Meeting Date Wednesday January 7th 2015 - 3:00pm Location 1.866.261.6767 OR 416.850.2050 / Pass Code 381 9852# Various Centres including Centre Town, Flemingdon, Gateway, Langs, South Riverdale, Unison, Wabano, an NPLC Attendees AOHC: Brian, Marc, Raj, Anne-Marie (Secretariat) Nightingale: Sylvana These weekly calls are to address any critical issues the sector faces with NOD performance. Any other issues (e.g. operational, settings, training) can be brought to the Transition Coordinators. Critical Issues include: * Client safety risk * Legal risk to Centre’s/Providers * Regulatory risk for Providers * Mandatory functionality * Mandatory Report * No known work-around * Requires escalation to AOHC * Threatens full adoption of EMR Document1 1 MINUTES: Some centres pointed out that they are missing some parameters when trying to sign off in an encounter. This is happening because they are using IE 11 which Nightingale does not support (NOD version is currently running on ID 10). To fix that problem, centres need to uninstall IE update KB3008923. Meaningful Use. AOHC has reached out, via email to the EDs at all NOD centres, to help them reach Meaningful Use. To this date, AOHC has done 2-hour sessions with each of the 10 centres that responded, and there are sessions set up for 22 more centres. Brian asked the centres that if their ED has not approached them, that centres email him, and he can forward AOHC’s email to the EDs. Freezing of eforms – Karim to reach out to NPLC. Patient encounters – can they be available from an iPAD. Sylvana to look into timelines. Ticket # 187147 – Pinecrest reports that the orange bar does not refresh appropriately when user brings up another client’s chart October 22nd: Still with the Development Team. This problem occurs when the user does not follow the recommended navigation/screen re-fresh. October 15th: The developer is looking at different ways to fix the problem. October 8th: No update. September 24th: Still in Production Support. Some new issues 1. CLIENT SAFETY/SECURITY came up. ISSUES (listed in numerical order): September 10th: Still in Production Support. There is another ticket, # 185801, with similar problem. Nightingale is looking at the workflow of the latter to help with problem resolution. September 3rd: Has been escalated to Production Support for Analysis. August 27th: Operations Committee has deemed it a client safety issue. Ticket has been assigned a high priority. August 20th: Nightingale has not been able to duplicate the problem but has noticed “strange” behaviour. Problem is Document1 2 under analysis. August 13th: Will be brought to attention of Operations Committee to determine if client safety issue Ticket # 188155 – Regent Park. When a comment was added to patient chart, it does not display as the most recent comment December 4th: Unison has provided screen shots to help in trouble shooting. November 26th: Central Toronto reported a similar problem – ticket has not yet been opened. Centres are wondering if the recent upgrade did break this functionality. Ticket # 188339 – South Riverdale CHC – One of the Messages for Allergies, does not display on the CPP screen November 27: Coded and Ready for release. October 22nd: There is no update. October 8th: CPP printout does not show "Review Done - No Known allergies" on Allergies. Nightingale says this is an enhancement, and is currently trying to get an estimate on time and resources. Ticket # 188865 – Davenport CHC - drug measurement is reversed on drug "JANUMET" October 22nd: Multum has confirmed that this will be fixed in their December release. The company says that based on what the manufacturer stated, there is a reason why they showed the medication that way. Document1 3 October 8th: The database shows Janumet 500 mg-50 mg tablet instead of 50 mg-500 mg tablet. This should be in all the results about this drug in the database. This has been escalated to HIGH with Nightingale for problem resolution. Ticket # 190231 – Anishnawbe Health Centre – Practitioner is unable to the mask assessment in a clinical note as the assessment code is not available on the client’s assessment list November 26th: This item is a client safety issue. Nightingale is investigating. Oct 22nd: Decision of Operations Committee is needed – is it a client safety issue November 19th: Issue has been escalated. Ticket # 190836 – Unison - A provider was prescribing a complex RX with Insulin. The sum of the units was calculated correctly. HOWEVER, the display showed that the "Units" changed to "Vials” Dec 17th: Rima