Wayfaring Man Program - The Grand Lodge of Minnesota

By WB Daniel Nash
LEO – Rochester Lodge #21
• A Masonic Allegory, by the Wayfaring
• http://burningtaper.blogspot.com/2006/0
• The following tale was related by a good
Brother and fellow member of the
Widow's Son's lodge. The story is of life
before being Raised, as well as experience
in the Lodge and what was seen there.
• The Wayfaring Man Program is an initiative
to help in the revitalization of the lodges and
to promote one of the Landmarks of
• Mackey’s 14th Landmark is the “Right of
Every Mason to Visit and Sit in Every Regular
Lodge” and this has been recognized as an
inherent right to every Mason as he travels.
• This new initiative encompassing the ideals
of the fourteenth landmark is the Minnesota
Wayfaring Man Program.
Masonic Laws
Section C2.01
Constitutions are those written compacts or laws adopted by Freemasons for the
government of the Grand lodge and its Constituent Lodges and their members,
and are intended to be permanent in character.
The Ancient Landmarks are those principles of Masonic government and policy
which are among the parts of Masonic law or rules of government that may
never be altered or disturbed, as, for instance, the universal language of
Masons, and those peculiar marks of distinction by which they are separated
from the profane, and by which they are enabled to prove themselves as the
"Sons of Light."
The following are enumerated from the Ancient Constitutions as having the force
of Ancient Landmarks of the Fraternity, having been generally received and
acknowledged by Masons as such:
(1) That belief in the Supreme Being, "The Great Architect of the Universe," who
will punish vice and reward virtue, is an indispensable prerequisite to admission
to Masonry.
(2) That the moral law which inculcates charity and probity, industry and sobriety,
and obedience to law and civil government, is the rule and guide of every Mason,
to which strict conformity is required.
(3) That obedience to Masonic law and authority, being voluntarily assumed, is of
perpetual obligation.
(4) That the rites and ceremonies (which include the unwritten language) of the
true system of the Ancient York Rite, and which constitute a part of the body of
Masonry, are immutable, and that it is not in the power of any man to make
innovations therein, except when in Grand Lodge convened.
(5) That contentions and lawsuits between Brethren are contrary to the laws and
regulations of Masonry.
(6) That charity is the right of a Mason, his widow and orphans, when poor and
destitute, to demand, and the duty of his prosperous brother to bestow.
(7) That Masonic instruction is, like charity, a reciprocal right
and duty of Masons.
(8) That to visit Masonicly is an inherent right of Masons,
but no visitor shall be received into a Lodge if any member
present objects.
(9) That a candidate for Masonry must be a man of mature age,
free born, of good report, hale and sound, having no maim or
defect in his body that may render him incapable of learning
the art and physically able to conform substantially to what the
several degrees of Masonry respectively require of him. If a
candidate is unable to so comply with the physical
requirements, he shall nevertheless be eligible to receive the
degrees of Masonry, if, after favorable action by the
Constituent Lodge, his petition for degrees, accompanied by a
detailed report of the nature and extent of his disabilities, is
approved by the Grand Master.
(10) That the Grand Master may make Masons at sight, and may grant a
dispensation to a Lodge for the same purpose, but in all other cases a
candidate must be proposed in open Lodge, at a Stated Communication
and can only be accepted at a Stated Communication following, by the
scrutiny of a secret ballot, and a unanimous vote, and must pay a fixed price
before admission.
(11) That it is the duty of every Mason to be a contributing member of
some Lodge.
(12) That a Mason who is not a member of a Lodge is still subject to the
disciplinary power of Masonry.
(13) That the Master and Wardens of every chartered Lodge are of right and
inalienably representatives in, and members of, the Grand Lodge.
(14) That no one can be elected Master of a chartered Lodge, except at its
first election, but a Master Mason who shall have served as a Warden.
(15) That every Mason must be tried by his peers; hence, the Master
cannot be tried by his Lodge.
(16) That no appeal to the Lodge can be taken from the decision of the
Master, or the Warden occupying the chair in his absence.
(17) That Masonic intercourse with a clandestine, suspended or
expelled Mason is a breach of duty and an offense against Masonic
(18) That a restoration of the privileges of Masonry by the Grand Lodge
does not restore to membership in a Constituent Lodge.
(19) That the failure of a Lodge to meet for one (1) year is cause for the
forfeiture of its charter
(20) That it is the duty as well as the right of every chartered Lodge to
be represented in the Grand Lodge at its communications.
