Contextualized Thermodynamics by means of Power Plant Analysis Julia Thompson, Purdue University CAP 695 W http:// Table of Contents Overview ....................................................................................................................3 Benefits and limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Course description and enduring understandings ....................................................................................... 4 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Content ......................................................................................................................6 Table 1. Course outline .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 1 Concept map ..............................................................................................................................................10 Assessment............................................................................................................... 11 Table 2. Learning Goal Matrix .............................................................................................................................11 Figure 2. Pellegrino’s assessment Triangle ....................................................................................................16 Pedagogy .................................................................................................................. 17 Statement .................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Objective one: Present the material ......................................................................................................18 Objective two: Make the material understanding and engaging ............................................18 Objective three: Cultivate a comfortable environment ............................................................................19 Alignment ................................................................................................................. 20 Appendix 1: Syllabus ................................................................................................. 21 Reference: ................................................................................................................ 26 2 Overview This project focuses on the creation of materials which are presented in real life context and integrated into Purdue’s ME 200 course, introduction to Thermodynamics, which is taught within the mechanical engineering department. Engineering thermodynamics is often considered to be a technical heavy course with little social connections. During casual discussions during at a women in engineering dinner, I asked some women who had gone through ME 200 about their experience in the course, it was apparent that students were comfortable with the concept of a heat engine, knew the formulas, recognized that heat came into a system and was transformed to work but many contextual problems, such as the concept that coal, natural gas or uranium would ultimately be the heat delivered into the system was not apparent to them. This connection is an important one, given our many of out main challenges for engineers in out society involve energy and its effect on society (National Academy of Engineering, 2010). Benefits and limitations In addition to the important awareness that students will gain, there are many other benefits of incorporating contextual problems in curriculum. Some of these include that the contextual problems: provide opportunities to relate course content to ABET criteria, such as the “broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering 3 solutions in a global and societal context.” (Engineering Accreditation Commision, 2009) help increase motivation and interest in students, especially women. (Holman & Pilling, 2004; Kilgore, Atman, Yasuhara, Baker, & Morozov, 2007; Stinner, 1995) potentially increase learning. (Holman & Pilling, 2004; Moreno, Reisslein, & Ozogul, 2009) One preliminary study suggests that learning is best achieved when first addressed in an abstract manner (Moreno, et al., 2009). I infer that this correlates to the limited amount of information an individual can hold in working memory. I plan and take this research into account by first introducing each topic with abstract version prior to transferring the content to a contextual example. Course description and enduring understandings As mentioned above, this material will be introduced to Purdue University ME 200 course. The students of this course consist of sophomore mechanical, civil, aerospace, industrial and biotechnical engineering students. This course has over 500 students and is taught in 5 sections. The exams are consistent among the whole course; however, the teachers have the opportunity to present the core concepts in any manner. The content that is proposed integrates social, environmental and economic impacts as well as design through a detailed case study of the university’s power plant. The data that was gathered for the in class example problems and the some of the homework was data gathered from the power plant on Purdue’s Campus. 