Environmental Ethics And Religion

Environmental Ethics
And Religion
By: Jamie Ryan
Religions of the Book
• Define Environmental Ethics &
• Relation between religion and
• Scripture references & environment
• Current events
• How you can make a difference
What is Environmental Ethics?
• Environmental ethics- the discipline
that studies the moral relationship of
human beings and also the value and
moral status of the environment and its
nonhuman contents
• It considers the ethical relationship
between humans and the environment
Why are Environmental
Ethics Important?
• Humans are slowly depleting all of our
natural resources that other generations
need for their future
• Our world was created for us to live and
thrive on and we are slowly killing it
• Sustainability for the environment is crucial
so that we do not destruct the world that
God created
What is Sustainability?
• Sustainabilitymeeting the needs of
the present without
compromising the
ability of future
generations to meet
their needs. It
addresses issues of
social equity and
development as well
as ecological
• connects to our
children and our
children’s children
• Christianity Judaism
and Islam all want to
pass on their religion
to their future
The Environment and
• Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions all
support the environment
• Scriptural References
• The New Testament, Hebrew Bible
and the Qur’an support by respecting
animals, eating and planting fruit and
respecting all forms of nature
• Themes of reward and punishment
Judaism and the
• The Jewish belief toward the
environment is similar to the
themes found in the Tanuk.
- God is all powerful and we must
recognize him and serve him in the
ways that he commands.
- God instruct the Jews
about their limitations
on natural resources
Christianity and the
- Rom 8:19-23
- This passage shows how the creation was for
the children of God and the world was created
for us.
- Christians believe we should respect all aspects
of the environment and that those who do so will
be rewarded.
- Relation to sustainability
Islam and the
• “Who did transgress beyond bounds in the
land and made therein much mischief. So
your Lord poured on them different kinds of
severe torment. Surely your Lord is EverWatchful." (89:11-14)
-This is a punishment in the Qur’an for
those who did not appreciate the fertile land,
pure water and beautiful gardens.
Animals and Religion
Judaism, Christianity and
Islam all regard animals
in their scriptures and
they are consistently a
part of the text.
• Reoccurring animals
include lambs, fish, ox,
horses, cattle, sheep and
many others
• Many of our animals are
endangered and we do
not want to destroy the
earth and kill them off
Fair Treatment of Animals:
• “When you wish meat for food, you may eat it at will, to
your hearts desire…..” (Deut 12:20)
-Here we see that food from God and that it
should be eaten and enjoyed because it is a gift
• “If while walking along, you chance upon a birds nest with
young birds of eggs in it, in any tree of on the ground, and
the mother bird is sitting on them, you shall not take away
the mother bird along with her brood. It is thus for you that
you should have prosperity and a long life” (Deut 22:6-8)
-Here it is evident that birds are an animal of
importance. Doing the right thing in this situation
will be rewarded by God
Fair Treatment of Animals:
Judaism Keeping Kosher
-Meat can not be mixed with dairy
-You may eat any animal that has cloven hooves and
chews its cud. (Lev. 11:3)
-Camels, badgers and pigs are not Kosher
-Prohibits consumption of Blood: Life & Soul of Animal
-“But make sure that you do not partake in the blood;
for the blood Is life and you shall not consume this seat of
life with the blood of flesh” (Deut 12: 23)
Keeping Kosher (cont’d)
Jewish ritual slaughter is very
specific and it is painless,
causes unconsciousness within
two seconds, and is recognized
as most humane way possible.
-Certain parts and organs of
animals must not be eaten
-Of the things that are in the
waters, you may eat anything
that has fins and scales(Lev.
- According to Jewish law
pigs are animals that should
not be eaten
Treatment of Animals and
The New Testament
• “The just man takes care of his beast, but the heart
of the wicked is merciless” (Prov 12:10)
-A right man would take care of his animals and those
who are wicked are cruel to creatures under their care.
