The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby
The Roaring 20's: The
American Dream
By: Vattey D., Alexis M., Taylor P., Nikki M., Haley D., and
Kayla P.
There's many questions we have over this
subject category. Starting with...
Why were the 20's called the "Roaring 20's"?
What is the American Dream today?
What gathered people to form the American Dream?
What were the basics of the 20's?
What were the impacts on immigrants for the American
Dream/ How was it for them?
What were the percentage of the high livings, and low
"The Roaring 20's".
People from coast to coast
1)It was a period of
bought the same goods,
great power and
listened to the same music,
happiness in
did the same dances, and
even used the same type of
3)Nation's wealth doubled.
Age of dramatic and political
5)More Americans lived in the cities rathe
than on farms.
6)Brought more conflict than
The American Dream Today
For most:
Back then:
• Have a salary large
enough to provide
for their family.
• Own a home.
changed over
the years though.
• Able to retire without
worrying about
financial aspect of
• Striving to own a
nice home.
• A two car garage with both
spots full.
• Enough money to raise
their children &send
them off to college to get
a higher education.
Now the American dream has changed due to the falling economy.
People are more worried about surviving and having a place to live
at all, rather than owning a home and cars. More and more people
are having to get a job at a younger age to help provide for their
family. Some dreams of going to college has become a fiction story,
unless they can somehow get a scholarship.
Gathering People to Form
The American Dream
It's simple really.
People joined "The American Dream" because
they wanted luxurious items like cars, home,
The American Dream was like the upper class
group and people wanted to be upper class and
join that luxury.
Basics of the 20's
What was the economy like?
What was entertainment
• The 1920's were a
dramatic social and
political change. For the
first time more Americans
lived in cities than farms.
The nations total wealth
more than doubled
between 1920-1929 and
this economic growth
swept many americans
into an affluent but
unfamiliar consumer
"The Gapsociety.
between Rich and Poor in America Is Bigger
than People Think."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. N.p., 29 Mar. 2012. Web. 30 Aug. 2012. <
The 1920's was a time
of celebration. People
loved to dance. Dance
marathons were
something everyone
went to every weekend.
Another big thing in the
1920's was the radio.
Movies were a big thing
as well. The start of the
3-D movies was in
Immigrants' Perspective
For immigrants coming to America during the twenties, the
"American Dream" for them was much different than others.
The American dream for immigrants was all about finding a
home and making money so that they could provide what they
needed for everyday life rather than the material things.
Racism was definitely involved in the twenties. In this time the
Ku Klux Klan and WASPs was a big part of the twenties and
were very involved in the racism that was going on. Not only
were black people being discriminated but also Jewish,
Catholics, and people from eastern Europe were also
"The Roaring 20's"
History. 08/28/12. <>
The American Dream Today
Vanity Fair. 8/28/12
Gathering People to Form The American Dream
Cross Point Literature. 8/28/12
Basics of the 20's
The Roaring Twenties. 8/29/12. <>
The 1920s, Roaring Twenties. 8/29/12.
Immigrant's Perspective
School History. 8/28/12.
School History. 8/28/12.