
Chapter 2
The Nature and Extent of Crime
How Criminologists Study Crime
Survey Research
 Self-report surveys and interviews
 Victimization surveys
 Sampling (selection process)
 Population (sharing of similar characteristics)
 Cross-sectional research (representative of all society)
How Criminologists Study Crime
Cohort Research: Longitudinal and retrospective
 Cohort involves observing a group of people who share similar
 Following cohorts is expensive and time consuming
 Examination of school, police, and courts records
How Criminologists Study Crime
Official Record Research
 Criminologists use the records of government agencies to study
 The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data is collected by local law
enforcement agencies and published yearly by the FBI
 Census Bureau data used for information about income
How Criminologists Study Crime
How Criminologists Study Crime
Experimental Research
 Manipulation and intervention techniques
 Three elements: (1) random selection, (2) control group, and (3)
experimental condition
 Criminological experiments are rare due to expense and ethical
How Criminologists Study Crime
Observational and Interview Research
 Commonly focuses on a few subjects for study
 In-depth interviews to gain insight into a behavior
 Field participation (Whyte’s Street Corner Society)
How Criminologists Study Crime
Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
 Meta-analysis involves gathering data from previous studies
 Grouped data provides powerful indication of relationships
between variables
 Systematic review involves collecting and synthesizing evidence
to address a particular scientific question (street lighting and
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Official Data: The Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
 More than 17,000 police agencies contribute records
 Index Crimes (Part I)
• Murder
• Non-negligent manslaughter
• Forcible rape
• Robbery
• Aggravated assault
• Burglary
• Larceny
• Arson
• Motor vehicle theft
 Non-Index Crime (Part II)
• All other crimes
• Does not include traffic offenses
CNN Clip - Sims City or Sin City
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Compiling the Uniform Crime Report
 Each month law enforcement agencies report index crimes
 Unfounded or false reports are to be eliminated from the actual
 Each month law enforcement agencies report the number of
crimes cleared (by arrest or exceptional means)
 Slightly more than 20 percent of all reported index crimes are
cleared by arrest each year
 Victim crimes are more likely to be solved than property
Figure 2.1 Index Crimes Cleared by Arrest, 2003
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Uniform Crime Reports Validity
 Reporting practices:
• Some victims do not report serious crimes
• Some victims do not trust police
• Some thinks it is useless to report crime
• Victims may fear reprisals
 Less than 40 percent of all crime is reported to police
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Law enforcement practices:
• Departments may loosely define crimes (trespass and
• Arrests may only be counted after formal booking
• Deliberate alterations due to image concerns
• Better record keeping processes can artificially inflate
crime rates
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Methodological Issues:
• No federal crimes are reported
• Reports are voluntary
• Not all departments submit reports
• The FBI uses estimates in its total projections
• Multiple crime offenders are frequently counted as one
• Each act is listed as a single offense (robbing of six
people in one incident)
• Incomplete acts are lumped together will completed
• Differences in definitions of crime between FBI and
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
 Result of a five-year redesign effort
 Collects data on each reported incident
 Expands the categories of UCR to 46 specific offenses
 Currently, 22 states have implemented NIBRS
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Victim Surveys: National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
 Attempts to measure crime unreported to police by surveying
 Utilizes at large nationally representative sample
 People are asked to report their victimization experiences
 In 2002, the NCVS estimates about 247,000 rapes or attempted
rapes occurred compared to about 90,000 per UCR estimates
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Validity of the NCVS
 Overreporting due to victim’s misinterpretations
 Underreporting due to embarrassment
 Inability to record the criminal activity of those interviewed
 Sampling errors
 Inadequate question formats
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Self Report Surveys
 Attempts to measure the “dark figures” of crime
 Most focus on youth crime due to school setting
 Self-reports suggest the number of people who break the law is
greater than projected by official statistics
 Self-reports dispute the notion that people specialize in one type
of crime
 Most common offenses are truancy, alcohol abuse, shoplifting,
larceny under $50, fighting, marijuana use, and property damage
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Validity of Self-Reports
