Suggested music for your wedding service

Suggested Music for your Wedding
In choosing music for your wedding, you will need to make some decisions about the following:
1) a piece of music for the entry of the Bride at the beginning of the service
2) a hymn to be sung soon after the service begins
3) a hymn to be sung during the signing of the registers
4) a piece of music to be follow the hymn during the signing of the registers - this can be sung
by the choir, played by the organist or (possibly) played on a CD
5) a piece of music for the departure of the Bride & Groom at the end of the service
Below are some suggestions of music and hymns suitable for use at your wedding.
This list is not exhaustive and we are always happy to discuss any other choices you may wish to
make. If you’d value a chat to help you make your decision, please contact our Director of Music,
David Cain, on 07881 416979 or by email:
At the Entrance of the Bride:
Bridal March from ‘Lohengrin’ - Wagner
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Arrival of the Queen of Sheba - Handel
Prelude from ‘Te Deum’ - Charpentier
Trumpet Voluntary - Clarke
Trumpet Tune - Purcell
Trumpet Tune - Stanley
Those marked with * are written especially for weddings
All things bright and beautiful
And did those feet (Jerusalem)
Amazing grace
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Be thou my vision, 0 Lord of my heart
Bind us together Lord
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Father hear the prayer we offer
For the beauty of the earth
Give me joy in my heart
*God in the planning and purpose of life (words below)
Guide me O thou great redeemer
How great thou art
I danced in the morning (‘Lord of the Dance’)
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Lord of all hopefulness
Love divine, all loves excelling
Make me a channel of your peace
Morning has broken
One more step along the world I go
O praise ye the Lord! praise him in the height
Praise my soul the King of Heaven
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
The King of love my shepherd is
* You have pledged to one another (words below)
* As wedding music fills our hearts (words below)
*As man and woman we are made (words below)
* God is all living (words below)
* Be our chief guest (words below)
God, in the planning and purpose of life,
hallowed the union of husband and wife:
this we embody where love is displayed,
rings are presented and promises made.
Jesus was found, at a similar feast,
taking the roles of both waiter and priest,
turning the worldly towards the divine,
tears into laughter and water to wine.
Therefore we pray that his spirit preside
over the wedding of bridegroom and bride,
fulfilling all that they've hoped will come true,
lighting with love all they dream of and do.
Praise then the Maker, the Spirit, the Son,
source of the love through which two are
made one.
God's is the glory, the goodness and grace
seen in this marriage and known in this place
(sung to the tune of ‘Be thou my vision’)
You have pledged to one another,
before the Lord above,
entire and whole and perfect,
this union of your love —
a love that will be patient,
a love that will be wise,
that will not twist with envy,
nor lose itself in lies;
a love that will not falter,
a love to hold us fast,
and bind you to each other
as long as life shall last.
We pray that God will guide you
through all the years to be,
your lives be shaped by courage,
hope and serenity.
Through joy and celebration,
through loneliness and pain,
may loyalty, compassion
and tenderness remain,
that those who share the blessing
of love that cannot cease
may walk the paths of gentleness
into the place of peace.
(sung to the tune of ‘ I vow to thee my
As wedding music fills our hearts
We hear the Word of Grace,
That, when a home is built on love,
It is God’s dwelling place.
Hear now, dear Lord, the solemn vows
This man and woman make,
And hear the prayer we ask for them
For Christ Our Master’s sake.
We thank you for the health and hope
That bring them to this hour;
May their whole life together prove
Your presence and Your power.
We ask for them the perfect gifts
Of love and faithfulness;
Their home within Your purpose keep;
Their friends and dear ones bless.
And as they now make covenant
Let us renew our vow
That binds us to the King of Love
Who stands among us now.
(Tune: Amazing Grace)
As man and woman we were made
That love be found and life begun,
So praise the Lord who made us two,
And praise the Lord when two are one;
Praise for the love that comes to life
Through child or parent, husband, wife.
Now Jesus lived and gave His love
To make our life and loving new;
So celebrate with Him today
And drink the joy He offers you;
That makes the simple moment shine
And changes water into wine.
And Jesus died to live again,
So praise the love that, come what may,
Can bring the dawn and clear the skies,
And waits to wipe all tears away;
And let us hope for what shall be,
Believing where we cannot see.
Then spread the table, clear the hall,
And celebrate till day is done;
Let peace go deep between us all
And joy be shared by everyone;
Laugh and make merry with your friends,
And praise the love that never ends!
(Tune: Sussex Carol – On Christmas night all
Christians sing)
God of all living,
Father, we praise you,
Full of thanksgiving,
For so much love;
Now in this wedding,
Come down among us,
Pour out your blessing,
Heavenly Dove.
Be our chief guest, Lord,
Lord of all living,
Lord of all loving,
This wedding day:
Bind us together
In your sure keeping,
So we may never
Wander away.
Perfect companion,
God's gift in marriage,
One true communion,
Help on life's way;
May we be mindful,
In need and plenty,
May we be faithful
Every new day.
Bless all who have brought us
Up from our childhood,
Caring, forgiving,
Through the long day:
May the same spirit
Shine in our home, Lord,
Lighting our pathway,
We humbly pray.
With love's true splendour,
Father, delight us,
Each giving honour,
With faithfulness;
And may the sharing
Of this sweet union
Deepen our caring,
With tenderness.
Bless all our friends, Lord,
Happy and true friends,
Laughing or crying,
Always the same:
Bright with this friendship,
May our own home be
Ready to welcome
All in your name.
May there be children,
Fruit of our loving,
True men and women,
With faith beside;
Grant us your keeping
In all our future,
Your love caressing
Bridegroom and bride.
Be our chief guest, Lord,
Lord of all living,
Warm with compassion
Showing the way:
Keep us together
In loving service,
Families and friends, Lord,
This wedding day.
(Tune: Morning has broken)
(Tune: Morning has broken)
Following the Hymn during the Signing of the Registers:
Jesu, Joy of man’s desiring - Bach (this can be played on the organ or sung by the choir)
Ave Maria - Schubert (this can be played on the organ or sung by the choir)
Ave Maria - Bach/Gounod (this can be played on the organ or sung by the choir)
God be in my head - Davies (this must be sung by the choir)
Panis Angelicus - Franck (this must be sung by the choir)
The Lord bless you and keep you - Rutter (this must be sung by the choir)
The Lord is my Shepherd - Goodall (this must be sung by the choir)
At the Departure of the Bride & Groom:
Wedding March from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ - Mendelssohn
Hornpipe from ‘Water Music’ - Handel
Toccata from Symphony No. 5 - Widor
La Rejouissance from ‘The Royal Fireworks Suite’ - Handel
Trumpet Voluntary - Clarke
Trumpet Tune - Purcell
Trumpet Tune - Stanley