceptance by ethnicity.

6 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

The policy was discussed at the previous meeting and comments raised by the working group have been included in the revised document. DOSPSS outlined the changes which were chiefly to update the terms of reference of the committee in accordance with amendments approved by the Academic Board as part of its review of the deliberative structure, reflect the current strategic plan and take into consideration changes to the requirements regarding impact assessments. HHR stated that the revised version will be available on the web following the necessary approvals.

The committee recommended the policy to the SMT for approval by

Board of Governors.





DOSPSS asap asap


2014 asap


7 Annual Programme Evaluation 2012/13 Statistics

Each Programme report covers student data from application to progression, graduation and destination. This information is submitted to The Open University on an annual basis. Figures show age, entry qualifications, gender, ethnicity and disability.

Statistics showed there were 6 appeals across all programmes.

Members noted the balance of gender and ethnicity across new students to programmes and how this conformed to national trends over choice of subject and participation rates in HE.

The information shows that BA (Hons) Fine Art and BA (Hons) Art &

Design Interdisciplinary have a greater number of students with learning disabilities than other programmes. BA (Hons) Graphics,

BA (Hons) DFGA and BA (Hons) Art & Design Interdisciplinary show a higher number of male students than on other programmes. BA

(Hons) Creative Advertising and BA (Hons) Vis Comm have a greater number of black minority ethnic students than other programmes.

More students aged +21 are studying on BA (Hons) Fine Art, BA

(Hons) Art & Design Interdisciplinary or BA (Hons) Creative

Advertising as a % than other programmes.

The College has a duty of care in establishing disability and ensuring that reasonable adjustments are in place at an individual level and members noted that procedures were in place and provision made accordingly. HHR stated there is also technical guidance available if there are areas of doubt. DOSPSS was questioned as to whether, where there was a particularly high instance of disability amongst a cohort any further resources were provided. It was explained that if an assessment of need identified further resources, this matter would be taken up with the

Programme’s Director of Studies.

8 Gender Equality Mark Update

DOSPSS informed members that the working group had met twice since the last committee meeting with a further two meetings planned in January and March. The working group are making good progress on gathering together data however it was agreed that an additional meeting of the working group would be order to bring a draft document to the next committee meeting.

HHR commented that the meetings to date had established the volatility of a small institution in terms of equal representation, sometimes if even just one member of staff leaves.

9 Investors in Diversity Checklist

HHR stated that in order to continue to meet the commitment to

IID the College needs to continue to demonstrate and evidence examples of equality, diversity and inclusion. The College will continue to raise awareness of ongoing projects to both staff and students.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is an agenda item on all

Course/Programme meetings and it was felt that this should also be included in the resource area meetings. The committee should ensure that information from these meetings is captured and evidence compiled.

ASR(SB) referred to the Universal Learning Design philosophy about pedagogy addressing inclusivity, design learning materials and assessment procedures. DOSPSS suggested that this might be an area of interest that ASR might bring to the attention of the

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee.


ASR(SB) asap



DOSPSS relayed information received by the FE Committee that spoke strongly of the ways in which the FE staff have been engaged in developing equality, diversity and inclusion in the way the briefs are planned.

The committee agreed to receive the item at each future meeting in order that members could cite and share practice. DOSPPS was particularly keen to note the work of the Student Union who he knew had been active in this respect.

10 Appeals and mitigating circumstances 2012/13 statistics

The statistics there were 6 appeals in total which is slightly higher than the previous year. Over half of these had learning difficulties or long standing medical condition. Two of the appeals were continued and were considered by the Principal, however in both cases the original outcome was not changed and notices of completion were sent to the students.

The majority of mitigating circumstances are due to medical conditions and involve a higher proportion of female students. AR reported that there had been a change in the process during the year. All applications for mitigating circumstances are now considered by a panel. This reduces the pressure on tutors, ensures balance and has also resulted in a reduction in applications. HHR questioned whether the requests had suggested any difficulties that might impact on reasonable adjustments for those with disabilities e.g. through the provision of automatic extensions. AR reported that there are very few where their medical condition concerned was related to a disability and that in the case of for example dyslexia this was managed directly by the

Head of Student Support who advised the panel accordingly.