4 Thermodynamics course was chosen due to its large impact potential due to number of students and broad base of disciplines. There is intent that the content, assessments and pedagogy of this course can be disseminated to other thermodynamic courses, pulling in data from their own power plants or detailed documented case studies of power plants. The enduring understanding of the course is an awareness that thermodynamics is integrated into society in many ways. The subjects they will need to know are how thermodynamics is used in modern engineering context of Purdue’s power plant, how to apply thermodynamics theoretical knowledge on that contexts, and how specific thermodynamic advancements impacted society, the environment and the economy. An area that the students will need to be familiar with is historical aspects of different specific areas of thermodynamics and how society, the environment and the economy are interconnected to one another. Definitions Two terms that will be used through out the paper are contextual and abstract. This paper defines contextual problems as problems which describe a technical element in relation to societal use and/or impact. An example of this is: “A tank at an oil refinery in California is required to keep a temperature of 150 degree F to reduce the amount of VOCs…” This paper defines abstract problems as problems which describe a technical element with little or no relation to societal use and/or impact. An example of this is: “A tank is at 150 degree F…” 5 Content There are two main components of this course, the technical component and the contextual component. The technical structure of the course is taken from Mechanical engineering, ME 200 course (Purdue University, 2010). This is course consists of definitions, the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics, and cycle analysis. ME 200 is consistent with introductory thermodynamics courses taught at other universities (Goplen, 2003; Townsend, 2007). The aim of this proposal is to structure the contextual portion of the course around the technical component. This allows a direct comparison in assessment of technical knowledge and allows the material to be disseminated to other programs. This project will be adding additional context to the first three sections, (first ten weeks of the course) which include the definitions, the first laws of thermodynamics, and the second law of thermodynamics sections. The contextual portion aims to add a system thinking perspective the current technical material to allow students to understand how the concepts influence the economic, social, and environmental factors of the power plant on campus. As mentioned in the overview section, the reasons to make the changes to the current curricula is that contextual material provide opportunities to relate course content to ABET criteria, such as the “broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.”(Engineering Accreditation Commision, 2009) 6 help increase motivation and interest in students, especially women. (Holman & Pilling, 2004; Kilgore, et al., 2007; Stinner, 1995) potentially increase learning. (Holman & Pilling, 2004; Moreno, et al., 2009) Since the concepts of thermodynamics are difficult to where students have many misconception (Streveler, Miller, Nelson, Geist, & Olds, 2008). Each concept will be introduced with an example presented in an abstract manner, initially separated from social context to better enhance learning (Moreno, et al., 2009). But as core concepts become more familiar to the students, the material will be presented in a more contextualized manner to increase engagement and motivation. It is worth mentioning at this point that the content will be revisited and examined after each class session as a reflection exercise of the instructor as described by Palmer (1998). Table 1 below gives an overview of the technical material that will be reviewed in the course and the corresponding contextual subjects that will be covered. About every two weeks there will be a formal discussion group where students will be sectioned off into teams and asked to discuss how the technical material relates to the social, environmental and economic material. The discussion groups will create a space for students to be assessed for the learning objectives of the course. The section will end with a group project where students will be asked to examine the effects of a failure of a contextualized problem. Table 1. Course outline Content (Existing) Context (Purposed) Week 1 - Syllabus, systems, Introduction to the importance of definitions, Units, specific volume, thinking of social, environmental 7 pressure, Temperature, problem solving Week 2- Mechanical concepts of energy, Expansion/compression work, other examples of work Week 3- Total energy, internal energy, heat transfer, Energy balance for closed systems, Energy analysis of cycles and economic topics Discuss the power plant on campus Introduce common units used within America and other countries for pressure, heat, etc. Field trip to power plant Discuss what type of work is being done by the power plant. i.e. Create electricity Give examples of what other processes convert heat energy to work, presently and historically. Give abstract examples of energy balances equations and articulate it what systems it can be used Map PV diagram to power system on campus Give energy example of furnaces Introduce the general concept of efficiency in a power plant system, by explaining areas of waste, such as heat warming air around the furnace Discuss in groups governmental policy to increase efficiency and reduce emissions Week 4 - Evaluating properties, Property tables, Property tables (continued) Give examples of steam data out of the furnace, out of the turbine, going into the radiator, and entering the furnace as liquid Week 5 - Specific heats, incompressible substances, Compressibility chart and factors, ideal gas model Give the radiator as an example for steam coming in and water leaving. Discuss the social/ environmental/ economic implications of Purdue creating electricity and excess steam as a heating/cooling source rather than purchasing electricity and using a boiler. 