SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE Reporting in the EIA process SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 2 Propos al identification EIA required Screening Scoping Initial environmental examination No EIA Impact analys is Mitigation and impact management *Public involvement Resubmit EIA report Redes ign Review Not approved Decis ion-making Approved *Public involvement typically occurs at these points . It may also occur at any other s tage of the EIA Process Information from this process contributes to effective EIA in the future Implementation and post-EIA monitoring EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 3 Different names for the same document Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Environmental Statement (ES) Environmental Assessment Report (EA Report) Environmental Effects Statement (EES) EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 4 Elements of a successful EIA report describes the significant impacts of a proposal identifies the measures to mitigate significant impacts including practical actions to be taken by the proponent provides the responsible authority with information relevant to the decision Is written in a way that the public and decision-makers can understand EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 5 EIA reporting in accordance with the EC EIA Directive An EIA Report must contain the following • a description of the project; • an outline of the main alternatives studied by the developer, and an indication of the main reasons for this choice, • a description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the proposed project; • a description of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed project; • measures to prevent, reduce and possibly offset adverse environmental effects. • a non-technical summary; • an indication of any difficulties (technical deficiencies or lack of know-how) encountered while compiling the required information. EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 6 Preparing an executive summary Target the audience. Be brief. Be clear and consistent. Avoid jargon. Summarise key findings. EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 7 An executive summary should outline… the proposal and its setting terms of reference of the EIA results of public consultation alternatives considered major impacts and their significance mitigation and management measures any other critical matters EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 8 Some shortcomings of EIA reports (contents) objective of proposal described too narrowly description does not cover complete activity sensitive elements of environment overlooked outdated or ineffective prediction models used impacts not compared with standards or targets (relevant standards and legislation not described) EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE cumulative, indirect and synergistic impacts not mentioned or incorrectly described alternatives insufficiently described to enable comparision appropriate mitigation measures not considered incorrect conclusions drawn REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS SUPPORTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION’S OBNOVA AND PHARE PROGRAMMES 9 Some shortcomings of EIA reports (form) unclear structure • too long • not focused EIA TRAINING RESOURCE MANUAL FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE poor style and language: • too technical (reports, as well as “non-technical“ summaries) • unclear recommendations and conclusions • references missing REPORTING IN THE EIA PROCESS