January 2013 Vol. 6 No. 1 Des Moines Lodge #245 From the East Denis S. Short 206-878-2124 dsshort@mindspring.com A new year and new responsibilities! All new journeys need to begin with a prayer to the Great Architect of the Universe. This is one of the first lessons we are taught as Entered Apprentice and come into the lodge room. I would ask each of you to think of this at this time of beginning. We will be starting our year with a Past Masters night. It will emphasize that a lodge needs the energy and skills of our past masters to continue with success. Hopefully we can have some input from these members about the histories of our now combined lodges. We will also be honoring those who have put in 25 years or more of service in Masonry. There will be no degrees conferred in the month of January. I hope to see you all January 10 th. Your New WM, Denis S. Short. From the West Jun Lagnada agusanjigh61@yahoo.com No input this month. From the South Angelo Josue ARJosue@aol.com No input this month. From the Desk of Jerry E. Whitney j.whitney@comcast.net 206-241-7510 Remember the Lodge meeting is January 10th, Juanita Chapter OES is Friday January 4th and the Triple Tau meeting is Wednesday January 9th. Do not forget that many of you still have annual fees unpaid for 2013. MEMBERSHIP PARTICIPATION It is the responsibility of every member of each organization to see that their annual fees are paid in a timely fashion. If you are having difficulty making ends meet, please notify your organization Secretary so that a possible remittance of annual fees can be made. If we are not aware of your concerns it is impossible to address them. I really appreciate all those who had paid their annual fees for 2013. There still are few who need to catch up with the dues for 2012. Temple Board Report Michael McLeod President The first meeting of the Temple Board for the upcoming year will be January 2 nd at 7:00 PM. This is our annual election of officers. Everyone is invited to make your concerns regarding the facilities known. Only board members may vote. A new website should be operational very shortly. Yours in Masonry, Michael McLeod, Temple Board president Triple Tau Chapter #66RAM Nessy A. Borge High Priest Our January 9th meeting will have cause to celebrate. We will be conferring the Mark Master, Past Master and Most Excellent Master degrees. The latter two will be in abbreviated form. Any Master Mason interested in obtaining more light in Freemasonry is welcome to petition for membership in the Royal Arch. Companion Nessy Borge is the primary preparer of food this meeting. Bring your friends to experience the Masonic fellowship. Usual potluck dinner at 6:30 PM, Stated at 7:30 PM. Jobs Daughters Bethel #75 No Input Charlene Benedict Bethel Guardian #75 Juanita Chapter #187 OES Wilma Halpin – Worthy Matron JUANITA Chapter will have sweater shirt night and initiation of a new member and New Year Party. February is Sweetheart Night and March is Memorial Service for members who passed this year and Election of Officers for 20132014. March is also installation March 16th, 2013 at the Des Moines Hall. 2013 Lodge Committees & Assignments (Chairmen, please recruit other members for your committee. Select as many as necessary to complete your mission. When you have selected your team members, please let me know their names so I can add them to the committee.) Candidate Coaching Officer Coaches School Awards Concordant Coordinators Long Range Planning Telephone / E-mail Masonic Education Old Time Fiddlers Training & Floor Work Temple Board Ladies Programs Finance Advisory Committee As assigned Earl DeWitt, Frank Smith, B. Gene Fish Jobies – B. Gene Fish; OES – John Westland; RAM – Harold Hobbs All Lodge Members Earl Dewitt, Jerry Whitney As requested Earl DeWitt Coaches Jesse Whaley, Donald B. Murray, John Cover Spear, Earl Dewitt, John Westland, , Mike McLeod, Steven K. Gerstner, Keith Kurtz Ex-Officio members: Denis Short, Jun Lagnada, Angelo Josue Donald Murray, Jerry Whitney, Frank Smith, Gene Fish Masonic Temple Association Meetings (Time as shown is unless otherwise notified) 1st & 3rd Monday 1st Wednesday 1st Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Wednesday 2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday Job’s Daughters (7:00 PM) Temple board meeting (7:00 PM) Lodge officers meeting OES Juanita Chapter Triple Tau Royal Arch Masons (6:30 PM Potluck, 7:30 PM stated) except when the meeting conflicts with a Grand Session. Stated Meeting Des Moines Lodge except July and August (6:30 PM Dinner, 7:30 PM stated) Also the June stated meeting is the third Thursday per our bylaws. Training & Degree work Des Moines Lodge as required Remember you are invited to the Youth meetings and they need our Support. Des Moines Bulletin If you know someone who has e-mail and is not receiving the Bulletin PLEASE, have them e-mail me at j.whitney@comcast.net and I will put them on the list. Just say “Des Moines Bulletin Please.” and that will be sufficient. Remember articles for the “Bulletin” must be in to me bythe 21stof each month previous to the month to be issued . Either no one reads this far or some people are just lax in getting information to me.