example sheet

Debate essay assignment: Developing Paragraphs
The assignment for tonight is to practice writing a paragraph centered around one of your
pro-con arguments. The goals are to develop your thinking skills and to work on
supporting your claims. As mentioned in class, you may choose to try either a refutation
paragraph or a confirmation one. Here are some models to learn from:
Confirmation example:
Embryonic stem cell research is immoral because it takes the life of a helpless
child. In order for scientists to research a stem cell, they must first kill an embryo. An
embryo is an early stage in the birth of a baby. All living humans, inside the womb of
their mother, have been through this stage of birth. Obviously, at this stage of life, an
embryo cannot fight back. An embryo is a helpless being and should not be killed, no
matter the cause. Therefore, killing embryos to further scientific research is immoral.
Another supporter of this view is that of the Catholic church. In a speech to George Bush,
Pope John Paul II stated “A free and virtuous society, which America aspires to be, must
reject practices that devalue and violate human life at any stage from conception until
natural death” (Transcript). Dr. Richard Dorflinger, of the United States Catholic
Bishops agreed with the view from the Pope when he stated it “is illegal, immoral, and
unnecessary” in regards to the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research
Refutation example:
Although some believe that stem cell research should be expanded from its sixty
existing lines, it can be argued that the expansion of stem cell research is unnecessary and
immoral. A major argument for supporting stem cells is the belief that stem cells are able
to cure diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, spinal
cord injuries and burns. However, a recent study in which fetal stem cells were injected
into the brain of Parkinson’s patients demonstrated serious side effects including
uncontrollable movements: writhing, twisting, head jerking, arm-flailing, and constant
chewing resulted (Hollowell). This indicates that stem cells may not be efficient enough
to handle serious diseases and condition. And, stem cell recipients have a greater chance
of developing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). GVHD causes the donor’s T-cells to
attack recipient’s body. This condition is serious, and can be life threatening. GVHD is
also the most serious problem in stem cell transplants (Advances). This means that stem
cells create a greater chance for various diseases to be passed from one person to another.
Also, stem cells have the potential of being rejected by the patient’s immune system, in
which the stem cells would be destroyed.
Works Cited
“Advances in Stem Cell Transplantation and Factors Affecting Outcomes.” October
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“Boy receives first cord blood transplant for sickle cell anemia” December 14, 1998. May
2, 2004.http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9812/14/cord.blood.sickgle.cell/
“Bush decision draws little direct fire,” August 2001. May 2, 2004
“Bush to allow limited stem cell funding.” CNN 10 Aug. 2001. 29 Apr. 2004
Condic, Maureen L. “The Basics About Stem Cells.” January 2002. April 28, 2004.
Cookson, Clive. “Dolly scientists seek licence to clone human embryos.” Financial
Times(UK) 22 Apr. 2004: page 3. Proquest. 26 Apr. 2004 http://www.proquest.com
Greenberger, Scott S. “Travaglini Renews Plea on Stem Cell Research”. Boston Globe 23
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Holcombe, Steve. Personal interview. 29 Apr. 2004
Hollowell, Kelly Ph. D. “Ten Problems With Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” February
2002. April 28, 2004. http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-344.htm
“Keone Penn was Cured by a Stem Cell Transplant”. November 2001. April 28, 2004.
Pearson, Helen. “Stem Cell Hopes Double.” June 21, 2002. April 28, 2004.
“Pope says stem cell research 'morally contradictory'” November 10, 2003. May 2, 2004.
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United States. National Institutes of Health. Stem Cell Basics. Sep. 2002. 29 Apr. 2004
Von Radowitz, John. “New hope for heart patients.” The Independent(UK) 26 Apr. 2004:
page 10. Proquest 26 Apr. 2004 http://www.proquest.com
Weeks, Rob. “Stem Cell Research / Therapeutic Cloning.” October 4, 2001. April 28,
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