How well do indicator bacteria estimate Salmonella in freshwater streams? Timothy M. Smith, Zsofia Jakab, Sarah F. Lucento, David W. Buckalew Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Longwood University Farmville, VA 23909 LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Methods Bacterial Isolation and Enumeration Bacterial counts from both the Appomattox River and Green Creek sites reveal significant (p<0.05) and linear relationships between bacterial indicator and Salmonella. The relationship between EC and Sal counts for APP2 and GRE16 produced R2 values of 0.458 and 0.338, respectively (Fig’s 4 and 5) and Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.722 and 0.471, respectively (Table 2). These relationships were not observed between the Sayler’s Creek bacterial counts (see Fig 6 and Table 2). Water samples were collected from three locations: Appomattox River (APP2), Sayler’s Creek (SAY5), and Green Creek (GRE16). All samples were processed for Salmonella and for Total Coliform (TC) and E. coli (EC). Salmonella enrichment and analysis: Membrane filtration Figure 4. Comparison of numbers of E.coli and Salmonella from the same water samples obtained from APP2 collection site. Filter membrane with Salmonella growth + Table 2. Pearson correlations comparing Salmonella counts with both Coliform and E.coli counts in warm weather, cold weather, and composite samples. - + 500 Pearson r coeff. Cold months + + Escherichia coli (EC), Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Appomattox River Warm months Sal vs Coliform -0.010 0.075 0.279 Sal vs EC 0.692 0.700 0.722 + 400 Green Creek and Citrobacter spp. Sal vs Coliform 0.185 0.740 0.423 Sal vs EC 0.414 0.568 0.471 Courtesy of Oxoid™ website Membrane labeled (+) for Salmonella spp. and (-) for others Introduction MPN for E. coli counting fluorescent MUG + Statistical Analyses and Data presentation Coliforms (TC) E.coli (EC) 3878.7 ± 3675 1202.5 ± 1686.2 349.8 ± 486.6 2836.2 ± 1696.4 4850 ± 5094 3882.3 ± 3209 803.7 ± 1139 1551.8 ± 1873 1237.7 ± 1885.2 136.2 ± 96.8 599.5 ± 754.7 307.9 ± 186.6 400 300 200 60% 50% APP Sal. Counts 40% APP E. coli Counts 30% APP Coliform Counts 600 300 Sampling event SAY Sal. Counts 40% SAY E. coli Counts 30% SAY Coliform Counts 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Sample event Proportion of total bacterial count (%) Proportion of total bacterial count (%) 50% 9 6000 9000 12000 15000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Salmonella counts (#/100 mL) • The ecology and environmental survival characteristics of bacterial, viral, and parasitic enteropathogens vary suggesting that no single indicator organism or group can consistently predict the presence of all enteric pathogens. • Fecal indicator bacteria (Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms, E.coli, and Enterococci) have been used to assess biological quality of environmental and potable water since the early 20th Century and they have adequately withstood the test of time. Figure 3. Proportional view of TC vs EC vs Sal counts per sample from the Green Creek sampling site; 30 total samples 60% 7 0 3000 • Microbial monitoring using only fecal indicator bacteria may not be sufficient for each particular pathogen, but they may have a high degree of predictive value if relationships are examined with respect to specific pathogen and environment. 10% 100% 5 900 20% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829 70% 3 Salmonella vs E.coli counts 1200 • The relationship between any one group of free-living bacteria and any other within the external environment cannot be perfectly linear as there exist a constellation of functional parameters relating to differential survivorship. 70% 80% 1 1500 • EC concentrations are generally 1 order of magnitude less than Salmonella concentrations, but as E.coli increases, so does Salmonella. Green Creek: Ratios of Indicator bacteria vs Salmonella 0% 1800 • Although not all of our data show positive correlations between fecal indicator bacteria and Sal species, the majority of our samples revealed a positive correlation between numbers of EC and numbers of Sal in the watershed of the upper Appomattox River. 