11 Case Law Update

HHR highlighted some examples of recent case law to the committee for information with regard to religious beliefs in the workplace, awareness of a disability, unlawful discrimination and philosophical belief. Members were advised that these might provide a background against which complaints or grievances might be considered.

12 Report from course and programme boards on equality and diversity matters

The reports from the course and programme boards were considered and discussed. Members noted that a number of programme and courses were not included. AR will contact

Courses/Programmes who have not submitted minutes.

13 Any other business

ASR(MS) reported on the Tetley Feast project BA (Hons) Vis Comm is currently working on. It involves students working in collaboration with a diverse range of community groups in south

Leeds. A community event is planned for 12 th February and documentaries will be shown at Tetley Feast and on screen at

Millenium Square. HHR stated that this was strong evidence for IID as discussed earlier in the agenda, it was also suggested that this might be referenced in the next Principals Briefing.

ASR(MS) will update members at the next meeting of the projects progress.

14 Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 30 th the Boardroom.

April 2014, 3pm in



ASR(MS) asap asap


Equality & Diversity Committee


Meeting date Action/updates

14/11/12 Investors in Diversity Action Plan Update

Due to absence this was deferred until the next meeting. Members were asked to study the plan and be ready to report on progress on actions for which they are names, either individually or as part of the Committee.

6/2/13 – This item will be carried over to the next meeting. HHR to be asked to provide a summary report and update on future actions

2/10/13 – HHR informed members that the

College has now been awarded IID. An update on outstanding items in the action plan will be discussed at the next meeting

24/4/13 – AR/HFE are to confirm that diversity as a theme has been included in both FE and HE course handbooks.

2/10/13 – Confirmed theme has been included in course handbooks.

Further consideration as to how we can demonstrate/evidence inclusiveness is needed. A working group comprising of

MM/HoI/HHR/HFE/SUL plus 1 HE member is to be set up.

22/5/13 – Meeting to be arranged.

2/10/13 – The working group put forward suggestions to the committee (see agenda item 13). DOSPSS to discuss with SMT.

15-01-14 – DOSPSS discussed with SMT and it was decided to revisit this next year.

2/10/13 Action Plan – Single Equality Scheme

Members discussed and considered the amendments required to the Single Equality


The committee recommended a fundamental review of the document. It was agreed a task group be formed to review the document and prepare a draft for the next meeting.

DOSPSS/HHR/AR/ASR(SB) are the designated members of the task group.

2/10/13 Gender Equality Charter Mark

HHR informed members that the College has been accepted into the trial of a new gender equality charter mark for staff in higher education. The aim is to look the gender imbalance within the sector and how this could be addressed.

A working group of six members will be formed to formulate a plan to identify barriers to opportunities, analyse data and create an action plan. DOSPSS/HHR/HSS/AR/ASR(SB)

By whom










JM + 1 HE member





ASR(SB)/SS(IP) asap








15/1/14 asap asap asap


will form the working group.

15/01/14 Widening Participation Evaluation Plan

HHR stated that under the Public Sector

Equality Data analysis of statistics should be considered for publishing externally. DOSPSS stated that this will be considered outside of the meeting.

15/01/14 HESA Staff and student return diversity data


It was agreed that the prescribed agenda items be reviewed in light of duplication of agenda items in consecutive meetings.


ASR(SB) requested information on students aged 30+ to determine if there has been an increase or decrease.

15/01/14 Application data

Change categorisation of ‘non-white’ to BME.

Statistics on enrolments for 2013/14 are currently being prepared for the APE which will be brought back to the next committee meeting.

15/01/14 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

(originally called the Single Equality Scheme

– see agenda item 6)

The committee recommended the policy to

SMT for approval by Board of Governors

15/01/14 Gender Equality Mark Update

Additional meeting to be organised.

15/01/14 Investors in Diversity Checklist

ASR(SB) consider whether Universal Learning

Design philosophy about pedagogy addressing inclusivity, design learning materials and assessment procedures be brought to the attention of LT&E.

It was agreed that this should be a repeat agenda item where examples under the strands are brought to the attention of the committee.

15/01/14 Reports from course and programme boards on equality, diversity & inclusion matters.

AR to contact course/programmes who have not submitted minutes.

15/01/14 Any other Business

ASR(MS) to update members on Tetley Feast project at next meeting.

DOSPSS to suggest this be included in the next

Principals Briefing.












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30/4/14 asap


March asap
