Y7 English - Parkside Federation

Year 7 Assessment Information
Summer Assessment Period
Why am I being assessed? The results of these assessments will be used to inform your teacher of your
progress so far. These will also be used to help your teacher to predict a grade for the end of Year 7.
This grade will also contribute to your third progress check.
Y7 English
Reading Assessment (Superheroes)
Your assessment piece will be written during lessons in the week beginning 16th June 2014.
You will get your feedback and work on your targets during the week of 30th June 2014.
You will have studied the representations of superheroes in comic books from around the world
and developed your skills in analysis. You will be given either one or two unseen comic covers
to analyse in your exam to demonstrate your learning.
You will receive specific feedback on the following National Curriculum Reading assessment
focuses (AFs). English students can be awarded Level 3 through to Level 7.
AF2 – finding quotations/examples to support your points
AF6 – Identify the writer’s purpose and comment on its effects on the reader
AF7 – Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical traditions
You will complete your assessment in class in a double lesson.
You should read through your exercise book and revisit the targets given to you after the
‘Creativity’ exam to ensure that you are working towards achieving these for the final
Further guidance on skills required for reading can be found on the BBC Bitesize page:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/english/reading/ The section which is of particular relevance
is ‘Character’ pages 6 and 7. You refer to details in the images as examples in the same way
that you refer to language.
For example:
The superhero has his hands in fists on his hips, which suggests strength as this emphasises
the muscles in his arms.
You should also revise the terminology involved in analysing comic books and graphic novels.
A glossary of the main terms can be found here:
Y7 Maths
Week beginning 19th May
This is a brief list of the topics to be covered in this assessment:
 Calculation skills
 Fractions, decimals and percentages
 Multiples and factors
 Finding and using the nth term
 Telling the time
 Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
 Finding area and perimeter of simple shapes
 Use angle properties of shapes to find missing angles
 Transformations
 Plans and elevations
 Scale drawings
 Plotting and reading co-ordinates
 Interpreting and drawing graphs such as pictograms, bar charts and bar-line charts
There is a more comprehensive revision list available on Edmodo, along with a “how to revise”
You will sit 1 paper lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes during your maths lesson. The test will cover
a range of levels, with easier questions towards the beginning. There is an optional extension
section at the end, although if your target is level 6 or higher, you must attempt these questions.
If you require extra time or a reader, your teacher will have ensured these needs are met.
Lists of targeted revision questions will be made available on Edmodo shortly before the
assessment. If further books are desired, we recommend using CGP revision guides as we
don’t have a set textbook. They are levelled books, so it would be best to choose the book
based on your child’s target and then refer to the topics above. In the library are copies of the
Collins GCSE Foundation textbook, which covers some of the same content in chapters 1, 2, 5,
6, 9, 14, 17, 19 & 23.
Equipment will NOT be leant out to you for this assessment, if you forget something. Use this
list to make sure you have everything you need:
 Pen and pencil – remember diagrams should be drawn in pencil
 Ruler
 Eraser
 Protractor
 Pair of compasses
 Calculator
We will provide tracing paper if needed.
Y7 Science
The “Discovery” unit test.
A 45 minute exam-style test covering the following:
Evolution and adaptations
The Periodic Table and reactivity patterns within it.
Elements, metals and non-metals
Discovering Space,
Seasons, phases of the Moon, solar system and eclipses
Mass and Weight.
The Big Bang theory will not be tested.
Use your class notes to help you revise
Use the information provided by your teachers on Edmodo
Use the web-links below to help you:
A Suitable revision guide is KS3 Science Revision Guide - Levels 5-7 ISBN:978-1841462301
Note to parents: this was formally covered in the national curriculum sections 3.1 a, 3.2 c, 3.3d
and 3.4 b, please see link to NC below. The web links above are organised according to the NC.
The “Discovery” unit test.
A 45 minute exam-style test covering the following:
Evolution and adaptations
The Periodic Table and reactivity patterns within it.
