Competency Needs and Observed Societal and Practice Realities of Development and Social Workers: Finaflor F. Taylan University of the Philippines Open University Implications to Social Work Education in the Philippines in the era of ASEAN integration Research Objectives To identify competency needs of development/social workers in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes To examine the practice realities of the Social Work profession and societal realities or conditions (including gender issues) that professionals face To identify bridges and gaps between the Social Work education and competency needs of development/social workers and practice and societal realities To develop recommendations on how Social Work education would appropriately respond to the practitioners’ competency needs and Social Work practice and societal realities Framework Results/ Findings Practice Setting: Local government social welfare agency Well compensated at work but not enjoying the allowances and privileges stipulated in Magna Carta good working relationship; presence of coemployees who are difficult to handle or relate with because of attitude problem Poor Management few technical staff; non social workers in social work positions low budget for social welfare programs and services Politics Overwhelming workload Clients served Clients/ Communities Served Families Conditions or Problems In difficult situation Programs and Services Assistance to (member of the family Individual in Crisis is sick and Situation (AICS) hospitalized) Victims of disaster Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Low income (below poverty level Livelihood projects Assist DSWD monitor SLP and 4Ps beneficiaries Senior ID provision for benefit/ entitlements Citizens Burial Assistance by virtue of SP Ordinance #93 Assistance to Provincial Federation of SC (meeting, celebrations) Shelter based program Women Low income and Case management Empowerment participation Livelihood Assistance VAW Assistance to Provincial Federation of Women Associations (capability building, women’s month celebration, honorarium, provincial meeting OSY Assistance to Provincial Federation (capability building) Children Abused Psychosocial intervention children ECCD/Day care service – (CNSP) augmentation for honorarium of CICL day care workers, capability 3-4 yrs old building of day care workers and municipal counterparts, day care projects-construction/rehab of center, provision of indoor/outdoor facilities. Shelter based program Child protection Practice setting: humanitarian organization Always on the go Strict HR policies Risks at work especially during emergencies Fast turn over of staff Clients served: Families and communities Conditions poor health access to programs and services; and poor disaster preparedness Community/government politics Programs Disaster management Sanitation and water facilities Practice Setting: International organization Work conditions Good remuneration; international employees which are often difficult to deal with; knowledge and skills in programme management is a must Clients served: women Reproductive Health; Humanitarian, Population and Development, Gender/Gender based violence Practice setting: Auspice Clients/ Communities Served Conditions or Problems Terminally –ill Suffering of patient from too patients much pain Programs and Services Hospice and palliative care Patient’s non-acceptance of Counseling services and conditions spiritual care Lack or limited knowledge in Counseling services coping with the medical condition Suicidal tendencies of some Counseling services provided patients by volunteer psychologist/psychiatrist Spiritual care Non-acceptance of Family counseling services family members of the patient’s condition and lack of knowledge in handling the patient’s illness Financial problem to Referral to PCSO and other institutions support medical needs Financial assistance from the organization’s volunteers and other concerned citizens Provision of medicines (if available in the stocks) Provision of free morphine as recommended and provided by the DOH as pain reliever for terminal cancer patients Provision of medical equipment Free medical check-ups and monitoring by Grieving and After care Depression of services--- family members Individual after the patient’s counseling and death support group sessions Field/ Setting Work conditions HOSPITAL - exposure to infection SETTING - stress due to long hours of work and lack of social (outside the Philippines) life as women are not free or too tired to go out - complete and high-tech facilities with free personal protective equipment INTL FOREIGN - need to adapt to different cultures SETTING - need to learn their language and communicate well - discrimination as Philippines being a 3rd world country and has different religion and culture Practice setting: hospital in other country Clients/ Communities Served Healthcare workers Conditions or Problems - overworked - non-tax income - dispensable/can easily be - free medical replaced by Saudis - unfair salary scale Local from Receiving - lazy and dependent country Programs and Services coverage - free housing & transpo - loyalty to supervisor - if they like you; they feel like owning you and you will not be allowed to transfer work Migrant filipinos - regionalism; family dynasties; crab mentality - community work and organizing Practice setting: Human Relations/ HR HR concerns Trade/ labor unions: collective bargaining agreement Role performance of staff Programs: trainings, counseling, referral Practice Setting: Environment Conditions: Destruction of environmental resources Lack of venue for people’s participation Programs Community-based Resource Management Advocacy Capacity building Livelihood Practice/ Field Setting: Academe Work Conditions values interpersonal relationship and provides access to additional learning Salary Lack of Participation in decision making Limited Library resources and facilities Policies on curriculum not implemented Clients Served Students Problems: bullying, early pregnancy, time management, failing grades, study habits Programs: Academic counseling, referral Other problems/ realities Worsening poverty situations and manifestations Peace and order – insurgency – resulted to rise in number of internally displaced families – livelihoods of rural folks are affected climate change and natural/ humanmade calamities Competency Needs Skills on clinical setting: case management Social marketing, networking and linkaging Planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation Disaster management Community organizing; community based approaches Advocacy People skills Oral and writing skills Critical thinking/ analysis skills Conflict management/ peace building International relations Intergovernmental approach to provision of social services Migrant workers’ plight vis-à-vis other countries’ context/situation Cultural competency Higher sense of self awareness and genuine acceptance of the needs of others Hardwork and dedication Recommendations to acquire competencies Exposure to clinical setting & cultural practices in other countries Updating of SW curriculum: theories to understand people’s behavior, integrate law, policies, business models; exposure to international practice Participation to Trainings; continuing education More researches on SW practice and clients POLICIES, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SOCIAL WORK “shift to learning competency-based standards/ outcomes-based education.” Preparation for generalist social work practice acquisition and application of beginning level of knowledge, attitudes, values and skills in enhancing the social functioning of individuals, families, groups, and communities, linking people [client systems] with needed resources, improving the operation of social service delivery networks, and promoting social justice through organizing and advocacy micro to macro practice continuum, focusing on human development and social transformation integrates internationally benchmarked outcomes (based on 2014 global definition) without ignoring the particularities and priorities of the national situation Integrates Specific Professions/careers/occupations or Trades Program Outcomes (SW specific) Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes in engaging in a generalist helping process and planned change process for therapeutic, protective, preventive, and transformative purposes. Analyze critically the origin, development, and purposes of social work in the Philippines. Critique the impacts of global and national socio-structural inadequacies, discrimination, and oppression on quality of life. Apply knowledge of human behavior and social environment with emphasis on the person-in-situation dynamic for social work assessment and intervention. Critique social welfare policies, programs, and services of the locality, country and /or region in terms of relevance, responsiveness, accessibility and availability to target populations. Engage in advocacy work to promote socio-economic and cultural rights and wellbeing. Generate resources for networking and partnership development. Identify with the social work profession and conduct oneself in accordance with social work values and ethical principles. Engage in social work practices that promote diversity and difference in client systems. Use supervision to develop critical selfreflective practice for personal and professional growth. Produce a portfolio of recordings, case studies and other social work documentation to reflect the quality and progress of practice Conclusion Competency needs and practice realities are captured in the policies, standards and guidelines (PSG) for Social Work PSG captures generalist nature of Social Work and the realities Implications/ Recommendations Need to strengthen exposure to international settings, standards, and contexts Emphasis on exposure and study on the “new normal”: disaster, climate change, peace work, emerging concepts/ perspectives Exposure to and opportunities for multidisciplinary nature of work Preparations for personality development and character building are necessary