
Top-Down & Bottom Up Segmentation
Reem Amara
Presented to : Prof.Hagit Hel-Or
Content of the slides
1- Present the bottom-up algorithm.
2- Present the top-down algorithm.
3- Present the combined algorithm.
Tip - if you don’t like horses this isn’t the right
place !
Let’s get started >>>
Bottom-up segmentation
• The
goal is to identify an object in an image and
separate it from the background.
•The bottom-up approach is to first segment the
image into regions and then identify the image
regions that correspond to a single object.
What are we looking for?
•Pixels that have something in common.
•Pixels that belong together.
•Similar pixels.
How to identify the object regions
from the image ?
•Relying mainly on continuity principles .
•This means we group pixels according to
1. Grey level.
2. Texture uniformity.
3. Smoothness and continuity of bounding
Similar colors –intensity
assign to
What else we can do ?
Similar texture
assign to
• an object may be segmented into multiple regions.
• may merge an object with its background.
The bottom-up segmentation tree
• input image :
Bottom-up segmentation of input
image at multiple scales.
Segmentation tree.
• The bottom up are organized in a tree structure
•The colors of segments match the color of nodes
Fast Multiscale Image
• Cast the segmentation problem as a graph clustering
problem .
1. Given an image that contains N = n*n pixels.
2. Construct a graph in which each node
represents a pixel .
3. Every two nodes representing neighboring are
connected by an arc.
G(V,E,W) Planar graph
•E – edges of G.
•V – vertex of G ,
index i- [1….N] .
Ii – intensity value .
•W – wij is the weight associated with each edge
for example - wij = |Ii –Ij|, reflecting the
degree to which they tend to belong to the same
The pixel graph (example)
strong coupling
weak coupling
How to detect a segment?
• Associate with a graph a state vector u =
• ui – state variable associate with the pixel i.
Energy Function
• In an ideal segment (with only binary state) E(S)
sums the coupling value along the segment
Energy function (2)
-predetermined parameter
•To avoid preference of small/very large
segment , the energy function divided by the
volume of the segment.
W54 = 5 W58 = 8
W52 =3 W56 = 1
E(5) = 5 +8+3+1 =16
N(5) = 5
Salient segment
The segments that yield small values for the
and whose volume is less than
half the size of the image, are considered
Choosing a Coarse Grid
Given a graph
•A set of representative nodes
so that every node in
to C.
is strongly connected
is associated With C
Coarse Grid - illustration
Interpolation matrix
•Because the original graph is local and
because every node is strongly connected to
C, there exists a sparse Interpolation matrix
Interpolation matrix – illustration
Weighted aggregation
• every node k in C can be thought of as
representing an aggregation of pixels.
• for example pixel “i “ belongs to the k’th
aggregation with weigh Pik(0,1)
decomposition of the image into aggregates
This eq. used to generate G[s]
Influences only the
internal weight of an
The bottom-up algorithm
Segmentation by Weighted
Aggregations (SWA)
•We are treating our graph as a grid graph,
starting from the most Refined grid, and we
coarsen it at each step.
•First choose ½ your nodes as representatives
“C” ,Choose those so that each node in your
graph is “strongly”
The bottom-up algorithm (cont.)
•Now we will aggregate all the nodes which
are strongly coupled to a node in C, to that
node, so that we eliminate a big amount of
the nodes.
•Now each node Corresponds to an aggregate
of pixels, not just a single one.
The bottom-up algorithm (cont.)
•Recalculate the aggregate properties.
•Recalculate the edges weight accordingly.
•Now apply the same to new nodes.
•At the end of this process a full pyramid has
been constructed.
•Every salient segment appears as an aggregate
in some level of the pyramid.
Result (4)
input image
scale 11
scale 8
the smaller the scale the smaller the segments .
scale 7
What if I told you there is a horse in the
image ?
Top –down segmentation
•rely on acquired class-specific information, and
can only be applied to images from a specific class.
• segmentation approach is to use known shape
characteristics of objects within a given class to
guide the segmentation process.
Top- down  jigsaw puzzle
The construction of an object by
fragments is somewhat similar
to the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle,
where we try to put together
a set of pieces such that their
templates form an image
similar to a given example.
The goal
•The goal is to cover as closely as possible the images of
deferent objects from a given class, using a set of more
primitive shapes.
How ?
• to identify useful “building blocks”- a collection of
components that can be used to identify and delineate
the boundaries of objects in the class.
What are we looking for in an
image fragments that are strongly
correlated with images containing the desired
object class.