Elements, metals and non-metals
Discovering Space,
Seasons, phases of the Moon, solar system and eclipses
Mass and Weight.
The Big Bang theory will not be tested.
Y7 French
To take place in the week beginning May12th 2014.
Writing and Listening assessment
Writing: You will write on the subject of les BDs, and will need to revise how to describe
what someone looks like, what they are wearing, their personality and what they like to
do: your teacher will give you the precise task on the day.
Listening: You will hear descriptions of comic book characters and will have to answer
comprehension questions on what you hear. Again, you will need to revise vocabulary
involving descriptions of physical appearance and clothes.
You will do this in test conditions with no dictionaries. Extension will be provided for those that
wish to push themselves towards a higher level. The following will give you an idea of what will
be covered:
Physical descriptions, clothes, activities
You should be prepared to write about your character in a different time frame (i.e. using a
different tense)
When writing in and listening to a different language it is important to know a wide range of
vocabulary on the topic. Use the following quizlets to revise:
For general vocabulary revision, use the resources provided in class throughout the half term
alongside the suggestions on how to learn vocabulary provided by your teacher. You may also
find the following sites useful:
www.linguascope.com username- parksidecc password- elmtree
You may wish to consult a copy of the Métro textbook which may be used in your lesson to
support your learning and can be found in the learning centre:
Métro 1 (blue) textbook pp. 30 – 34, 56 – 66 and 48
Y7 Sport
Week commencing 12th May
You will complete baseline fitness tests to gauge your current health and fitness progression
based on your Unit 1 learning.
You will rotate around the following tests In your PE session.
Aerobic Fitness: Multi Stage Fitness Test
Agility: Illinois Agility Run
Speed: 30 Metre Sprint Test
Flexibility: Sit and Reach Test
Muscular Power: Standing Broad Jump / Sargent Jump Test
The tests will be in a rotation and you will complete your own fitness card. This will be used as
a progression comparison in your next assessment week and analysed in the lesson after
assessment week.
The results of this assessment will allow you to gauge your fitness levels in a range of fitness
components. The different activities are designed to help us guide you into sports that fit well
with your morphology. You are likely to be surprised how well you do in some of the tests.
The results will create a grade which links to your other units of study to create an end of year
mean National Curriculum score.
You will still require your PE kit for the session in the week. You will need kit suitable for outdoor and indoor
Y7 Individuals and Societies
Week beginning 12th May
Students will be assessed upon their knowledge and understanding of the Renaissance unit of
work they have been completing as part of their History lessons. Using all lessons in this week,
students will be producing a coursework based piece of assessment in which they will create an
extended piece of writing into the Renaissance.
Use of the materials and notes used in class and for your homework will form the main elements of
your revision, however think carefully about how you use these:
Try making notes on your notes – condense the material down to learn it rather than simply
reading it again and again
Produce illustrated mind maps of the main themes and ideas
Use different colour ‘post it’ notes to highlight significant areas
Other useful material can be found by using the following resources:
General Renaissance Background http://www.activehistory.co.uk/Miscellaneous/menus/Year_8/The_Renaissance.htm
General Renaissance http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/shp/middleages/earlymoderncivilisationrev1.sht
Renaissance Art - http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_art.php
Renaissance Science - http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php
Columbus - http://www.ducksters.com/biography/explorers/christopher_columbus.php
Gutenberg Press - http://www.ducksters.com/biography/johannes_gutenberg.php
Y7 Create
Compositional, creative, choreographic and devising skills are assessed throughout the
In the two weeks which lead up to the end of each unit students will take part in a final
piece assessment
Students in the Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama) take part in final performance
pieces which are an accumulation of the skills learned during that specific unit.
In visual art students complete a final piece which displays the artistic skills which they have
learned during this unit.
In addition students will complete a written assessment sheet which records their learning
during the unit.
Students will not need to revise as this is an assessment of practical ability rather than an
examination testing retained knowledge.
However if students or parents would like to remind themselves of the skills learned all teachers
have recorded homework for students on Edmodo and these contain links to useful sites