8 Week 6 Ideal gas properties, polytropic processes, Control volume analysis - mass conservation, Control volume analysis -energy conservation Give examples on the difference of an ideal system and data collected from a compressor. Week 7- Nozzles, diffusers, /Turbines, compressors, pumps/ Heat exchangers, throttling devices Get data and pictures of these devises at Purdue’s power plant system Discuss social/ environmental/ economic of changing the efficiency of multiple items in the system. Correlate the second law to the power plant, by discussing the efficiencies of the plant. Give examples of heat inputs and out puts of the system. Week 8- System Integration/Introducing the second law, irreversibilities/Thermodynamic cycles and second law Week 9 - Temperature scales, maximum performance measures/ Carnot cycle, Clausius inequality and its significance Week 10 - Entropy as a property / T-ds relations, entropy change for incompressible substances/ Entropy change for ideal gases Look at the temperatures that are being used in the system. Calculate the current and maximum efficiency of the plant Compare current plant to a carnot cycle plant Give assignment to students and have them discuss in class Explain the history of entropy. Look entropy in the furnace and turbine Reflect on assignment 9 Figure 1 Concept map Figure 1 is a concept map of the proposed contextual section of thermodynamic. The emphasis is on the contextual problems that integrate the technical material with relevant economic, social, and environmental impacts. The contextual problems will draw upon student’s personal experience of public discourse on energy and create an experience while touring Purdue’s power plant. Examples in the course will include the steam system, individual mechanical units, the overall efficiency of the plant and the entropy of the plant. Each of the contextual examples will be embedded within the four sections of the technical material outlined by the mechanical engineering course. 10 Assessment As mentioned in the overview section, the enduring understanding of the course is an awareness that thermodynamics is integrated into society in many ways. This awareness will be developed through out the course within the contextual sections. The learning objectives that link the content to the material are, that students will be able to: identify social, economic and environmental impacts of a contextualized problem. deconstruct a contextualized problem into an abstract form in order to solve the problem. analyze efficient alternatives when designing a thermodynamic system These learning objectives reinforce the enduring understanding desired in the course by linking the technical components of thermodynamics with the social context. The Learning Goal Matrix (Table 2) outlines each of the learning goals and identifies the assessment mechanism and the evidence that will be implemented to insure that students have attained the specified outcome. Table 2. Learning Goal Matrix Learning Goal Assessment 11 Students will be able to identify social, economic and environmental impacts of a contextualized problem. General: Contextual Problem with written response Claim: Students will be able to identify two implications of a technical context problem in each of the three sustainable categories: social, economic an environmental Task: Students will be given a problem where the a furnace efficiency is given and told that the burner is clogged, so particles of coal are not fully burnt before exiting the furnace. The students are then asked to identify two social, economic and environmental impacts of each category(6 total). For extra credit, identify impacts that were not explicitly stated in class. Evidence: Students will describe the peoples affected by the collapse burners, such as possible health effects and the lack of power produced by the facility, any costs of fixing paid by the university and the environmental impacts of releasing un-burnt hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. This addresses a higher-level cognition as defined by Blooms taxonomy, through analyzing a system. The students answer will be rated on rubric from 0-3 for each of the 3 categorize Students will be able to deconstruct a contextualized problem into an abstract form in order to solve the problem. 0- No response/ irrelevant 1- mentioned there is an effect but gives no details of an example (such, “the plant will loose money,” but does not state why)/ or only lists one example 2- Lists two examples stated in class 3- List impacts that are relevant to the scenario, but were not mentioned explicitly in class. General: Thermodynamics contextualized problem Claim: Students will be able to take contextualized problem, deconstruct it into symbolic energy balance of a power plant terms abstract form to the core technical material Task: Given a set of variables, such as water flow rate, water temperature into a furnace, coal mass rate, coal energy density, flue gas mass rate and steam mass rate. Students will be asked to Identify the components, which are the energy in, and the energy out of the furnace. Evidence: Students will be able to correctly correspond the water and coal into the system is referred to as Qin and the flue gas and steam produced is Qout. This addresses a lower 12 level of Blooms Taxonomy, understanding. If students are able to identify the heat input into the system, they get full credit, if not, they get no credit. Students will be able to analyze more efficient alternatives when designing a thermodynamic system General: Multi-part Contextualized problem Claim: Students will be able to identify key areas for efficiency, such as heat exchangers and condenser boilers Task: Students will be given a problem where the a furnace efficiency is given. The student will be asked to point out key efficiency measures which are commonly used by industry and to do a calculation on the resulting energy savings. This will be an open-ended project. Evidence: Students will identify heat recovering systems, insulating potentials, and high efficiency furnaces and do the calculations to calculate the energy savings and the corresponding carbon reductions and the simple economic pay back. The student will be assessed based on the realistic the solution. They will be expected to have researched the potential measures and draw upon information given to them from lectures in the course. The rubric will be multipart and will be created by the instructors prior to be beginning of the course. A helpful model that connects three areas of assessment is Pellegrino’s assessment triangle. The model identifies cognition, observation and interpretation as three interrelated parts of the assessment process. Pellegrino (2001) defines the cognition portion as the theory on how the student will learn the material, the observation as the task that the student will accomplish to show they have mastered the learning goals and the interpretation as the methods used to measure the observation. 