Ancient Rome.Ch.5

Ch. 5
The Roman Empire
I. Geography:
A. Italian Peninsula
750 miles N – S
120 avg. wide
B. Mountains
Alps - North
Gaul (France) area foothills of Alps
Apennines Mts. *divide Italy east & west
C. Tiber River
Rome built on 7 hills
D. Adv. of Rome’s location
*center for trade route
*defensive advantage
hills & built 18 miles inland
Ostia *port city mouth of Tiber
II. Early People
A. Latins settle at Latium on Tiber 1000 BC
Rome built 753 BC
Romulus & Remus
*Twin brothers built Rome
abandoned & nursed by wolf??
Romulus killed Remus
*Rome named after Romulus
B. Etruscans seized Rome 600 BC
“Found Rome village, left it a city.”
Tarquin *ruling family
Greek culture
ex. arch & alphabet
C. Romans *combo Latin’s & Etruscans
D. Greeks *strong influence on Roman
III. Roman Republic 509 BC – 31 BC
A. Republic 509 BC
*citizens with right to vote elect leaders
adult male citizens vote (land owners)
B. Roman Gov.
1. Senate *legislative body
300 Patricians (Nobles)
a. Consuls 2 officials from Senate *administered laws
Veto “I forbid”
b. Dictator *absolute power
hold office in times of crisis (6 months only)
Cincinnatus * farmer saved Rome.
2. Assembly of Centuries (100 Centrum)
Generals Roman Legion *declare war
Censor *registered population tax and voting purposes
3. Assembly of Tribes *Plebian control
35 Tribes 10 Tribunes spoke for Plebian rights
4. Twelve Tables of Law 450 BC
*Rome’s 1st written law code
separation bt. Plebians and Patricians
C. Roman Legion *Army
Legionaries - soldiers
Legion 6000 men
Eagle *Symbol of Legion
Duty, Discipline, & Patriotism *motto
Horatius *defended bridge over Tiber
Auxilia - military units of non-citizens
D. Roman Social Classes
1. Patricians * wealthy landowners
2. Plebeians *common people
farmers, artisans, merchants
3. Slaves P.O.W.’s / debtors
IV. Expansion of Rome
A. Rome rules Italy 264 BC
200 year fight vs. Greeks
Pyrrhus *Greek King defeated Romans
“Another such victory & I am lost!”
Pyrrhic Victory
win but, lost many men
B. Appian Way *military roads
C. Punic Wars (Series of 3 Wars)
Rome vs. Carthage *over trade
1. First Punic War 264 BC - 241 BC
*control of Sicily
Carthage asked for peace
Indemnity *$ to victors in war
General Hamilcar
*leader of Carthage swore revenge
2. Second Punic War 218 BC - 201 BC
**crossed the Alps 219 BC
37 War Elephants?
40,000 soldiers / 8,000 horsemen
Battle of Cannae *45,000 Romans killed
ravaged Roman country side 15 years
Battle of Zama 202 BC
Scipio “Africanus Major”
*defeated Hannibal in N. Africa
3. Third Punic War 149 BC - 146 BC
Cato - Roman Senator
“Carthage must be destroyed!”
massacred Carthage 149 BC
Divide & Conquer ** Roman foreign policy
V. Roman Empire: 31 BC – 476 AD
A. Provinces *governors appointed by Senate
Prizes of War *luxuries of conquered
grain, treasures, & slaves
B. Latifundia *vast estates that grow grain
thousands of slaves
C. Champions of Poor: *both killed by Senate
1. Tibrius Gracchus 133 BC
*gave land to poor
2. Gaius Gracchus
*sold grain to poor
D. Gaius Marius 105 BC
*Professional Army
loyal to leader not Rome
E. Civil War 90 BC - 88 BC
Lucius Sulla *Military Dictator
defeated Marius
1,000 people executed
Spartacus 73 BC
*slave revolt (6000 slaves crucified)
F. First Triumvirate (Rule of 3) 60 BC - 49 BC
1. Gnaeus Pompey
2. Marcuss Crassus
wealthy general / killed in battle
3. Julius Caesar *Rome’s greatest General
Civil War: Pompey v. JC 49 AD
Senate declared JC public enemy
G. Julius Caesar *crossed Ribicon Jan. 10, 49 BC
“ The die is cast!”
“I came, I saw, I conquered!” Veni, vidi, vici.“
*JC takes Rome
Cleopatra *mistress to JC
Dictator for Life *appointed by Senate 46 BC
JC Reforms:
1. Roman Citizenship
non-Italians loyal to Rome
*united empire
2. Free grain to poor
3. Reduced unemployment
4. Plebians elected to Senate
**Senate opposition to JC
Ides of March: March 15, 44 BC
Gaius Cassius & Marcus Brutus
*stab Caesar to death in Senate
H. Second Triumvirate
1. Octavian *Nephew of JC
(heir to thrown) 18 years old
*controls Western Empire
2. Marc Anthony (JC top General)
*controlled Eastern Empire
Cleopatra Pharaoh of Egypt
*married Marc Anthony
3. Lepidus Commander JC Cavalry
Forced out by Oct.
