Planning Unit: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Date: November 2000 Planning period: 2000-2005 PLANNING FORM 1. Unit Mission Statement The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, in consonance with the University's mission, offers a variety of courses in languages, culture and civilization, and literature which enhance students' understanding and appreciation of other cultures and languages as wellas their own. In addition to the broad knowledge base acquired through these courses, students will underand that language and culture are inseparable. Further more, the courses provide students with processes and organization techniques for lerning which extend beyond the foreign language classroom. Upon fulfilling the Department's requirements for undregraduate or graduate programs, students wil be adequately prepared to pursue a higher degree or a career in teaching, business or government. The faculty members of the Department are dedicated to teaching, research, and service. PLANNING FORM 2. Unit Vision Statement Part A: Strategic Planning Statement In keeping with the mission of Appalachian State University, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures may define its role as "exploring the best of what has been built, created, performed and written." The Department's unique mission within the College is fostered by the diversity of its faculty, recruited from Europe, the America's, and Asia. Among them, they speak seven languages (English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish) and represent, in microcosm, the global culture sought by Appalachian State University. With degrees from—and/or teaching experience in—schools in France, Germany, Guam, Japan, China, Russia, Spain, and Latin America, the faculty seeks diversity and multicultural understanding through teaching, scholarship, and service. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures seeks to strengthen the effective teaching of languages and cultures. Faculty are encouraged to be knowledgeable of and implement modern teaching methodologies; to become aware of and participate in computer-assisted language instruction; and, to be well versed in the use of television and video technologies, and related language laboratory equipment and realia as they are applicable to language teaching. Since an extended experience abroad in a county of the target language enhances student learning by providing direct exposure to culture other than the students' native culture, the Department will continue to focus on increased internationalization of the curriculum. While working closely with the Office of International Programs, the Department will undertake measures to maintain and improve existing overseas programs, and to develop additional programs and student and faculty exchanges overseas. The global perspective the Department embraces is transmitted to students via direct contact with speakers of foreign languages and representatives of diverse cultures, through travel, by articles and journalistic mediums, or through news provided by broadcasts in French, German, and Spanish from foreign countries. In addition, the Department seeks to support through careful curriculum planning and/or course offering developing international business programs across campus. It will continue to review existing programs in the department, to seek ways to attract foreign faculty, and faculty representing non-Western traditions to enrich its program offerings, and to establish a platform for collaboration in the humanities across the campus. Team-teaching courses with a foreign language perspective in conjunction with, e.g., English, history, political science, sociology, business, art and music, would enrich both our student and those in other disciplines. Through the initiation of active grants writing and continued development of scholarship funds, the Department will seek to provide financial assistance to students who wish to study abroad. FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH Since all intermediate level courses in languages currently taught in the Department have become part of the Core Curriculum, the Department has been seen increased enrollments at all levels. In response to this increase, development will be encouraged, supported, and rewarded for faculty who continue to pursue and demonstrate excellence in teaching. The Department recognizes that teaching excellence must be complemented by demonstrated evidence of ongoing scholarly activity, reflective student advising, and generous local, university, community, regional, national and international service. Therefore, these endeavors will also be encouraged, supported and rewarded as they relate to individual efforts to enhance effectiveness in the three areas. The faculty will continue course development in the French and Spanish graduate programs to meet new technological M.A. program guidelines in Romance Languages with concentrations in French and Spanish. This task will be completed by Spring 2001. Individual and collective efforts by faculty will seek to improve recruitment and to obtain grant monies to support the programs. Faculty members will participate in development activities designed for personal and professional growth, such as those offered by the Department, The Hubbard Center, and professional organizations. Faculty members are encouraged to continue to engage in overseas programs in order to maintain and improve professional skills, enhance cultural awareness, and undertake research. Part B: Strategic Plan 1. GOAL 1—Improve the quality of graduates: Improve the fundamental language skills and competencies (as defined by The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction) of majors and minors. 