NEW SMYRNA BEACH MIDDLE SCHOOL HOME OF THE #1 STINGRAY STUDENTS rna PRINCIPAL – JIM TAGER ADMINISTRATOR – DEE STEVENSON TEACHER – BECKY PORTER New Smyrna Beach Middle School School Wide Initiatives 2008-2009 We have identified 3 areas to focus on for our school Intervention Pyramid for Student Success Planner Proposition for 2008-2009 SOAR Grade Level Retention Credit Retrieval Lab Review: Problem Solving Team (PST) and/or Individual Education Plan Possible Schedule/Class Change Conference with Counselor, Teacher, Parent, & Student Weekly Progress Report Parent Contact (Phone, E-Mail, etc) SOAR Advisement / Study Groups / Tutorials / Planners Student/Teacher Contact Starting Point “Whatever It Takes” Intervention Pyramid For Student Success Plan 2008-2009 Teachers, guidance counselors and school administrators will follow the Intervention Pyramid All student interventions to assist with student success begin with parent contact (Preferably via telephone). SOAR will be used as an initial student academic intervention Schedule changes will require a documented conference between the parent, and the teacher Planners 2008-2009 Planners have been used at New Smyrna Beach Middle School for 6 years Teacher expectation for use of student planners: Teachers will write the following in the front of the room each day so that it is visible by students: Learning Objective – SWL Class Work – CW Home Work - HW Planners continued: Student Expectations for use of student planners Students will write the following in their planner for each period, each day: Learning Objective Class Work (CW) Home Work (HW) The use of planners by students will be a school wide requirement and all faculty and administrators will work collaboratively to monitor there use by students Our Goal: To create consistency at New Smyrna Beach Middle School so that 90% of students, teachers, and staff utilize planners by the end of the third week of school. Ways To Implement the program: Measure the use of the planners by having a weekly check. Student will be rewarded with treats or privileges for utilization. Agenda posters will be given to all teachers to write the “Plan” for the students. Teachers will have a format that they have every student write in their planner. Ex. What student needs to do when class has ended. Homework? Also, what they did in class. Teachers can look for parent contact notes in planner. Finally, teachers will look for and record data to see if students are completing more assignments, and homework. S.O.A.R. S – Study O – Organize A – And R – Read What will it look like next year? S.O.A.R. 2008-2009 SOAR will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 5th and 6th periods All students will report to their SOAR homeroom before going to an assigned SOAR tutoring class All students who attend SOAR tutoring will receive a yellow pass from that teacher A log for student movements will be maintained by each teacher and kept in a notebook Students receiving assistance during SOAR are: Students with D’s and F’s in core courses must be given priority by all teachers for attending SOAR tutoring Secondary consideration for SOAR tutoring attendance will be given to student needing to make up class work and/or tests do to absences SOAR rosters General education teachers will have their 5th period student roster ESE teacher will have students assigned on teachers’ case load Teachers with 5th period planning will have students from PE classes PE teachers, media specialist, reading coach and guidance counselors will not be assigned SOAR students. These teachers will be helping with students who are failing and our eight grade enrichment program that we are hoping to implement