confirmed that the fix has worked. Nightingale will close this ticket. Dec 3rd: Nightingale is waiting to hear from Unison if the fix worked. November 26th: Will go out as a patch. November 12th: Fix has been coded, and will go into QA. November 3rd: Nightingale is investigating – ticket was opened October 28th. Document1 4 Ticket # 190961 – Oshawa reports that for appointments with multiple providers, when a provider is changed in the appointment, there is a loss of record in the appointment history and details. December 3rd: Scheduled for patch release this week or next week. Ticket # 191561 – South East Ottawa. Providers’ comments on incoming labs do not get saved December 3rd: Nightingale is investigating. November 19th: Cathy asked of the status. On Nov 11th, Help Desk had requested that she provide them with data and ascension numbers She therefore needs to get back to the Help Desk Ticket # 121208 and 174545 - Alpha - Third party lab results – not showing abnormal indicator when needed October 22nd: There is no update. August 27th: At August 20th meeting with Alpha, Nightingale and AOHC, Alpha Labs indicated an ETA of late December/early January for their 3rd party results to be in HL7 format August 13th: All parties (AOHC, Alpha Labs, Nightingale, Stonegate and other centre that uses Alpha Labs) to meet and work on a long term solution. August 6th Nightingale needs to wait for Alpha Labs to outsource a Lab and see how the results show in NOD –does the indicator show in red? July 30th: Has been put into Production. Lab Results show in Document1 5 black – it is the indicator that shows in red. Provider will need to check results to see if abnormal. Nightingale to get confirmation from centre that the fix works. July 23rd: Has been delayed going into product as there are other Criticals need to go out before. July 16th: Will be put into production either tomorrow or next Tuesday (July 22nd) July 7th: Nightingale Workaround failed so it is back in QA. Alpha to work on long term solution. Note: these results also do not show up in OLIS – eHealth has been informed. June 25th: Nightingale has a workaround (in QA) until Alpha Labs can get the code changes done. June 18th: a June 25th Meeting has been set up with Alpha Labs/Nightingale/AOHC to discuss. Ticket # 172980, 171076, 176400 - Mappings of lab results to flow sheets are randomly “lost” (LOINCIN) – lab results therefore do not appear in trend graphs – December 17th: Will go out this weekend along with an updated set of instructions. Sylvana will also send a NODSQUAD. December 3rd: Item is in QA. Nightingale pointed out that there is no difference in the code that is in QA and in production so they don’t know why it would fail in Production. Centres have requested that Nightingale be more diligent in their QA process. They added that Nightingale knew this to be a pain point where a solution was long overdue. Gateway added that LOINCIN worked before the “first” fix – the problem was that LOINCIN broke when you added a LAB result – NOW Document1 6 Document1 LOINCIN is not working at all! November 26th: Will go out as a patch. November 19th: When the fix was introduced, there was a new workflow. Nightingale did not inform the centres of that. AOHC has asked that Nightingale update the sector of when a patch/changes go out. November 12th: Centres have reported that the fix is not working. Nightingale is currently focused on looking at the problems with labs – will then look at the LOINCIN problem. October 29th: With the code change, when there is a new lab result, the existing LOINC is still intact, and the user needs to just add the new element the existing LOINCIN. As well, users now have the ability to select All rather than do them individually. October 22nd: Code change is in production. Nightingale waiting to get client confirmation. October 15th: Will be promoted next week. Fix would include that only the new mapping needs to be re-done – previous mappings would not be broken. October 8th: Failed in QA. Sent back to Development – was timing out there. September 30th: In QA. September 24th: Leona to confirm that the fix is in production. Sept 10th: Enhancement is being promoted. This will show “all” instances per lab. September 3rd: While a solutions is being developed, a suggestion was made that Nightingale have a pop up that appears when you bring up a Flow sheet to do LOINCIN, with a message that until the LOINCIN problem is resolved, the flow sheet should not be relied on for clinical diagnosis. However, 7 attendees on the call