September 2014

Sunset PTA General Membership Meeting Agenda
September 8, 2014
Call to order/Flag salute
Risa Garrett/Dee Reiff
The meeting was called to order at 9:37 am. There is a quorum. The sign-in sheet is
attached to these minutes.
Reading and Approval of Minutes
The June 9, 2014 meeting minutes were approved.
Susan Hansen
Principal’s Report
Mandy Dorey
Principal Amanda Dorey reported that she will send out a Sunset newsletter every other
week. The first newsletter will have some information about safety. We will be locking
down the majority of the building. The right front door will be the only one unlocked.
Please sign in and wear a badge. Parent volunteers can get a badge at picture day.
Mandy also expressed thanks for our support and for the back-to-school teacher
Teacher’s Report
Marie Blakley
Marie welcomed Amanda as our principal and thanked the PTA for the luncheon. Marie
raised two concerns from two teachers about students’ internet access at home and a
Barnes & Noble possible fundraiser and author visit. The concerns were discussed. No
action was taken.
Financial Report
Patty Thieme
Patty reported that we had $177,000 in the bank at the end of August. We’ve already
got over 230 memberships paid online. eScript collected $750 in just July and August.
Corporate matching from Orange Ruler is trickling in too. We are already ahead of
budget in corporate matching. Lindsay Krienke mentioned which is
a way to send a portion of purchases to our PTA.
Presidents’ Report
Risa Garrett/Dee Reiff
We are working hard filling open positions within the board and on committees. ISF
Liaison, Yearbook, Newsletter, Corporate Matching for the auction, Talent Show, Staff
Appreciation and Legislative Representative are still open positions. If we don’t get a
Talent Show chair by December 3rd (conferences), we will have to cancel the event.
Risa also reported on the status of the auction. [See Communications report, below.
Kim Clarke volunteered to chair the Newsletter.]
Committee Reports:
Leslie Pittman/Melissa Stefani
Leslie reported that Randi Hirsch changed the eSplash date to Wednesdays. There is
no more regular Kidmail. If a committee chair needs a flyer sent out, they are
responsible for doing that. Amanda’s newsletter goes out every other Monday. PTA
information can be sent in as late as Sunday night. Kim Clarke volunteered to do the
Curriculum Enrichment
Becky Foster/Becca Bishop
Jenny and Jody have been planning for Reflections. They are considering hosting an
event in the gym in late September/early October to work on Reflections projects.
Jennifer Keilin/Kris Pottsmith
The Book Fair is happening on September 15 . It will be open during curriculum night
but not after school on those two days. There will be an online option too which runs
longer. There will be no spring book fair this year. We will look for volunteers to staff
membership tables for the curriculum nights and back to school dinner. We are looking
for a volunteer to manage the Lakemont Pharmacy and Matthews programs.
Leslie Gilbert/Kristin Bendt
Leslie reported that we will probably make more money on STP Direct (school supplies)
because we brought in another school and will get a cut of theirs. Thanks to Megan
Yount for putting pots out front. Thank you to Kari Grutzner for chairing the luncheon
and Sandra Ko for cleanup. Melissa and Kristin welcomed new kindergarten families.
The Back-to-School BBQ is coming up.
Programs and Events
Jen Bullock/Jill McNiesh
The main issue for them is looking for a Talent Show chair. It is not currently listed on
the roster.
Julie Polkingham
We are sending out emails to event chairs with the signup genius login and relevant
No report/not present.
Kasse Guptill
Parent Education
Victoria Fritch
We will have a parent education seminar on Wednesday, November 5th: with Julie
Metzger about how we talk and communicate about our bodies
Legislative Rep
No report.
No report.
Site Council
Lindsay Krienke
No report. There has not been a site council meeting yet.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
MOTION #1: Patty Thieme moved that we approve the Standing Rules as edited at
this meeting. The motion was seconded and passed.
MOTION #2: Rebecca Bishop moved that we approve the PTA Board Goals &
Objectives for 2014-15 as submitted. The motion was seconded and passed.
MOTION #3: Shannon Lampman moved that we approve the Sunset Elementary
Code of Conduct for 2014-15. The motion was seconded and passed.
MOTION #4: Rebecca Bishop moved that we approve the proposed 2014-15
Budget as presented. The motion was seconded and passed.
Dates to remember:
See calendar distributed via email with the agenda and attached to these minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 10:56 am.
Next Meeting, October 6, 2014
Proudly achieving 100% Membership for eleven consecutive years!!!