Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher: Little/Thomas Subject: Honors Algebra 1 Dates: 11/16-20/15 Unit Topic: Unit #3 Modeling and Analyzing Quadratic Functions Standard(s): MGSE.9.A.SSE.3a Factor any quadratic expression to reveal the zeroes of the function defined by the expression. MGSE.9.A.SSE.2. Use the structure of an expression to rewrite it in different equivalent forms. Monday Essential Question MGSE.9.A.SSE.3a How do I factor a polynomial expression by the greatest common factor? Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday MGSE.A.SSE.2/3a. How do I factor a polynomial using grouping? MGSE.A.SSE.2/3a. How do I factor a trinomial? How do I factor a difference of two squares? MGSE.A.SSE.2/3a. How do I factor a trinomial with a leading coefficient? How do I factor a difference of two squares? MGSE.A.SSE.2/3a. How do I factor any polynomial? Activating/Acceleration: (Some ideas: KWL, Pre-reading, Think Pair Share, Thinking Maps, Vocabulary Overview, Word Splash, Survey, Big Four) TTW put a 4 term “Can You Think” polynomial on board handout and “Sum and with EQ and ask them Product” Puzzle. how they group the polynomial to factor. Cognitive Teaching Strategies: include time for distributed practice or summarizing Show video from TeacherTube: “Teach Me How to Factor.” (Some ideas: Lecture/Question, Read/Discuss, TIMS, Hands on Activity, Thinking Map, Pictograph, Research, Vocabulary, Diagrams/Graphs, Comprehension) Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan TTW use “Factoring out the GCF of a Polynomial” foldable to guide note-taking and practice problems. TTW use the “How do I Factor a polynomial?” g/o to begin lesson. TTW will guide students through “Factoring 4 Term Polynomials” booklet. TTW use “Factoring Questions” g/o to guide lesson as well as “How do I Factor a Polynomial?” g/o. TTW also focus on factoring difference of two squares. TTW guide students in adding notes to previous g/os from the week. TTW introduce factoring a trinomial with a leading coefficient using “Factoring Polynomials When” g/o. Summarizing Strategies: (Some ideas: Ticket Out the Door, 3-2-1, The Important Thing, One Word, Learning Logs) 3-2-1: factoring The Important Thing: TOTD: factoring Learning Log: briefly what is one important trinomials. list the steps of thing to remember factoring a trinomial when factoring a 4 with a leading term polynomial? coefficient in your composition book. Extending/Refining Activity: This is for all students. After they acquire, then take them up a notch with thinking skills/writing prompts. (Some ideas: Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Write, Classify, Analyze, Evaluate, Inductive, Deductive) Factoring polynomials with 3+ variables. Factoring 4 term Factoring trinomials Factoring trinomials polynomials with 2+ with 2 variables. with 2+ variables. different variables including coefficients. Assignment and/or Assessment: A variety of informal, performance, constructed response, selected response Glencoe 10-2 w/s Factoring by GCF and Factoring crossword. Glencoe Factoring Common assessment: “Factoring Using the grouping Infinite Difference of Squares arithmetic sequences, Distributive Property” Algebra handout. w/s 7-6 and Infinite even, odd, neither, Algebra w/s. factoring. Differentiation: Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan Video, foldable, popsicle sticks to call on students, guided notes, colorcoding terms to factor, class notes on web site. Graphic organizer, factoring “booklet”, popsicle sticks to call on students, peer teaching if used, color-coding terms to factor, class notes on web site. Graphic organizer, popsicle sticks to call on students, guided notes, peer teaching if used, color-coding terms to factor, class notes on web site. Graphic organizer, popsicle sticks to call on students, guided notes, peer teaching if used, color-coding terms to factor, class notes on web site.