1.1 Strategy: Refine and implement a Departmental proficiency test for majors and minors. 1.1.1 Measurement: 90% of majors will successfully complete a Departmental proficiency test for majors. 1.1.2 Measurement: Average test scores on the subject area of he NTE for all majors will be in the _th percentile. 1.2 Strategy: Promote participation by students, and particularly majors and minors, in study abroad programs (China, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Spain.) 1.2.1 Measurement: At the end of 2002 50% of B.A./B.S. will have participated in a study abroad program of at least 5-6 weeks; this figure should increase steadily. 1.2.2. Measurement: Graduate students will be encouraged to participate in a 5-6 week study abroad experience. 1.3 Strategy: Maintain and improve the yearly awards event for all language majors and minors to encourage and honor outstanding work. 1.4 Strategy: Continue its scholarship program for language majors and minors. 1.4.1 Measurement: Review guidelines for award distribution. 1.5 Strategy: Establish goals and objectives for courses at the 1000 level. 1.5.1 Measurement: Students be familiarized with CAI (computer- assisted instruction), CD ROM, and new technologies. 1.5.2 Measurement: 90% of the students will successfully complete a departmental test at the end of levels 1020 and 1050. 1.6 Strategy: Assess student proficiency by refining and implementing the Goals and objectives for Majors in course levels 2000-4000. 1.6.1 Measurement: All major will present a portfolio, and demonstrate proficiency through a Departmental proficiency test. 2. GOAL 2—Increase the number of B.A., B.S. and M.A. degrees awarded: Increase the number of undergraduate majors by 25% over the next five years; increase the number of graduate students to at least 10 in both French and Spanish over the next five years. 2.1 Strategy: Communicate each semester with all foreign language departments in the state to recruit prospective language majors and graduate students to the university. 2.1.1. Establish and maintain a strong undergraduate Student Orientation Task Force charged with improving efforts for better student recruitment. 2.1.2 Measurement: Enrollment figures from Institutional Research and Planning. 2.2 Review the Graduate Program focused on providing the majority of course work over three consecutive summers. 2.2.1 Encourage and reward faculty participation in graduate student recruitment and career development. 2.2.2 Measurement: Enrollment figures from Institutional Research and Planning. 2.3 Strategy: Continue biannual receptions for majors and minors. 2.4 Strategy: Formalize and enhance a German Consortium among several NC institutions. 2.4.1 easurement: Formalize course-offering sequence with respective members of the Consortium. 2.4.2 Measurement: Develop, conduct, and assess distance learning course effectiveness. 2.4.3 Measurement: Develop method of advertising for recruitment. 2.5 Strategy: Establish and conduct classes through asynchronous methods (distance learning). 2.6. Strategy: seek to increase a greater number of students in the teaching major. 2.6.1 Measurement: Establish and conduct a survey and enhance recruitment efforts. 3. GOAL 3:- Increase enrollment in non-degree areas: Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, and Russian. 3.1 Strategy: Establish a German Major. 3.2 Strategy: Review current course offerings in Russian. 3.3. Strategy: Undertake study to assess feasibility of a program in Italian. 3.4 Strategy: Develop more courses in Chinese and Japanese. 3.4.1 Measurement: Departmental statement of guidelines for developing minors in these areas. 3.5 Strategy: Review the Latin program and develop a plan to reinstitute the Latin minor. 3.5.1 Review need and develop a Classics program. 3.5.2 Measurement: Department plan for the Latin program. GOAL 4 - Support Teaching: Sustain the high quality of teaching within the Department. 4.1 Strategy: Establish yearly workshop/seminar focused on the improvement of teaching. 4.2 Strategy: Integrate effective use of teacher resource materials (e.g., language laboratory, video equipment, computers) into a wider range of classes through the purchase of additional portable multimedia units over the next five years. 4.3 Strategy: Continue to provide faculty offices with up-to-date computer hardware with direct Ethernet connections to central computing resources. 4.4 Strategy: Continue to provide faculty with access to up-to-date copying and printing hardware. 4.5 Strategy: Continue to provide software enhancements for classroom use. 4.6 Strategy: Provide each classroom with Ethernet connection and localized computer. 4.7 Strategy: Continue to provide classrooms with audio-visual units containing overhead, TV, and VCR. GOAL 5—Support Faculty Research & Development: Sustain the high quality of faculty expertise by providing ongoing opportunities for faculty development. 5.1 Strategy: Encourage, facilitate, and reward faculty participation in conventions and professional meetings with emphasis on rewarding faculty who present research, organize and/or chair sessions at such meetings. 5.1.1 Measurement: Faculty approval of guidelines for determining merit pay increases. 