Chapter 9 Beyond Essentials Mini- Project

Chapter 9 Beyond Essentials Mini-­ Project-­ (45 points) Make a power point presentation. Be creative (5 pts). When you have completed all the tasks, email me your completed project to Task 1-­‐ (10 points) Slide 1-­‐ How would you describe a polynomial to next year’s algebra students? Slide 2 and Slide 3-­‐ Provide students with helpful hints or rules they should remember to help them learn to add and subtract polynomials? (Hint: You might provide examples with your rules). Task2 (15 points) Slide 4-­‐ In your own words, explain what is accomplished by factoring. As part of your explanation, write a sample problem in which you factor a monomial from a polynomial. Slide 5-­‐ Write and Factor another problem that is a quadratic expression. (Hint: it would be helpful here if you illustrated the foil box and explained the steps to complete the foil box). Slide 6-­‐ Explain the sign rules when factoring trinomials. Task 3 (10 points) Slides 7-­‐10: Victoria is having trouble factoring special-­‐case polynomials. Point out the errors she made, and write a brief suggestion to help her with similar problems. * The ^ represents raised to a power. A. 4a^2 – 100 = (2a-­‐10)(2a-­‐10) = (2a-­‐10)^2 B. 81m^4 + 7sm^2n + 16n^2 = (9m^2 + 8n) (9m^2 +8n) = (9m^2 +8n)^2 C. a^10b^4 – 16 = (a^5b^2 – 16) = (a^5b^2 – 4) (a^2b^2 + 4) D. 4d^2 + 36bd + 81 = (2d + 9) (2d – 9 ) Task 4-­‐ (5 points) Slide 11-­‐ Explain how to factor a polynomial with four terms by grouping. Use grouping to factor 20ay – 10ax + 42by – 2bx. Explain each step. 