mentioned it would be an irritant as you would need to acknowledge the pop up each time. Coding is being done, to be followed by QA period of 5 to 6 weeks. The ETA to completion is year-end. August 27th: Gateway (Ticket # 182246) asks if there have been changes to how LOINCIN works. In the past, the centre has been able to re-LOINC. However, when they try it now, they get error messages. Gateway asks if that means that they need to go back to square 1 and LOINC. Catherine to follow up with Leona. August 20th: When data gets migrated, it has been found to break the LOINCIN. Some strategies are being reviewed. Will need to get quote for development and QA work. August 13th: Work continues at Nightingale for a problem resolution. Issue was defined as client safety on July 10th August 6th: Groups have been put together to work on short term fix and a long term solution. Would not be a quick fix. LOINCIN is at a server level rather than at the enterprise level. July 17th: Analysis in progress. Would like OLIS “missing button” issue to be resolved at same time - # 179554 July 16th: Master Ticket has been created July 9th: Somerset West has been told by Help Desk that this problem has been happening for the past 3 years. Guelph has noticed this. AOHC has been asking Nightingale of when this will appear in a Release. Ticket # 186038 (West Nipissing) and # 191048 (North Bay NPLC) POI results are incomplete. For West Nipissing, HL7 files from North Bay Regional Health) are Document1 8 not being shown in the application. Currently users are receiving results via fax. November 26th: Has been fixed. Waiting to get confirmation from centre. November 19th: Nightingale reports that a fix has been promoted to fix the problem. For North Bay NPLC, the 1st page of a Urine Culture lab result is missing but the 2nd page shows up in the EMR. November 26th: Has been fixed. Waiting to get confirmation from centre. November 19th: Nightingale is waiting for the centre to confirm that they have received their report. November 12th: Centres should start receiving their reports. November 3rd: Nightingale is investigating. Numerous incidents of Data Miner Timing out. There are also performance issues when running reports. December 17th: Ticket # 189866 – Kingston - Report (for Methadone Lab Results) timed out when centre tried to run it. This ticket was reported on October 28th at the sector call. It will now be tracked as part of the problems with running Data Miner. December 3rd: The following tickets have been fixed with the fine tuning of Data Miner: 50938 106399 178528 187536 187565 Document1 9 November 26th: This is being done for medication reports, to be followed by resolution of problems with lab reports. November 19th: Will be sent as a patch Release next/following week. There should be improvements when running reports on medication. November 12th: Performance tuning has been done. In QA – will go into production next week. October 22nd: There is no update. October 15th: Nightingale is looking at indexing. Will have timelines later this week. October 1st: Leona asks that when centres call in with Data Miner tickets, they indicate the web server that was affected (this shows on the screen). Sept 24th: in Analysis stage at Nightingale. Sept 17th: This timeout happens when clients want to print reports that tell them which clients are on specific medications and require additional diligence/follow up. Centres then need to run smaller-size reports and manually summarize the data. Ticket # 178763 – Kitchener. Other tickets include: 173627 180080 180413 182795 183187 (Opened in June 2014) – client demographics from a previous client was saved and copied to new encounter of a different client via favorites option. This happens for Requisitions for Document1 10 Public Health Labs and MDS Lifelabs October 29th: Regression testing will also be done on the eforms. October 22nd: Leona is looking at the 3rd party’s getting this problem resolved by the end of January 2015. October 15th: Nightingale has a planning session next week to discuss how to fix the problem – do we go with the big fix? October 8th: No update. October 1st: 3rd party vendor reports that the problem is not with the NOD application – rather, it is with a module used in NOD. Nightingale is looking at a short term and a long term solution. September 24th: Put into QA. Some issues were found, and it is back in Development. There is also some work that needs to be done by 3rd party group – Leona sent quote to Jeff for review. September 10th: Still in Development September 3rd Failed in QA. Has been sent back to Development. Involves work of 3rd party vendor. August 20th: Coding is expected to be done this week. August 13th: Still in development. No ETA of move to QA. July 30th: 3rd party vendor is coding the change. Change needs to be integrated in NOD. July 24th: Nightingale thinks that this problem may be related to the eforms issue that their 3rd party group is working to resolve. July 9th: To investigate. 