5.2 Strategy: Seek to increase the availability of released time for faculty engaged in research and in the development of instructional materials for direct use in the classroom by developing set of policies, approved by the faculty, to be used in granting released time. 5.2.1 Measurement: Faculty approval of guidelines for determining released time. 5.3 Strategy: Provide release time for faculty appointed as directors of successful study abroad programs with a track record (Germany, France, Spain, etc.) 5.3.1 Measurement: Faculty approval of guidelines for determining released time based on study abroad faculty record. 5.4 Strategy: Establish a mechanism for sharing and reviewing the work accomplished during released time. 5.4.1 Measurement: Faculty approval of guidelines for reviewing the work accomplished during released time. 5.5 Strategy: Enhance criteria for linking faculty development to merit pay increases. 5.5.1 Measurement: Faculty approval of guidelines for determining merit pay increases. 5.6 Strategy: Continue to provide faculty with up-to-date computer hardware with direct Ethernet connections to central computing resources. 5.7 Strategy: Continue to provide faculty with access to up-to-date copying and printing hardware. GOAL 6—Enhance Faculty Visibility within the Profession 6.1 Strategy: Continue to encourage, support, and reward faculty participation in the departmental Blue Ridge international Conference on the Humanities and the Arts (BRICHA). 6.1.1 Support and reward appointed Directors and Coordinators of BRICHA. 6.1.2 Support and reward faculty with specified responsibilities for the conference. 6.2 Strategy: Encourage, support, and reward faculty who provide service in regional, national and international consultantships, boards, conferences, editorships, etc. 6.2.1 Measurement: Faculty approval of guidelines for determining merit pay increases. GOAL 7 - Communicate with teaches and alumni state wide: Increase communication with area school systems and alumni. 7.1 Strategy: The current departmental Advancement Committee will develop ways to improve communication with language teachers and alumni. 7.1.1. Strategy: Implement a biannual Newsletter to communicate with language teachers and alumni. 7.2 Strategy: Establish a database of materials and resources (personnel available for consulting, advising, offering workshops) for use by university and area teachers accessible via the Internet. 7.3. Strategy: Continue to support attendance at state and regional professional meetings for all faculty. GOAL 8—Establish a platform for Collaboration 8.1. Strategy: Review the need and importance of team-teaching courses with other faculty and departments. PLANNING FORM 3. Resource Request RESOURCE REQUEST 1. Priority for Planning Unit. 1 of 1 2. Title. Language laboratory in Sanford Hall 505. 3. Description. The Language Lab, housed in Room 505 Sanford Hall, is a 32-year old audio component with 27 listening booths. When in working order, tape recordings may be made. However, due to its age, the audio portions (electrical components) are rarely in order for successful usage. Request for updating was made initially in the Unit Plan, Planning Period, 1986-91; but funds have not yet been provided. Up-dating present interactive audio equipment; purchase of digital audio and video equipment; purchase of appropriate audio-visual materials, including projection equipment, smart board and accompanying ancillaries is recommended. 4. Justification and Recommendation In order to continue to perform its mission and meet student demand, a reliable, properly equipped language laboratory is needed. Therefore, this request responds globally to the goals and objectives of the Department. With modifications to the current old desktop booths, a complete audio lab (with additions of a Smart Board, projection mounts, TVs and VCRs), the old audio lab may serve a variety of functions: a multi-media classroom, a distance learning room (since connection to Sanford Hall is planned), a film viewing/screening room, and a fully-functional audio language laboratory. 5. Space and Other Physical Resource Requirements. The new equipment would be located in the current Language Laboratory space, room 505 Sanford Hall. Estimated cost of equipment needed, installation, and rewiring is listed below. 6. Funding Requirements Estimated ,027 Proposed FLL Audio Lab Improvements Amount 1 Smart Tech 72' Smartboard (-30% Grant) 49 1 Sony LCD projector 1400 Lumen VPL-PX20 89 1 Sony Projector Mount 5 2 Sony VHS Recorder/Player PSS610 0 1 Sony VIDP50 Video Document Projector 50 1 Crown D45 Stereo Amplifier 9 2 JBL 75 Watt Stereo Speakers (subwoofer) 0 2 JBL Speaker Mounts 0 1 Extron System 5cr Switcher 60-293-01 54 1 Extron MBC Buffer 26-338-01 8 1 Extron 12'hr Date cable 1 Extron 50'hr Data cable 0 1 Wall Control 0 1 Installation with cables & connections, S&h. 00 Telecomm Data/Phone, TV/Cable Lines: Materials 0 Labor 0 Network Connection 0 Physical Plant Electrical Mount projector, run lines, & connect power 0 Mechanical For audio lab upgrade 8 Carpentry Re-top & stain 3 existing tables 8 Cover 5 windows with stained wood 6 15" Wood Cornices 0 Multi-shelf Equipment Housing 0 Paint Rooms 504,505,workroom & office Paint Labor 4 J&J Commercial Carpet #310 Comedy 00 30 HR Hughes Rankin Ergo Chairs 1-2401PB 33 Renaissance Fabric Grounds Remove workroom audio bank & desks ESTIMATE: 027 Sony, Extron, & JBL are compatible. Brand Compatibility is essential.