Class – horse
class fragments→
stored in
Fragments representation in
memory .
Stage 1 –
1- Divide set of training images into class images
(C) and non-class images (NC) .
2- Generates a large number of candidate fragments
from the images in C .
3- These sub-images can vary in size and range from
1/50 to 1/7 of the object size.
Stage 2 – compare the distribution of
each fragment in the C and NC.
1- For a given fragment Fi ,we measure Si .
2-To reach a fixed level of false alarms α in non-class
images we determine a threshold θi for Fi by the
Strength of Response –
Maximal normalized correlation of a
fragment i with each image I in C and
p(Si > θi|NC) ≤ α
Stage 3
Order the fragments by their hit rate p(Si > θi|C)
and select the K best ones .( k = size of set), and add
this reliability value to each fragment.
2) Add new factor to each fragment: a figureground
label .
Grey level →
ground label
Segmentation by Optimal Cover
• the main stage in the algorithm consists of
covering an image with class-based fragments .
class-based fragment
Class human face
Class car
Segmentation by Optimal Cover
• The main stage in the algorithm consists of
covering an image with class-based fragments .
How do we compute the quality of a cover ?
1- Individual Match.
2- Consistency.
3- Fragment Reliability.
Individual Match
•Measures the similarity between fragments and the
image regions that they cover.
•Similarity measure that combines region
correlation with edge detection.
•Using the figure-ground label exclude background
pixels from the similarity measure.
Segmentation by Optimal Cover
• The main stage in the algorithm consists of
covering an image with class-based fragments .
How do we compute the quality of a cover ?
1- Individual Match.
2- Consistency.
3- Fragment Reliability.
•The fragments provide a consistent global cover of the
• Cij - consistency measure between a pair of overlapping
fragments Fi and Fj.
The maximum term in the denominator prevents
overlaps smaller than a fixed value μij from
contributing a high consistency term.
Consistency -example
consistent cover
inconsistent cover
Figure pixels are marked white, background pixels are grey. The
inconsistent region is marked in black.
Segmentation by Optimal Cover
• the main stage in the algorithm consists of
covering an image with class-based fragments .
How do we compute the quality of a cover ?
1- Individual Match.
2- Consistency.
3- Fragment Reliability.
Fragment Reliability
•Similar to a jigsaw puzzle, the task of piecing
together the correct cover can be simplified by
starting with some more “reliable” fragments.
•Reliable fragments capture distinguishing features of
the shapes in the class.
•A fragment’s reliability is evaluated by the likelihood
ratio between the detection rate and the false alarm
Fragment Reliability (cont.)
•We set the minimal threshold such that the false
alarm rate does not exceed α.
Fragment Reliability
Reliable fragments
completed by less
reliable ones
Individual Match -Example
Consistency – Example
Consistency – Example (2)
The cover algorithm
• we seek to maximize cs.
Rewards for
match quality
and reliability
Zero for non-overlapping pairs
Penalizes for
Constant that determines the
magnitude of the penalty for
insufficient consistency
The algorithm
1- At each stage, a small number M of good candidate
fragments are identified.
2- A subset of these M fragments, that maximally
improve the current score, are selected and added to the
3- existing fragments that are inconsistent with the new
match are removed.
4- To initialize the process, sub-window selected within
the image with the maximal concentration of reliable
•Algorithm tested on a database of horse images.
•A bank of 485 fragments was constructed from a
sample library of 41 horse containing images.
•p(Si|C) and p(Si|NC) by measuring the similarity with
193 images of horses and 253 of non-horses.
•Using these estimated distributions, the fragments
were assigned their appropriate threshold and classified
to 146 reliable and 339 non-reliable fragments.
Row 2- results obtained from low-level segmentation
Row 3 - class-based segmentation to figure and ground.
Result (cont.)
Combining Top-down and
Bottom -up motivation
Can you
accurately the
other foreleg
of the horse ?!
Classification map - C(x,y)
•The goal is to construct a classification map C(x, y).
• C(x,y) should make the best compromise between a
top-down requirement and a bottom-up constraint.
• Top-down requirement is to make C as close as
possible to the initial top-down classification map T .
•Bottom-up requirement is to penalize configuration
that separate homogenous image regions.
The combined segmentation
algorithm stages
1)The bottom-up phase.
2) The Top-down phase, using the output of the
bottom-up phase which is the segmentation
1- Label si = +1/ − 1.
2- A configuration vector s represents the labeling
si of all the segments in the segmentation tree.
si =1
How the algorithm choose between
Bottom-up and Top-down if they
• What
is the algorithm criterion to leave a segment
as in the bottom-up segmentation or to change it
according to Top-down requirements ?