2. OTHER Document1 Centre sends labs as a courtesy to different location 11 ITEMS October 15th: South East Ottawa – lab is sent to their location but it belongs to location B. Centre as a courtesy wants to print lab and send to location B – centre maps to “test client” and prints the lab. However, the lab shows up with name of “test client”. Centres ask what is the protocol – should the lab company be notified and have them re-directed? Centretown’s workaround is to store it in the Unmatched labs. Delivery timeframes for LifeLabs October 15th: Leona had a conversation with Life Labs. She is confident that LifeLabs understands and want to help fix the problem. There will be bi-weekly meetings with Life Labs. Early October: Leona has reviewed contract with LifeLabs. Will have a conversation re: their quality mechanisms and delivery timeframes. Nightingale gets the labs – However, they do not get pushed out to the centres. AOHC is monitoring this item December 3rd: Centres asked if Nightingale was checking to see if there are lab reports stuck at Nightingale’s queue. Nightingale reported that they did not see many labs stuck, and if there were, it was hospital reports. They are also working with CML to improve the efficiency of delivery – during this period, there were some labs that did not get delivered. November 20th: Cathy asked if Nightingale is not able to push out the labs, does Nightingale inform them. Brian to follow up. October 1st: Rima indicates if this were to happen, she needs to file a client safety issue at her centre. She asked if there is a mechanism for Nightingale to inform Unison. Leona indicated there is no mechanism – she made a note of the suggestion. September 24th: Rideau reports that LifeLabs pushed out some labs, but if the push Document1 12 is unsuccessful, LifeLabs does not get bounce backs. Forest Village faced similar problem. Short Term: Nightingale is manually monitoring the status of labs to ensure that # of labs received in any given day = # of labs sent out. Long Term – Nightingale is writing a daily report which will automatically flag “straggler” labs. ETA of 2 weeks. Numerous problems with LifeLabs. This includes labs being sent to wrong centre when a provider works at multiple centres. For Multi-database site (e.g. Rideau), not all of their providers are getting their labs. October 22nd: There is no update. October 8th Life Labs can distinguish provider by location. However, the other labs cannot. The problem requires modification of lab systems. eHealth is looking at this problem. There is a workaround in place. September 17th: Centres pointed out that distribution of LifeLabs appear to work at an enterprise level for providers at multiple locations. However, when there is a multi-database site, there are problems. Unison mentioned about a problem with contract ids and billing numbers. Rideau comments that LifeLabs and Nightingale are each working in silos. Furthermore, when the centre calls LifeLabs, they are being told to call Nightingale, and when they call Nightingale, they are being told to call LifeLabs. AOHC, Nightingale, and LifeLabs to get together to address those issues. September 10th: At one centre, provider gets paper. Then at another centre, same provider gets electronic copies. Nightingale is looking at the workflow. July 16th: LifeLabs needs to use the appropriate code per location. March 23rd: Has been defined as Client Safety Issue. Centres ask of status – when will provider, who works at different sites, be able Document1 13 to see labs at the centre where they are working at that day In NOD, reports to go to the primary centre, and they have to be forwarded to the appropriate centre. The key is the provider number. Marc indicated that the same happens with OLIS – This is a provincial directive to resolve this problem. HRM interface Centres wanted feedback on those centres that are using the HRM interface. Once centre commented that there was a change in the report headers but there was no communication from Nightingale prior to its appearing on the reports. North Muskoka commented