 People may exaggerate or forget their criminal acts
 Some surveys may contain an overabundance of trivial offenses
 Missing cases is also a concern when students refuse to
participate in the survey
 Institutionalized youth are generally not included in self-report
 Reporting differences may exist between racial, ethnic, and
gender groups
Figure 2.2 Self-Report Survey Questions
Measuring Crime Trends and Rates
Evaluating Crime Data Sources
 Each source has its strengths and weaknesses
 The FBI survey contains number and characteristics of people
 The NCVS includes unreported crimes and personal
characteristics of victims
 Self-report surveys provide information about offenders
 The crime patterns of each are often quite similar in their tallies of
Crime Trends
Overall crime rates have been declining since 1991
 In 2003 about 11.8 million crimes were reported to police
 Teenage criminality has also been in decline during this period
Figure 2.3 Crime Trends
Crime Trends
Trends in Violent Crime
 Violent crime rates have decreased about 11 percent between
1997 and 2002
 Preliminary data indicates another 3 percent decline between
2002 and 2003
 Homicide rates peaked around 1930, then held steady at about 5
per 100,000 population from 1950 through the mid-1960s, then
rose to 10.2 per 100,000 population in 1991
 Between 1991 and 2000 homicide rates dropped to about 5.5 per
100,000 population
 New York reported a decline of more than 50 percent in their
murder rates
Figure 2.4 Homocide Rate Trends, 1900-2003
Crime Trends
Trends in Property Crime
 In 2002, about 10.4 million property crimes were reported at a
rate of 3,650 per 100,000 population
 Property crime rates have decreased, though not as dramatic as
violent crime rates
 Between 1992 and 2002 the property crime rate declined about
26 percent
Crime Trends
Trends in Victimization Data (NCVS Findings)
 According to the NCVS, in 2002 about 23 million U.S. residents
experienced violent and property victimizations
 The downward trend represents the lowest number of criminal
victimizations since 1973
 Between 1993 and 2002 the violent crime rate has decreased 54
percent and the property crime rate decreased 50 percent
Crime Trends
Self-Report Findings
 The use drugs and alcohol increased markedly in the 1970s,
leveled off in the 1980s, began to increase in the mid-1990s and
began to decline after 1997
 Self report surveys suggest the crime problem with teenagers
could be greater than the FBI data reveals
 Crimes of theft and violence may be more stable than the trends
reported in the UCR arrest data
Figure 2.5 Violent Crime Trends, 1973-2006
Figure 2.6 Property Crime Trends, 1973-2006
Crime Trends
What the Future Holds
 James A. Fox predicts a significant increase in teen violence due
to the age makeup of the population
 Steven Levitt argues that keeping large numbers of people in
prison and adding more police will reduce crime rates
 Darrell Steffensmeier and Miles Harper suggest a more moderate
increase in crime due to “baby boomers”
Crime Patterns
The Ecology of Crime
 Day, season, and climate:
• Most crime occurs during warm months since people spend
more time outdoors and teenagers are out of school
• Murder and robbery tend to occur more during December and
• Crime rates are higher on the first day of the month due to
arrival of subsidy and retirement checks
 Temperature:
• Rising temperatures increase crime rates to a point (about 85
 Regional differences:
• Large urban areas experience more violence than rural areas
• The West and South consistently have higher crime rates than
the Midwest or Northeast
Figure 2.7 The Relationship Between Temperature and Crime
Figure 2.8 Regional Crime Rates, 2002
Crime Patterns
Use of Firearms
 Involved in about 20 percent of robberies. 10 percent of assaults,
and 5 percent of rapes, according to the NCVS
 In 2002, UCRs report about two-thirds of all murder involved
 Franklin Zimring and Gordon Hawkins contend the use of
handguns is the single most factor that separates the crime
problem from the rest of the developed world
 By contrast, Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz suggest handguns may
be a deterrent to crime
Crime Patterns
Social Class and Crime
 Crime is thought to be a lower-class phenomenon
 Instrumental crimes refer to those designed to improve the
financial or social position of the criminal
 Expressive crimes refer to criminal acts committed due to anger,
frustration, or rage
 Victimization rates are higher for those in inner-city, high-poverty
areas than those in suburban and wealthier areas
Crime Patterns
Class and Self-Reports
 Early self-report studies did not find a direct relationship between
social class and crime
 Official processing was determined by socioeconomic class
 Some criminologists challenge the contention that crime in
primarily a lower-class phenomenon
Crime Patterns
The Crime-Class Controversy
 The associate between class and crime is complex
 Class may affect some groups more than others (women and
African Americans)
 The true crime-class relationship may be obscured because its
impact varies within and between groups
Crime Patterns
Does Class Matter?