(21) That this Grand Lodge has supreme and exclusive jurisdiction, as
exercised, within its territorial limits, over all matters of Ancient Free
and Accepted Masonry, and accepts the right of the Grand Lodge of
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Minnesota
as having supreme and exclusive jurisdiction over matters pertaining to
that Grand Lodge.
(22) That no appeal lies from the decision of the Grand Master in the
chair, or the Deputy Grand Master or Grand Warden, occupying the
chair in his absence.
(23) That the office of the Grand Master is always elective, and should
be filled annually by the Grand Lodge.
• (24) That the Grand Lodge, composed of its officers
and representatives, must meet at least once in
each year, to consult and act concerning the
interests of the Fraternity in its jurisdiction.
(25) That all officers of the Grand Lodge or
Constituent Lodge must be Master Masons.
• (26) That no subject of sectarian or political
character can be discussed in a Lodge, and any
Mason proposing such a subject renders himself
liable to the disciplinary action of the Lodge.
• The purpose of this program is to
promote the visitation of brethren from
different lodges so that they can meet on
the level and see what is happening in
other lodges, whether the Lodge is in the
next city, state or country.
• By building ties to other lodges, the ties
of Masonry will continue to grow and
make a lasting impact on our members.
1. Enroll with the Grand Lodge of Minnesota office by filling out an
enrollment form available on the Grand Lodge website. An
enrollment form can be mailed to your address if requested and
you do not have access to the internet. There is a minimal cost you
will need to include with the enrollment form (currently $25.00 for
postage and supplies). Visitations occurring prior to enrollment will
not be used for credit in this program.
2. The guidelines for the program can be downloaded and a
Minnesota Wayfaring Man passport will be sent to you.
3. Have the Lodges Master or Secretary endorses your Masonic
4. Send an Email or complete the online log for your visit.
5. After you have complete d all the required visitations for each
level and email/log entries, a lapel pin and a personalized
Certificate of completion from the Grand Master or his
representative will be sent to the Master of your lodge for
• Complete the visits as listed in each
– Apprentice Traveler requirements
(3 Total Objectives)
– Fellow Traveler requirements
(5 Total Objectives)
– Wayfaring Man Requirements
(7 Total Objectives)
• Visit Two Lodges in your District
Other than your Own , one of those
visits being to an Entered
Apprentice Degree (2)
• Attend an Area Conference (1)
• Visit a third Lodge in your District
Other than your Own (1)
• Visit Two Additional Lodges in your
Area, but outside your District, one
of those visits being to a Fellow Craft
Degree (2)
• Attend a State Leadership Conference
• Attend a Grand Lodge
Communication (1)
• Attend a Second Leadership Conference (1)
• Visit Two Additional Lodges in an Area other than
your own. These must be from two separate Areas ,
one of those visits being to a Master Mason Degree
• Visit a jurisdiction outside of the Grand Lodge of
Minnesota (this jurisdiction must be recognized by
the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. (1)
• Attend an Education Lodge (1)
• Attend an Appendant Body Event (1)
• Attend a Second Grand lodge Communication (1)
Visitations occurring prior to enrollment will not be used for credit
in this program. One visitation cannot count in different areas.
Once enrolled, any of the requirements can be earned regardless
of level.
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or additional
recommended objectives, please communicate with the Wayfaring
Man Program Coordinator. The Coordinator’s contact information
is located on this form in the previous section.
Upon completion of the objectives, send the tracking sheet to the
Wayfaring Man Program Coordinator. Along with the tracking
sheet, include a photocopy of the appropriate stamps/seals of your
Masonic Passport that correspond to that particular tracking sheet.
The Lapel Pin and Completion certificate will be sent to your lodge
for an official presentation by the Master of the Lodge as you
complete the different levels.
• Cost: $25
• Sent to:
Minnesota Wayfaring Man Program
Douglas Campbell, Grand Secretary
11501 Masonic Home Drive
Bloomington, MN 55437
• Please contact the Minnesota
Wayfaring Man Program Coordinator,
at wayfaringmanprogram@gmail.com
or by phone at (651) 755-4519.
• If there are any question regarding
this program please contact the
Wayfaring Man Program
Coordinator (Brother Terrance
Schaffer) at
or at 763-755-5854.
• Sign up now!!
– Or you will find you have done the
work, and not received credit for it.
– Afterward, maintain that journal
• Questions?