that the report does not show who ordered the lab and who should be following up – the centre believes this is a client safety issue. Ticket # 189416 - Belleville &Quinte West reported that it is not an HRM bug – rather it is an issue of how NOD displays the data in the HRM report. The problem is that for any given day, subsequent scanned documents are incorrectly labelled with the type from the 1st HRM report. Document1 14 3. ACTION ITEMS # 129 Date Added December 17th 128 December 17th 127 December 17th 126 December 17th 125 November 26th 124 Document1 Issue Ticket # 196372 - Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe'iyewigamig. # of encounters varied for same time frames when run on different dates. Ticket # 195386 – Four Villages. The complete set of labs was received on paper BUT in NOD, only partial results were received. Ticket # 193829 – Flemingdon. Prescription has been deleted from encounter. Ticket # 196182 – Central Toronto. August 24th encounter shows in Data Miner BUT not in patient’s chart. Ticket # 192924 - Unison. The Patient’s chart shows 3 LAB results. However, when the centre runs the patient query, only 2 results show in OLIS. Previously reported as part of Client Safety/Security issues. This is not a client safety issue – will be handled as a workflow issue. - Ticket # 190837 – Unison - When the provider prescribed a complex Rx of Insulin, and clicked the "Add Direction" line, the system calculated Action Item Assigned To Status December 17th: To investigate Sylvana Open December 17th: To investigate Sylvana Open December 17th: To investigate Sylvana Open December 17th: To Investigate Sylvana Open November 26th: To investigate Sylvana Open November 26th: To investigate Sylvana Open 15 123 122 November 12, 2014 November 3, 2014 Document1 the new dosage as starting after the first dosage was entered, although the provider meant the two lines to taken concurrently (having the same start date), because one is taken in the morning and the other is taken in the afternoon. November 18th: Nightingale is looking at best how to re-word the label on the page to more accurately represent what is being done November 3rd: Nightingale is investigating – ticket was opened October 28th. Ticket # 192380 – South Riverdale. Some template notes are missing from the encounter screen – these notes do appear in the split screen. - Previously reported as part of Client Safety/Security issues. - Ticket # 183403 – Unison. Time Stamp is wrong for some appointments. For example, appointment now shows check in of 2:24am when centre is closed at that time – this was changed without user intervention. October 29th: AOHC has been November 26th: Help Desk will contact Rima to get some screen shots November 12th: To investigate November 3rd: AOHC has escalated as a defect Sylvana Open Nightingale Open 16 121 120 escalated this problem as a defect. September 30: In Analysis – unable to duplicate. September 17th: Has been on Top 10 List since March 26th 2014. Nightingale to investigate. Ticket # 190498 – Windsor Essex. Abbreviations – Centre needs clarification of what is displayed on October 29 Nightingale’s list of abbreviations vis-à2014 vis what is shown on the The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) list of abbreviations for dangerous medicines Ticket # 190863 - South Riverdale. Loading the list of Lab reports for a patient is taking more than a minute to load. This is quite a long time. The number of entries on the list does not matter (could be 70 or 140 lab reports). October 29 There is no issue with loading the 2014 actual lab. November 12th: Windsor asked for an update. October 29th: To investigate Brian Open October 29th: To investigate Brian Open October 22nd: To investigate Brian Open The centre has been doing a workaround – print the client’s reports before the appointment. 119 October 22, 2014 Document1 Four Villages is running their flu clinics. The medication that the centre has, is different from shows in the drop down box on the screen. The centre sees legal implications – i.e. the client did 17 118 October 15, 2014 117 October 15, 2014 116 115 114 October 8, 2014 October 8, 2014 October 8, 2014 Document1 not receive the medication as shown in the drop down box. As such, the dropbox needs to display the medication that the client actually received. Ticket # 188478 – Kingston CHC. Duplicate Procedures show on the Drop-Down List. For example, flu viral shows 10 times. Ticket # 188990 – Aboriginal Health Centre Hamilton. Rx is missing from patient chart. User has