Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Summary Why a reform ? How to reform? Which impacts? Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 2 Summary Why a reform ? How to reform? Which impacts? Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 3 CAP reforms and wine CMO Productivity Competitiveness Sustainability The Early Years (1960s) The Crisis Years (1980s) Agenda 2000 The 1992 Reform Wine CMO reform Wine CMO Food security Improving productivity Marketstabilisation Income support Over production Exploding expenditure International friction Structural measures Reduced surpluses Deepening the reform process Environment Competitiveness Income stabilisation Budget stabilisation Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Rural development CAP Reform 2003-2005 2006 Market orientation Consumer Wine concerns CMO draft Farm income reform Rural development Environment AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 4 Wine market challenges Consumption by type of wine Consumption by type of wine (EU-15) 160000 140000 120000 TOTAL 80000 table w ine quality w ine 60000 40000 20000 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 0 1984 1000 hl 100000 Source: DG AGRI C3 Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 5 Wine market challenges EU 15 Imports and exports (extra) Source: Comext Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 6 Type of products ? Range of products Australia EU Picture source: Google image Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 7 Wine market unbalance x 1 000 HL Stocks Production Consumption Export Import 200.000 160.000 120.000 80.000 40.000 0 1990/91 1993/94 1996/97 1999/00 2002/03 2005/06e Source: DG AGRI C3 Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 8 Pressure on prices Recent development of table wine price 5,00 4,50 FR red IT red ES red France 3,50 Italy 3,00 2,50 Spain 2,00 21/12/05 23/11/05 26/10/05 28/09/05 31/08/05 3/08/05 6/07/05 8/06/05 11/05/05 13/04/05 16/03/05 16/02/05 19/01/05 22/12/04 24/11/04 27/10/04 29/09/04 1/09/04 4/08/04 5/07/04 7/06/04 10/05/04 12/04/04 15/03/04 16/02/04 19/01/04 22/12/03 24/11/03 27/10/03 29/09/03 1/09/03 1,50 4/08/03 €/Vol./hl 4,00 *) Prix français calculés comme moyenne écrêtée à 10 termes Sources: Unione Italiana Vini - Onivins - La semana vinicola Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 9 Pressure on income Farm Income: wine vs. all agricultural sectors FNVA/AWU of specialised wine farms vs. average agricultural sectors in the EU-15 Years 1990-2003 30000 25000 ? Euros 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Wine 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 All Farms Source: DG AGRI - FADN Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 10 Mid term forecasts EU27 (status quo) SURPLUS 1 & 2 40 2010/11 SURPLUS 1 35 SURPLUS 2 30 Mio hl 25 20 15 10 5 0 1999-2003 Source: DG AGRI G2 2003/04 2004/05 (e) "Average" "low " "High" Surplus 1 = Availabilities (inc imports) – {human consumption (inc exports) & industrial uses} Surplus 2 = Surplus 1 – Potable alcohol distillation Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 11 Reform objectives We need a wine regime that: Increases the competitiveness of the EU’s wine producers, strengthens the reputation of EU quality wine as the best in the world, to recover old markets and to win ones in the EU and worldwide Operates through clear, simple and effective rules to ensure balance between supply and demand. Preserves the best traditions of the EU wine production and reinforces the social and environmental fabric of many rural areas Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 12 Summary Why a reform ? How to reform? Which impacts? Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 13 Summary of proposed changes One step option Measures kept and/or strengthened Measures added National envelopes Measures simplified Restructuring Rural development Env. Requirements Promotion/information Oenological practices Quality policy/ GIs Measures deleted Planting rights Grubbing-up Distillations and alcohol public storage Private storage Labelling Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Must aids and sucrose use AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 14 Summary of proposed changes two step option: first period Measures kept and/or strengthened Measures added National envelopes Measures simplified Restructuring Rural development Env. Requirements Promotion/information Oenological practices Quality policy/ GIs Measures deleted Planting rights Grubbing-up Distillations and alcohol public storage Private storage Labelling Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Must aids and sucrose use AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 15 Summary of proposed changes two step option: first period Measures kept and/or strengthened Planting rights Grubbing-up Restructuring Rural development Env. Requirements Promotion/information Measures added Measures deleted National envelopes Measures simplified Oenological practices Quality policy/ GIs Distillations and alcohol public storage Private storage Labelling Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Must aids and sucrose use AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 16 Summary of proposed changes two step option: second period Measures kept and/or strengthened Planting rights Grubbing-up Restructuring Rural development Env. Requirements Promotion/information Measures added Measures deleted