Battle of Actium 31 BC
*Oct. defeats Anthony forces
Suicide: Anthony’s - sword
Cleopatra *Asp’s (snake) bite
Anthony & Cleopatra
I. Age of Augustus 44 BC - 14 AD
Augustus “Exalted One” **title given to Oct. by Senate
*1st Roman Imperator (Emperor)
Pax Romana **Roman Peace 27 BC - 180 AD
Augustus Reforms:
1. Legion *loyal to Emperor
legionaries settle in provinces
Praetorian Guard *Imperial Guard
9000 elite Legionaries guard Emperors
2. Census - population survey (taxes)
**Power of Emperor increased
Senates power decreased
*Augustus dies 14 AD
J. Julian Emperors:
next 54 years relatives of JC rule
1. Tiberius 14 AD - 37 AD
(Augustus adopted son)
*Jesus crucified 33 AD
2. Caligula “Little Boot” 37 AD - 41 AD
*Insane (Grandson of Tiberius)
made his Horse a Consul
riots in Jerusalem
3. Claudius 41 AD - 54 AD
(Caliqulas Uncle)
*Britain added to Empire
Londinium = London
4. Nero 54 AD - 68 AD (Claudius stepson)
Fire *Rome 54 AD
Reign of Terror: Christians blamed
Suicide? “What an artist dies in me!”
K. Age of Good Emperors:
“Golden Age of Rome” 96 AD - 180 AD
Roman Empire:
4 million sq. miles / Population 50 - 70 million
1. Trajan 96 - 117 AD
Spanish General
*empire reached largest size
2. Hadrian 117 AD - 138 AD
Hadrian's Wall *Britain
*keep Scots out
80 miles long / 20’ high - 8’ across
*temple to honor religions
3. Marcus Aurelius “Last of Good Emperors” 161 - 180 AD
*defend empire from Barbarians (Germanic Tribes)
4. Commodus “Mad Emperor”
son of Marcus Aurelius
*decline of Rome
180 AD
5. Barracks Emperors 192 AD - 284 AD
*28 Military Emperors
6. Diocletian 284 AD
divided Empire - 2 districts
Co-Emperors: Diocletian ruled East
Byzantium “2nd Rome” *Eastern Capital
Maximian *ruled the West *Rome
VI. Fall of Roman Empire
A. Commodus 180 AD - 192 AD
*end of Pax Romana
B. Civil Wars
C. Inflation (lack of silver coins)
D. High Taxes
E. Food shortages
F. Corruption of gov.
G. Population to large
Control 1/5th world’s population
H. Poor discipline of Army
loyal to those who paid them
I. Persian Wars: *Rome fighting 2 front war
J. Barbarian Invasions
1. Germans *people beyond Rhine River
a. Goths: Ostrogoths & Visigoths
settled in Italy (fled from Hun’s)
b. Sacking of Rome 410 AD
Alaric *King of the Goth’s
3 days raided Rome
Alaric Sacking Rome
2. Vandals North Africa
*one causes senseless destruction
3. Attila The Hun “Scourage of God”
leader of Hun’s terrorized Rome
Huns *Asiatic Tribe
raid & plunder for Gold
Battle of Chalons 451 AD
*Romans defeated Attila
Fall of Rome 476 AD
Romulus Augustulus
*last Roman Emperor
*Barbarian leader takes Rome
Odoacer enters Rome
VII. Roman Gods
A. Janus *God of Beginnings
festival to start months *January
B. Vesta *Goddess of Hearth
Goddess of the Fire (both sacred and
domestic) and the Hearth. Daughter
of Saturn and Ops. Her sacred animal
was the ass. Patroness of bakers. Her
chief festival was the Vestalia on June
7. One of the most worshipped of the
Roman deities
C. Jupiter *No. 1 God
(identified with Zeus)
Ruler of the Gods. He
is the god of Sky,
Lightning and
Thunder. He is the son
of Saturn and brother
of Neptune, Pluto and
Juno, who is also his
wife. His attribute is
the lightning bolt and
his symbol the eagle,
who is also his
messenger. He was
also considered the
Patron god of Rome,
and his temple was
the official place of
state business and
D. Juno *Queen of Gods
wife of Jupiter
Juno was the majestic queen of the heaven and
wife of Jupiter.
She was a Roman goddess, the equivalent of the
Greek Hera, queen of the gods. Juno was a
majestical figure, wearing a diadem on the head.
The peacock is her symbolic animal. Juno is also
the protecting and guardian spirit of females.
E. Venus *Goddess of Love
F. Cupid *God of Love
G. Mars *God of War
H. Mercury *Messenger of the Gods
I. Minerva *Goddess of Wisdom
J. Neptune *God of the Sea
K. Pluto *God of the Underworld
L. Saturn *God of Agriculture
M. Victoria *Goddess of Victory
VIII. Christianity
A. Hebrews resent Roman rule
B. Messiah *savior chosen by God
lead Jews from Roman persecution
C. Jesus 0 AD - 33 AD
*founder of Christianity
Christians *followers of Jesus
D. Pontius Pilate
*ordered crucifixion
E. Apostles (One who is sent out)
convert Romans to Christianity
Gospel (Good News)
Christians persecuted several centuries
F. Emperor Constantine ”Protector of Christianity”
flaming cross appeared before battle 312 AD
“With this as your standard you will have victory!”
G. Emperor Theodosius 392 AD
*Christianity official religion of Rome
IX. Roman Achievements
A. Architecture:
1. Coliseum *stadium - Gladiator fights
50,000 spectators
2. Circus Maximus *stadium - Chariot Races
held 180,000
Ben Hur *greatest chariot racer
Circus Maximus
Faith Hill concert at Circus Maximus
3. Dome
4. Concrete
5. Aqueducts *channels carry water
B. Pompeii 79 AD
Mt. Vesuvius *volcanic explosion buried Pompeii
C. Roman Law
*foundation of legal codes of Europe
Innocent until proven guilty
D. Roman Government (Republic / Senate)
E. Encyclopedias
by Pliny
37 Volumes called Natural History
F. Julian Calendar *basis modern calendar 46 AD
G. Literature
1. History of Rome
by Livy
*greatest Roman historian
2. Aeneid by Virgil *greatest Roman Poet
story of Aeneas hero of Troy
who settles in Latium
links Roman Civ. To Greek history
Satires by Horace
“follies & vices of Romans”