a hardcopy. Ticket # 188155 – Regent Park. When a comment was entered, the most recent comment does not show. Rather, it is an earlier comment that shows. Ticket # 181299 – North Muskoka NPLC. Ticket was opened in July 2014. Client is unable to run quarterly reports. Errors appear in all his data miner reports that have the categories “Medications” in them. Client was able to reports those reports before. Ticket # 188111 – Flemingdon. There appears to be some random system malfunction which occurred on September 16, 23 & 25th 2014 when one of the Doctors sent an important message to our clerical staff to followup with a client to ensure a CT scan was arranged. However, clerical staff never received this message in NOD. October 15: To investigate. Leona is aware that some clean up needs to be done October 15: To investigate Leona Open Leona Open October 8: To investigate Brian Open October 8: To investigate Brian Open October 8: To investigate Brian Open 18 113 112 110 109 October 8, 2014 October 8, 2014 October 1, 2014 October 1, 2014 Document1 /delivered by NOD to the recipient. Centre sees it as a client safety issue. Ticket # 180402 – Unison. User is not able to add comments to 2 unsigned scanned documents (pdf OR TIF files). Other users have been able to add comments to these labs. Centre adds that with this feature not working, it affects communication between staff members – it could be a client safety issue. Ticket # 187988 – Women’s Health in Women’s Hand Centre reports very slow log-in and system intermittently freezing. Asks if this is a NOD systemwide issue. Ticket # 188018 – Kawartha Lakes – Centre also says that system is slow and some modules cannot be accessed. Ticket # South Riverdale – when you print a referral letter, the Allergies section does not show up. Centre to open ticket and send to Brian. Seaway reports problems with using ADM. Sometimes, you are able to upload, and other times, you are not. Unison reports similar problem. Both centres to send ticket numbers October 8: To investigate Brian Open October 8: Symantec is running during that time, and it is affecting load balance. To fix the problem, Nightingale will run Symantec during off hours. Nightingale reported that it worked as there has not been any noticeable slowness. October 1: To investigate Brian Closed Leona Open October 1: To investigate Leona Open 19 108 September 24, 2014 107 September 24, 2014 106 September 24, 2014 104 September 17, 2014 102 September 3, 2014 Document1 to Brian. Ticket # 180536 – Seaway Valley. Nurses are not getting their LifeLabs. Ticket # 188017 – Flemingdon. User accidentally uploaded a client’s report to all staff at the centre. File appeared in “All Users” Tasks pane as a document to be filed – centre views this as a privacy issue. Issue has since been resolved. Because of this incident, Centre would like that there be controlled access to “General Inbox”. Ticket # 186409 - Somerset West. Tasks were set up for some charts on Sept 11th – these tasks disappeared on Sept 12th. These tasks need to be restored. Additional values show up under Visit Type in an Encounter – Everyone in the sector is now seeing Kapuskasing’s list of values. Ticket # 18177 – opened in August 2014 – Langs. There should be 2 encounters for that date but only 1 is showing. Similar problem happened in February this year – ticket # 73131 at Langs – encounter was created with a referral for consultation, and referral September 24:To Investigate September 24:To Investigate Leona Open Leona Open Leona Open Catherine Open Leona Open September 24:To Investigate September 17:To follow up with Nightingale September 10: Centre was told to re-key encounter. This will not help fix the problem. Centre needs a root cause and resolution. September 3: Check Activity Log and do a 20 “disappeared”. Somerset West – James Murphy reported this problem. A provider left the centre, and her profile was deAugust 20, 101 activated. Locums were not able to 20114 bring up the provider’s unsigned lab reports – as such, they could not do follow-ups for Lab Results. Ticket # 182686 – Flemingdon received unmatched Lab results – centre have been told by Nightingale’s Help Desk that they can delete them restore on the back end August 20: Run Script to get lab results – locums can then review and do follow-ups Leona Open Leona Open August 20: AOHC is waiting to get Nightingale’s Incident Report on Privacy August 20th: Flemingdon was given wrong instructions by Nightingale’s Help Desk – The analyst has been reprimanded. 