LESSON PLAN Grade: 5 core french Subject: les sports Topic of Lesson: Quel sport aimes-tu? Link to Additional Lang. Curriculum Lesson Objectives How will students demonstrate learning? (Specific to this lesson) Total time: 40 mins. SWBAT: Listening: Learners can identify, with support, key information in short, simple, very slowly and carefully articulated texts containing very familiar language about common, everyday situations Spoken Production: Learners can present or read aloud, with support, using simple rehearsed statements about common everyday situations. SWBAT: Identify and describe your likes/dislikes of certain sports Interview classmates on their sport likes/ dislikes Students can count to down from 10 in French. Prior Knowledge Time What the teacher says/does What the students do (mins) Hook/Opening Calendar warm-up (Bonjour, Quel est le Materials Hook/Opening Answer questions calendar Pre-activity Students write how many of each activity they thought were on the page. Students participate in the game Sport flashcards Scotch tape date aujourd’hui?, Comment t’appellestu- je m’appelle, elle/il s’appelle). C’est quand ta fête? then C’est quand sa fête? to ensure kids are listening to each other. Pre-activity Image with all the activities: Observe l’image. Combien sont de la gymnastique? Combien sont de la natation ect. (hold cards up with images). Matching race game: on one side of board put three images on the other end place the three corresponding words. Two volunteers come up to the board and have to run the words to the correct images while the class counts down from ten and then everyone yells “Arrête!”. (two students hold up stop signs for the “Arrête”). Activity In partners have the class interview eachother using the sheet : les activities physiques. Activity Students listen Students interview their partners students prepare to share aloud about themselves. Following the model: Bonjour, je m’appelle Marc et j’adore jouer aux sports. J’aime jouer au baseball, au basket-ball, au hockey et j’adore jouer au volleyball. Next lesson, they do survey warm-up (Trouvez quelqu’un qui aime ___) Then interview a partner in order to write and share aloud the second half of this. Write model on board: J’ai un/e ami/e qui s’appelle Joanne. Il/Elle aime aussi jouer aux sports comme le golf, le tennis et il/elle adore jouer au badminton. Il/Elle déteste le soccer et le football. (Write on board) Students work together with their partners and then present themselves and their partners. Invite groups to write a similar paragraph about themselves and their partners. Post-activity Invite students to present their paragraphs. Assessment for / of Learning Extensions/ Extra challenge Adaptations Extra support Plan B Back-up Plan Post-activity Groups present paragraphs. Formative : Circulate to assess students’ participation, cooperation, use of French. Formative: Assess presentation of partners according to clarity, pronunciation and effort. Individuals may add extra lines to their interview: Suggest they add locations for various sports, dans l’aréna, au parc Riley, etc. For those who need extra support they may record their interview rather than writing it out.