EKT 357 DC chapter 4_part 1(a)

Chapter 4 (part 1_a)
Baseband Data Transmission
EKT 357 Digital Communications
Chapter 1 (part 1_a) Overview
Baseband data transmission
Line coding
Baseband Transmission
A sequence of binary digits are to be
transmitted through a baseband channel.
However, no channel can be used for the
transmission of binary digits without first
transforming the digits to waveforms that are
compatible with the channel.
For baseband channels, compatible waveforms
are pulses.
Line Coding
Using Digital Signals to Transmit Digital Data
 Bits must be changed to digital signal for transmission
 Unipolar encoding
Polar encoding
Positive or negative pulse used for zero or one
Uses two voltage levels (+ and - ) for zero or one
Bipolar encoding
+, -, and zero voltage levels are used
Line coding and decoding
Line Coding
The binary digits with electrical pulses in order to
transmit them through a baseband channel.
Pulse modulation applied to binary symbol, the
resulting binary waveform is called PCM waveform.
(E.g. Line Codes)
Four main groups of line codes
 Non return to zero (NRZ)
 Return to Zero (RZ)
 Phase encoded
 Multilevel binary
Non Return To Zero (NRZ)
Used extensively in digital logic circuit
Binary 1 one represented by one voltage level
Binary 0 is represented by another voltage level.
Non Return To Zero (NRZ)
Used in magnetic tape recording.
The 1 (mark) is represented by change in level
The 0 (space) is represented by no change in level
Differential encoding
Non Return To Zero (NRZ)
Complement of NRZ-M
1 is represented by no change in level
0 is represented by a change in level
Return To Zero (RZ)
Unipolar RZ
1 is represented by a half bit wide pulse.
0 is represented by the absence of pulse.
Return To Zero (RZ)
Bipolar RZ
1 & 0 are represented by opposite level pulses that are one
half bit wide.
Pulse present in each bit interval.
Return To Zero (RZ)
1 is represented by equal amplitude alternating pulses.
0 is represented by the absences of pulse.
Phase Encoded
Bi-phase-level @ Manchester coding
1 half-bit-wide pulse positioned during the first
half of the bit interval
0 half-bit-wide pulse positioned during the
second half of the bit interval.
Phase Encoded
Transition occurs at the beginning of every bit
1 second transition one half bit interval later
0 no second transition
Phase Encoded
Transition happen on the beginning of every bit
1no second transition
0 second transition one-half bit interval later.
Phase Encoded
Delay modulation @ Miller coding
1transition of the mid-point of the bit interval.
0 no transition, unless it is followed by another
Multilevel Binary
Used three levels to encode the binary data.
Dicode and duo binary
Multilevel Binary
Dicode –NRZ
Transition happen on the beginning of every bit
1 to 0 or 0 to 1 data transition changes the pulse
without a data transition, the 0 level is sent.
Multilevel Binary
Dicode- RZ
Transition happen on the beginning of every bit
1 to 0 or 0 to 1 transition produces a half-duration
polarity change;
Otherwise, a 0 level is sent.