State of the School Community Meeting Valdez 12/10/13 Welcome Introduce yourself to someone in the room you don’t know Vision Every child will thrive in academics Every child will be bilingual and bi-literate Every child will be engaged and challenged everyday …because these are the skills our students need to be successful in life and in college. Innovation The State of Colorado granted Innovation Status to Valdez in June 2010 Our Innovation Status was renewed last year through a collaborative process by 100% teacher vote Innovation allows us: Programming decisions (dual language, math, Montessori, etc.) More money Better use of time Attitude The Right Teachers Academics Focused on thinking and conceptual understanding across content in all grade levels Support for all students Individual Small groups in and out of the classroom We know every child well Dual Language At Every Grade Level All students are instructed in English and Spanish everyday Native Language literacy first in ECE-1st grades Concepts and ideas transfer across languages Every child has “L2 time” everyday: Opportunity to be with similar peers to do focused work on second language Montessori: 3, 4, and 5 year olds Morning (3s, 4s, and 5s): Solid Montessori work block Montessori Line Time L2 time All morning teachers go to the full yearlong MECR training Afternoon: 5s (Kindergarten): Workshop Model in math and literacy to support transition to 1st grade 4s: combination of workshop model and Montessori works Half day afternoon teachers have modified MECR training, coaching to support students TCAP Status Scores March 2013 Grade Level 3rd English Reading Writing Math 60% 48% 65% 3rd Spanish 67% 67% --- 4th 18% 18% 28% 5th 40% 27% 31% TCAP Growth Scores 2013 Reading Math Writing 4th gr * 32 * 5th gr 60 55 70 Valdez (4th and 5th) 55 44 64 *too few students due to the number of 3rd graders who took TCAP in Spanish the previous year School Performance Framework (SPF) SPF Details 2011 2012 2013 Growth 97 points 68.8% 71.8% 63% Status 35 points 10.8% 14.3% 17.1% possible possible Goals: • Continue to have high growth • Increase status Second Language: Spanish Status- appropriate band for grade level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 75% 78% 80% 88% 70% Growth- band a year (or already above level) N/A 73% 69% 75% 70% Second Language: English Entering Emerging Developin g Expanding Bridging Reaching 12% 8% 26% 27% 17% 6% Listening 4% 4% 13% 19% 36% 23% 6% 6% 11% 18% 18% 38% Reading 17% 6% 21% 9% 25% 17% Writing 20% 25% 29% 6% 0% Overall Speaking 20% • State ACCESS test • Administered K-5th grades • 157 Valdez students took the test in 2012-13 Attendance All Students 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 93.46% 93.76% 94.98% 93.58% Student Satisfaction All Students 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 87.58% 83.96% 77.18% 88% Parent Satisfaction Parent Survey Response Rate Parent Satisfaction Rate 2010-11 51.68% 2011-12 49.07% 2012-13 65.29% 86.85% 86.85% 91.08% Teacher retention Year Percent Retained 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 District Rate 74% 80% 81% 76% Teacher Survey Administered and compiled by HR 28/32 Teachers completed it Shared the results with teachers last week 4 categories: School, Personal, Principal, Teacher School Questions We are headed in the right direction, I like working here, we focus on learning, we engage parents, people care about me 3 Teachers (11%) Strongly Disagree/Disagree 23-26 Teachers (83-93%) Agree/Strongly Agree Note: In this category, 3 teachers strongly disagreed or disagreed and between 23-26 teachers strongly agreed or agreed, depending on the question. Personal Questions I promote the values, I have important input, I collaborate with my colleagues 1-4 Teachers (3.5-14%) Strongly Disagree/Disagree 21-26 Teachers (75-93%) Agree/Strongly Agree Principal Questions The principal fosters constructive dialogue, feel safe talking to the principal, the principal talks to us openly and frankly 4-5 Teachers (14-17.5%) Strongly Disagree/Disagree 21-23 Teachers (75-82%) Agree/ Strongly Agree Teacher Questions We follow through on what we commit to, we are out in front in our professional learning, there is a culture of respect at this school 1-4 Teachers (3.5-14.5%) Strongly Disagree/ Disagree 20-22 Teachers (71-85%) Agree/ Strongly Agree What we like best about working at this school… Staff culture, kids, families, focus on kids, dual language, instructional focus, incredible support, collaboration, strong leadership, aligning practice with values, partner teacher Most important issue impacting our school… Importance of Spanish language/bridging parent community/equity, team building/supporting partnerships, teacher voice/leadership, dual language, collaboration, communication, facility/re-model (retaining families), parents not overstepping role Teacher reflections Noticings: A lot of people are happy here and feel strongly about it Vision/values/collaboration scores are high We want everyone to feel happy/respected There is still work to be done Written Feedback to use as next steps Teachers wrote concrete ideas on post-its to guide our next steps Principal time Time in Oct/Nov Instructional Planning with teachers (PD, data analysis, team building, etc.) 28% Observation in Classrooms 20% Reflection/Feedback Meetings 12% Parents (individually and in meetings) 11% Building Renovation 9% Supporting Student Behavior 5% Hiring 6% District Meetings 7% Marketing 2% Teaching 1% Being Coached 2% Office Management 2% Coaching Intern 2% Next Steps As outlined in our UIP, continue to work on… Language Rigor/Critical thinking Every Child Succeeds/ Equity Next Steps Family Communication Clear, frequent communication Monthly newsletter Office Hours 2X a month Continue to team build Munch and Mingles Teambuilding PD including partnership support “Fun Afternoon/Day” Continue to support Teacher Leadership Multiple committees to support Valdez work Teaching and Learning Committee Support Teachers in having concerns addressed School Leadership Union Representative Work on feedback areas with teachers from survey Exit Ticket What is going really well at Valdez? What is one “next step”?