100 August 20, 2014 AOHC is awaiting Nightingale’s Incident Report on Privacy. Nightingale has indicated that it is not a Client Safety issue - The Lab results did get delivered to the provider that it was intended for - The Nightingale workflow works as designed. For the Wednesday call, this item will be moved FROM the Client Safety Section TO the Action Items section. Nightingale has closed the ticket. Document1 21 99 August 13, 2014 98 August 13, 2014 August 13th: AOHC asks Nightingale’s Help Desk: is this a PHIPPA breach? Is it client safety? For the Wednesday call, this item is put in the Section for Client Safety. Gateway, Ticket # 188824 – Lifelabs/MDS Total PSA BioChemistry Labs cannot be LOINC mapped. Results do not show in Tabular Trend Gateway, Ticket # 182243 – Patient’s "Referral Summary" flow sheet shows incorrect medication instructions and directions. October 22nd: Lorraine (LAMP) asked of the status. Cathy Simpson (South East Ottawa) successfully masked a document – it was a scanned document. 20th: 97 August 13 2014 August This ticket is not a client safety issue. It is one of many Enhancements that the sector has requested in NOD. The eHA BAC members will review and prioritize the list of enhancements. Catherine would then approach Nightingale for a time and cost estimate. August 13: Sent email to Adoption Specialist to investigate – is this linked to other LOINCing issues August 13: Has asked Raj for the help of an Adoption Specialist to contact Peter Catherine Open Brian Open October 22nd: To investigate August 13: To add to Top 10 – to add to Enhancements List Document1 22 July 30th: LAMP reported this problem There was an attachment for an encounter. The client requested that the attachment be masked – however, the only way to do so was to delete the encounter and enter it again. The centre’s view is that NOD should have the capacity to lockbox any aspect of the record. Data on NOD Template for Baby Assessment and Charting (Rourke Baby Record) is wrong, Ticket # 113632 and # 178022 – opened June 2014. Nightingale thinks that problem could be related to 3rd party templates 96 95 July 30, 2014 Jul 23, 2014 Document1 August 27: Nightingale has not loaded the updated forms to NOD. This problem is not related to what is happening with the 3rd party templates. August 19: Graphing results do not show for baby weight and height. On Top 10. Nightingale to update with the new ROURKE assessment. When a user brings up an OLIS result, they are not able to see trending. July 30: To Investigate July 23: OLIS trending has been coded, and is in QA. Jeff Open Leona Open 23 91 90 87 86 July 16, 2014 Pinecrest, Ticket # 179569 – Opened July 2014. User was in Patient 1's unsigned encounter, then went to Patient 2's signed off encounter and saw Patient 1’s data in Patient 2's chart. July 16: To forward to Jeff – is it a NOD enhancement? Open Leona Open Leona Open Leona Open Help Desk says it is known work flow problem. To prevent this from happening, user needs to click on "Close Chart" (Registration > Close Chart) before going to the next patient's chart. August 6: Centre wants Belleville, Ticket # 178782 – Opened to know why report has July 16, July 2014. Centre is missing final been re-queued 2014 results for Life Labs MDS. Life Labs says they sent it to Nightingale. July 16: To Investigate Kitchener, Ticket # 178808 - Opened August 19: Has been July 2014. Data Miner Report – Data is escalated. Jul 2, 2014 not being retrieved when you run a report of the problem list in the CPP July 2: To Investigate Kitchener, Ticket # 178284 and 177486 September 17: The – Opened June 2014: centre brought up this - ID Clinic" Template was transferred issue. Also when you over to Guelph CHC. Dialogue "ID make changes to the Client" is missing from template templates, those Jul 2, 2014 Manage Dialogue list. changes show up in Kitchener location (site from which the template was copied) Document1 Leona 24 August 19: Has been escalated 85 84 83 81 N’Mninoeyaa – Ticket # 178790 Opened July 2014: 1) need to show pharmacy name as it is our preferred pharmacy Jul 2, 2014 2) shows only 1 medication if many items on prescription 3) needs to show generic name and trade name of drug N’Mninoeyaa – to open ticket (opened July 2014): – problem “switching screens from one location to another location”. A workaround is to log out and log back Jul 2, 2014 in. Affects productivity at centre – causes problems in workflow – increases chances of errors occurring. - Belleville says they have a similar problem Carlington – Ticket # 178797 - Opened