13 Within this course the learning theory, cognition corner, is identified as situated learning theory. Situated learning theory states that knowledge must be demonstrated in an authentic manner to enhance learning. The learner starts at a beginners place in a “community of practice” and then moves towards expert with their experience within the community(Lave & Wenger, 1991). This learning theory is appropriate for this courses, since the primary aim is to situate the thermodynamic technical material in a context that engineers often use the technical material, a power plant, and how this context is related to other relevant social dimensions. The other two corners, observation and interpretation, can be mapped from the Learning Goal Matrix above. The observation is associated with the task section within the matrix. The interpretation section corresponds to the evidence gathered from the section. Each of the learning objectives identifies the method of assessment or planned assessment. This course identifies Blooms taxonomy (Krathwohl, 2001) as being the metric to base proper evidence required by the participant. This taxonomy classifies the process in which students learn, going through six cognitive dimensions: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create. As outlined in the evidence of learning goal one, students are given a hypothetical situation and asked to identify potential environmental, social and economic impacts. This assessment falls within the analyze and evaluate portion of Blooms taxonomy. 14 Since the primary learning theory is based on situated learning, the contextualized problem sets were chooses to be the best method of assessing students on these learning objectives. 15 Figure 2. Pellegrino’s assessment Triangle 16 Pedagogy Statement Pedagogical view of learning and teaching I feel strongly feel that as we enter the classroom, we are not just in the role of student and teacher, but we bring in all of who we are. I see that students must draw upon their own knowledge and experiences while teaching material, and I must draw upon my own knowledge and experience while teaching the material in order to make a connection. Instructional Methods As an instructor, I feel that it is my responsibility is to present the material, create a learning environment, instigate learning from the student and make clear guidelines on what is expected from the students. It is my belief that if a student is to learn, they must be engaged in the material and with the processes. I will call upon a variety of techniques in order to create the environment and instigate learning, as described later on within the section below. The instructor also needs to provide time and recourses in order to insure that students can address any questions or misconceptions that arise during their learning process. I will hold office hours, have tutoring rooms available and am reachable via email to address such concerns. Overview This section will go over the responsibility and goals of the instructor, and how best to address the classroom environment. The three pedagogical objectives for this course are: 17 1. Present the technical material 2. Create a learning environment by engaging students in the technical and non- technical material 3. Cultivate a comfortable environmental and open for questions and safe to respond with an incorrect answer. Objective one: Present the material The technical material will be presented by the means of direct instruction. The instructor will follow the Transaction Model of Direct Instruction as defined by Huitt, Monetti, and Mummel (2009). In the model, direct instruction consists of a presentation, practice, assessment and evaluation and monitoring and feedback. Within the presentation, there are five key sub parts, a review of earlier material, a summary on what will be learned, an explanation on why the material is relevant, an active explanation of the material and opportunities for student engagement by asking questions regarding the material presented to them. The following four steps of the transaction model are covered within the following two objectives. Objective two: Make the material understanding and engaging Active learning To get student engagement of the class, a portion of each class will utilize active learning. Felder and Brent (2009) define active learning broadly as “anything course-related that all students in a class session are called upon to do other than simply watching, listening and taking notes.” This method brings breaks in lecture 18 and engages the student to solve problems that are covered by the course both alone and in front of the course and have mindful discussion of material. Informal groups as defined by Smith (1996), will be an integrated part of the course, where they will be task oriented, chosen three times within the semester by the professor. These groups will be used for the in class activities and some in class quizzes. An active learning approach that will be utilize in the course is to solve an example problem, slightly changing the question, and then having student solve and call them for answers. The students will be called upon by the instructor, and then followed by asking for volunteers. This result in the student having to pay attention, since the instructor may call on a student at any time, and addresses any questions or concerns they have about the material. Discussion about the material is important in when making connections to students own lives. Technical material can be presented in abstract form, but when students are asked to look at the social context such as environmental and social