80% 90% 10% 2100 90% Figure 2. Proportional view of TC vs EC vs Sal counts per sample from the Sayler’s Creek sampling site; 31 total samples 20% y = 0.0553x + 240.18 R² = 0.3375 Discussion 100% 100% Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Salmonella vs E.coli counts Salmonella counts (#/100 mL) 0% Sayler's Creek: Proportion of Indicator bacteria vs Salmonella LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY 500 0 App River: Proportion of Indicator bacteria vs Salmonella Proportion of bacterial counts (%) Salmonella (Sal) 2700 2400 600 0 Figure 1. Proportional view of TC vs EC vs Sal counts per sample from the Appomattox River sampling site; 29 total samples Norovirus Graphics courtesy of 8000 0 For each Salmonella enumeration, the average colony counts of two 1 mL field duplicate samples was taken and multiplied by 100 to represent the number of suspect Salmonella spp. present per 100 mL standard volume. All enumerations of TC and EC were also recorded with respect to 100 mL volumes for all samples tested. Bacterial count data was recorded and illustrated by the use of stacked column graphs (see Fig.’s 1, 2, and 3 below). SAY 5 site (n=31) Caliciviridae 6000 3000 y = 0.0031x + 301.72 R² = 0.0035 100 GRE 16 site (n=30) Picornaviridae 4000 Figure 5. Comparison of numbers of E.coli and Salmonella from the same water samples obtained from GRE16 collection site. E. coli counts (#/100 mL) E.coli counts (#/100 mL) MPN for total coliforms counting chromogenic ONPG + APP 2 site (n=29) Reoviridae 2000 Linear regression Sal vs EC: Green Creek 700 Cryptosporidium Rotavirus 100 800 Pooled data (n=90) Hepatitis A 0.131 Linear regression Sal vs EC: Sayler’s Creek Table 1. Overview of data set: Pooled and site-by-site means ± std. dev. Viral pathogens: Coxsackievirus 0.256 Figure 6. Comparison of numbers of E.coli and Salmonella from the same water samples obtained from SAY5 collection site. Table 1 provides both pooled and composite averages for each of the three sampling sites. Figures 1, 2, and 3 illustrate the proportion of each bacterial group per sample date at each of the three sampling sites – APP2 (Fig 1; n=29), Say5 (Fig. 2; n=31), and GRE16 (Fig. 3; n=30). Entamoeba 0.132 150 Salmonella counts (#/100 mL) Results Protozoan pathogens: Giardia Sal vs EC 200 0 Bacterial pathogens: Listeria 0.169 Sal vs E.coli counts 250 0 Common human pathogens transferred via water: Campylobacter -0.292 300 50 Since all Salmonella – indicator comparisons (e.g., Sal vs TC and Sal vs EC) at each sample site were significantly different by Student t-test comparisons(p<0.05), a Pearson r correlation combined with a linear regression analysis was performed to determine the degree of correlation between counts of Salmonella spp. and indicator bacteria across the 18 months of the study. Salmonella* -0.061 350 Total Coliform and E. coli enumeration: Colilert defined substrates medium Use of ‘total coliform’ and ‘fecal coliform/thermotolerant coliform’ bacteria as environmental risk indicators for the presence of fecal-associated pathogens has been used since the early 20th Century (Eijkman, 1904; Leiter, 1929). The most recent USEPA guideline (2012) for water monitoring recommends the use of these indicator bacteria since “it is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to test for specific pathogens”. While some studies suggest the relationship between coliforms and pathogen is somewhat clear and positive for protozoan pathogens ( Hogan et al., 2012 ), for human viruses (McQuaig et al., 2012 ), and for bacterial pathogens (Efstratiou et al., 1998) others show a weak to no correlation (DePaola et al., 2010; Schriewer et al., 2010). The questions we have addressed include: How effective are indicator bacteria such as total coliforms and/or E. coli in predicting the counts of potential pathogens, specifically Salmonella species, in freshwater streams in south-central Virginia? We chose Salmonella as it is considered the cause of the largest number of enteric infections worldwide. Sayler's Creek Sal vs Coliform y = 0.0347x + 32.323 R² = 0.4583 450 Composite E. coli counts (#/100 mL) Indicator Bacteria used for assessing water quality: Linear regression Sal vs EC: Appomattox River 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% GRE Sal. Counts 40% GRE E. coli Counts 30% GRE Coliform Counts 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Sampling event Literature cited DePaola, A. et al. 2010. Bacterial and viral pathogens in live oysters: 2007 United States Market survey. AEM. 76: 2754-2768. Eijkman, E. 1904. Die Garungsprobe be 46 als Hilfsmittel bei der Trinkwasseruntersuchung. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infectionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Orig. 37: 742-752. Hogan, J.N. et al. 2012. Longitudinal Poisson regression to evaluate the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and fecal indicator bacteria in coastal California wetlands. AEM. 78: 3606-3613. Leiter, W.L. 1929. The Eijkman fermentation test as an aid in the detection of fecal organisms in water. Amer. J. Hyg. 9: 705-734. McQuaig, S. et al. 2012. Association of fecal indicator bacteria with human viruses and microbial source tracking markers at coastal beaches impacted by non-point source pollution. AEM. 78: 6423-6432. Schriewer, A. 2010. Presence of Bacteroidales as a predictor of pathogens in surface waters of the central California Coast. AEM. 76: 58025814. USEPA 2012. Water monitoring and assessment 5.11 Fecal Bacteria. See: