the 13, 14 October 2012 * Fifth Sunday After Holy Cross

13, 14 October 2012 *Fifth Sunday After Holy Cross
St. Joseph Maronite
Catholic Church
3 Appleton Street, Waterville, ME 04901-6630
Phone: 207-872-8515
Pastor: The Rev. Larry Jensen
Deacon: Rev. Mr. Peter P. Joseph 872-2225
Subdeacon: Mr. Stephen C. Crate 872-9257
NEW Web Site Address:
“The Eastern Rites are the Treasure of the Catholic Church”
Pope John
Saturday 4:00 p.m., * Sunday 10:00 a.m. * Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. in the St. Jude Chapel
The Miraculous Medal and the St Jude Novenas are on Tuesday following the 9 a.m. Liturgy
Sick Calls:
To receive the Eucharist and/or the Anointing of the Sick, Please call Fr. Larry.
Confessions: A Half-hour before all scheduled Liturgies, emergencies, and by appointment.
Call the Office
Call the Office 6 months before you finalize a date for your wedding and book your reception.
*Suggested donation for the Sanctuary Candles, St. Jude Chapel $20, St Joseph Church $20, for the Altar Bread, $25, and the Wine, $25 .
Suggested offering for Liturgies: $10 for weekdays - $15 for weekends.
Choir Director:
Fefa Deeb
Theresa Nemer and Yvonne Nemer
Laurie Nale
Matthew 25:1-13
The kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten
bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the
bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five
were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they
took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil
with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, all
of them became drowsy and slept. But at midnight
there was a shout, ‘Look! Here is the bridegroom!
Come out to meet him.’ Then all those bridesmaids
got up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to
the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps
are going out.’ But the wise replied, ‘No! there will
not be enough for you and for us; you had better go
to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ And
while they went to buy it, the bridegroom came, and
those who were ready went with him into the
wedding banquet; and the door was shut. Later the
other bridesmaids came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord,
open to us.’ But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I do not
know you.’ Keep awake therefore, for you know
neither the day nor the hour.”
Dear Parishioners and Friends:
The news this week says that 1 out 5 people are not
affiliated with a church, synagogue or mosque. That
is a dramatic change from just over 20 years ago. I
Lenore Boles
Rosanna Joseph
Jane Lee
think it would be reasonable to believe that in the
next 20 years it will be substantially even higher
because there are a number of people who are still
affiliated but are already rarely attending even a few
“holy days” and a few social events. It seems
unlikely their children will have any affiliation.
For them this Gospel is stripped of any significance.
It begins with decreasing knowledge of the
Scriptures and Traditions of the Apostles. Who is
the bridegroom, who is the bridesmaids in this
story? Why do they need oil? What does it mean to
keep the lamps trimmed and burning? What are the
doors? Why were the doors shut? Why didn’t the
Bridegroom know them? Why keep awake?
Society is moving from at least coming up with
alternative explanations from what was believed in
the past not being even interested in knowing the
story exists.
The fundamental issue is the believability of
Apostolic Christian Scripture. A trend is developing
in which there is no need to be ready and prepared
because there is no “door that is closed” or no “door
to be opened”. This is to say, no sin happened that
the gates of heaven was ever closed, and it was not
necessary for a redeemer to die to open the door
back open. The story of a Groom, Jesus, coming to
meet the Bride, the church, is increasingly
becoming unknown and rejected.
The use of oil lamps is symbolic of the internal light
of the Christian living a life shaped by the teachings
of Christ, specifically that Jesus is the Light of the
World, the illumination in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is being demoted from being the Son of God,
who brings salvation to a minor prophet among
many religions.
Long held beliefs can be quickly weakened. Even
though there are thousands of Icons of the Last
Supper, a painting by DE Vinci in the middle ages is
somehow considered by some to hold a secrete
code in which all other Apostolic Traditions and
icons can be rejected. Or an anonymous donor of a
piece of papyrus possibly dating to the 4th century
becomes a challenge of Apostolic Scripture and
Tradition of the first 400 years. Verbal and written
opposition of disbelief in who Jesus is and what His
followers believed about began from the day Jesus
started forgiving and healing.
Jesus believes that He is the King of this heavenly
Kingdom. At the beginning of every Liturgy we sing
this truth because the Divine Liturgy is where
heaven meets earth. Where the groom comes to us
the church, His bride, through the Scriptures and
the Eucharist.
We are offered enough grace and mercy to make it
to the day of light, the day we are to meet Jesus.
We as members of the church, His bride, are given
all the gifts necessary for our salvation. We also can
make decisions that block the oil of grace He offers
to us.
Christianity does not remove accountability and
responsibility from what is rightfully to be expected
of us. Grace is not immunity, but the treatment for
the repentant and who seek forgiveness through a
forgiving heart.
Church Etiquette
Refrain from long and loud conversations, no food
or drinks in church, no leaving of pews during the
reading of the Gospel and the Consecration of the
Bread and Wine, Check to see if your cell phone is
off. Modest clothing is expected and appreciated.
Heal Your servants, who are sick,
O Lord, and send them help
And comfort from Your holy place.
Those who seek our prayers: Grace Crowther,
Dianne Fjeldheim, Herb Jabar, Albert Joseph,
Kendra Maroon, Hope Murphy, Tala Poulin, and
John Trinward.
Be sure to let Aboona know if you would like a
name added or removed.
Be sure your cell phone is off or silenced
2nd Collection
Liturgy Starts p62 - Creed p67 – Anaphora –p69
Sat 13 4:00 p.m.
† Madeline Joseph
By Brent & Lea Williams
Sun 14 10:00 a.m.
† Mary B. Maroon
By Freda Maroon Nassar
& Judie Lynn Nassar & Family
When the servers go to the side altar, those who
will be carrying the gifts may go at this time.
15 Father’s day off for prayer,
reflection, and relaxation
Tue 16 9:00 a.m.
† Norman C. Burton
By Lisa Purell
Wed 17 9:00 a.m.
† Ann Joseph
By Mary Gallant & Family
Thu 18 9:00 a.m.
† Ann Joseph
By George Peters
19 9:00 a.m.
† Caroline Nale
By Mark & Laurie Nale
Sat 20 4:00 p.m.
† Thelma Hanson
By Herbert W. Joseph, Sr.
Sun 21 10:00 a.m.
† Kathleen Hawes
By her Family
“The Catholic Church, East and West, breaths
as two lungs in the same body”
Blessed John Paul II
October Devotions
Sanctuary Candles
St. Joseph 14 day Sanctuary Candle
In Memory of the Joseph Family
By Deacon Peter Joseph
St. Jude 7 Day Sanctuary Candle
In Memory of the Joseph Family
By Deacon Peter Joseph
Altar Bread and Wine:
Christopher Henry
Louise Saleim
Last Weeks Collection
Regular Collection
God bless you for your generosity
Deepest Sympathy
Our prayers and thoughts go out to Mark
Joseph on the loss of mother Ann recently.
May she rest in peace.
Our prayers and thoughts go out to Katrina
Plourde, on the loss of her mother, Marion.
A Liturgy for the Faithful departed will be
celebrated here at St. Joseph Maronite
Cathollic Chuch on Friday, November 2nd at
9:30 a.m.
Birthdays in October
Herbert Joseph Sr.
Cathi Lee
Paula Mitchell
Ruth Joseph
Ralph Cogswell
Kadee Ann Joseph
Robert Mitchell Jr.
Brea Williams
Doris Poirier
DJ Constable
Beth Hallowell
Michael Nale
Robert Sturtevant
Mary Nader
Lila Hallowell
Linda Joseph
Joseph Nale
Joseph Sturtevant
Stephen Nale
Prinella Mitchell
Deacon Peter
Anniversaries for October
John & Rita Karter
Jeff & Maureen Lee
Mary & Charles Maroon
James & Lenore Boles
Tom & Donna Nale
Let Aboona know if you would like your name
added to the Birthday and/or Anniversary list.
Parish Pictorial Directory
You Are Strongly encouraged
to sign up to be a part of this project.
Five years ago St. Joseph Maronite Church had
their first Pictorial Directory made. It is time for a
new one to be made in order to include the many
wonderful people who have joined the church since
then, and those who missed out on the first one. We
will provide further details soon.
The Directory is free, and to have your picture taken
for the Directory is free. You may purchase pictures.
This is a good time to have a Family Portrait taken.
You can sign up in after Liturgy.
See Events for the days pictures will be taken.
Fifth Sunday of the Holy Cross
Philemon 2:12-18
Matthew 25:1-13
4 p.m.
13 Lila Hallowell
10 a.m.
14 Mary Jo Hodgkin
Sixth Sunday of the Holy Cross
Galatians 6:1-10
Matthew 25:14-30
4 p.m.
20 Lenore Boles
10 a.m.