implications of technology discussions are more needed. This will be done through small group exercises. Where the technical material will be presented in context, the solution solved and students will be asked to look at some economic, environmental and social considerations, and write down the thought of each category. This will then be taken to a whole class discussion. The contextual analysis will take place about every two weeks. Objective three: Cultivate a comfortable environment 19 Thermodynamics is a subject that is difficult to learn, and when students are called upon to give solutions to problems, it must be a comfortable for them to give an incorrect answer. Riley (2003) incorporated pedagogies of liberation within her thermodynamics course and specifically discussed with the course that it was “ok to be wrong” and gave examples of scientists who had misconceptions, but where still able to make valuable contributions to science. Riley found this was received well amongst the students and eased the comfort level in the class room. In order to create a comfortable learning environment, the concept of being “ok to be wrong” will be addressed early in the course and outlined in the syllabus. Alignment The enduring understanding of the course is that students will gain an awareness that thermodynamics is integrated into society. The content is set up in a way that gives an in depth relevant examples of how the technical component of thermodynamics is used within the power plant system and the social impacts resulting from the plant. As an assessment, students are asked to identify the social impacts of a problem set in a power plant and are expected to be able to identify common variables when presented to the student in context. The pedagogy of the course includes direct instruction of technical material, active learning exercises and discussion of social impacts of material. 20 Appendix 1: Syllabus The potion of the syllabus I created is highlighted in yellow. ME 200: Thermodynamics I Contextualized Thermodynamics by means of Power Plant Analysis Instructor: Julia Thompson ARMS 1337 Purpose: The purpose of the course is to introduce students to basic thermodynamic concepts and connect the technical material to social relevance through contextual problem statements. Objectives: The objectives of this course are as follows: To provide a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of classical thermodynamics; To apply the basic concepts of classical thermodynamics to the solution of practical problems; To develop the skills necessary for a systematic approach to problem solving for contextual problems which link technical material and societal impacts Develop independent and critical thinking techniques Textbook: Moran, M.J. & Shapiro, H.N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics (6th edition), John Wiley, 2008. Course Description: This course will introduce the participant to the fundamental thermodynamic material as well as corresponding contextualized examples. The main technical sections of the course include: 1) definitions, 2) 1st law of closed systems, 3) 1st law of open systems, 4) 2nd law and 5) Entropy. Within each section there will be example problems of sub-systems within Purdue University power plant. The student will be expected to learn the technical material presented in the course as well as participate in discussions of the social implications of the contextual examples and complete the contextual problem. Pedagogy Statement: As an instructor, I feel that it is my responsibility is to present the material, create a learning environment, instigate learning from the student and make clear guidelines on what is expected. It is my belief that if a student is to learn, they must be engaged in the material and with the processes. I will call upon a variety of techniques 21 in order to create the learning environment including active learning, were students will be called upon, sometimes randomly, with the class and have classroom discussions as a class and within groups. As the instructor, I also see it is my responsibility to provide time and recourses to insure that students can address any questions or misconceptions that arise during their learning process. I will hold office hours, have tutoring rooms available and am reachable via email to address such concerns. Expectations of Students: Students are expected to have a familiarity and be comfortable while working with technical material. All students are required to have completed prerequisites listed below. Within the contextual portion of the course, it is expected that the student has little to no experience directly linking the societal impacts to technical material. Students are asked to participate in the discussion, keep an open mind, have respect to their peers and think outside the box. Comfortable learning environment: Students will be called on to solve problems and give answers and opinions at random. When this happens, it is acceptable for students to respond to an incorrect answer, and there will be no consequence for the student. Having an incorrect answer is part of the learning process of defining a correct one. Students are expected to be paying attention and attempting to solve the problem, but if they come up with an incorrect answer, this will be looked on as a learning opportunity for the whole class. Prerequisites: The material in ME 200 is based on the understanding of: (1) calculus, including ordinary differentiation, integration, and partial differentiation; (2) physics, including Newton’s laws, concepts of work and energy, simple DC circuits, gravity, and simple electricity and magnetism; and (3) chemistry, including concepts of moles, molar mass (molecular weight), and the ideal gas law. Consequently, students must have successfully completed CHEM 115 and PHYS 172, in addition to MA 261 before or concurrent with enrollment in ME 200. If you cannot meet these requirements you should discuss your situation