PIN and form M

Academies Property
Note M
Self-funded building project
This Project Information Note M explains how you either notify us of your intention to selffund a building project or apply for consent in the specific situations identified below.
To ensure you use the right information and form, please also refer to:
the Introduction to academies property information notes;
Which Form;
The Glossary.
In most cases you do not require consent for a building project that you are paying for using
reserved funding or funding from other sources. You will need consent if you intend to take out
a loan. We also need to be clear on the impact on your financial position. There are also four
specific situations in which you will need formal consent. These are:
Under the terms of the Academies Financial Handbook, where the transaction is novel
or contentious; Please apply using Form M or where an operational lease is involved in
which case, please use Form N, and/or
Under paragraph 17 of Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010, if the building is going
to be placed on playing field land you hold on a lease from the local authority. If both
these apply, please refer to this guidance as the local authority (or you, with their
consent), will need to apply for a “change of use”. If you own the freehold of your land,
apply using Form M, and/or
The proposal is to accommodate a significant increase in pupil numbers. Before
applying using Form M, you will need to have obtained consent for the increase.
Please refer first to the significant change guidance for further information, and/or
You are currently forecasting a deficit or funding the project involves a loan –including
from a contractor or from a Sponsor or Multi Academy Trust.
You do not require separate consent for the building project if you have been awarded funding
for the building project under one of the capital programmes funded by the DfE or EFA,
including Free Schools, Priority Schools Building Fund, Academies Capital Maintenance Fund
or the 16-19 Demographic Growth Capital Fund. The project may, however, still need consent
for any land acquisition, land disposal, lease or easements involved.
Do not sign any contract or “letter of intent” until you have received written notification of the
Secretary of State’s decision.
Whether or not you require the Secretary of State for Education’s consent, you will still need to
obtain all other consents under the Planning Acts, Construction Design and Management
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Regulations and Building Regulations as well as from a superior landlord or the local authority
as appropriate and to follow correct procurement procedures as set out in in Managing Public
Money and the Academies Financial Handbook.
Form M should be used where you plan to build new accommodation or extend your existing
buildings using your own funds. It does not include funding by borrowing or funding by
disposing of assets without prior consent (see the Academies Financial Handbook )
Step 1
Decide which form to submit
Double-check whether Form M is the right form for your proposal as using the
wrong one could result in wasting time providing information that may not be
required. If you are unsure, browse Which Form? to decide what form is
appropriate or when Form L has to be submitted in support of another form,
e.g. when you are entering or granting a lease. You may also find the Glossary
Step 2
Evaluate the options
Notification of your proposals or applying to us for consent will normally follow
an options appraisal as set out in the Academies Financial Handbook
.Depending on the level of complexity of the decision and the range of
expertise you have within the academy trust itself, you may need external legal,
financial and independent property advice to support the appraisal process.
Your assessment will look closely at the project’s need and its affordability
relative to your financial position.
Form M indicates the anticipated timescale for a decision from the Secretary of
State following the receipt of all the information required. You should build the
time to appraise all the options as well as the EFA’s assessment process into
your programme.
Step 3
Estimate building costs and timing
Decide what further professional advice you need to take – including on the
procurement route. In the majority of cases, it is important to provide an
estimate of all building costs including any fees and VAT with your application
prepared by a suitably qualified professional. This provides the confidence that
the estimate is soundly-based. The degree of detail required will be
proportionate to the scale of the project and if, to be executed under a design
and build contract, a form quotation from the contractor may be sufficient. A
rough quote from a builder hoping to secure the project will not suffice.
Decide if you want to tender the building project before or after you have
obtained the Secretary of State’s consent. We strongly advise that you seek
consent before tendering to avoid having to pay for design and tendering costs
with the risk of consent not being granted. If the actual cost increases
significantly above what has been approved, you will need to obtain a revised
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Be sure to allow for the time to collect all information, to appraise all options
and for the EFA’s assessment process.
Step 4
Submit the application
Once you are sure you have provided all the information requested in Form M
and your Accounting Officer has signed the declaration, please submit it.
Applications submitted without this signature will not be assessed by the EFA
and the indicative time shown for a decision will be delayed if you have not
provided the information requested.
Step 5
Clarify any points in the application
Provide any further information we might request to clarify your application, so we can assess it as
speedily as possible.
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Form M: Notification of Self-Funded Building Project
Form M
Notification of Self-Funded Building Project
Academy Name and address
Academy Address
Academy Trust Name
Unique Reference Number & UPIN
Contact details for further information:
Email address
Phone numbers
Outline of your project
(a) What is the purpose of the project?
(b) Who will manage the project? (lead consultant
and/or member of staff).
(a) (How big is the new building? (m2 – Gross
a. Will this be placed on playing fields?
(b) Are you demolishing/removing any existing
(c) If “yes”,
(d) when were these built?
(e) How much building space will you be removing?
(m2 Gross Internal)
Building Cost (estimated)
Cost of demolition (if any)
Cost of professional fees (estimated)
Cost of any fixtures and fittings (including
furniture, equipment and IT)
Attach plan to standard required to enable registration
at the Land Registry of the land an where the building is
Please show any access routes of associated
pipework/cable ways.
When will you obtain planning consent (or date of when
consent was granted)
When do you hope to start on site?
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When do you anticipate the project will be ready to
Costs, Benefits and Risks
(a) How will you pay for the project? (building costs
and fees)
(b) Please provide a cash flow showing that you will
be able to meet all contractors’ invoices and
(c) Please provide a three year financial forecast
with the project included.
10 If the building is following the Secretary of State’s
consent to a significant increase in pupil numbers,
(a) Provide the date of consent
(b) Provide existing pupil numbers and proposed
numbers (including the date by when these will
be achieved.)
Title and consents
11 Name of legal advisers on this project.
Confirm your legal advisers have confirmed you have
good title to enter into the proposed land transaction
and that you have received any consents you need in
addition to that of the Secretary of State for Education.
Accounting Officer Declaration
The signature of the Accounting Officer below signifies confirmation that the Trust :
(a) Complies with its duties and responsibilities under the Academies Act your Funding
Agreement and the Academies Financial Handbook,
(b) Has taken appropriate legal, financial and property advice,
(c) Is satisfied the transaction represents value for money,
(d) Confirms that the transaction does not involve any loan,
(e) Confirms that the transaction is affordable without recourse to EFA or DfE capital or
revenue budgets.
(f) Is satisfied about all safeguarding issues, and
(g) The information provided is a truthful statement and has brought attention to anything that
might be pertinent to the Secretary of State’s decision, even if not asked directly.
Accounting Officer
Please email the completed form with all attachments to:
We will send you an acknowledgement within three working days of receipt of this form providing a
unique reference number. We will then determine if you have provided all of the information that we
need to make a decision. We may well need to ask you for clarification or further information. It is
your responsibility to make sure that your professional advisors, including solicitors, supply the
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information we have requested. We will only be able to consider your case after you have provided
all necessary information.
After the information is complete, we aim to provide you with a decision within 10 working days.
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