File - Implementing Digital Tools Into The Classroom

Year 7 cohort strand/s Science, Technology
Task: Present your assignment in a wiki web page. The wiki design must have a home page which
will inform readers of the subject content. The wiki should include images which match your
Task Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson students should be able to:
 Present their assignment in a wiki web page.
 Know how to edit, change and upload information onto their wiki pages.
 Reference material such as images and/or material.
 Work in a safe, responsible and ethical manner.
 Evaluate and reflect on their wiki design using a SWOT analysis.
Essential Learnings:
Ways of Working
Students are able to:
• investigate and analyse the purpose, context, specifications and constraints for design ideas
• generate and evaluate design ideas and determine suitability based on purpose, specifications
and constraints
evaluate the suitability of products and processes for the purpose and context, and recommend
• reflect on and identify the impacts of products and processes on people, their communities and
• reflect on learning, apply new understandings and identify future applications
Knowledge and Understanding
Product design and production decisions are influenced by specifications, constraints and
aspects of appropriateness including functions, aesthetics, ethics, culture, available finances and
resources, and sustainability
Resources are selected according to their characteristics, to match requirements of design
challenges and suit the user.
• Techniques and tools are selected to manipulate or process resources to enhance the quality of
products and to match design ideas, standards and specifications
Declarative Knowledge ( Dim 2, LMQ 2)
 What is a wiki ?
 What can a wiki be used for?
 Internet etiquette ?
Procedural Knowledge (Dim 2, LMQ 2)
 How to create a wiki
 How to edit content on the wiki
 How to add content on a wiki
 How to reference content on the wiki
Dimension 1 Considerations (Attitudes and
Dimension 5 – Habits of Mind (specific
focus for this lesson/unit)
Classroom climate
 Recognize and provide for students
individual differences
Classroom tasks
 Help students understand how specific
knowledge is valuable
 Help students recognize that they have the
abilities to complete a particular task.
 Create classroom tasks that relate to students
interests and goals.
 Computers
Be accurate and seek accuracy.
Think about thinking
Interactive white board
Assignment rough copy
Using the BIG 6 Framework by Eisenberg,M & Berkowitz, B
Learning Managers can use this framework to help students with the steps of designing and
implementing their wiki L/M can step students through each step with class discussions Q & A’s
1)Task definition
Students define the information problem (Task)
Students identify information needed ( assignment rough copy )
2) Information Seeking Strategies
determine all possible sources (assignment, other informed web sites, books)
Select the best sources
3) Location and Access
Locate sources (intellectually and physically) – internet , assignment rough copy, Google images
Find information within sources
5) Synthesis
Organise from multiple sources
Present the information ( web page)
6 ) Evaluation
Judge the product ( effectiveness) SWOT analysis
Judge the process (efficiency)