with a professor. Thermo-number: Each student is assigned a four-digit thermo-number during the first week of class. The student is expected to include this number, which is used for identification purposes, on all homework assignments and examinations. Contextual Assignments: There will be multiple contextual problem samples that will test the student’s ability to relate the social, environmental and economical impacts to technical problem sets. The problems will be situated within the context of Purdue’s power plant as discussed in class. Some of these problems will be open ended and the grading of these assignments will be based on a rubric that will be shown to you, and explained, prior to the quizzes. Homework Assignments: The course website is 22 The website provides a detailed listing of the topics to be covered in each lecture, along with the reading and homework assignments for the entire semester. Homework problems are illustrative of the general material and of problems found on examinations. However, exam problems are designed to test your understanding of thermodynamics so they may differ from the homework problems assigned. In addition to the weekly reading and homework assignments, you should review your class notes on a daily basis. The student is responsible for all material listed in the syllabus and discussed in lecture. Finally, the instructor may veer from the course syllabus or may not have time in lecture to cover all the material listed in the syllabus. If this occurs the student is still responsible for all the material that is listed in the syllabus. Homework: Homework problems consist of problems assigned from the textbook and special problems (SP) made up by the instructors. They are assigned each lecture period for you to work outside of class. You should attempt to solve the assigned homework problems before each lecture period. This helps you to formulate questions about the material and concepts to be covered in lecture and also helps you to understand the lecture material. When working all homework problems (special problems and textbook problems), you must follow the problem solution format outlined below to receive full credit. Typically, homework problems will be collected every Friday. If there is no lecture on Friday or in some other circumstances, the instructor may change the homework collection day as necessary. No late homework is accepted. All homework problems will be collected. Special problems will be graded carefully. Majority of the homework grade is determined based on your performance on the special problems. The textbook problems will be graded to check if they are completely solved and if the procedure outlined below is followed in the solution. Detailed solutions to problems assigned from the textbook are posted on the bulletin board outside room ME 161 and left there for as long as space is available. A file of solutions for assignments up to the current one is kept by Marilyn Morrison in room ME 100. Students can study these solutions at any time that Marilyn Morrison is there (8:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00), but may not remove the solutions from ME 100. Copying homework directly from a friend or from a file or from a solution manual (or other such resource) will be considered cheating, and will be handled the same manner as cheating on examinations (See below). Examinations: There are three one-hour examinations and one two-hour comprehensive final examination. Make-up hourly examinations are not given unless the student has a conflicting examination. If the student has a conflicting examination, he/she must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the ME 200 exam. If the student is ill (with acceptable medical proof from a physician), has an emergency (with proof), or has prior approval of your instructor to miss an examination, the student’s grade for the missed examination is the weighted average of the remaining two one-hour examinations. In all other cases the student must contact the instructor and will most likely receive a zero for the missed examination. Make-up final examinations are only given in case of a registered conflict. The student must resolve this conflict with the instructor prior to the scheduled final examination in 23 ME 200. The one-hour examinations are held in the evenings on the dates indicated on the website. The comprehensive final examination is given during final examination week, at a date, time, and location to be announced. All examinations, including the final, are closed book and closed notes. A list of basic equations will be provided. A similar equation sheet will be provided to you at the time of examination. The student should bring to each examination a calculator that works and one in which the batteries will not go dead during the examination (The instructors do not bring extra calculators to the examinations.), pencil(s), eraser and a straight edge for help when drawing control volumes. Important note: The use of PDAs, Blackberry-type devices, cell phones, laptop computers, or any other sources of communication (wireless or otherwise) are strictly prohibited during examinations. Doing so is cheating. If you bring a cell phone or other communication device to the examination, they must be turned off prior to the start of the exam, stored below your seat, and only picked up as you leave the examination room for the final time. They are not to be turned on again until after you have exited the examination room. Otherwise it will be considered a form of cheating and treated as such. Examination Grading: The problems will be set up so that the Given and Find are provided. Points are deducted if you do not list your assumptions, indicate what the system looks like, and what basic equations you have used. In addition, you will lose points if you do not provide sufficient detail during your analysis so that the instructor can understand what you have done and why you have done it (i.e., which