National envelopes Measures simplified Oenological practices Quality policy/ GIs Distillations and alcohol public storage Private storage Labelling Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Must aids and sucrose use AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 17 Summary of proposed changes two step option: second period Measures kept and/or strengthened Measures added National envelopes Measures simplified Restructuring Rural development Env. Requirements Promotion/information Oenological practices Quality policy/ GIs Measures deleted Planting rights Grubbing-up Distillations and alcohol public storage Private storage Labelling Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Must aids and sucrose use AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 18 Targeted measures Abolition of planting rights Limiting prod. and proc. constraints Reinforcing competitiveness • Current end of application 01/08/2010 • Could be abolished immediately or at one date before 2010, and, at least, not prolonged (One step option) • Could be extended until 2013 (two step option) due to the grubbing-up scheme • Possible provisions for the stakeholders to maintain rules to limit the areas for protected designations. Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 19 Targeted measures Grubbing-up (2 step Op.) Reinforcing farmers’ market orientation Achieving a balanced market • More attractive level • Decreasing level to speed up the take up • 400 000 ha over 5 years (2.4 billion €) • To be decided by the producer (no more subject to current MS restriction) • Area will qualify as eligible for SPS • Environmental requirements • Top up of national envelopes in line with grubbing-up achievements Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 20 Targeted measures Restructuring maintained Reinforcing farmers’ market orientation Modernisation of production structures • Current scheme maintained • Financed through national envelopes Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 21 Targeted measures Suppression non effective intervention measures Reinforcing farmers’ market orientation Achieving a balanced market Market management tools abolished from day 1: • By-product distillation • Potable alcohol and dual-purpose grape distillation • Public storage of alcohol • Private storage support of wine and musts • Use of musts aid (enrichment and grape juice) • Crisis distillation abolished or replaced by crisis management measure > > Funds for higher value for money measures Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 22 Targeted measures More subsidiarity National enveloppes Modernisation of structures • Calculated through objective criteria • Given menu (including restructuring, crisis management measures, green harvesting…) • Subject to common rules to avoid distortion of competition • Subject to specific national program to be approved by the Commission Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 23 Targeted measures OPs, Quality and labelling Promotion/information Simplified and consumer oriented measures Recover and win market shares Clearer, simpler and more transparent rules: • More flexible wine making practices • End of sugar use >> only use of musts (without aid) within smaller limits (+2% and +1% in zone C). WTO compatibility: • End of ban of imported musts for vinification • End of ban of EU wine coupage with imported wines Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 24 Targeted measures OPs, Quality and labelling Promotion/information Simplified and consumer oriented measures Recover and win market shares Clearer, simpler and more transparent rules as well as TRIPS compatibility Simplification of wine classification: TW 2 categories: wines without GIs and wines with GIs Wine without GIs TW TW GIs QWpsr Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector Wine with GIs AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 25 Targeted measures OPs, Quality and labelling Promotion/information TW Simplified and consumer oriented measures Recover and win market shares TW TW GIs Clearer, simpler and more transparent rules QWpsr • Only one sort of labelling (same mandatory and optional mentions for all types of wines) • Allow wine without GIs to mention the vine variety and harvest year Wine without GIs • More WTO compatible • Commission competence Wine with GIs Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 26 Targeted measures OPs, Quality and labelling Promotion/information Simplified and consumer oriented measures Recover and win market shares • Enhance promotion scheme outside the EU • Information campaigns inside the EU for a responsible consumption • Information related to alcohol harm Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 27 Targeted measures Modernisation of structures Funds transferred to rural development Safeguarding local economy Currently available measures of RD, for ex: • Investments on holdings, young farmers • Early retirement • Agrienvironment, landscapes protection, organic farming… • Investments in processing plants (technical and marketing) • Investments for reconversion in other agricultural activities Transfer of funds from first to second pillar Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 28 Targeted measures Introduction of requirements Reinforcing environment safeguard Minimum environment requirements from production to processing (notably soil erosion and contamination, use of plant production products, waste