What is a VLAN?

Configuring your VLAN
Presented by Gregory Laffoon
Overview of Networking Terms
Networking Terms Overview
 OSI Model
• Defines a networking framework for
implementing protocols in seven layers
• Control is passed from one layer to the
next, starting at the application layer in
one station, proceeding to the bottom
layer, over the channel to the next
station and back up the hierarchy
OSI Model
 Of the 7 layers, we
are concerned with
the bottom 3 layers.
 The top 4 layers are
used more on host
machines to support
other applications
Application Layer (Layer 7)
Presentation Layer (Layer 6)
Session Layer (Layer 5)
Transport Layer (Layer 4)
Network Layer (Layer 3)
Data Link Layer (Layer 2)
Physical Layer (Layer 1)
OSI Models
 OSI Layer 1
• This layer is the transmission media
» Category 5e and fiber optic cabling
» Radio signal in terms of wireless
• Performs transmission of raw bits
OSI Models
 OSI Layer 2
• Data packets are encoded and decoded
into bits.
• Divided into 2 sub-layers
» MAC (Media Access Control)
– Controls how hosts on the network gain
access to the data and permission to transmit
» LLC (Logical Link Control)
– Controls frame synchronization, flow
control, and error checking
OSI Models
 OSI Layer 3
• Routing and forwarding functions
• Handles end to end addressing
• Provides the mean for separate
networks to talk to each other
• IP (Internet Protocol) is at this level
Definition of Network Device Types
Network Device Types
 There are 5 general devices:
Network Device - Repeater
 Repeater
• A Layer 1 device
• An electronic device to receive a signal
on a port and retransmits it at a higher
level or higher power
• Used when you need to go farther
distances than the cabling will allow
• Usually has 2 ports (IN/OUT)
Network Device - Hub
 Hub
A Layer 1 device
A device that contains multiple ports
Has no logic or “brain”
Simply passes data out all other ports
In simple terms, it is a multi-port
Network Device - Bridge
 Bridge
A Layer 2 device
Connects multiple Layer 2 segments
Has logic or “brain”
Learns what Layer 2 MAC addresses are
associated with each port
• Receives frames destined for a
particular MAC address and only sends
the data out the correct port
Network Device - Switch
 Switch
• A layer 2 device
• Basically a multi-port bridge
• Learns MAC Addresses to Port
• Doesn’t flood data out every port
unless the MAC address hasn’t been
Network Device - Router
 Router
A Layer 3 device
Connects multiple Layer 3 networks
Uses Layer 3 addressing (IP addressing)
Allows communication between
different Layer 2 segments
• Breaks up broadcast domains
Broadcast Domain?
 A broadcast domain is a network
segment in which any network device
can transmit data directly to another
device without going through a
 A layer 3 device breaks up a
broadcast domain
So what is a VLAN?
What is a VLAN?
 A virtual local area network (VLAN) is
a group of hosts with a common set
of requirements that communicate
as if they were attached to the same
broadcast domain regardless of their
physical location.
Traditional LAN
 A traditional LAN
would require all
users of the same
requirements and
same IP subnet
(broadcast domain)
be connected to the
same equipment.
VLAN-based LAN
 By utilizing VLANs,
the same users can
be spread out over
various geographical
locations and still
remain in their same
IP subnet (broadcast
How VLANs work?
How VLANs Work?
 VLANs are identified by a number
• Valid ranges 1-4094
 On a VLAN-capable switch, you
assign ports with the appropriate
VLAN number
 The switch then only allows data to
be sent between ports with the same
How VLANs Work?
 Since almost every network is larger
than a single switch, there needs to
be a way to have traffic sent between
two different switches
 One way to do it is to assign a port
on each switch with a VLAN and run
a cable between the switches
• Not very feasible or cost effective
How VLANs work?
 For example, if there were 6 hosts on
each switch on 6 different vlans, you
would need 6 ports on each switch
to connect the switches together.
This would mean that if you had 24
different vlans you could only have
24 hosts on a 48 port switch
How VLANs work?
 There was a standard develop to
make it so that a single connection
between two switches could be used
to send traffic for all vlans
 802.1q – Provides a VLAN tag in
front of the Layer 2 frame
How VLANs work?
 You enable 802.1q tagging
(trunking) on the ports between the
 The switch receives the frame with
the 802.1q header and strips it off
 It determines what VLAN and sends
the data to the appropriate port
Benefits of VLANs
Benefits of VLANs
 Geographically separated users on
the same IP subnet (broadcast domain)
 Limit the size of broadcast domains
and limit broadcast activity
 Security benefits by keep hosts
separated by VLAN and limiting what
devices can talk to those hosts
Benefits of VLANs
 Cost savings as you don’t need
additional hardware and cabling
 Operational benefits because
changing a user’s IP subnet
(Broadcast Domain) is in software
Drawbacks of VLANs
 VLANs were used to allow grouping
of users together with the same
requirements and allowing them to
be in separate locations
 The major drawback is that the
general idea is to make all users that
need the same requirements be in
the same VLAN
Drawbacks of VLANs
 VLANs work at Layer 2 and that layer
doesn’t handle redundancy in an
efficient manner
 So when the network becomes
mission critical, it is hard to provide
fast convergence times for users
when utilizing VLANs that span
across multiple buildings
Drawbacks of VLANs
 VLANs were and still are a viable
method for separating users into
 Today, redundancy is very important
so to make the network stable the
following guidelines should be
Drawbacks of VLANs
 VLANs should still be used to
separate and group common users
 VLANs shouldn’t span across the
entire network
 They should remain in a building
 Common users in another building
should be on a separate VLAN
Drawbacks of VLANs
 Then the two common user groups
would utilize a router to talk to each
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