terms have been dropped from any and all basic equations, as well as your justification for dropping those terms). Finally, you must carry units through during your analysis, and must avoid sign errors in all energy quantities, plus correctly identify the direction of work and heat terms. Problem solutions that cannot be followed because of illegibility will also lose points. Any form of dishonesty (including cheating) on an examination, as defined by Section III.B.2 of the University Regulations, results in a grade of zero for that examination and a letter sent to the Dean of Students recommending that you be placed on academic probation. After more than one instance you will receive a failing grade for ME 200 and a letter will be sent to the Dean of Students recommending that you be expelled from Purdue University. Any dishonesty on the final examination will result in a zero on the final examination and the final examination will be given the 50% weighting when calculating the final grade. Quizzes: In-class quizzes are at the discretion of your instructor and will be used to monitor attendance and understanding of the material covered in previous lectures. As well as test the contextual knowledge gained in the course Help: There are two main sources of help available outside of the lecture period. The first is the tutorial room and the second is your instructor’s office hours. Tutorial room hours will be posted outside ME 242 (the tutorial room) and on the bulletin board outside of ME 161. Your instructor’s office hours will be announced by your instructor 24 during the first week of classes. When you bring a question to the tutorial room or to your instructors’ office, the TA/instructor will ask to see what you have accomplished and where you got stuck. In particular, they will ask you what it is you are trying to find (i.e., what basic equation you think you should be using), what information you were given (to determine if you have an equal number of equations and unknowns), and what assumptions you have made (to help reduce the number of unknowns to equal the number of equations, and to eliminate terms in the basic equations). If you have not completed these steps you will only receive a suggestion as to which step(s) have not been completed. The tutorial room is not for obtaining easy answers. It exists only to assist you in the process of learning thermodynamics. Grading: Your course grade is based on the higher score obtained from the following two distributions: Three One-hour Examinations 50% 30% Final Examination 30% 50% Homework 10% 10% In-Class Participation and Quizzes 10% 10% Your instructor reserves the right to employ the left hand distribution should you miss any of the one-hour examinations; this eliminates the need for any make-up exams. Note that the above grading scheme allows you to still get a good grade for the course, even if you do poorly on one examination but well on all others If you have a conflict with an examination, please see your instructor in advance for individual guidance. Course grading will not be more stringent than a straight-scale (90-100 for an A, 80-90 for a B, etc.). Grade break scores vary from straight-scale, and may be curved, but this won’t be known until the end of the semester. Grade break scores may vary somewhat from one division to the other. The instructors expect and require that you attend all classes. Your instructor may take attendance or give in-class quizzes at any time and use these for the in-class participation portion of the grade. Cheating on the quizzes or attendance will result in you receiving a grade of zero for the entire in-class evaluation portion of the semester grade. Campus Emergency Policy: In the event of a major campus emergency, the course requirements, deadlines, and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. In such an event, your instructor will advise you of the new course policy by using remote communication such as class email. If you are feeling uncomfortable with flu-like symptoms, you should not come to class and immediately consult with a doctor. Keeping such an emergency in mind, your instructor may be able to excuse you for homework, quiz, or an exam, if you can provide the necessary medical proof. The number of such excused homework assignments and quizzes will be determined by your instructor. However, if you are found to be taking dishonest advantage of this policy, you will receive a failing grade for the entire course. 25 Reference: Engineering Accreditation Commision, A. (2009). Criteria For Accrediting Engineering Programs, from Felder, R., & Brent, R. (2009, August 2009). Active learning: An introduction. Paper presented at the ASQ Higher Education Brief. Goplen, D. S. (2003). MEAM 351 THERMODYNAMICS I SYLLABUS April 2010, from Holman, J., & Pilling, G. (2004). Thermodynamics in Context. Journal of Chemical Education, 81(3), 373-375. Huitt, W. G., Monetti, D., & Mummel, J. H. (2009). Direct Approach to Instruction. In C. M. Reigeluth & A. A. Carr-Chellman (Eds.), Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume III (Vol. 3, pp. 432): Routledge. Kilgore, D., Atman, C., Yasuhara, K., Baker, T., & Morozov, A. (2007). Considering Context: A Study of First-Year Engineering Students Journal of Engineering Education, 14. Krathwohl, D. (2001 ). A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview THEORY INTO PRACTICE, 41(Autumn ), 7. Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning : legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge [England] ; New York: Cambridge University Press. Moreno, R., Reisslein, M., & Ozogul, G. (2009). Pre-college Electrical Engineering Instruction: Do Abstract or Contextualized Representations Promote Better Learning? Paper presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio. National Academy of Engineering. (2010). Grand Challenges for Engineering Retrieved April 25th, 2010, from Purdue University, M. E. 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