3. lecture 3

A. Chapter 4 from the text
B. Basics – Solid Works
1. Open SW and choose File, then New
2. Three options come up – Part, Assembly, Drawing; right now we will do parts;
assembly will be done later; drawings are done automatically by SW by a single
command; will do that too later
3. Choose Part
4. We must choose the units before we start – Tools, Options, Document Properties,
Units– choose inches
5. Choose accuracy – insist on three decimals only .123
6. Also let us choose Tools, Options, Document Properties, Grid/snap and click Display
Grid – also choose major spacing – one inch
7. Also click Go to System Snaps and make sure all items are checked
8. CREATE A PART by extruding along perpendicular
10. Sketch rectangular section – 3 x 7 inches
11. Choose FEATURES
12. Extrude the section by one inch
13. Save it as Part 1
14. Click on the first line of the manager-Part1- and color it
15. The above procedure extrudes in a perpendicular direction
16. Right click on the Boss Extrude and delete it but leave the rectangular 3 x 7 inch section
17. CREATE A PART by extruding an arbitrary line
18. Define a point (2, -3, 5) by clicking Sketch and then choosing from the
drop-down menu -3D-Sketch
19. Choose a point and place it anywhere-then type in 2 for x, -3 for y and 5 for z
20. Grab a line and connect the origin to the (2, -3, 5) point
21. Finalize the drawing by clicking on the check mark on the top right
22. You must have now TWO sketches – the 3 x 5 inch sketch and the 3-D sketch
23. Click Features and select Swept Boss/Base
24. The first line is the Profile – you can see that by pointing to the first line and not clicking
25. When the first line is blue – click any part of the 3 x 7 section and it selects it
26. The second line is now blue – Select the line from the origin to the point (2, -3, 5)
27. Finalize and the object is created – This is similar to one of the HW problems
28. You may have to do it several times and observe what they are doing wrong
29. Also to show them the difference between the Extruded Boss and the Swept Boss you can
now add the Extruded Boss-Features, Extruded Boss, click on the “+” sign, click on
Sketch 2 and finalize
30. Both are now present
31. Right click on the Swept Boss/Base and delete it
32. Right click on the 3-D sketch and delete it
33. EDIT A PART by editing the sketch
34. One can go back and change the original sketch
35. Right click on the Boss Extrude and select feature – first item on the icons
36. Now you can type in the new extrusion distance or just grab the arrow and drag it
37. One can also change the sketch
38. Right click on the Boss Extrude and choose the second icon – sketch
39. SW is now in editing mode of the sketch
40. Click one of the sides and delete it – a solid cannot be created if a side is missing – THIS
WORKS – Remember that the plane section must be closed
41. Let us add two lines to close the section – finalize and a new solid is created
42. The part that is created can be manipulated – View, Modify and then choose from the list
43. The part can also be manipulated by the mouse – Roll of the wheel is Magnification;
Depress the wheel and move the mouse is Rotation; ctrl key on the keyboard and
depress the wheel is Pan
44. EDIT A PART by adding sketches on the surface of a solid – the surface must be a
45. Click on any side of the solid
46. Choose Sketch and put in a couple of “windows and doors” – rectangular and circular
47. Click Features and choose Extruded Cut
48. On the menu, where it says blind, choose Through All
49. Go to the HW Assignment – Problem 4.1 and choose the (C) sketch
50. File, new, options, units in inches, and grid/snaps
51. Choose a line to draw all lines of the sketch-having the grid one helps a lot
52. Choose the three-point arc to do the two arcs
53. It’s only required to questions b., e. and g. in Problem 4.1
54. Question b. requires the 3-D point done before
55. Click 3-D Sketch, choose a point, place it anywhere and type in coordinates (2, -3 , 5)
for x, y, z respectively
56. Choose a line and connect origin to the point (2, -3 , 5)
57. Finalize to have two sketches – Sketch (C) from the HW and the 3-D sketch
58. Select Features – Swept Boss/Base – and choose the first line as the sketch (C) and the
second line is the path – 3-D sketch
59. Click on a flat side and choose Features, Shell and type in thickness
60. Finalize and Save with a distinct name to submit to the TA
61. Do Question e. in Problem 4.1 – you do not have to redraw Sketch (C)
62. Right click on the Sweep and delete it
63. Right click on the 3-D sketch and delete it to avoid confusion
64. Question e. asks to Sweep 90 degrees about +X – axis – The way SW denotes that is
Revolved Boss/Base
65. Click on the sketch
66. Click on Features – Choose Revolved Boss/Base
67. On the Axis of Revolution line, click the short side of the sketch – that’s x-axis
68. On the line that has 360 degrees – delete 360 and type in 90
69. Finalize and save this object with a distinct name to send to the TA
70. Do Question g. in Problem 4.1 – you do not have to redraw Sketch (C)
71. Right click and delete the solid
72. Right click and select edit sketch – first icon
73. Choose a line and draw it parallel to the 6 inch side of the sketch but two inches to the
left of it-any length is fine – make sure that the box For Construction is checked for that
line otherwise SW will be confused since they are two sketches which are not connected
Select Features – choose Revolved Boss/Base
74. On the Axis of Revolution line, click the construction line just sketched
75. Finalize and save this object with a distinct name to send to the TA
76. Go to the HW Assignment – Problem 4.6 and choose (E)
77. File, New, Part
78. Tools, Options, Document Properties and select units in inches (.123) with major unit
equal to one inch – also select grid and snaps
79. Draw a rectangular section – 5 x 8 inches
80. Choose Features, Extrude Boss/Base and type in 2 inches to create the base of Solid (E)
81. Click on top surface and draw a rectangular shape at the edge - 1 x 5 inches
82. Select Features, Extruded Cut
83. Click on top surface and select Sketch, Line and draw a triangle from the corner – 2
inches each side on the edges and close the triangle
84. Click Features, Extruded Cut to remove the corner
85. Click on the plane of the cut just made
86. Select Sketch, Circle and draw a circle at mid-point with radius 0.5 inches
87. Select Features, Extruded Cut, and replace Blind with Through All
88. This creates the channel
89. The cylinder remains that has the inclined cut
90. Click on the top surface
91. Select Sketch, Circle and draw a circle anywhere
92. Press Esc button on the keyboard and now you can edit the circle
93. Click on the center of the circle and position it symmetrically (1.750, 3) with radius 1.5
94. Click Features, Extruded Boss/Base and type in 5 inches for its height
95. Now the cylinder must be truncated – this can be done in several ways but you cannot
draw on the cylindrical surface
96. Rotate to see the height of the cylinder or click the View Orientation Icon and select the
correct view
97. Click on the flat side of the base
98. Select Sketch, Line and draw a triangle that cuts the cylinder at the correct slope
99. Select Features, Extruded Cut and replace Blind with Through All