• “There are six things that the Lord hates, yes, seven
are an abomination to him; Haughty eyes a lying
tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood” (Prov
– Different interpretations argue that this proverb
pertains to animals and they should not be killed by
humans for no reason
Fair treatment of Animals:
• "Do they not look at
the camels how they
are created" (88:17)
• Here camels are
mentioned because
they are a remarkable
animal that provide a
great benefit to many
• The Qur’an -stresses
importance of grazing
animals. Specifically
sheep and cattle,
because it wants people
to make good use of
Fruit and its relation to the
Hebrew Bible
Deut 21
Told not to cut down
trees that have fruit in
them. Men a instructed
that they can eat the
fruit but may not harm
Fruit is considered a
blessing from God and
we should not destroy
things that bless us
with fruit from the
Fruit and the Bible
• “You are free to eat from any of the trees
in the garden except the tree of
knowledge of good and bad. From that
tree you shall not eat; the moment you
eat from it you are surely doomed and will
die”(Gen 2:16-17)
-God has given us everything we need
-Sets fourth specific limitations
-Must fight temptation to disregard God
Fruit and the Bible
-Dual meaning of fruit
Fruit is also often associated
1) The fruit from the
Bearing children and
environment should be
multiplying your descendents is cherished and continually
important in order to carry on
planted for others
the religion.
2) Humans must be fruitful and
have children but we must have
a healthy place to live, which
then connects us back to
Fruit and the New
• “When the season came, he a sent a servant
to the tenants to get from them some of the
fruit of the vineyard” (Mark 12:2)
• “Every good tree that does not bear good
fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire”
(Matt 2:19)
- Tree is only good if it can bear good fruit
- Importance of fruit
- Environmentalist disagree with burning
Fruit and Islam
• "Eat of their fruit when they bring fruit, but pay the
due thereof on the day of its harvest. But be not
extravagant." (6:141)
- accepting gifts from others
- Don’t be excessive in production and consumption
- Allah does not like spoiling
- Must not overproduce and waste food; seen as an
ingratitude to Allah
Current Events
• Bush and United Nations looking to punish those
countries with emissions linked to global warming.
• Current Issue- depleting the ozone layer with our
extensive release of CO2 and fossil fuels.
• Walking to locations instead of driving was done
in the passed and we should continue to do so
• We need to reduce our emissions of gases that
harm the environment.
Current Events (Continued)
• Iran has increased ins nuclear enrichment program.
Nuclear weapons can create mass destruction and
ruin our world.
• Convince Iran to take part in IAEA inspections
• Iran claims their uranium is only used for civil
• Many see this as an issue between Christians and
Jews v. Muslims
• See passed their cultural differences
• Think about what is right for our environment and
our future generations
• Do you think that God intended us to be
masters over the environment and all that in
• Have you noticed anything in the scriptures
that are very different from another in regards
to the environment? Or do the religions of the
book share the same beliefs?
• What do you think should be done to solve
current environmental issues?
How Can I Help?
Many people rely on others to
take action when it comes
to the environment. Instead
you can:
- Walk or carpool
-Reusable instead of paper
- Always recycle
- Don’t waste food
- Eat organically
Gerstenfeld, Manfred. Jerusalem Center for Public Offairs. Jewish Environmental
Perspective. Viewed May 10, 2007.< http://www.jcpa.org/art/jep3.htm>
Jacobs, Bill. Pope John Paul II. Nature is our Sister. Viewed May 10, 2007.
Regenstein, Lewis.Animals, Religion and the Environment. The Bible’s
Teachings on Protecting Animals and Nature Viewed May26,
Revkin, Andrew C. New York Times. Bush Climate Plan: Amid Nays, Some.
Rich, Tracy R. Judaism 101 Kashrut: Jewish Dietary Laws Viewed June 1, 2007.
Wikipedia. Online Encyclopedia. Environmentalism. Viewed June 1, 2007.