21 Lauraine Mansur
14 11-1 Fall Harvest Dinner – Ham, Potatoes,
Carrots, Cabbage, Biscuit, Pumpkin Cheese Cake.
Wed 17 6 p.m. Finance Council
21 Rosary Sodality Meeting
S/S 20,21 Pie and Baked Good Sale by the
Daughters of Isabella – after Liturgy.
All Saints Day – Holy Day of Obligation
1 9:00 a.m. Liturgy – the children from
Mount Merci will be joining us!
1 2 - 8:40 Picture Taking
2 2 - 8:40 Picture Taking
3 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Picture Taking
4 Religious Education and MYO
7 Parish Council Meeting
10 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Christmas Bazaar
Coffee Schedule
Jane Lee and Jody Veilleux
Future Events
Weekend of March 17th for the 25th Anniversary of Fr.
Larry Jensen (Aboona).
Temple Beth Israel Congregation will host an evening
of Israeli and Middle Eastern Dancing on Thursday
November 1 at 6 pm at the Temple, 291 Main Street, in
Waterville. Check poster for more details.
Parish Vision for the future
Your Pastoral Council has adopted a new vision
for the future of St. Joseph’s and you can be a
part of it! In the pews you will find a copy of the
document called “Our Vision For Greater Parish
Involvement” Please take a look at this document
and in particular, pray and meditate on where you
think you could best serve our Parish family.
We will have seven new Commissions here in the
parishioners. Check them out and in a few weeks
we will have a parish town hall type meeting to get
the ball rolling. We look forward to your input in all
we do here at St. Joseph’s. If you have any
questions please feel free to speak with a Council
“Having gifts that differ according to the grace
given to us, let us use them….” Romans 12:6
E-Mail Bulletins – New Web Address
The Weekly Bulletin is sent out by email. If you have
Internet service and would like to have the bulletin sent
to you this way, send an email to the church. The email
address is on the front of the bulletin.
Food Pantry - October
Ketchup and mustard
Baking mix (Bisquick) Canned carrots or beets
Thank you for caring!
Explaining the Catholic Faith
These articles are from the following link:
We need to understand why we ask others to pray
for us, and why we are willing to pray for others. We
don’t believe God gets mad that we pray for others,
why would He get mad if a Saint in heaven prayed
for us? Aboona
The answers to the questions are not for us to confront
and antagonize others, but to be able to offer biblical
insight and explanations when we are aggressively
pressured by those who question and want us to
abandon the Catholic Faith.
In 1 Timothy it says that Jesus is our sole
mediator, yet we pray to Mary and the Saints. Is
that going against the Bible?
1 Tim 2:5 reads as follows: "For there is one God, and
there is one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus..." "You see," we Catholics are told, "there
is only one mediator between God and men, Jesus
Christ. Therefore, praying to the saints goes against the
Bible because you are making them mediators between
God and man, you are diminishing Jesus' role as the sole
Is that an appropriate interpretation of that passage? No,
it's not and let us see why not.
In the O.T. we see that Moses, Abraham, and Job
interceded on behalf of others... that's mediating between
God and man. We know that it is okay to ask others here
on earth to pray and intercede for us.... that's mediating
between God and man. So, I think, once again, we have
a situation where a passage of the Bible is being
misinterpreted and misunderstood.
There is only one mediator between God and man, the
man Jesus Christ, but as members of the Body of Christ,
He allows us to share in His mediation.
Also, Scripture tells us that we have only one foundation,
Jesus Christ (1 Cor 3:11); but, Scripture tells us that
there is more than one foundation (Eph 2:19-20).
Scripture tells us that we have only Lord, Jesus Christ
(Eph 4:4-5); but, Scripture tells us there is more than one
lord (Rev 19:16). Scripture tells us that we have only one
Judge, Jesus Christ (James 4:12); but, Scripture tells us
there is more than one judge (1 Cor 6:2).
Contradictions in Scripture? No! Not when these
passages are all properly understood in context.
Jesus is the only foundation; Jesus is the only Lord; and
Jesus is the only Judge. But, we are members of Jesus'
Body. Therefore, we are able, according to the graces
given by Christ, to share in Jesus' role as foundation, as
lord, and as judge, and in other aspects of Christ, as
well. Another example, as a father I share in God's role
as Father, by His grace. And, so also, we, and the saints
in Heaven, and the angels in Heaven, can share in
Christ's role as Mediator.
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look
back and realize they were the big things.
~ Robert Brault