 Recent evidence suggest crime is more prevalent among the
lower classes
 Income inequality, poverty, and resource deprivation are all
associated with the most serious violent crimes
 Deprived residents may turn to criminal behavior to relieve their
Crime Patterns
Age and Crime
 Age is inversely related to crime
 Younger people commit more crime than older people
 Youth ages 13 to 17 account for about 25 percent of all index
crime arrests and about 17 percent of arrests for all crimes
 Generally, 16 is the peak age for property crimes and 18 is the
peak age for violent crimes
Figure 2.9 Relationships Between Age and Serious Crime Arrests
Crime Patterns
Aging Out of Crime
 People commit less crime as they age
• Peak in adolescent criminal activity can be linked to:
• Reduction in supervision
• An increase in social and academic demands
• Participation in a larger, more diverse social world
• An increased desire for adult privileges
• A reduced ability of cope in a legitimate manner and increased
incentives to solve problems in a criminal manner
 Younger people tend to discount the future
 Marriage may be a desisting factor in criminality
Crime Patterns
Gender and Crime
 Males commit more crime than females
 Overall, 3.5 males to 1 female
 For serious offenses; 5 males to 1 female
 For murder; 8 males to 1 female
Table 2.2 High School Seniors Admitting to at Least One Offense
Crime Patterns
Traits and Temperament
 Lombroso explained gender differences through the masculinity
hypothesis suggesting a few females commit the majority of
crimes by women
 Chivalry hypothesis suggests the culture is protective of women
and masks the true criminality of women
 Some criminologists have linked differences in crime rates to
hormonal changes between men and women
Crime Patterns
Socialization and Development
 Some suggest females are socialized into criminality through
alienation at home
 Females are more closely guarded than boys
 Some contend girls have cognitive traits that shield them from
criminal behaviors
Crime Patterns
Feminist View
 Feminist argue that women experience lower crime rates
reflected in a “second class” position controlled largely by males
 Some suggested crime rates of males and females would
 Is convergence likely?
• Some argue the emancipation of women has little effect on
female crime rates
• Many females come from a socioeconomic class least
affected by the women’s movement
• Offense patterns of women are still quite different than those
of men
Crime Patterns
Race and Crime
 Minority group members are involved in a disproportionate
amount of crime
 African Americans account for about 38 percent of violent crime
arrests and 30 percent of property crime arrests, while making up
about 12 percent of the population
 Self-reports contend minorities are more likely to be arrested and
not necessarily more prone to crime than Whites
Crime Patterns
Racism and Discrimination
 Criminologists suggest Black crime is a function of socialization
 Institutional racism results in African American males being
treated more harshly by the criminal justice system (social
 African Americans experience higher unemployment rates and
lower incomes than Whites
 Blacks are exposed to more violence than Whites
 Family dissolution his higher among African Americans than
Crime Patterns
Criminal Careers
 A small group of criminal offenders account for a majority of all
criminal offenses
 Delinquency in a Birth Cohort by Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin,
 The cohort data indicated that 54 percent were repeat offenders
 6 percent of the repeat offenders were chronic and responsible
for over 51 percent of all the crime committed by the cohort group
 Children exposed to a variety of personal and social problems at
an early age are the most at risk to repeat offending
Crime Patterns
Persistence: The Continuity of Crime
 Those who start a delinquent career early are more likely to
persist as adults
 Youthful offenders are more likely to abuse alcohol, have lower
aspirations, get divorced, and have a weak employment record
 Apprehension and punishment have little effect on chronic youth
 Implications of chronic offending suggest individuals may possess
a trait which is responsible for their behavior
 Chronic offenders have become a central focus of crime policy
(three-strikes and mandatory sentences)