Cost function configuration vector
Local cost
Label of
parent node
Local cost function
The top-down term
The bottom-up term
The top-down term
• The
distance between the final classification C(s) and
the top-down classification T depends only on the
labeling of the terminal segments of the tree , that’s
why ti is defined as follows :
•The salience (also called saliency) of an item –
be it an object, a person, a pixel, etc. – is the state
or quality by which it stands out
relative to its neighbors.
•Saliency typically arises from contrasts between
items and their neighborhood, such as a red dot
surrounded by white dots, or a loud noise in an
otherwise quiet environment.
The bottom-up term
if a segment is low salience same label as its parent
else if it is a high-salience segment independent label
Predetermined constant
e.g. 4 ,that controls the Size of the
tradeoff between the top segment
-down and the bottom
h(Ti) hi ∈ [0, 1)
hi →1 As the
segment Si becomes
more salient.
Minimizing the cost function
Less cost  a better compromise
according to the sum product algorithm if the
decomposition of ‘f ‘ forms a so-called “factor tree”
then minimization can be found efficiently by a
simple message passing scheme that requires only
two messages between neighboring nodes in the
I don’t see
any tree
Minimizing the cost function (cont.)
• In our case , the local cost pi defines a weighted
edge between a segment Si and its parent Si- , the
global function f is the summation of all there costs
defined by :
Minimizing the cost function(2)
•In this tree, the local cost pi defines a weighted edge
between a segment Si and its parent .
•The global function f is the summation
of all these costs as defined by P(the cost function).
•The computation proceeds by sending messages
between neighboring nodes in the tree.
Minimizing the cost function(3)
•During the bottom-up phase, each node sends a
message to its parent.
•During the top-down phase each node receives a
message from its parent.
•The messages from a node containing variable s
consists of two values (both){ s =1, s= -1}
• Both messages are defined by recursive
Minimizing the cost function(4)
•The computation terminates for all nodes when
each node has sent to and received one message
from its parent.
•Once passing messages is complete , the algorithm
combine at each node the two messages in a way
that each node has two values ms(-1),ms(+1) The
minimal of these two values is the selected label of
node s in the configuration  ̄s.
Minimizing the Costs –
Information Exchange in a Tree
•Bottom-up message:
Cost of si = –1
and s = x
Message from
Cost sofi si = +1
= –1 and s = x
Message from si
= +1
Minimizing the Costs –
Information Exchange in a Tree (2)
•Top – down message:
• Min-cost Label:
Computed at each node – minimal of the values
is the selected label of node s in s
Minimal Cost if the region was
classified as background
Minimal Cost if the region was
classified as figure
Result (bottom-up corrects topdown)
•The top-down process may produce a figure-
ground approximation that may miss or produce
erroneous figure regions (especially in highly
variable regions such as the horse legs and tail).
•Salient bottom-up segments can correct these
errors and delineate precise region boundaries.
Result (1)
The first row shows the bottom-up segments at four scales.
(a.) The initial classification map T(x, y) (c.) Final figure-ground
segmentation C(x, y) (e.) Confidence in the final classification.
The first row shows the bottom-up segments at four scales.
(a.) The initial classification map T(x, y) (c.) Final figure-ground
segmentation C(x, y) (e.) Confidence in the final classification.
Result (top-down corrects bottomup)
•the bottom-up segmentation may be insufficient in detecting the
figure-ground contour, and the top-down process completes the
missing information.
•the bottom-up process provides the segmentation
tree in complexity linear in image size.
•the top-down process provides the initial
classification map in complexity linear in the image
size and the number of fragments.
• The
advantage of the combined algorithm is the
ability to use top down information to group together
segments belonging to the object despite image-based
• By using the entire segmentation tree, all image
discontinuities at all scales are taken into account, to
provide a final figure-ground segmentation. This
segmentation provides an optimal compromise
between the image content (bottom-up constraint) and
the model (top-down requirement).
Eran Borenstein, Eitan Sharon and Shimon Ullman
Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Segmentation
Proceedings IEEE workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June
2) Class-specific , top-down segmentation,
E. Borenstein and S. Ullman,
ECCV 2002
3) Learning to Segment
E. Borenstein and S. Ullman
Springer-Verlag LNCS 3023
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), May 2004
4) E. Sharon, A. Brandt, and R. Basri, “Segmentation and
boundary detection using multiscale intensity measurements,”
in CVPR (1), 2001, pp. 469–476.