An Approach to Task Modeling for User Interface Design

An Approach to Task Modelling
for User Interface Design
Costin Pribeanu
National Institute for Research and Development in
Informatics, Bucureşti, Romania
Related work
The application domain model
Mapping application functions onto user tasks
Using the task model to filter data model elements
Task modeling
Model-based design
Using CTT for task representation
Layers in task decomposition
Decomposition at operational level
Model-based design of user interfaces
addressing methodological aspects: models, methods and
capturing design knowledge
contributing models: user, task, domain,
interface models: presentation and dialog
task-based design: task model is the key model
Motivation and objectives
answering the mapping problem: relationships between
presenting a layered approach to task modeling
exploiting the information contained in the domain model
deriving the presentation from the task model
The mapping problem
Key problem in model-based approaches
Related work
model transformation from abstract to concrete level
relationships between different models
Clerck et al. (2004): preserving consistency between models
Florins & Vanderdonckt (2004): graceful usability
Limburg & Vanderdonckt (2004): description language &
Aspects to consider
the model type (e.g. domain, task, platform …)
the hierarchical structure of each model
the progression level along the development cycle
Tools for task representation
Concur Task Tree (CTT) notation
Graphical task representation
Abstract Application Interaction User Cooperative
Temporal operators between sibling tasks
Order independency
Enabling with info pass
Suspend / resume
Optional (unary)
Iteration (unary)
T1 [ ] T2
T1 ||| T2
T1 ||| T2
T1 |[]| T2
T1 >> T2
T1 [ ]>> T2
T1 [> T2
T1 |> T2
Application functions
Application domain model
Application functions
concepts related to the domain of target applications
application functions and data model
high level functions corresponding to bussiness goals
carried on by user tasks
Example: data management in a trade company
Functional goal
Data model
Data model elements
Domain objects (entities)
Relationships between objects (and roles)
Model representation
ERA formalism (Entity-Relationship-Attribute)
DB-MAIN tool
graphical representation of data model elements
expressive for roles and cardinalities
output capabilities (SQL and XML)
Data model elements
create table ORDER (
ID_ORD char(10) not null,
Order_Id -- Index attribute not implemented -- not null,
Order_No numeric(6) not null,
Order_Date date not null,
Delivery_Date date not null,
Pay_Mode char(1) not null,
Order_Value numeric(9,2) not null,
constraint ID primary key (ID_ORD));
Data model representation
Centrality of elements
Central domain objects
Central relationships
Relationships of central objects
Helps the user to understand the information displayed
Relevant roles - cardinality
Targetted by the user task
Reveals repetitive tasks
Helps in task decomposition
The task model is filtering for relevance (UI design)
data model elements
Orders 1-N products
Task modeling
Task model
Activity theory
goal hierarchy, tasks, temporal constraints
Activity – motivation
Actions (tasks in HCI) – goal
Operations (actions in HCI) – operational conditions
Operational conditions
Variations in using the same interaction object
Variations in the platform
operational goals related to a given context of use
Task decomposition
Layers in task modeling
Functional – planning
Criteria for task decomposition
Functional: same business goal (functional)
Semantic: targetting same domain object or operation
onto it (both)
Object used: using same external or interaction object
User and work: same user and role, similar work
Temporal: specific temporal constraint (both)
Functional layer
Planning (functional) goals
Specified during early task analysis
Starting with high level business goals (application functions)
Unit tasks
“what to do”
Functional goal
Unit task
Operational layer
Operational goals
Starting with unit tasks
Basic tasks
Specified during user interface design
depend on a given platform
“how to do it “
Basic task types
Information control
Function control
Unit task
Basic tasks
Unit task decomposition
Hierarchy of unit tasks
Invoke the execution of another
unit task
Operational task structures
Suggest AIO grouping in a taskbased approach
Unit task
Unit task
Basic tasks
Task-based approach
Starting with the task model
Decomposition levels
Functional task level
Unit task level
resulting from mapping application functions onto user tasks
leaves in the functional-planning layer
mapped onto AIO configuration
Basic task level
leaves in the operational level
carried on with AIO