management): • Requirements for national envelope (ex restructuring scheme) • Rural development standards • Cross compliance on grubbed up area introduced in SPS • Requirements for other grubbed up areas Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 29 Targeted measures Abolition of planting rights Reinforcing farmers’ market orientation Grubbing-up (2 step Op.) Achieving a balanced market Restructuring maintained Limiting prod. and proc. constraints Reinforcing competitiveness Suppression non effective intervention measures Recover and win market shares Higher value for money National enveloppes More subsidiarity OPs, Quality and labelling Promotion/information Simplified and consumer oriented measures Funds transferred to rural development Introduction of requirements Modernisation of structures Safeguarding local economy Reinforcing environment safeguard Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 30 Summary Why a reform ? How to reform? Which impacts? Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 31 Impact assessment on 4 options: Option 1: Improved status quo Option 2: profound CMO reform Option 3: CAP reform (decoupling) Option 4: Full deregulation Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 32 Summary of impacts SUMMARY of Impacts Market balance Prices Agricultural incomes Option 1: Improved status + quo Option 2: Profound reform of the CMO r e s t Increasing surplus r i c t i Sharp decrease o due to n unsustainability of s the system i n + r e Smoothest s achievement of t rbalance i c Decrease in the t short term i o Recovery after n s achievement of i nbalance t h Progressive e Decrease in the t h short term decrease due to unsustainability of u s the system e o f Option 3: Reform along CAP reform lines Option 4: Deregulation Increasing surplus in the short and mid term Increasing surplus in the short and mid term Market equilibrium in the long term Market equilibrium in the long term Sharp decrease in the short and mid term Very sharp decrease in the short and mid term Recovery after achievement of balance Recovery after achievement of balance Decrease in the mid term Very sharp decrease in the short and mid term Recovery after achievement of balance No safety net mechanism Recovery after achievement of balance No safety net mechanism e Recovery after u achievement of s ebalance o Rapidf improvement Improvement in the long Strong improvement in the long s through economic run run s u sustainability u through economic through economic c Competitic and improved sustainability sustainability, freedom to farm Norimprovement r veness o and improved regulatory and improved regulatory regulatory o s a sustainable European Towards Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 measures measures 33 s measures e allowing flexibility and allowing flexibility and e allowing flexibility innovation innovation Summary of impacts (2) Environment Trade WTO compatible Wine quality No improvement Different measures potentially under attack Neutral No easy solution to apply crossompliance on all vine area shifts to RD can be used to Encourage More Environmentallyfriendly measures Direct applicability of general cross compliance Very difficult to apply crosscompliance No available funds to encourage more environmentally-friendly measures Most problems solved Most problems solved Most problems solved Increase through better market orientation Increase through better market orientation Increase through better market orientation Stop to Stop to unacceptable Unacceptable support to support to Stop to unacceptable support to distillation into distillation into distillation into potable alcohol Health / potable alcohol No improvement Labelling rules more potable alcohol Labelling rules consumer transparent Labelling rules more transparent and consumer oriented 34 Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector more transparent and consumer AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 oriented and consumer oriented Summary of impacts (3) Budget Subsidiarity Simplification, applicability controllability Increasing pressure Neutral Neutral Possibility of savings No improvement Much more flexibility with national envelope and increased RD funds Flexibility in the implementation of the SPS Possibly more flexibility via shift to RD Moderate simplification Strong simplification, but specific operational difficulties in implementing SPS in wine sector Most problem solved No improvement Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 35 Impacts on income Variation of agricultural income (FNVA/AWU) in the year 2 of the reform 40% Option 1 Status quo 20% Option 2 Profound reform % 0% -20% -40% Option 3 CAP reform -60% Option 4 Deregulation -80% Poitou Charentes Table wine and cognac Languedoc Roussillon Table wine specialist Puglia (1) Table wine specialist Puglia (2) Mixed table wine and olives Sicilia (1) Table wine specialist Sicila (2) Mixed table wine and olives Castilla La Mancha Table wine specialist Source: DG AGRI G3 FADN Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 36 Reform agenda 16/02/2006: Stakeholders wine seminar 22/06/2006 : Commission Communication to the Council and the Parliament and Impact assessment report. End 2006: draft legal proposal First semester 2007: negotiations 2008/2009? application Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 37 More information Thank you Towards a sustainable European Wine Sector AGRI – C3 MD 02.06.2006 38