July 2014: - provider masked some content in a Jul 2, 2014 client chart but accidentally hit “Mask All" – was not able to unmask. DMC did a workaround with security rights. He asks if this practice is allowed. Regent Park – Ticket # 180742 – June 25, Opened July 2014. Lab Requisition 2014 Form freezes up when user tries to Document1 July 2: To Investigate July 2: To Investigate Leona Open Leona Open Leona Open Leona Open July 2: To investigate once ticket has been opened July 2: To Investigate July 23rd: To follow up June 25: Get Regent 25 open from the encounter. There is no Part set up with a Go To consistency as to when this happens. Session for ½ day – system will track day’s Flemingdon, Four Villages, and North activities – if freezing Toronto said they had similar problem. happens, Nightingale can see the history Four Villages – Centre reported June 25: To investigate problem in Dec 2013. User cannot find ticket #, so forwarded email to Leona. 80 79 76 June 25, 2014 June 18, 2014 June 4, 2014 One of the Lab reports did not get populated in NOD until 1 month after – the filing date was not incorrect when it got into NOD. Nightingale did not get back to user on a resolution. North Lambton – Ticket # 172618. Opened April 2014. Regent Park brought up the problem – Auto Logout is not working. User did not log out, and next morning, NOD was still on, and other users could get in under that user’s access. Pinecrest – Ticket #114296 - Providers are cc’d on a lab, but they do not know who the initiating provider is. See Item 66 – believe this is the same issue. June 18: Try setting the logout to last less than 1 hour Leona Open Regent Park Open Leona Open Sept 3: Pinecrest brought this problem up again as it is still outstanding. August 19: On Top 10 June 25: in Progress. Then put on hold pending completion of Document1 26 GAMMA HL7 Upgrade. 75 June 4, 2014 74 June 4, 2014 72 June 4, 2014 Document1 June 4: Catherine to add to Top 10 list for weekly tracking with Leona Carlington (Peter Voth) and Pinecrest June 25: In progress. (Kellie) – Ticket # 175898 – Opened Tested and confirmed to April 2014. There is a problem be an issue. matching clients on first name, last name and telephone number. NOD is June 4: Catherine to not finding the existing record and add to Top 10 list for clients are being duplicated in the weekly tracking with centres. Pinecrest and other centres Leona are also experiencing this – client safety as all client data is spread out across multiple charts, and critical items can be missed. Guelph - Karin Tremaine - Audit log – June 25: Jeff has When you print off an entire chart via a confirmed it is a defect. print button the action does not write to Nightingale to fix. the audit log – print button does not register. PHIPPA issue. June 4: Leona to follow up with Jeff Gateway (Peter) – Experiencing a June 25: In problem that can be duplicated where development. Has client demographics from a previous advised the centre of a client was saved and copied to new workaround. encounter of a different client via favorites option. New item and no ticket June 4: Peter to open has been opened yet. a ticket, Catherine to add to the top 10 list for Leona Open Leona Open Access rights of receptionist – icon on nod screen – 175875 – Noojmowin Teg – Open 27 71 68 57 51 June 4, 2014 discussion with NIC. Regent Park (Wael) - Care Element June 4: Catherine to Reporting – impacting multiple centres. add to Top 10 list for weekly tracking with Leona Cathy (South-East Ottawa) asked if the June 25: in Progress. fix, for ordering provider not appearing Then put on hold on the Lab Reports, is in Release pending completion of 9.2.4. GAMMA HL7 Upgrade. May 14, 2014 February 19, 2014 January 8, 2014 Document1 Carlington CHC, Ticket # 83277. Opened March 2014. Appointments disappearing from schedules module. Mary Berglund CHC and Wabano AHAC noticed this, too. Carlington CHC – other Tickets # 172618 and 171667 – Opened April 2014 May 14: Leona to confirm, and inform South-East Ottawa and Chigamik: - Is the fix in Release 9.2.4? - Does the fix cover Dynacare Lab Reports as well? August 19: No activity since April 15th 2013. June 25: Leona to follow up February: Leona to follow up on the ticket #116016 = new ticket # 83277 August 19: Has been escalated. On Top 10. ISS001123 Leona Open Leona Open Leona Open Leona Open 28 Update on NOD automatic log out time issue? June 25: no progress January: Peter to send the ticket number to Leona for follow up - # 172618 North Lambton and # 171667 Stonegate Document1 29